New York Region, Toronto Subregion: Second Round: (10)Ultimate Warrior vs. (7)Batista

Who Wins This Match

  • Ultimate Warrior

  • Batista

Results are only viewable after voting.


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
The following contest is a second round match in the New York Region.

This match takes place in the Air Canada Center, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


#10 Ultimate Warrior



#7 Batista


This contest is one fall with a 20 minute time limit. The match will take place in a 16 x 16 ring with no ramp leading to it. Any traditional managers for either competitor will be allowed at ringside.

As for voting, vote for who you think would win this match based on the criteria you choose. Some suggestions would be (not limited to): in ring ability, overall skill, their level of influence at the highest point in their career, ability to connect with the crowd, experience in major matches or simply personal preference etc.

The most votes in the voting period wins and in the case of a tie, the most written votes wins. There is one written vote per user, meaning if a poster make ten posts saying Bret should win that will count as a single vote. In the event of a second tie, both men are ELIMINATED, no questions asked. Only winners advance.

Voting is open for four days and all posts must be non-spam.​
Big and Dumb vs. Bigger and Dumber.

This would be an absolute war. Batista is a the dictionary definition of a meathead, and Warrior is too stupid to feel pain. Not a big fan of either guy, but they were both quite dominant.

Batista has had wars with anyone and everyone from his generation. Warrior pinned Hogan. That's really all that needs to be said for Warrior.

These two are often compared, and I suppose I see some similarities. I have no clue how one man could keep the other down, but the Batista Bomb is a hell of a lot more devastating than the Press Slam and Splash. Simple reason, maybe.

Batista around 16-17 minutes, after a brutal brawl.
The Ultimate Warrior was the only man to ever pin Hulk Hogan clean during Hogan's prime. Batista was basically a new era, less dominant version of the Warrior. To my knowledge the Ultimate Warrior was never pinned clean by another face superstar and that's exactly what Batista was in his prime. You can talk all you want about outside of the ring stuff but inside the ring not many ever dominated like the Warrior did and Batista certainly didn't.
I dislike the Warrior, I don't dislike Batista. I was more entertained by Batista's career than I was Warrior's. I liked Batista more, and I felt he was the better all round package. He also managed to remain at the top for quite some time, whereas Warrior, following his title loss at Rumble 1991, never really found himself in the title picture again in his prime. There are quite a few similarities here between these guys, and I understand people chosing to vote for Warrior, but I'm giving the vote to 'The Animal', Dave Batista.
I don't have a dog in this fight. I honestly couldn't stand either one of these guys during their runs. At least at the end, Batista had a damn good heel run to end his career.

Both guys are essentially the same character. Two roided up monsters that steamrolled their opponents. If you took a sample of the Ultimate Warrior from 1990, grew it in a vat, 12 years later it would have came out as Dave Batista.

In a coin flip, I go with the guy I had ranked higher before this tournament started, I go with the Warrior.
I can count the number of times Batista in his prime has been pinned clean like I can the Ultimate Warrior. Batista has pinned the faces of his generation like the Ultimate Warrior also. At the end of the day, I cannot see Batista losing to Warrior's finisher. I see Warrior going for the press slam and Batista countering it into a Batista Bomb for the win at the 18 minute mark.
I can count the number of times Batista in his prime has been pinned clean like I can the Ultimate Warrior. Batista has pinned the faces of his generation like the Ultimate Warrior also. At the end of the day, I cannot see Batista losing to Warrior's finisher. I see Warrior going for the press slam and Batista countering it into a Batista Bomb for the win at the 18 minute mark.

People shit on the Warriors finisher and while it may not have been much to look at it was damn effective. I mean if it can put Hogan down for 3 then it can do the same to Batista. Warrior literally never got pinned clean for the 3 count in his career. Batista as a face has been pinned and lost clean to Taker, HBK, and Edge
Generally speaking, I don't care for either one of these guys. The last 6 or 7 months Batista was in the WWE, however, I actually enjoyed him and he was better than he'd ever been. Warrior is someone I've always despised even back when I was a little kid and the WWF was far more PG than it's ever been.

In most situations, Warrior has the fact that he beat Hogan cleanly at WrestleMania VI for the WWF Championship to fall back on. It's a card that trumps most others quite frankly. With Batista, however, it's just not nearly enough to sway me. Both of these men were dominant in the ring and usually just completely overpowered their opponents through sheer brute strength.

This would be an interesting brawl between two big bulls that could go either way. For me, I'm giving the win to Batista after a rough 15-20 minute match. I think Batista's move set was generally more powerful and overall devestating than Warrior's quite frankly. When I look at the two, for instance, I can see Batista damn near putting Warrior through the mat with the Batista Bomb but I can't see Warrior pinning Batista with the gorilla press slam/splash combo.
People shit on the Warriors finisher and while it may not have been much to look at it was damn effective. I mean if it can put Hogan down for 3 then it can do the same to Batista. Warrior literally never got pinned clean for the 3 count in his career. Batista as a face has been pinned and lost clean to Taker, HBK, and Edge

I'm not going to take his losses against HBK and Edge into consideration because I don't believe the Warrior is going to fake a knee injury (HBK) or Batista is going to be injured (Edge).
How is Warrior possibly losing this?

I can count the number of times Batista in his prime has been pinned clean like I can the Ultimate Warrior. Batista has pinned the faces of his generation like the Ultimate Warrior also. At the end of the day, I cannot see Batista losing to Warrior's finisher. I see Warrior going for the press slam and Batista countering it into a Batista Bomb for the win at the 18 minute mark.

You can't count to zero, Warrior has been pinned in three matches ever, none of them even approaching clean. Batista was a face in his prime, and he lost to, amongst others Rey Mysterio, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels cleanly. I don't know, but I'm pretty sure three is more than zero.

Batista beat John Cena, it's true, but he lost to him more times. He also has a losing record to CM Punk, Undertaker, Edge, Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels...

Here's the complete list of the people Warrior has a losing record against:

End of list.

Seriously, Warrior was stronger, faster and more charismatic than Batista. He garnered literally 4 times the ratings Batista did, and was just as convincing as him in the ring.

If you vote for Batista for the last few months of his career, you are such a fucking IWC cliché it's untrue. "He's a heel, so I like him now". Grow up.
You know what you have to do when you see two people so similar, it really pains you? Clearly, you have to look at what makes one stand out from the other. And for me, that one thing has to be The Ultimate Warrior going clean over Hulk Hogan. Are you aware of how many times Hogan has been pinned clean, with shenanigans involved, at the peak of his career.

I'll give you a little hint; it starts with a z, and rhymes with "Gero". Hulk Hogan has only been once pinned cleanly by a wrestler, and that was to The Ultimate Warrior, at Wrestlemania, of all places. At fucking Wrestlemania. I think that a point can be made that what The Ultimate Warrior did was considered impossible. And he still did it, in what I will argue is the greatest match to ever take place at Wrestlemania. Fuck Taker-Michaels, this one has that match beat, hands down.

These two are really similar, so I have to look at who has the more impressive win. And Warrior's best win, over Hogan, is infinitely better than Melina's Mistress, which I'll go with being Triple H. Warrior wins
Like its been said Warrior didn't lose clean to anyone and he is the only person to Beat Hogan Clean at the peak of his career. Since these two are so similar like CCM said you look for what separates one from the other and Warrior has a Clean win over Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania and I think that should be reason enough for you to Vote the Ultimate Warrior over the Animal Batista.

Vote Warrior.
This is a tough one. Both guys are absolute powerhouses. Batista was a more successful champion and may have been slightly better in the ring, but Warrior has one thing that Batista will never be able to have. That being a win over Mr. Unbeatable Hulk Hogan in his prime for the World title. Warrior has beaten the biggest and the best, and while this match is pretty much a toss up for me, I believe Warrior would pull out the win after three or so splashes.
I think that when you are comparing superstars of two different eras you have got to throw career achievements out of the window. Batista won more titles than Warrior but it is questionable if he would have won as many in Hogan's era. Warrior lost little and had a victory over Hulk Hogan but again it is questionable how impressive his record would have been in the current era.

I voted for Batista here because I do feel that he is the better talent. He was decent in the ring and very underrated on the mic. I remember how in his feud with HHH he would get a huge pop by merely removing his sunglasses. That is the very definition of charisma guys. Also Batista worked as a face as well as a heel unlike the one trick pony Warrior. I am pretty sure that had Warrior stayed in a major promotion as long as Batista did, you would be writing of him as an embarrasment rather than the world beater that most of you guys are making him out to be.

Vote for Batista.
Can this be a fuckin' draw? That would make me happy. Both of these guys are waste of precious air time. At least the Warrior was marketable and had a catchy theme song. Batista is a porn star who happened to take wrestling lessons. Seriously, fuck a bunch of Batista. Soley depends on power and little else. No in-ring smarts.

I see this ending in a draw with Batista and Warrior posing with each other for the first 10 minutes, then they trade shoulder blocks, which none of them would sell... and the bell would ring without them realizing what happened.

I'll vote Warrior though.
Can this be a fuckin' draw? That would make me happy. Both of these guys are waste of precious air time.

I'm with Lariat here. Lets tie this up and get both of these ***** out of here at the same time.

I got to go with Warrior though. Batista is a decent talent, but Warrior dominated like few others have in this industry. He would never have lost to the likes of Edge or Shawn Michaels. Those matches wouldn't even last 10 minutes either.

Both of them are pieces of shit outside of the ring, and they may be an understatement. But in wrestling, Warrior has to nudge out Batista.
Batista impressed me in the sense that he came in the business late, got his push way too soon, yet was still able to heavily improve both in the ring and on the microphone over time. Most people would have been content just settling with the push he received, while not giving a damn about his quality of matches or promos. Batista had charisma and a presence about him; that's all he needed to continue to be pushed in WWE, but he worked his ass off and actually became a MUCH better wrestler and promo cutter over time than I think anyone could have ever expected.

That said, there's no chance in hell I'm voting for him against the motherfucking Ultimate Warrior. Sure, Warrior settled unlike Batista, and sure, Warrior throughout his ENTIRE career was as shit in the ring as Batista was at the beginning of Batista's push in WWE. But, I don't care. The difference between them is that I was a huge Warrior mark, while Batista NEVER won me over. I mean, Batista might have earned some of my respect, but he never made me into an actual fan of his. However, I became a Warrior fan as soon as I laid my eyes on him.

Moreover, in a kayfabe match, Warrior would have easily destroyed Batista. There's not a single argument a person could make that would hold any merit whatsoever that Batista would actually beat a prime Ultimate Warrior in a one-on-one match. Warrior matched Batista in strength, was TOUGHER than Batista (Batista feared HHH's pedigree, while the Warrior kicked out of it like it was nothing), and Warrior was just bat shit insane. He would have intimidated the shit out of Batista, and would have laid his ass out as soon as the bell run, no doubt about it.
I'm going with the Ultimate Warrior here simply because in his era, he was purely unstoppable (unless you had a Manager holding his feet down, or an illegal weapon to bust over his skull).

I won't get into the details that've already been laid out on who Warrior's beaten, or who Batista's lost to. For me, this all boils down to the simple fact that in kayfabe terms - Warrior would bounce up from a Batista-bomb as quickly as a fat kid would suck down a chocolate cake.
The 2 steroid monsters collide!!

Warrior was a phenomenon, being booked to beat Hulk Hogan cleanly at Wrestlemania shows that you are something special in wrestling. Too bad Warrior was such an unprofessional asshole that he burned all his bridges and has ended up a laughing stock.

I have seen alot of Warrior's stuff and it never entertained me, the guy flat out sucked in the ring. He had an overhead press that was impressive but a running splash for a finisher?? Give me a break!

Batista looked far more dangerous in the ring, his moves were more impactful and I daresay Dave himself looked far more of a monster than the facepainted, tassle-wearing warrior. A pumped up angry Batista is a sight to see!

I cannot see the splash keeping 'Tista down, not in modern wrestling. He would kick out at 2 and then the Batista Bomb would end this. No one kicks out of that
Warrior has this. If he doesn't sell the Pedigree or the Leg Drop from Triple H and Hogan respectively, how is he gonna sell a sit-out powerbomb? Easy, HE DOESN'T. Warrior feels no pain and he sells no power moves. Batista is like him in a way, except 3 moves higher than Warrior, but still Warrior dominates here.
I'm going with the Ultimate Warrior here simply because in his era, he was purely unstoppable (unless you had a Manager holding his feet down, or an illegal weapon to bust over his skull).

I won't get into the details that've already been laid out on who Warrior's beaten, or who Batista's lost to. For me, this all boils down to the simple fact that in kayfabe terms - Warrior would bounce up from a Batista-bomb as quickly as a fat kid would suck down a chocolate cake.

Batista impressed me in the sense that he came in the business late, got his push way too soon, yet was still able to heavily improve both in the ring and on the microphone over time. Most people would have been content just settling with the push he received, while not giving a damn about his quality of matches or promos. Batista had charisma and a presence about him; that's all he needed to continue to be pushed in WWE, but he worked his ass off and actually became a MUCH better wrestler and promo cutter over time than I think anyone could have ever expected.

That said, there's no chance in hell I'm voting for him against the motherfucking Ultimate Warrior. Sure, Warrior settled unlike Batista, and sure, Warrior throughout his ENTIRE career was as shit in the ring as Batista was at the beginning of Batista's push in WWE. But, I don't care. The difference between them is that I was a huge Warrior mark, while Batista NEVER won me over. I mean, Batista might have earned some of my respect, but he never made me into an actual fan of his. However, I became a Warrior fan as soon as I laid my eyes on him.

Moreover, in a kayfabe match, Warrior would have easily destroyed Batista. There's not a single argument a person could make that would hold any merit whatsoever that Batista would actually beat a prime Ultimate Warrior in a one-on-one match. Warrior matched Batista in strength, was TOUGHER than Batista (Batista feared HHH's pedigree, while the Warrior kicked out of it like it was nothing), and Warrior was just bat shit insane. He would have intimidated the shit out of Batista, and would have laid his ass out as soon as the bell run, no doubt about it.

Can this be a fuckin' draw? That would make me happy. Both of these guys are waste of precious air time. At least the Warrior was marketable and had a catchy theme song. Batista is a porn star who happened to take wrestling lessons. Seriously, fuck a bunch of Batista. Soley depends on power and little else. No in-ring smarts.

I see this ending in a draw with Batista and Warrior posing with each other for the first 10 minutes, then they trade shoulder blocks, which none of them would sell... and the bell would ring without them realizing what happened.

I'll vote Warrior though.

How is Warrior possibly losing this?

You can't count to zero, Warrior has been pinned in three matches ever, none of them even approaching clean. Batista was a face in his prime, and he lost to, amongst others Rey Mysterio, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels cleanly. I don't know, but I'm pretty sure three is more than zero.

Batista beat John Cena, it's true, but he lost to him more times. He also has a losing record to CM Punk, Undertaker, Edge, Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels...

Here's the complete list of the people Warrior has a losing record against:

End of list.

Seriously, Warrior was stronger, faster and more charismatic than Batista. He garnered literally 4 times the ratings Batista did, and was just as convincing as him in the ring.

If you vote for Batista for the last few months of his career, you are such a fucking IWC cliché it's untrue. "He's a heel, so I like him now". Grow up.

Thank you gentlemen, I believe these arguments really sew it up.

The power of the warriors is just unstoppable.

When I was a kid the argument was Warrior-Hogan. I backed Warrior then, and I back Warrior now. Just like when he beat Hogan, he would also beat Batista.
Batista supposedly fearing HHH's pedigree is bullshit. Didn't stop Batista from beating HHH three straight times. Ask Cena about his first encounter with Batista at Summerslam. How did that go for him? The Undertaker got him at Wrestlemania but that's the only one-on-one win he's got over Batista. Undertaker took the loss with two Batista Bombs later in the year. Edge can't defeat him without using some underhanded tactics and neither can Orton. HBK had to fake an injury to beat him and a couple of months later, Batista destroyed him. If a Pedigree or Tombstone can't keep Batista down most of the time, how am I supposed to believe that a slam and a splash would?
If a Pedigree or Tombstone can't keep Batista down most of the time, how am I supposed to believe that a slam and a splash would?

Because it's The Ultimate Warrior thats why. It didn't matter that it was Hulk Hogan, the splash alone kept him down. Remember, Hogan missed a leg drop, Warrior got up, hit the splash, and that was it. It was one of the biggest moments in wrestling history, recognizing one of the biggest characters in history. Batista may be "The Animal" but animals can be tamed and that one has been quite a bit. Warrior has never actually lost, that alone should just end it. I'll even give Warrior the edge in strength as he completely freight-trained everyone he faced, even Andre. A Pedigree wasn't enough to even make Warriors hair out of place. The Undertaker couldn't put him down and that was when he really was "The Phenom", he had to resort to using the urn. This guy was so dangerous The Undertaker put him in a fucking casket to try and stop him, that still wasn't enough. The examples are left and right. Warrior wins.
Because it's The Ultimate Warrior thats why. It didn't matter that it was Hulk Hogan, the splash alone kept him down. Remember, Hogan missed a leg drop, Warrior got up, hit the splash, and that was it. It was one of the biggest moments in wrestling history, recognizing one of the biggest characters in history.

Batista isn't going to miss with the Batista Bomb. Cena, HBK, and others have countered it but sooner or later, he got them in the end. Warrior will be no different

Batista may be "The Animal" but animals can be tamed and that one has been quite a bit. Warrior has never actually lost, that alone should just end it. I'll even give Warrior the edge in strength as he completely freight-trained everyone he faced, even Andre.

Let's stop this tournament now then. Warrior has never actually lost, so why would he lose to anyone else? Congratulations, Warrior, on winning the 5th Annual Wrestlezone Tournament.

A Pedigree wasn't enough to even make Warriors hair out of place. The Undertaker couldn't put him down and that was when he really was "The Phenom", he had to resort to using the urn. This guy was so dangerous The Undertaker put him in a fucking casket to try and stop him, that still wasn't enough. The examples are left and right. Warrior wins.

You're talking about a HHH who was in the business less than a year. It was a total squash match and everyone knows it. The examples of Batista beating everyone he faced in convincing fashion left and right.
Brutal Battle...

Warrior only had roughly 60 or so matches in his career. The last 20 or so in WWF & WCW were shit matches (good job beating goldust). He beat hogan @ WM (his single greatest claim to fame) & he beat Andre- but Hogan beat Warrior as well as Andre. He squashed HHH based on Hunter being punished for the 'MSG' incident. Most of his wins werent exactly spectacular. Best thing about him was his high energy entrance & his downright hilarious nonsense promos. Warrior was so 'dominant' bc he was notorious for no-selling moves. So he is great bc he just said 'f this' & refused to sell? He also beat up Bobby Heenan 2 or 3 times. What a competitor. Yes he beat some big name guys in his time, but was also beat buy legends like Savage & Rude. He was not invulnerable- just a roided up guy who got a good push (vince likes big ticket sales) & hes still mad that Sting was\is better than he ever will be...

Batista had 5x as many more matches in his career & more titles. Yes he was beat by some of the big guys in his time, but holds some pretty dominant wins against them as well. He became better in the ring than Warrior ever could have been. His moveset is by far more punishing than Warriors. Press Slam, Splash will be crushed by Spinebuster & Batista Bomb any day. Even if warrior no sells, Batista will definately kick out of a damn running splash. So Batista wins out in the titles category& experience category. They are about tied in the strength department, but Batista would ultimately hit the Batista Bomb as many times as it takes unitl Warrior goes down.

Sorry Warrior Nation, Batista 'walks alone' over Warriors neon painted carcass.

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