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New Wwe!!!

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Dark Match Jobber
Triple H
Chris Jericho
Ric Flair
Shawn Michaels
Big Show
Ken Crash
John Thunder
Shelton Benjamin
Gene Snitsky
Danny Basham
Robert Conway
Rene Dupree
The Rock
Rob Van Dam
Trevor Murdoch
Lance Cade
Matt Striker
Carlito( Injured by Kane)
Chris Masters
Chavo Guerrero
Billy Kidman
The Heart Throbs
Mick Foley

Christy Hemme

Smackdown :

Batista(Injured by Mark Henry)
Kurt Angle
Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio
Eddie Guerrero
Bobby Lashley
Fit Finlay
Silvain Grenier
Chris Benoit
Gregory Helms
JBL(injured by Batista)
Matt Hardy
Simon Dean
Booker T
Mark Jindrak
Jamie Noble
Scotty 2 Hotty
Paul London
Brian Kendrik
The Dudleyz
William Regal
Paul Burchill
The Boogeyman
Mr. Kennedy
Orlando Jordan
Mark Henry
Kid Kash
Doug Basham


Jillian Hall
Stephanie Mcmahon
Torrie Wilson


Raw Champs
WWE Champion : John Cena
World Tag team Champions :Kane+ Big Show
Intercontinental Champion : Shelton Benjamin
Women's Champion : Trish

SmackDown Champs
World Heavyweight Champion : The UnderTaker
WWE Tag Team Champions :MNM
US Champion : Chris Beniot
Cruiserweight Champion :paul London

Randy Orton - Kurt Angle
Chris Beniot - Booker T
Batista - Mark Henry
Rey Mysterio - Mark Henry
Kane - Big Show
John Cena - Triple H - Edge
Shelton Benjamin - RVD
Shawn Michaels - The Rock

Power 25!
1 The UnderTaker
2 John Cena
3 Kane
4 Big Show
6 Chris Beniot
7 Mark Henry
8 Shelton
9 Triple H
10 Bobby Lashley
11 Kurt Angle
12 Rey Mysterio
13 Rob Van Dam
14 Shawn Michaels
15 The Rock
16 Chris Jericho
17 Eddie Guerrero
18 Booker T
19 Mr Kenedy
20 Spirit Squad
21 London + Kendrieck
22 Shelton Benjamin
23 Stone Cold
24 Chris Masters
25 Edge
Raw: Wrestle Mania Recap
John Cena def. Triple H + Edge+Shawn Michaels to reatain the WWE championship

Kane + Big Show Def. the Heart Throbs and Gene Snitsky + Chris Masters
Trish def. Mickey Jane To Retain The Womens ChampionShip

SmackDown WrestleMania Recap
The UnderTaker Def. Mark Henry + Gymini + Matt Hardy + Bobby Lashley
To Become The New World Heavey Weight Champion!

MNM Def. Paul London + Brian Kendrich to Retain The WWE TagTeam Championship
Randy Orton Def. Kurt Angle.
Raw : Week 1 Chicago, ill
Jr- Hello And Welcome to Raw
King - Yep We Have some Amazing matches tonight inclueding Shawn Michaels vs Shelton Vs HHH For the Numb. One Contender for the WWE
ChampionShip and Kane vs Big Show, can u belive it both tag team partners fighting each other, but now its time for RVD Vs John Cena

Match 1
John Cena Vs RobVanDam
Match starts as Cena and RVD lock in a shoulder lock, Cena throwing RVD down, RVD getting up quickly then RVD hit spin kick, knocking Cena down, then came the rolling thunder, after about 5 mins of RVD beating the crap out cena, Cena fought back and hit a clothes line taking out RVD, then Cena hit the 5-Knuckle Shuffle, he lifted RVD for the F-U
RVD reversed it and hit a DDT, RVD went on the top rope and tuanted, Cena ran up on the ropes and hit the F-U off the top rope taking out RVD, Cena crawled to the pin, the ref counted
Winner = John Cena

Jr- Wow!! what a match the F-U from the top rope that just took RVD out!
King - HELL YEA IT DID, the next match is Kane vs Big Show!!

Match 2
Kane Vs. Big Show
Match starts Kane staring at Big Show he then punches rapidly, Big Show eventually stops him and headbutts him, Kane went straight to the ground, Big Show then tortured Kane for awhile then he hit a Big Boot, Big Show got up on the ropes jumped off and hit a splash, taking Kane out he then lifted Kane, then Came the Chokeslam Big Show Pinned
Winner = Big Show.

Jr- Holy S*** Big Show bet the HELL out of KANE
Match 3

Edge Vs. (No One Knows Yet)
Edge is in the ring waiting for his opponent to come out, all of a sudden *********IF YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING blasts over the P.A system****************
Edge looking shock as the crowd chants " THE ROCK THE ROCK"
Edge waits till he comes in the ring then attacks him and,
Match starts (officially) edge still pounding the Rock while he gets up the Rock fights back and then kicks him while the rock is pounding the hell out of edge all of a sudden ************HEART BREAK KID blast over the P.A system****************he runs down to the ring, the rock looking at him, he turns around to finish off edge but edge hits a SPEAR then the ref counted the pin
Winner = EDGE!!!!
Jr- That no good son of a bitch shawn michaels, the Rock was about to finish edge off as shawn michaels came out.
King -what are u tlaking about edge won that match without shawn michaels help
Jr- Any Way its time for the match im personally waiting for its RAWs Chris Jericho vs Smackdowns Kurt Angle.

Match 4 SubMission Match
Match starts as Kurt Angle and Jericho lock in a shoulder lock Jericho over powering Angle then , angle getting up fast kicking him then kneeing him in the head jericho goes down, Angle then lifted him on the top rope then went for the superple, but jericho resisted and kicked angle down then hit a splash, Jericho locked in the Walls of Jericho and angle, tryed to resist but couldnt and he tapped out
Winner = Chris Jericho
Match 5 Main Event
Shawn Michaels Vs. Shelton Vs. HHH
Match starts as Shelton and Michaels start fighting, then HHH starts hammering Michaels then Shelton punches HHH Michaels then grabbs shelton and chucks him over the ropes, HHH kicks michaels in the head and starts pounding michaels, shelton gets back in the ring kicks HHH in the gut and then hit a T-Bone Suplex, as he got up michaels hit him with the sweet chin music then covered for the pin
Winner = Shawn Michaels
the cameras fade as Michaels walks out of the ring
The End of Raw week 1!
Hey Guys Rate my Show tell me if theres anything i can do to be better!! thanks
uhhhh... too short. make the matches a bit longer and more backstage segments. like the real raw. pretty fair for the first time.
even though idk if i should be talkin since i dont got one of these but as ShaneRamlall the announcers could be used a lil better
Not really feelin the vibe. Take more time to write out ur shows. or like most people, write seperate segments or matches in seperate posts, so u can write a show little by little.
Week 1 Smack Down chicago , ill
Cameras Roll into a full arena at chicago, ill the cameras roll down to Tazz an Styles sitting down at the announce table,
Tazz- Welcome Everyone to Friday night SmackDown
Styles - Welcome we have some huges Matches tonight inclueding the World Heavy weight title Match The UnderTaker vs Mark Henry, and a 10 man over-the-top-rope battle-royal, and guess what’s on the line Tazz
Tazz- what??
Styles - The chance to be the new UNITED STATES Champion!!
Tazz- Whoa that match is gonna be off the Hook
Styles - But before those matches its-

hes cut off by general manger Theodore longs music,
Long - Tonight we will have the first of the King of The Ring Matches, it will be, Bobby Lashley vs.- then he was cut off by Mr. Kennedy music,
Kennedy - teddy Long... Bobby Lashley couldn’t beat anyone, me, i am the furture World Heavy Weight Champion!
Long - Well hold on a minute playa, if u reckon your the next World Heavy Weight Champion then you will have no trouble beating Bobby Lashley! Tonight in the first King of The Ring Match!
Kennedy - What!!
He then walks backstage, and is interviewed by Todd Grisham
Todd - well Kennedy how do u feel about this going up against Bobby Lashley??
Kennedy - how do u think i feel GOD!!
He then walked off

Were joined back into the arena with the sound of Paul London and Brian Kendrieks Music,
London and Kendrick waiting for there opponents, MNM then comes out,
Match 1
Tag Team Match
London and Kendrick VS. MNM
London and Nitro start in, the shoulder lock then London, kicks nitro in the side of the ribs, again and again Nitro let go, then London kicked him in the chest, then Irish whipped him into the corner nitro went to run to him, then London hit two hip tosses in a row then irished whipped him into there corner to tag, Kendrick came in and dropped kicked nitro to the floor then kicked him in the back, Melina distracted the Ref and mercury runs in with brase knuckles, and was about to hit Kendrick but London was on the top rope and dropped kicked him, and then through him out of the ring, Melina stopped distracting the ref and mercury got back up onto the apron and so did London, Kendrick still in control tagged London, then London kicked nitro in the arm then in the back of the head then repeatedly in the chest, he then tagged in Kendrick and they hit a double suplex, Kendrick started punching nitro he then hit a spin kick taking nitro out then he tagged London, while he took mercury out from behind, then London hit the 450 splash on nitro, mercury fighting out and grabbing the Tag Team Titles and smashing it on the head of London as he went to pin.
Winner Via DQ = London + Kendrick
Tazz - those cheaters, there London and Kendrick had it in the bag when mercury hits London with the Tag Team Titles
Styles – well they couldn’t let London and Kendrick no that they weren’t going to give up,
Tazz – they lost though
Styles – yea but by DQ, so they let them no there not afraid of losing.
Tazz- Up Next is Bobby Lashley Taking on Kennedy
Match 2
Bobby Lashley vs. Kennedy(King Of The Ring Match)
Match starts Bobby Lashley takes down Kennedy, Kennedy gets up and tries to shoulder block Lashley but Lashley just stood there while Kennedy rammed him but Kennedy went down, Lashley lifted up Kennedy and suplexed him got up then stomped him, Lashley lifted him up and continued to dominate, Finley came running out and as he got on the apron Bobby Lashley gave a big forearm to his head causing him to fall off Kennedy gets up then Lashley hit a belly to belly suplex on Kennedy causing him to go out side the ring, Kennedy got back in the ring and kicked Lashley in the knee, he put Lashley on the top rope and hit his finisher(sorry don’t know it) then covered for the pin

Lashley kicked out and Kennedy cant believe it and then stomps Lashley when Lashley gets up he grabs Kennedy and hits a Belly to Belly suplex then covers for the pin

kick out Lashley quickly gets on the attack and hits another belly to belly suplex, he then covers,

kick out just before three, Lashley gets up and waits for Kennedy to get up, when he does he delivers a deadly spear, lifts him up and hits the Dominator then rolls into a pin,

Winner and Advancing to the Next Round = Lashley!!
Tazz- Again Lashley proving to be Dominate in the Match
Styles – That’s true when Kennedy was down he didn’t let him get up, but only the one time for the spear, and now ladies and gentleman its time for the 10 man battle royal!!
Tazz – This Match is gonna be off the hook
Match 3
10 Man Battle Royal Rey Vs Angle Vs. Orton Vs Chris Beniot Vs. Booker T Vs. Scotty 2 Hotty Vs. Matt Hardy Vs. Finley Vs. Orlando Jordon Vs. Simon Dean

Match starts Rey takes on Angle and Orton helps Rey out, Dean is getting hit by Scotty, then Matt Hardy and Scotty take Dean out, then Hardy hits the twist of Fate, Then as he gets up Booker hits the Scissor kick, then through Matt out
Booker makes his way over to Finley who is fighting Orlando, Chris Beniot Rey and Orton take Angle out Orton Hits the RKO, then quickly Beniot German Suplexes Orton over the top rope.
Rey hits a Bulldog on Angle then gets the head scissors and flicks him out, but only one of angles foot hit the floor so he rolls back in and then Jordon hits the Black out on Finlay
Then Scotty hits the Worm then both Scotty and Orlando chuck Finlay out
Beniot and Rey clash as Angle goes to hammer Simon, Rey then hit a head scissors on Beniot, Booker then nailed Scotty with a scissors kick , him and Jordan chucked Scotty out, but he stayed hanging on Rey hit Beniot’s knees making him fall down to the second rope, Rey then hit the 619 then he used the head scissors to get Beniot over the top rope.
Orlando nailed booker from behind, as Rey dropped kicked him from the front, then Booker, Orlando and Rey got into a massive clash, Simon and Scotty clashed as well then Scotty hit a chop then a drop kick to Simon, then hit the Worm, then Rey saw Scotty about to eliminate Simon so he dropped kicked him into the corner, and eliminated Simon himself,
Rey then drop kicked Scotty’s knees, then Rey kneed him twice then, Angle hit the Angle slam on Jordon then got him in an ankle lock, he then did a little forward flip and flung him into the corner , then Jordon got up then got hit by a vicious clothesline by Angle, Rey then hit a 619 on Scotty then eliminated him
Rey went to have a rest while Angle hit an Angle slam on Jordan, Jordan got up quickly then Angle clothe lined him over the rope
Angle went over to Rey lifted him up then hit 2 uppercuts kneed him then Irish whipped him into the corner and clothe lined him back into it, then he fell down, Angle went to hit an Angle slam over the ropes but Rey held on and they both hit the ground at the same time, the ref said Rey won but then another one said Angle won, so the started it with just them to in the ring, Angle was in control for a while but then Rey hit a surprising bulldog taking Angle down, he then put Angle on the ropes, and went to hit the 619 but Angle moved and Rey flung back into the ring and got clothe lined by Angle then angle lifted him up and hit the Angle slam, he went to through Rey out but Rey, mule kicked him then hit a head scissors out of the ring both of them hit the floor but Angle hit Last.
Winner = Kurt Angle!!
Tazz- Like a said that match was off the hook!!
Styles – Indeed they fought and fought but the winner is and the new US champion Kurt Angle
Interview with the new US champion
Todd – well Kurt Angle how do u feel?
Angle – I feel great, I fell like I am a god and there’s no one I cant beat.
Todd – well there u go, that’s how he fells
Tazz – thanks Todd and now it’s the Undertaker Vs Mark Henry for the World Heavy weight Championship
Match 4
Mark Henry vs. The Undertaker
Match starts as Henry trash talks taker, he then punches him, taker is backed into the corner , as Henry splashed into the undertaker, taker was getting stomped by Henry, then he lifted him up and clothe lined him, he punched and kneed taker, taker was just about knocked out well that’s what he looked like, then Henry punched taker but taker blocked it and started punching Henry, then hit a big boot, and then clothe lined him, but he didn’t go down he hit another clothe line, he didn’t go down then he speared him and he went down, taker then waited for Henry to get up, after he did he went for a choke slam but Henry punched him in the arm repeatedly, then when his arm left Henry’s neck he hit a splash, and then lifted him up and went for the clothes line but a big boot came from taker, and then taker hit a leg drop, and then Henry got up and taker hit a small but affective choke slam on him then went for the pin

kick out taker got back on the attack and signaled for the tombstone Henry got up and, taker went for the tombstone but Henry, stopped him and hit a clothe line then stomped him again and again, he lifted him up and went for a DDT but taker stopped it and a DDT of his own , he then hit another leg drop and, signaled again for the tombstone, he lifted up Henry and then came the tombstone he then pined.

Winner and still World Heavy Weight Champion = The Undertaker (successful Title Defense)
Tazz – well there u have it styles our World Heavy Weight Champion the Undertaker!!
Styles – he worked for to keep that title and it paid off
End of Week 1 SmackDown
That better guys??
hey guys this is just the matches for my new PPV BRAND VS BRAND

1st The Return Of Batista Vs Mark Henry,
2nd Orton + Rey + Angle vs RVD + HHH + Edge
3rd 10 man aw Vs SmackDown tag Team Match The Rock+Big Show+Kane+Chris Masters+Shelton Benjamin Vs Bobby Lashley+Chris Benoit+Booker T+Paul London+Brian Kendrik
4th Under Taker vs Finlay
5th Matt Hardy+Gymini vs Spirit Squad (mikey nicky + Kenny) ina 6 man Brand Vs Brand Tag Team Match
6th A Champion Vs Champion Match John Cena Vs. The UnderTaker
yes it's better... one more suggestion lol (dont take this in a bad way) but it's a lot easier to read if there's some color... maybe make all the matches in red font.
JR: Welcome everybody to Monday Night Raw! I'm Jim Ross alongside as always, Jerry 'The King' Lawler!

King: Just Two week till SummerSlam and if you don't mind me using one of your lines JR, it should be a slobberknocker of a night!


The entranceway fills up with smoke as Edge walks out into the arena with Lita on his arm. Edge has the WWE Championship on his shoulder as he spins Lita around. Edge and Lita walk down the rampway and Edge has a big smile on his face. Edge walks down the rampway and slides into the ring. Edge keeps down on the mat as Lita walks up the steps and gets in the ring. A traschan in set up in the ring. Edge then grabs a microphone from a ringworker. Edge is about to talk but then hands the microphone over to the Lita and says something to her. Lita nods and takes the microphone.

Lita: Ladies and Gentlemen let me introduce to you the most handsome man in the world and new WWE Champion, Edge!

Lita then hands the microphone to Edge.

Edge: As a lesser Champion once said, The Champ is here! (Fans boo) Last night all the Edgeheads rejoiced when I finally went back on my throne and become WWE Champion for the second time! But this reign will be different, this time I will keep this title until I'm damn good and ready to let it go. But as I look at this title, I realize how it's history has been soiled. I will not have my championship reign soiled by this title. So therefore I will rid the WWE of this piece of crap once and for all.

Edge drops the spinner belt into the trashcan. Edge them smiles as he pulls out some matches. Edge then lights a match and drops it in the trashcan and the whole thing goes up in flames.

Edge: Now that we've taken care of that business, let me introduce to you, Jonathan Coachman!


Jonathan Coachman walks out into the arena to big heat. Coach has something in a leather case as he walks down the rampway. Coach walks up the steps and gets into the ring. Coach grabs a microphone.

Coach: Thank you Edge and thank you Lita. Ladies and Gentlemen I am out here for one reason, and that is to present the new WWE Champion, Edge with a title with real respect, not some toy, the WWE Championship.

Coach then pulls out of the leather case the old WWE Championship belt and hands it to Edge. Edge holds up the title.


John Cena walks out into the arena to his usual mixed reception. Cena walks down the rampway and gets into the ring. Cena grabs Coach's microphone.

Cena: Whoa Edge. You seem to be getting ahead of yourself. I mean burning my old WWE Championship, bringing back the old one, what makes you so damn sure that you'll be holding onto that title for very long?

Edge: What makes me so sure? I am the best this business has ever seen, nobody can take this title from me, nobody, not even you.

Cena: Funny, last time you and I were in a WWE Ring, I remember you getting your ass handed to you.

Edge: Well we must have different memories because what I remember is me taking your title in under 2 minutes.

Cena: That may have been but as soon I got up it was over.

Edge looks at Cena with a smile on his face then begins to hammer Cena with right hands. Both men trade rights hands but then Edge pushes Cena off and gets out of the ring. Edge backs up the rampway with Lita. Cena slowly turns from Edge and Lita to Coach who is still in the ring. Cena lifts Coach up and looks directly at Edge as he delivers an F-U! Cena then stares down Edge and Lita as we go to commercial break!


We come back to Vince McMahon's office. Vince is sitting at his desk when Coach bursts into the door.

Coach: Did you see that Vince? Did you see what happened out there?

Vince: I did.

Coach: What are you going to do about it?

Vince: Coach, the question is what are you going to do about it, you see I have my own dilemmas tonight so you deal with it.

Coach: Alright, I have just the solution, tonight right here on Raw, John Cena faces Edge and a partner of his choosing in a handicap!

Vince: Sounds good.

Coach: Thank you Mr. McMahon.

Intercontinental Championship
Shelton Benjamin(c) vs Carlito

Carlito walks out into the arena to a big pop. Carlito has the apple in hand as he walks down the rampway. Carlito slides into the ring and then poses on the turnbuckle.

Shelton Benjamin walks out into the arena to big heat. Benjamin has the Intercontinental Championship around his waist as he walks down the rampway. Benjamin slides into the ring and holds up the Intercontinental Title on the turnbuckle. The referee takes the title and holds it up. The referee calls for the bell.

The bell sounds and Carlito and Benjamin circle the ring. Both men lock up and Carlito backs Benjamin into the corner. Carlito breaks cleanly but Benjamin hits him with some right backing him across the ring. Benjamin knees Carlito in the gut and hits him with a suplex. Quick cover by Benjamin 1...2... Carlito kicks out. Both men get up and Shelton whips Carlito off the ropes. Carlito comes off with a clothesline. Carlito bounces off the ropes and gives Shelton a legdrop and quickly makes the cover 1...2... Benjamin kicks out. Both men get up and Carlito hits Shelton with a right hand and whips him into the corner. Carlito runs towards the corner but Benjamin gives him an elbow to the face. Carlito stumbles from the corner and Shelton nails him with a clothesline. Shelton covers Carlito 1...2... Carlito shoots an arm off the mat. Shelton doesn't waste any time as he pulls Carlito up. Shelton hits Carlito with a right hand and lifts him onto his shoulders. Shelton then goes to the corner and drops Carlito face first off the turnbuckle. Carlito stumbles from the corner and Shelton goes for the backdrop but Carlito flips out of it. Carlito quickly gives Shelton a reverse suplex. Carlito then goes to the apron and to the top rope. Carlito goes for a moonsault but Benjamin rolls out of the way! Carlito lies on the mat holding his ribs as Benjamin gets a cradle pin in 1...2... Carlito barely kicks out. Shelton gets up and lays some boots into Carlito. Shelton then sits Carlito up and kicks him right in the back. Shelton then locks in a sleeper hold on Carlito. Carlito fights to his feet quickly as Shelton applies pressure. Carlito delivers some elbows to the ribs of Benjamin but Benjamin grabs him by the hair and throws him down onto Benjamin's knee into a backbreaker type move. Benjamin covers Carlito again 1...2... Carlito kicks out. Benjamin gets to his feet and pulls Carlito up. Benjamin goes for a suplex but then takes Carlito the ropes and puts him on the apron. Shelton bounces off the opposite ropes and then jumps over and gives Carlito a sunset flip powerbomb to the outside! Both men are down on the outside!

JR: Ladies and Gentlemen, Carlito vs Shelton Benjamin will continue next!


We come back and Shelton Benjamin is nailing Carlito with right hands in the corner.

King: Ladies and gentlemen, this match has been going nonstop during the commercial break, as you saw before, Benjamin got the advantage with that sunset flip powerbomb to the outside and ever since Benjamin has dominated Carlito.

Benjamin lifts Carlito onto the top rope and hammers him with some right hands. Benjamin goes to the middle rope but Carlito battles back with some right hands of his own. Benjamin then pokes Carlito in the eye and then hooks the arm. Benjamin then gives Carlito a double underhook suplex off the top rope to the mat! The fans let out a big 'OOOH!' as both men are down. Benjamin covers Carlito with a hook of the leg 1...2... Carlito kicks out. Benjamin gets up as Carlito sits up. Benjamin once again kicks Carlito in the back. Carlito falls back onto the mat as Benjamin goes to the apron. Benjamin goes to the top rope as Carlito fights to his feet. Benjamin comes off the top rope with a flying clothesline but Carlito ducks. Benjamin lands on his feet but Carlito connects with the back cracker! Both men are down as Carlito is unable to capitalize off his finishing manuever. Carlito then slowly begins to crawl towards Benjamin. Carlito lies an arm across the chest of Benjamin 1...2...3 no! Benjamin lifts a shoulder off the mat just at the last moment. Carlito holds up 3 fingers to the referee but the referee just says 'Two!'. Carlito gets up and pulls Benjamin up. Benjamin is playing possum as he boots Carlito in the midsection and connects with a ddt. Benjamin covers Carlito with a hook of the leg 1...2... Carlito kicks out. Benjamin gets to his feet as does Carlito. Benjamin attempts a suplex but Carlito blocks it. Carlito then lifts Benjamin up for a suplex but then drops him on the top turnbuckle. Carlito goes to the middle turnbuckle and gives Shelton a hurricana off the top turnbuckle. Carlito covers Benjamin 1...2... Benjamin kicks out! Both men fights up and trade right hands. Carlito blocks a right hand from Benjamin and turns Benjamin around. Carlito goes for the backcracker but Shelton grabs the ropes sending Carlito onto the mat. Benjamin quickly grabs the legs of Carlito into a cover 1...2... Carlito kicks out. Both men get up and Benjamin goes for a T-Bone suplex but Carlito pushes Benjamin away. Carlito then comes at Benjamin with a clothesline but Benjamin ducks and Carlito nails the referee. The referee is down and Benjamin turns Carlito around and goes for the T-Bone but Carlito gets a tremedous counter by flipping on his feet! Carlito then gives Benjamin the backcracker! Carlito covers Benjamin and has him beat but there is no referee! Carlito attempts to revive the referee but then Nitro runs in from the back. Nitro turns Carlito around and lifts him up and gives him the Death Valley Driver! Nitro then rolls out of the ring as the referee finally comes too. Benjamin covers Carlito 1........2....... Carlito kicks out as the fans pop massively! Nitro pulls the referee out of the ring and hits him with a right hand. Nitro gets back in the ring and beats down on Carlito. Nitro then goes to the outside and grabs a steel chair. Nitro slides into the ring and goes for a shot with the chair but Carlito ducks. Carlito then connects with the backcracker on Nitro! Carlito gets up and smiles at Nitro but then Shelton turns him around and gives him a T-Bone suplex! Benjamin covers Carlito as a new referee runs down to the ring 1...2...3 and Benjamin retains the title!


After the match Shelton holds up the Intercontinental Title as the referee hands it to him. Shelton then lays some boots into Carlito. Nitro gets up and begins to lay some boots into Carlito as well.

JR: Come on, somebody's got to stop this, the match is over!

King: Shelton is just showing Carlito that he shouldn't mess with him.

Nitro and Benjamin continue to lay boots into Carlito.


Kane walks out into the arena to a big pop. Kane runs down the rampway and gets in the ring.

Nitro comes at Kane but Kane gives him an uppercut. Benjamin comes at Kane but gets a sidewalk slam for his troubles. Nitro gets up and Kane grabs him by the throat. Benjamin gets up and Kane grabs him by the throat as well. Kane then delivers a double chokeslam! Kane then stands tall as Carlito gets to his feet. Kane looks at Carlito and then grabs him by the throat and drills him with a chokeslam as well! Kane then grabs the Intercontinental Title and holds it up to a big pop. Kane then drops the title and sets off his pyro. Kane exits the ring and head to the back.


JR: Welcome back to Monday Night Raw live from Fayetteville, North Carolina! That night's just started and it's already been explosive!

Non-Title Match
Mickie James vs Torrie Wilson


Torrie Wilson walks out into the arena to a decent pop. Wilson has her dog under her arm as she walks down the rampway. Torrie reaches the ring and walks up the steps and then steps into the ring. Wilson then waves to the crowd.


Mickie James walks out into the arena with the Women's Title on her shoulder. Mickie skips down the rampway and slides into the ring. Mickie holds up the Women's Title then gets a cheap shot in by kicking Wilson right in the midsection.

Torrie falsl to the mat as the referee calls for the bell. Mickie gives Torrie some right hands and then pulls her up. Mickie whips Torrie into the corner and comes at her and nails her with a clothesline. Torrie stumbles from the corner and Mickie kicks her in the midsection and gives her a suplex. Mickie covers Torrie 1...2... Torrie kicks out. Torrie and Mickie get up but Torrie boots Mickie in the midsection. Mickie stumbles towards the corner and Torrie chops her across the chest. Mickie nails Torrie with a right hand and grabs her in a front facelock. Mickie then goes to the middle rope and then hits Torrie with the tornado ddt 1...2...3 and it's over already!


Mickie gets up and raises her hands in victory. The referee hands Mickie her title and she holds it up. Mickie then rolls out of the ring and heads towards the back.

We cut backstage to Todd Grisham.

Grisham: Hello, I'm Todd Grisham standing by here with the Nature Boy, Ric Flair! (Fans WOO!) Ric, last night you defeated Mic Foley in a 2 out of 3 falls match. How did it feel winning in your hometown?

Flair: WOOO! It felt great, I told that glorified stuntman that I would beat him and that's exactly what I did, Mic Foley thought he could straight wrestle me, well he can't baby, because I'm a jet flying, limosuine riding, kiss stealin, wheelin, dealin, son of a gun! WOOO!

Flair begins to strut but then in midstrut Flair stops and looks up.

Flair: What the hell do you want?

The camera then shows Randy Orton standing there with a smile on his face.

Orton: Look at you, the Nature Boy, Ric Flair WOO!

Flair: What do you want?

Orton: Calm down Ric, I just wanted to know, why are you so excited? I mean beating Mic Foley isn't a big feat or anything, I mean I've done it twice. Come on Ric, is this really something that a 16 time World Champion should get excited about?

Flair: Maybe not, but this certainly is.

Flair then hits Orton with a right hand and they begin to brawl! Flair is beating down Orton but Security comes and breaks it up! Flair and Orton are shouting at eachother. Coach then walks in.

Coach: What's going on here?

Orton: This son of a bitch just attacked me!

Flair: I want Orton, tonight! Coach give me that ****y son of a bitch tonight!

Coach: You want a match against Randy Orton tonight Flair? You got it!

Orton: What?!

Coach: That's right, later tonight, Randy Orton vs Ric Flair!

We then cut to the announce table.

JR: Did you hear that? Ric Flair vs Randy Orton tonight!

King: And also tonight we know that John Cena must face Edge and a partner of Edge's choosing in a handicap Match!

JR: Vince McMahon has said that he has a plan for DX tonight, we will find out what that is tonight. But ladies and Gentlemen, after what went down earlier tonight, Johnny Nitro has challenged Kane, Kane has accepted and that match will be next.


Singles Match
Kane vs Johnny Nitro


Johnny Nitro walks out into the arena to big heat. Melina in on Nitro's arm as they stop on the stage. Nitro leans Melina back and then they walk down the rampway. Nitro and Melina reach the ring and Melina does her famous splits entrance into the ring. Melina then stands up and Nitro slides through her legs. Nitro then poses on the turnbuckle.


Kane walks out into the arena to a pretty big pop as pyros go off the stage. Kane walks down the rampway and gets in the ring. Kane sets off his pyro but then Nitro attempts to attack Kane from behind with right hands but Kane nails him with an uppercut sending him into the corner.

The bell sounds and Kane nails Nitro with some right hands. Kane whips Nitro into the opposite corner and runs at him but Nitro gets a boot up. Kane stumbles from the corner as Nitro pulls himself onto the middle rope. Nitro then goes for a bulldog but Kane keeps on his feet and Nitro hits the mat. Kane then boots Nitro in the back of the head. Kane covers Nitro 1...2... Nitro kicks out. Kane pulls Nitro to his feet and gives him a right hand and whips him off the ropes. Nitro comes off the ropes and Kane goes for the big boot but Nitro slides underneath. Nitro quickly jumps on Kane's back with a sleeper but Kane flips Nitro over. Kane then gives Nitro an elbow drop and covers him 1...2... Nitro kicks out. Kane gets up and pulls Nitro up by his hair. Kane lifts Nitro onto a shoulder and drops him face first off the top turnbuckle. Nitro stumbles from the corner and Kane comes off the ropes and looks for a clothesline but Nitro gives Kane a dropkick. Nitro covers Kane 1.... Kane kicks out before 2. Both men get up and Nitro runs at Kane but Kane gives him a sidewalk slam. Kane covers Nitro 1...2... Nitro kicks out. Kane gets to his feet as does Nitro. Both men get up and Nitro gets a quick dropkick to the knee of Kane. Nitro quickly locks in a side headlock but Kane pushes Nitro off the ropes and catches him with the big boot. Kane then goes to the top rope as Nitro fights to his feet. Kane then comes off the top rope looking for a clothesline but Nitro grabs the arm and gets an arm bar in. Nitro pulls on the arm but Kane is close to the ropes. Kane grabs the ropes and Nitro breaks. Nitro gets up and drops some elbows to the arm of Kane. Nitro pulls Kane from the ropes and kicks him in the arm and shoulder. Nitro goes to the fujimara arm bar as Kane yells out in pain. Nitro breaks the hold and then grabs Kane in a chickenwing choke working the arm. Kane fights up using one arm. Kane then rams Nitro into the corner as Nitro hangs on. Nitro lets go and stands in the corner as Kane stumbles away holding his arm. Nitro then comes out of the corner with a chopblock taking Kane to a knee. Nitro once again goes for the arm but Kane pushes him into the corner. Nitro quickly comes out of the corner but Kane hits him with a big boot. Kane tries to shake off the pain in his arm. Nitro gets up and Kane grabs him by the throat. Kane attempts a chokeslam with the hurt arm but can't get Nitro up. Nitro then kicks Kane in the arm. Kane holds his arm and Nitro runs at him and gives him a tornado ddt! Nitro covers Kane holding down the hurt arm 1...2... Kane is forced to lift his hurt arm off the mat. Nitro gets up as Kane attempts to get up. Nitro comes off the ropes and dropkicks Kane in the face. Kane is on one knee. Nitro comes off the ropes again but Kane grabs him by the throat. Kane then grabs Nitro with the other hand as well and lifts him up and gives him a double handed chokeslam! Kane covers Nitro 1...2...3!


Kane gets up and holds his arm in pain. Then out from the crowd comes Carlito! Carlito slides in the ring from behind Kane and gives him the backcracker. Carlito then gets up and exits back through the crowd quickly as Kane is down.

JR: Carlito gets revenge on Kane after Kane chokeslammed him earlier tonight!

King: That backcracker has to be painful JR, it floored the big red machine.

In the ring Kane is holding his arm but then he sits up. Kane stares around the arena as we head to commercial.


JR: We are back here on Raw, and what a night it's been.

King: Fayetteville has seen one heck of a show!

We cut backstage to Vince and Shane McMahon.

Shane: You think they'll go for it?

Vince: They better or they will feel the wrath of the McMahon's but I have feeling that this DX nonsence will end here tonight.

JR: Vince's plan for DX is up next!



Vince and Shane McMahon walk out into the arena to big heat. Vince powerwalks down the rampway as Shane follows. Vince and Shane step into the ring and Vince gets a microphone.

Vince: Let's get right down to business here. 2 weeks ago we saw the uprising of DX. Well The McMahon family and I feel that this is not a good thing. So DX, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, if you will please come down to the ring....


Triple H and Shawn Michaels walk out into the arena. Michaels and Triple H walk down the rampway and slide into the ring. Michaels and Triple H get on the turnbuckles and doe the X hand motion. Both men then get down and does the 'Suck It' motion as fireworks go off in an X form. Triple H grabs a microphone.

Vince: Thank you for coming here DX. Now let's get down to business. We have a problem. I don't want DX running around here terrorizing the lockerroom, I just can't let it stand. So DX I'm out here to make you an offer.

Triple H: Wait wait, before you get to that.... Ladies and Gentlemen here in the arena and thousands watching at home. I got one question for ya..... Are you ready? To SUCK ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!

Triple H and Michaels do the Suck it motion.

Vince: Thank you for that Triple H but....

Michaels begins to do an annoying beeping sound as Vince talks.

Vince : (Tries to ignore Michaels) The offer is quite simple really. Like I said before...

As Vince talks Michaels gets closer and closer to him.

Vince: This offer is a very good offer, one I would suggest that you take.

Michaels is right in McMahon's ear doing the beep sound.

Vince: And... Stop it, damn it stop it!

Michaels quickly backs off and acts scared and hides behind Triple H.

Vince: Well here's the offer.

Triple H then begins to do a sound similar to the one Michaels was doing, moving towards Vince as he speaks.

Vince: The offer is....

Triple H is in Vince's ear doing the annoying sound.

Vince: STOP! Damn it!

Triple H backs off and acts scared and hides behind Michaels but Michaels tries to hide behind him. Triple H and Michaels keep trying to hide behind eachother as Vince starts talking again.

Vince: The offer is that I give the opportunity of a lifetime, and that is to break up DX and we can put it all behind us like it never happened or I can break up DX by force. It's a real simple answer to me.

Triple H: Will DX break up or not? That is the question. (Michaels begins doing the bunny ears on Triple H) Well I think that the answer is real simple, right Shawn.

Triple H turns around and Michaels quickly stops doing the bunny ears and nods seriously.

Triple H: Let me discuss this with my partner here.

Triple H and Michaels get in a kind of huddle and begin to talk. Both men then rise up from the huddle and nod. Both turn towards McMahon and Triple H is about to talk in the microphone but then both men turn around and moon the McMahons! Vince doesn't look to happy as he begins to come at DX. McMahon then motions to the back and out comes the Spirit Squad! The Spirit Squad slide into the ring and Michaels and Triple H begin dropping them with right hands. Triple H clotheslines Mitch to the outside as Michaels clotheslines Johnny out of the ring. Triple and Michaels then double clothesline Kenny to the outside. Nicky and Mikey are left and Michaels delivers a superkick to Nicky then points to Triple H as he pedigrees Mikey! DX then pose as the McMahon back up the rampway with anger.


Singles Match
Randy Orton vs Ric Flair


Randy Orton walks out into the arena to big heat. Orton poses on the stage as fireworks shower from the ceiling behind him. Orton then walks down the rampway. Orton slides in the ring and poses on the turnbuckle.


'Nature Boy' Ric Flair walks out into the arena to a big pop. Flair 'WOOS' as he walks down the rampway. Flair spins around as he walks down then walks up the steps into the ring. Flair struts across the ring and then removes his entrance robe. Flair then poses for the crowd.

The bell sound and Orton immediately runs at Flair and hits him with right hands backing him into the corner. Orton breaks cleanly but then Flair nails him with a chop! Orton grabs his chest but Flair hits him with some more chops backing him across the ring. Flair gets Orton in the corner and delivers some stiff chops but Orton knees Flair in the midsection and whips him into the opposite corner. Orton runs at Flair but Flair connects with a chop sending Orton to the mat. Flair covers Orton 1...2... Orton kicks out. Both men get to their feet and Flair whips Orton off the ropes. Orton catches the ropes and stops himself. Flair runs at Orton but Orton backbody drops him onto the apron. Orton turns around and Flair connects with a chop and then takes him to the turnbuckle and rams him face first off it. Flair gets in the ring as Orton stumbles away. Flair grabs Orton by the tights and gets him up. Flair gives Orton a backdrop and covers him 1...2... Orton kicks out. Both men get up and Flair takes Orton to the corner. Flair boots Orton in the midsection but Orton answers back with a forearm smash. Flair stumbles from the corner and Orton hits him with a right hand. Orton gives Flair a suplex into the quick cover 1...2... Flair kicks out. Orton then mounts Flair and hammers him with right hands. The referee pulls Orton off but Orton just lays boots into Flair. Orton pulls Flair up by the hair and hits him with a right hand. Flair falls to his knees and Orton hammers him with right hands again as Flair attempts to cover his head from the assault. Orton pulls Flair up and boots him in the midsection. Orton follows it up with another forearm smash sending Flair stumbling into the ropes. Orton whips Flair off the ropes and dropkicks him. Orton covers Flair 1...2... Flair lifts a shoudler off the mat. Orton gets up and goes to the apron. Orton climbs to the top rope and waits for Flair to get to his feet. Orton comes off the top rope with a crossbody but Flair rolls through into a cover 1...2... Orton kicks out. Both men up and Flair chops Orton. Orton then answers back with a right hand. Flair and Orton trade chops and right hands until Flair pokes Orton in the eye. Orton stumbles into the ropes and Flair goes for the whip off the ropes but Orton counters sending Flair off the ropes. Flair comes off the ropes and Orton gives him a backbreaker. Orton covers Flair 1...2... Flair kicks out. Orton rolls Flair onto his stomach and drives his knees in his back and pulls back on the head of Flair stretching out the back of Flair. Orton gets up and stomps Flair. Orton pulls Flair to his feet and grabs him and gives him an inverted backbreaker. Orton stands up and gives Flair a second backbreaker followed by a third! Orton then covers Flair 1...2... Orton kicks out.

JR: Orton knows that Flair hurt his back in a plane crash years ago.

King: Orton is a smart kid JR, you have to admit.

Orton pulls Flair to his feet and lifts Flair onto his shoulder. Orton then flips Flair into a backbreaker! Flair grabs his back as Orton covers him 1...2... Flair kicks out. Orton covers Flair again this time with the leg hooked 1...2... Flair kicks out. Orton gets to his feet and pulls Flair. Orton attempts a dropkick but Flair slaps him out of air. Flair then grabs the leg of Orton and attempts the figure four but Orton kicks him into the turnbuckle sternum first. Orton then quick grabs Flair and grabs him by the hair and throws him down onto his knee. Orton covers Flair 1...2... Flair kicks out. Both men get to their feet and Orton gives Flair a scoopslam. Orton comes off the ropes and goes for the knee to the face but Flair gets out of the way. Orton's knee crashes into the mat and Orton grabs his knee in pain. Flair quickly begins to stomp the knee of Orton but Orton trips Flair and Flair's back hit the mat. Flair grabs his back in pain but Orton turns Flair onto his stomach and then grabs him in a dragon sleeper. Orton stands up and takes Flair to the ropes. Orton steps over the rope to the apron and then slams his forearms across the chest of Flair. Orton then locks in the dragon sleeper again and then jumps off the apron sending Flair's back off the top rope. Flair falls to the mat and holds his back. Orton gets on the apron with a ****y smile on his face. Orton climbs to the top rope as Flair attempts to get to feet. Orton then comes off with an axe handle but Flair chops him and Orton falls to the mat. Flair grabs the leg of Orton and kicks the knee. Orton attempts to kick Flair off but Flair won't go down. Flair then drives his knee into Orton's knee. Flair has his knee placed on Orton and then he pulls back on it. Orton yells in pain. Flair gets up and twists the knee but Orton uses his other foot to push him away. Flair comes off the ropes and Orton gives Flair a droptoe hold. Orton then comes off the ropes and splashes right onto Flair's back! Orton rolls Flair over 1...2... Flair kicks out. Orton quickly gets up and begins to measure up Flair as he fights up. Flair slowly gets to his feet and Orton goes for hte RKO but Flair tosses him over the top rope to teh outside! Orton lands badly on the outside on his knee and holds it in pain.

JR: This match will continue right after this quick commercial break!


We come back and Flair is laying stomps into Orton's knee.

King: During the commercial break, Flair has been focusing on that knee of Orton!

JR: Take a look at what happened during the break!

DURING THE BREAK: Flair gives Orton a shinbreaker onto the steel steps.

In the ring Flair twists the leg of Orton. Flair slides out of the ring with Orton's foot in hand. Flair goes to the corner and then wraps Orton's leg around the post and applies pressure as Orton yells in pain. Flair slams Orton's knee into the steel steps. Flair then locks the Figure Four around the steel post on as Orton yells in pain. The referee begins to count the hold 1...2...3...4... Flair lets go. Flair rolls back in the ring and covers Orton 1...2... Orton gets a foot on the ropes. Flair gets Orton to his feet as Orton limps. Flair gives Orton a shinbreaker then takes him to the corner. Flair wraps the leg of Orton around the ropes and pulls as Orton yells in pain. Flair lets go and waits for Orton to come out of the corner. Orton stumbles from the corner and Flair comes off the ropes and connects with the chop block. Flair then grabs the leg of Orton and then quickly locks in the figure four! Orton yells in pain and flops around as Flair applies pressure. Orton reaches for the ropes but can't get there. Orton lies back 1...2... Orton sits back up as Flair applies pressure. Orton attempts to roll Flair over but Flair blocks it. Orton yells in pain and tries to unhook the legs but Flair has it in too tight.

JR: Orton may have no choice but to tap to the Nature boy!

King: Come on Randy, don't tap, don't tap!

Orton flops around somemore as Flair yells at him to tap. Orton keeps refusing to submit as he attempts to rolls over. Flair keeps blocking it but Orton manages to roll over! The pressure is now reverses and Flair breaks the hold. Both men fight up and Orton goes for the RKO but Flair pushes him off the ropes. Orton falls down midway and holds his knee. Flair comes at Orton but Orton somehow gets a backbody drop in. Orton covers Flair 1...2... Flair kicks out. Orton and Flair fight up and Orton goes for a suplex but his knee gives out. Flair then gives Orton a series of chops but Orton shoves him away. Flair comes right back at Orton but Orton gets a double leg. Orton then quickly gets jacknife cover 1...2... Flair kicks out. Orton gets to his feet as does Flair. Orton goes for a backdrop but Flair counters with a poke to the eye. Flair connects with a russian legsweep! Flair covers Orton 1...2... Orton kicks out! Both men fight up and Flair gets a single leg. Flair then goes for the figure four but Orton kicks him off the ropes. Flair comes off the ropes and Orton jumps up and connects with the RKO! Orton covers Flair 1...2... Flair got a foot on the ropes! Orton can't believe it as he gets up. Orton limps at the referee yelling at him. Flair then gets up and low blows Orton! Flair then rolls up Orton 1...2... Orton kicks out! Both men fight to their feet and Orton boots Flair but Flair nails Orton with a chop. Orton stumbles away and Flair pulls himself onto the top rope. Orton then jumps onto the middle rope and gives Flair an RKO off the top! Orton covers Flair 1...2...3!


Both men are down on the mat.


King: Orton has defeated Flair in a classic match!

Raw cuts to commercial with Orton raising his arms in victory.

Commercial Break

We come back to the backstage area. Edge is with Lita. Edge shouts down a hallway.

Edge: You almost ready? OK see you at there.

Handicap Match
Edge and ??? vs John Cena


John Cena walks out into the arena to his usual mixed reaction. Cena walks down the rampway and slides in the ring. Cena poses then throws off his entrance attire.


The entranceway fills up with smoke as Edge walks out into the arena with Lita on his arm. Edge has the WWE Championship on his shoulder as he spins Lita around. Edge and Lita walk down the rampway and Edge has a big smile on his face. Edge walks down the rampway and slides into the ring. Edge keeps down on the mat as Lita walks up the steps and gets in the ring. Edge then poses on the turnbuckle. Cena looks towards the entranceway as Edge points with a big smile on his face.


Umaga with Armando Alejandro Estrada walks out into the arena. Umaga walks down the rampway and slides in the ring but is met with right hands by Cena.

Cena hits Umaga with right hands backing him into the corner. Cena then goes for a whip but Umaga counters and takes Cena down with a clothesline. Umaga covers Cena 1...2... Cena kicks out. Umaga gets Cena to his feet and gives him a scoopslam. Umaga bounces off the rampway and gives Cena a splash. Umaga covers Cena 1...2... Cena kicks out. Umaga then tags in Edge. Edge hits Cena with some right hands then pulls him up. Edge whips Cena into the corner and gives him some right hands. Edge then pulls Cena from the corner and gives him a powerslam, Edge covers Cena 1...2... Cena kicks out. Edge gets to his feet and pulls Cena up. Edge gives Cena ddt. Edge covers Cena again 1...2... Cena kicks out. Edge tags in Umaga. Umaga gets in the ring as Cena attempts to fight up. Umaga runs at Cena and kicks him right in the face. Umaga covers Cena 1...2... Cena kicks out. Umaga gets up and takes Cena to the corner. Umaga chops Cena in the corner and then pulls him out with a hiptoss. Umaga covers Cena 1...2... Cena kicks out. Umaga gets to his feet and pulls Cena up. Umaga lifts Cena up onto a shoulder and then drops him face first off the turnbuckle. Cena stumblse and Umaga boots him right through the ropes the outside. Edge drops the outside as Umaga slips out. Lita and Estrada distract the referee as the double team ensues. Edge and Umaga ram Cena into the steel steps then throw him in the ring. Umaga slides in the ring and covers Cena 1...2... Cena kicks out. Umaga tags in Edge. Edge gets in the ring and hits Cena with some stomps. Edge pulls Cena to his feet and whips him off the ropes and connects with a backbody drop. Edge covers Cena 1...2... Cena kicks out. Both men get up but Cena boots Edge in the midsection and connects with a fisherman's suplex into the cover 1...2... Edge kicks out. Both men get up and Cena whips Edge off the ropes and gives him a hiptoss. Edge gets up and Cena gives him a clothesline. Edge gets up again and Cena connects with a reverse elbow. Edge gets up and Cena whips Edge off the ropes and gives him a spinebuster! Umaga runs into the ring and Cena hits him with a series of right hands. Cena bounces off the ropes and Estrada trips him up. Cena then slides to the outside and chases Estrada around the ring. Estrada slides in the ring and Cena runs right into a clothesline from Umaga. Umaga pulls Cena up and takes him to the corner. Umaga sits Cena in the corner and runs at him and is about to drive his head in the turnbuckle but Cena moves out of the way and Umaga slams into the corner. Umaga stumbles from the corner and Cena lifts him up for the F-U but Edge spears him! Edge covers Cena 1...2...3!


Edge then poses as the referee hands him the title. Edge holds up the title in victory. Lita, Edge, Umaga, and Estrada line up as the referee raises their hands. Raw goes off air with Edge standing over Cena with the Title.

Sorry the show was a bit short. Will do better next time.


If you don't want to leave a full review just leave a Favorite Match and Favorite Segment

Tazz - Welcome to Friday night SmackDown
Styles - yea i cant wait for the Return of Batista.
Tazz - Thats tonight??? i thought it was at the Brand vs. Brand PPV
Styles - Well not anymore The Animal Batiasta returns to SmackDown tonight
Tazz - OMG i cant Wait!!!
Theodore Long Music Plays
Long - Tonight, Tonight is the Return of SmackDowns Animal Batista!!!
Long - and Tonight i have decided that we will have a World Heavy Weight Champion Ship Title Tornament!!
Tazz - OMG this is huge!!
Styles - it sure is
Long - 16 people will compete but only 1 will have a ChampionShip Match at Summer Slam, and the First Match of the World Title tornament Match
will be Randy Orton vs Kurt Angle!!!
Take whats Mine
as Orton walks to the ring
with a loud pop from the crowd
plays as Angle walks down to the ring with a decent crowd

Match starts Orton & Angle walk around in circles then lock up, Angle pushing Orton into the corner, then Angle hit an uppercut, then another then a knee to the mif section, then a kick to the knee, Angle hit a suplex, Orton gets up quickly gets up and goes for the clotheline, but Angle ducks and hits 3 german suplexs in a row then covers
kick out by Orton, and Angle is frustrated, and then stomps Orton again and again, Angle lifts up Orton and hits a suplex and covers,
kickout Angle again frustrated lifts up Orton and hits a Angle slam and lifts him on the top rope, Orton fights Angle off until he hit the ground, Orton got on the top rope then Angle got up quickly and hit a Angle slam off the top rope taking Orton down, Angle covered for the pin
kick out just before three and Angle kicked Orton in the Head, he lifted him up and went to hit another angle Slam but Orton slid off and hit an RKO and both men were down the ref started to count
Orton covers
kick out by Angle and Orton is frustrated, Orton hops on the top rope waiting for Angle to get up and when he did he hit a cross body, then covered
kick out Orton stomps Angle then lifts him up and goes for a second RKO but angle moved and Orton hits straight down, and as Orton got up Angle hit a Angle Slam then covered
kick out, orton and Angle getting up, then both Angle and Orton get up and they both trade punches until Orton jumps out of no where and hits an RKO then he covered
Winner by Pinfall - Randy Orton
Tazz - OMG i thought it was over when angle hit the Angle Slam off the top rope but when Orton kicked out and Orton hit an RKO, i thought it was definatly over, but it wasnt it took 1 more RKO to put the Olympic medalist out.
Styles - indeed it did and its time for the second World Title Tornament Match
its Booker T vs Rey Mysterio.
plays as Rey walks down to the ring with a massive pop from the crowd
plays as Booker T walks down to the ring with a mild pop from the crowd
*Commercial Break*
Match starts as Booker and Rey lock up Booker forcing Rey into the corner, then hitting Rey repeadidly with chops, then Booker when for a right hand, Rey ducked and Booker hit the turnbuckle and Rey hit booker in the knee then he dropp kicked Booker into the corner, Rey got up on the rope and started punching Booker the fans counted how many times he hit him
10 then booker lifted Rey up onto his shoulders and, then Rey hit a head scissors, both of them got up and Booker it a close line on Rey, then Booker hit a kick to the Head, Rey got up then Booker hit a DDT, Rey got liufted up by Booker, he went for the scissors kick but Rey moved aqnd hit a drop kick to the side of him, then Rey started kicking Booker in the knees and drop kicking him in the back, Rey lifted Booker up and irish whipped him into the corner then ran at him and hit a drop kicked him in the leg and then kicked him in the ribs, Booker was leaning on the rope and started walking backwards as Rey hit a drop kick into the back, causing Booker to fall onto the second rope, then Rey hit a 619, then a leg drop to the back of the head and covered,
then Mark Henry came out and took out the ref, then took both booker and Rey out, Henry turned around then
Plays as Batista runs down to the ring, both him and Henry Stare at each other, Rey then delivered a low blow to Henry, then Batista hit a SPine Buster then Henry rolled out of the ring, Batista revived the ref and Rey covered Booker
Winner by PinFall Rey Mysterio
Tazz - Batista did the right thing Rey had it won then Henry came out took out the ref and both Rey and Booker, Batista took out Henry so Rey could pick up what was already his the win
Styles that is true and....
hes Cut off by theodore longs music
Long - Batista i have made a desisiton it will be The Animal Batista
(Crowd goes wild of the Mention of Batista) vs Mark Henry,
but thats not all, it will be a Street fight,
Batista grabs the mic
Batista - im fine with that, MArk Henry(who was walking back to the back)
Tonight im gonna kick your Ass
Tazz - well tonight its Batista vs Mark Henry in a Street fight!!
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