New US Championship #1 Contender

Who's the new #1 contender?

  • Ziggler

  • Rusev

  • Big E

  • Other

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Championship Contender
The problem with John Cenas U.S. Open challenge is there not really been a clear feud for the title except with Monday being the only night before HIAC and no one announced yet who should be crowned number 1 contender? Ziggler, Rusev? Big E?
I don't think there will be a number one contender. Everyone on the roster is a number one contender with the US Title Open Challenge. Anyone can come out and challenge for it.

What I do think will be interesting is who shows up on Monday, and if Cena drops the title to them.
Dolph Ziggler - I couldn't see WWE resist doing some ridiculous love triangle storyline involving Nikki Bella, so please no.

Rusev - This would be stale as this just happened about 5 months ago.

Big E - Would anyone take New Day seriously? They're extremely entertaining, but neither of them has a chance of beating Cena.

My choice would be Cesaro. I explained this in another thread.
Oh the beauty of Cesaro fans. Your never ending optimism. He has been around long enough to be passed over on multiple occasions. With the seemingly never ending flood of stop and start pushes what makes you think that Miz won't get the US belt over him? At least he can talk. Wrestling matters less and less anymore.
Well i want a returning and fresh Damien Sandow to be the No.1 contender and win the United States Championship..
Or what about The Miz winning a championship again..
Also Cesaro..
and if its the new day its gotta be Xavier Woods nd not Big E..
The problem with John Cenas U.S. Open challenge is there not really been a clear feud for the title except with Monday being the only night before HIAC and no one announced yet who should be crowned number 1 contender? Ziggler, Rusev? Big E?

Kevin Owens was a clear feud I would say.
The problem with John Cenas U.S. Open challenge is there not really been a clear feud for the title except Rusev.

It's because the 'clear feud' hasn't been the concept of the challenge; it's the idea that we never know who will come down the ramp to fight Cena. That's the best part of the whole thing.

Sami Zayn? Neville? Dean Ambrose? Kevin Owens? I wouldn't believe anyone who said they 'knew all along' who Cena's opponent would be.
There are so many better options right now. Rusev is in the middle of a face turn so he wouldn't make sense. With Dolph it could work and catapult him to a Edge like push. But if he gets a feud with Cena it should be with him as a heel for the world title. Either that or he will just be stuck as a mid-carder once his feud with Cena is over.

I think WWE should either A.) have whoever Cena is facing at Mania cost him the title and take him out afterwards. Or B.) Have a NXT name debut and beat him clean for the title.

The five options would be Finn Balor,Samoa Joe,James Storm,Barin Corbin,and Jason Jordan (you read that right.) All of them are for sure future main eventers on the main roster. I particularly would choose Jordan because he reminds me of Kurt Angle and I think it would be a surprise. With Barin he is more of an Undertaker like guy, so he should NOT be feuding for the US Title EVER! It doesn't fit his character whatsoever. As for Balor, I feel he should debut either a top face or top heel, not a mid-carder. And with Joe and Storm, the problem is they're both considered "legends" and we don't need a "legend" to beat a Cena for the title. They will already be stars in WWE,mainly if WWE acknowledges they're TNA runs. Which when Triple H "takes over" (pun-intended) they probably will.
The problem with John Cenas U.S. Open challenge is there not really been a clear feud for the title except with Monday being the only night before HIAC and no one announced yet who should be crowned number 1 contender? Ziggler, Rusev? Big E?

Ziggler would be the most logical option. I would have said Big E but he may be competing in the tag title match with The Dudleyz.

I guess Ziggler could turn on Monday, just to give people another reason to tune in to see Ziggler vs. Cena yet another time at HIAC.
I would have to go with Dolph since he is kind of starting to feud with John, They had a great match on Raw Monday. This coming Monday (Oct. 19) on Raw John comes out and does his usual open challenge starts now but this time Dolph comes out and than Rusev comes out. They are all in the ring and they can't decide who should fight John, HHH comes out and makes a match for HIAC John, Dolph and Rusev in a three way for the Title. During the match John gets attacked by whoever his WM32 opponent is and loses his Title while being injured as well. Dolph wins the Title as a heel.
It looks like they're building towards Dolph. It started with other week with the accidental superkick during the New Day beat down the other week, and continued on TV this week. The franchise of WWE doesn't have a match at an upcoming PPV in two weeks, but that doesn't conclude that Ziggler, the man he's been involved in TV storyline with.

I'm hearing mostly negativity when it comes to the potential that Nikki Bella may become involved. I'm not sure WWE will put Nikki in a program with Cena and put it on Raw. Hopefully the Bella piece of this takes place on social media and on Total Divas only.

Ziggler and Cena could feud on the main roster without directly acknowledging the events on the reality show. The two could potentially exists as companion pieces too each other. Fans who watch the reality show get more out of it, while those who watch WWE aren't missing out on anything essential. That way everyone has their cake and eats it too.

I'm all for a return of heel Ziggler and I think there's some evidence that it may have been in the works for a while. Ziggler's actions during his feud with Rusev and Summer Rae were odd, and more akin to a heel, but could easily be chocked up to bad writing. Ziggler recently switched to pants, and heels have had good luck when changing attire in order to get over new characters (Jericho 2008 for example).

I'd be interested to see where Ziggler's character goes. He spent the summer stealing Rusev's girlfriends, maybe Ziggler becomes the guy who steals your girlfriend? I'm not sure how far it goes but I'm really hoping that Rusev turns face and we get some resolution to the Lana storyline. I'd watch babyface Rusev vs heel Ziggler, it would be kind of hilarious.

Ziggler seems most likely to take Cena's title in an open challenge at HIAC, turning dirty heel in the process. The other possibility is New Day capturing the title and holding it together like they did the tag titles, or adding it to their collection. The Shield also similarly held the tag titles and US title. Moving to the US belt could let the Dudley Boys win the tag belts and move into another feud.

Beating Cena would be good retribution for Rusev for his string of losses in the spring, but I doubt he does. Rusev and Cena has been done, whereas Rusev entering the scene reunited with now fiance Lana makes more sense after Cena losses. I'd say Dolph seems to be next, but it's only going to draw if WWE pulls it off in a way that is compelling, and really lets him be a villainous heel, and not just the dude who tried to bang Cena's girlfriend.
Well it's clear that they are building Cena vs. Ziggler, so this match will probably happen at Hell In A Cell. However, I ultimately hope that Ziggler is a red herring, because they could set up a pretty memorable moment if that was the case.

Look, everyone pretty much knows that after Hell In A Cell Cena is going to be taking some time off. So basic wrestling fan logic dictates that he would drop the Title to whoever his opponent is at the PPV, in this case Dolph Ziggler. Fuck that. Cena should retain agaisnt Ziggler at the PPV, because typically you wouldn't expect that to happen. This will subvert the standard wrestling logic, and swerve the fans.

So now we're in a situation where Cena still has the US Title, but we also still know he wants to take time off. This leads people to wonder what's going to happen, and generates interest in the angle. On RAW you have Cena come out and get challenged by someone competely unexpected, and Cena puts them over. I think there needs to be a payoff to the US Open Challenge angle, so Cena should drop the belt on a RAW in an open challenge match, creating a memorable RAW moment, rather than dropping it in an announced PPV match with a weak build. I have absolutely no idea what Daniel Bryan's medical status is, but that would be an amazing way to bring him back. The crowd would lose their fucking mind. If he's healthy, I expect they'll do it.
Exactly, I had forgot about Owens...that was a great feud and it was done during the open challenge. I'd love to see Ziggler turn, or Cesarowould be my choice!!!
i clearly see new day wins the championship in a 3 on 1 handicapped match. Or they beat cena and take credit of his timeoff. The authority vacate the us title and held a tournament.
I think the number one contender for the United States Championship Title should be the Intercontinental Champion. As of right now, it’s Kevin Owens. This could give Kevin Owens the opportunity to win a feud against John Cena and give John Cena an opportunity to win the Championship Title Belt he has never won. Either way, at the end of this feud, I’d like to see the WWE World Heavyweight Champion face the winner and new Undisputed United Continental Champion.
I'm betting on Sheamus.

Look, I can see the reason for the optimism guys, but I can assure you no massive surprise is coming our way, and I doubt it's going to be Ziggler.

Let's just go ahead and nix out some of the names I've heard people mention:

Tyler Breeze: Right. Vince McMahon is going to let that gimmick go over his top superstar in his first match. Right.

John Cena isn't Chris Jericho, guys. He doesn't have John Cena lose to the guy that's (probably) going to become the comedy gimmick in WWE. I like Breeze as much as the next guy, but the truth is that he's small, and he's a fop gimmick. There is 0.0% chance Vince McMahon lets him go over John Cena in his first match.

Dolph Ziggler: Conventional Wisdom tells you that Ziggler beats Cena and turns heel. I guess Ziggler could beat Cena clean, but, lulz.

Logic and context also tells you that with Cena and Orton both gone, and Lesnar likely taking hiatus after HIAC, there's going to be a dearth of faces. It's going to be Reigns, Ambrose, and Kane. Slim fucking pickings, indeed, when you're relying on Kane in 2015 to be your #3 babyface.

Ziggler may turn heel eventually, but I doubt that comes until the roster can actually sustain it. And the roster's pretty thin when you're worried Dolph fucking Ziggler turning heel will be a problem.

Rusev: I doubt it. I doubt Rusev's getting buried, but I would bet you until Lana is ready to return, Rusev's going to be treading water for the next months. He's going to be at the "creative has nothing for you" phase of doing fuck all.

Or, the "creative refuses to do anything other than the angle TMZ blew" phase.

New Day: This is the one I would think makes the most logical sense. They've had the most involvement with Cena the past three weeks, and they've laid him out. But unless Xavier Woods is defending the tag titles at Hell in a Cell, I don't see who goes over Cena.

Logic would dictate Kofi, being the only one to not lose to Cena yet, would have his turn at the bat. But then, you have a team of Xavier Woods and Big E. As much as we laud WWE for using the Freebird Rule with the New Day, it's very rare to see Xavier actually defend the titles. In fact, has he ever defended the titles, at all?

Again, admittedly it would make a lot of sense for it to be New Day. I just don't think it would logistically work, if you're going to go the route that makes most sense. Otherwise, you have Xavier Woods going over Cena, which probably isn't happening.

Owens/Ryback: Already have a match.

Ambrose: Now with the Wyatt match off the show, you could theoretically have Dean accept the challenge. He was actually the first one to take the challenge, and there's a bit of a poetic note to have the open challenge end on the guy that started it. But I doubt he's done with the Wyatts, and now that there's four Wyatts, I would expect this feud to go to Survivor Series.

Samoa Joe/Anyone from NXT: Not unless you're planning on promoting to the main roster. You just debuted Breeze, you aren't debuting someone else from NXT right now.

Which brings us back to Sheamus. Consider the following:

  • Sheamus isn't booked on the card, nor has he even been.
  • Sheamus already is a heel.
  • Management is already high on Sheamus, and they're clearly grooming his main event push...again...

You have Cena taken out by Sheamus for the injury angle, because Sheamus is credible enough to hurt Cena. You have Cena take his time off, and Sheamus carrying both the US Title and MITB. You have Cena and Sheamus feud over the US Title when he comes back. Cena wins when Sheamus is ready to cash in his briefcase, or really whenever he comes back.

Sorry folks...I really think you're getting Sheamus.

Edit: Sheamus is on the pre-show. This entire post you read was pointless. Let's go with Dean, because now he makes the most sense.

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