New Stable?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I think Johnny Ace should have his own stable of goons. It would make the storyline more interesting because it is pretty dull right now. It would basically be a rehash of the corporation but that was a bad ass stable. He basically already has Tensai, his manager guy, Otunga, and Big Show. He can add in Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins and maybe one more up an comer. He can even give it the name of People Power. lol. Idk. Do you think having a big heel stable would be a good idea. They would basically be Laurinitis' hired goons. Maybe also a face stable can form to oppose Johnny Ace's group.
yea im in the same boat as you i would like to see factions in general make a come back. A corporation kind of one would be a good start. It could cause other superstars to faction together and go against them..
A stable of upcoming young talents would be a good idea. Having Big Show won't excite me. Like Nexus but needs a good leader though
Sounds like a good idea to me. Now that the ratings are dropping big time, they need to do something quick, and thìs would certainly help. No matter how many times you do these heel stables, they never get old. Also add those two clowns O'Neil and Young, and your stable is complete. Have them dominate everyone for a couple of months, or half a year, and then have the faces form a stable of their own- at least two mone months of booking right there.
Yeah that would be cool perhaps Cm Punk could form his own stable along side Kassius Ohno and Antonio Cesaro maybe even add Seth Rollins into the mix to feud with Johnny's stable
I have been waiting for factions to make a return for the longest time. That's one of the things that made the Attitude Era so awesome. You had so many small mini feuds because of it. Any member of a faction feuded with the entire opposing faction as opposed to just one person. It made for some interesting storylines.
I think that would be a great thing to happen. We need a good stable again. If I could choose who would be in it, it would be:

John laurinaitis
David Otunga
The Miz
Tyler Reks
Curt Hawkins
Antonio Cesaro
Considering this idea, this has alot of ups to it. First of all, having a faction should be good - this gives a window for the youngsters to make their mark within the company. Look at Nexus - because of them, we see people like Wade Barrett main eventing - your former World Heavyweight Champion and #1 contender for the WWE Championship, Daniel Bryan.

With Orton and Jericho gone, they'll need to do something desperate because this John Laurinitis reign is just boring people to death. Are you sick of him making stupid match-ups every week on raw and smackdown or riding his scooter?

Plus, this would also be a chance for people to return. Cena got Bret Hart to return and wrestle at Summerslam 2010 so we can see something similar this time.
I personally like the idea.... it could be another way for a guy like Miz to get back into a world title picture where he should be.
Johnny Ace's group would be Big Show,Miz,Oniel,Young,Otunga

Show goes after World title,Miz WWE title, Otunga US, Oneil/Young Tags

CM Punk then forms a group of former ROH guys to combat them (wish we could get a face turn from DBD but he is TOO good as a heel)

Ohno/Cesaro,Rollins and the debuting Alex Shelley

You could play this out all summer where they get involved in each others matches all the way up to Survivor Series where you get a 5x5 traditional match. My guess is that DBD will get the belt from Punk with Johnnys goons help and hold on to it and you can showcase DBD and Miz all summer..
If they're going to get back to making stables I'd like to see them follow through with the AW thing first.

Laurenitis doesn't need a formal stable, he is the boss so naturally guys will do his bidding for him in exchange for getting what they want out of him.
Laurenitis forms a stable and runs through the WWE, HHH tries to stop him but gets destroyed..

Wooooo Flair returns to get revenge for HHH and forms a group of 4 guys and the horseman ride one last time. You can even have Arn Anderson in the middle being pulled between his loyalty to Flair and his need for a paycheck with Johnny..
Factions would be a good fix for the ratings woes WWE has been having. BUT, CM Punk leading a group of former ROH or up and comers would only work IF Cena was out of the picture completely. The WWE "Creative" team would only ever use Cena due to hime being the face of the WWE (much to the groan of every real fan).

The "creative" team would rather try something like a new DX but honestly that would never work without HHH and HBK guiding the faction. I don't see HBK running through the curtains anytime soon, and HHH is too busy escorting boxers nowadays.
As oldschool123 said Laurinitis doesn't need a stable. I've been wanting Vicky to get a couple of smaller wrestlers under her wings for a while as I think Ziggler is close to outgrowing being in a stable, but Swagger still needs a little help on the mic.
I like the idea of having some more stables but would prefer a slightly annoying one built up around Vicky which would give people a chance to evolve into a serious threat as a team than just sticking people they have no other ideas for with Laurinitis when they don't need to be part of a stable, really.
I am all for stables, but only when they work properly. Given WWE's recent lack of stable recognition (lets use Nexus amazingly then just shit on them) and don't even start me on the corre.
The danger is NWO, so many people loved the NWO, too many. I think, among many factors, it was a major play in the fall of wcw.

Am intrigued to see how Abraham Washington will get on with his 2nd run. Been waiting for the "where's tony atlas" chants, as Abe was annoying as you can get and quite dull with it too, til Tony became his laughing machine.
Seriously if you look he has a stable, its just not a "named stable" He has Big Show doing his dirty work right now, and his lackeys for a better term are Tyler Reks, Curt Hawkins, Otunga, and Eve. I hate that we act like we need names on Stables now a days remember when the attitude era had twelve stables? You had DX, Nation, DOA, Los Boricuas, Oddities, Union, Ministry, Corporation, kaientai. and the job squad. I mean we don't need to name a stable that will be disbanded in 5-6 months because there is nothing credible for half the members of the stable. Personally having a named stable without any real depth is pointless, and Johnny gets enough heat without having to surround himself with more stooges then Vince Mcmahon had in the 90's.
Please no. "People Power" is enough of a rip-off of every other heel authority figure storyline as it is. We don't need Johnny Ace playing the Vince role in a new version of The Corporation.
Every stable needs its leader, muscle, team and the small/loud/quick footed characters.

In this case, I'd see Tensai filling this role as Show feels so temporary. A team should be Titus O'Neil and Darren Young. The small cocky person should be either Miz or Ziggler.
Johnny more or less already has a stable. Eve and Otunga are working under him, so he's already got an underling and a diva. Big Show is the enforcer. I can see him hiring Young and Titus as a tag team to help him out, they are easily the best heel tag team right now. There's your stable. Johnny is the leader, Otunga the underling midcarder, Eve the diva, Big Show for their main eventer, and finally Young/Titus their Tag Team. This brings someone from the stable into each division.

There's no need to add anyone else. They could potentially add Tensai but that character flopped and he shouldn't be back onscreen until they give him something less silly to work with. This stable, if they even form it, should not be too large, so there's no need to add that many more people. It would help the wrestlers involved to get more heel heat, and it would greatly benefit the face (likely Punk) who ends up being the constant thorn in their side. I hope they go this route, it would be interesting.

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