New Smackdown! GM??


SmackDown! is MY Show

You can look forward to seeing Vickie Guerrero on television a lot over the next few months because she's going to be sticking around indefinitely.

In regards to where her storyline with Theodore Long is going, the plan is for her to get him removed from his General Manager position on SmackDown. Vickie Guerrero will then become the new General Manager of SmackDown, thus replacing Long. Vince McMahon recently asked her about doing the role, and she agreed, but with one condition. She doesn't have to work too many house shows because she's raising her daughters on her own.

As far as Long's WWE future is concerned, he will still remain on television, but in a different role. However, his future role hasn't been disclosed yet.

Also, the original plan for the SmackDown show in San Diego two weeks ago was for her to come out and apologize to Rey Mysterio for everything she had done to him. Mysterio would be skeptical of her apology and not fully accept it. That part was nixed at the last minute. The segment would then continue with Vince & Umaga after she left the ring.

Wow, I never saw this comming at all. I mean like Theodore Long as hes not on TV much and thats good. Yet, i guess WWE feels the need to mix things up on Smackdown a bit. I dunno how great this will be i mean i can see it being very bad and not working out. My main question is what they do with Theodore Long now??? I hope maybe they will have him come back and they can Co-GM. So what you all think bad, good, or What in the Blue Hell is McMahon thinking!!!!
new gm might have been good...but def not vickie guerrero i have no clue what that is about and find it absoutlely pointless to put her in the general manager i dont understand this...i understand things are trying to be spiced up on each show and esp smackdown since vince considers it the B show but i dont believe this is the way to do it...WHY IS VICKIE GUERRERO BECOMING A GM!?!!?!?
Well there goes Smackdown... just when I thought they were turning it around.

That's what happens when you move the guy who's making this new resurgence possible (Dusty Rhodes).

I just hope Teddy Long becomes the ECW GM... the only way you can save face with this situation.

So stupid...
This storyline makes no sense. Why have Vickie on TV at all? Jeeze... you might as well make Michael Cole or Todd Grisham the GM.

Do they have a GM on Raw anymore? Oh wait, Mr. MacMahon is always there.
yea, this is a real stupid thing for them to be doing, vickie is no good on the mic, teddy long should be the GM..... HOLLA HOLLA HOLLAAAA...sorry

smackdown was turning into a good show, i dont think this will help them at all
Thing's could always be alot worse. They could make one of those no talent diva's general manager. Ya know have some diva come out dancing shaking rump parading all the way to the ring. Then strut they're legs all over the ring and perfume the audience with smelly pie hole p smells. :lol2: Not that, that would be a bad idea. Hopefully Vince and his creative team don't get any idea's of having a Vickie's EXPOSE segments. :boobs:
Seriously, WTF ??? Vickie Guerrero as GM is going to be awful for sure. They should definitely have given that role to JBL (if he could keep his announcing duties too cause he's the best at the moment on WWE television). I don't see anybody fitting better.
I agree. JBL is smackdowns No.1 announcer in my opinion, but if he could keep these duties and have the GM role as well, then this would be a big step in the right direction for smackdown.
Oh my god, can we please get rid of Vickie Guerrero? She knows nothing of wrestling, and just pisses me off everytime I hear her god damn annoying voice. I feel bad for her because of her loss, but damnit get out of the WWE now. You have nothing to contribute. WWE needs to stop exploiting Guerrero's legacy, imagine if they had done this to Owen? There would've been outrage everywhere. It's despicable really.

I have no hopes at all for her on Smackdown! I was hoping it might be Mick Foley considering he "got his job" back, but I guess not huh. Maybe he'll announce himself GM of ECW next week? That'd be nice, maybe than he could influence McMahon to save ECW from its death.
I apreciate the fact that Vickie need's money. But she has to be one of the worst actress' ever. Here promo's are awful. I dont like Long. But at least he can cut a promo. It does'nt make sence when WWE employ's Flair, Rhodes, Heyman & Bischoff. Why would they have Vickie Guerrero as G.M?
i think the whole idea sucks as vickie guerrero as GM. what is she gonna do that can possibly do to make smackdown better. Just when u thought they were going to turn it around from its recent slump they go and do this. It aint gonna help sell tickets. If anything that job should be given to Stone Cold or Mick. Smackdown is goin down the s**tter
k first off im gonna say that this is just a rumour this hasnt been confirmed from WWE they change there minds everyday. But i do think that she shouldnt be gm i no she needs money but it aint like the wwe cant pay her for nothing and let her stay at home with her kids. the job should be given to 1) jbl 2) ron simmons 3) flair or 4) mick foley.
Why is WWE so focused about the GM role on SD! but haven't had a Raw GM for more than a year?

But anyway this is pretty bad. Vickie can't talk and really has no purpose on SD! but to exploit Eddie's name. It does freshen up things as Long has been GM for 2 years, but there are way more deserving canidates than Vickie.
I gotta admit theres basically no one here backing this idea that is a rumor. I have to say this will bring down Smackdown! by a lot as no on want to hear her talk. Anyways i see this hopefuly not as long term as my wish would b JBL as the man ad maybe bring Tazz back to Smackdown!
I agree with everybody else on this one, Vickie Guerrero does not belong near the ring, and should definently not be the new GM of SD!, I don't mind the fact that they want to bring in a new GM, but Vickie shouldn't be that person, not when they got JBL, Flair, Heyman, Bischoff, Foley, Shane, and even Stephanie, or how about this Idea, what better way to bring in ratings than to make Stone Cold the GM of SD!, people would tune in for sure if that would happen

Now back to Vickie, if WWE wants to give her a job, then thats fine, but they should give her something behind the scenes to do, she has no wrestling training and no acting ability and honastly is about one of the most talentless people on the SD! roster
this is a stupid idea for the most part but its not like the gm really does anything they just announce matches.they do need to switch things up on smackdown though.maybe since teddy long will be out he will manager henry when he returns.
I'm just glad they never went through with that Vickie/Rey idea. I can stand Vickie being on TV all the time, but when theyre screwing around with the whole Chavo/Rey/Benoit relationships, it gets a bit much. Ive got a feeling though, with the rumour of her getting Teddy Long "removed", theyve got plans for her to become a heel GM, although she's been presented somewhat as a face since she stopped managing Chavo.
i think i have an idea of how she is gonna get him fired. She is talking to teedy and she walks into him and she starts screaming saying he touched her private part. she goes to the board of directors they agree and hes fired
I like tha fact that Long is never on screen for a long time. He usually come's out make's his point and leave's. Unlike on Raw where the G.M. usually take's up half an hour of screen time.
It good be good but it could go very wrong because Vicky dosen't seem like the GM type. But it could be very suprising what matches she puts on the show.
It good be good but it could go very wrong because Vicky dosen't seem like the GM type. But it could be very suprising what matches she puts on the show.

She would'nt actually be making the match's, you know that right?

Personally I think it would be the worst decision ever. Her voice is more annoying than Steph McMahon's. And it would make Smackdown look more low rent. It's already regarded as the 2nd brand. If Raw got a new G.M. they would get somebody who can at least cut a decent promo.
I'd love to see bischoff go back to RAW as their GM. He was gold on the mic, and the thing is, he actually is good at creativity.
I don't really know but I'm thinking maybe this marriage storyline with Teddy and Kristal was made in order to put in a new GM of Smackdown. Maybe when Teddy went down with a "heart attack" during the wedding, it was meant to end his reign as Smackdown GM. Then again, I might be wrong and there might be more to this storyline than I thought or this really is the end of the storyline and Teddy comes back to be GM next week.

But in case my speculation is true, who do you think would be the next Smackdown GM? Also, who would you want to be the new Smackdown GM?
I think they just killed him off, and Vickie Geuerro is now going to take over as GM of SD!, I could be wrong but I remember awhile back that that was what the plan was, to someday make her the SD! GM, what would be interesting would be if this storyline turned out to be a murder plot, this how I would see that working out, Kristal gets with Teddy, then persudes him to fire Vickie as his number 2, then the two of them plot away to get Teddy out of the GM posistion so that Vickie can take over and have total control of SD!, this would ex[plain why Kristal ran away when Teddy proposed to her, then eventually excepted, Kristal and Vickie decide that Kristal should marry Teddy as part of their plan using it as a cover ten the day of the wedding they somehow poison Teddy causing him to have a heart attack during the wedding, now I doubt this is what WWE has planned, with all the negative light from the Benoit tragedy and what not, and even if that hadn't happened I don't think WWE creative is smart enough to think up something like that, but anyway I think they're going to go with Vickie as GM at least for awhile, then maybe do something else with the GM role
I think they just killed him off, and Vickie Geuerro is now going to take over as GM of SD!, I could be wrong but I remember awhile back that that was what the plan was, to someday make her the SD! GM, what would be interesting would be if this storyline turned out to be a murder plot, this how I would see that working out, Kristal gets with Teddy, then persudes him to fire Vickie as his number 2, then the two of them plot away to get Teddy out of the GM posistion so that Vickie can take over and have total control of SD!, this would ex[plain why Kristal ran away when Teddy proposed to her, then eventually excepted, Kristal and Vickie decide that Kristal should marry Teddy as part of their plan using it as a cover ten the day of the wedding they somehow poison Teddy causing him to have a heart attack during the wedding, now I doubt this is what WWE has planned, with all the negative light from the Benoit tragedy and what not, and even if that hadn't happened I don't think WWE creative is smart enough to think up something like that, but anyway I think they're going to go with Vickie as GM at least for awhile, then maybe do something else with the GM role

You basically hit the nail on the head. W.W.E. most likely won't go with a murder angle due to the Chris Benoit tragedy. I honestly think the day W.W.E. goes with a murder angle, will be the day they decide he's okay to induct in the Hall of Fame. Anyways, on-topic...

Vickie Guerrero has been pushed to be the main GM of Smackdown! for a while now, its been almost a year in the making. The original idea was for Teddy Long to be so wrapped up in his relationship with Krystal, that Mr. McMahon would see Vickie doing such a great job, & Long not taking enough responsibility.. that he'd fire Long & keep Vickie, only for Krystal to turn on Long as a big "master plan."

Now, with how SD! ended with Long having a heart attack, (or so they kept yelling back & forth) I can see them plotting some type of poison angle, but not to "kill" him. Or they could simply say Long's heart was filled with so much stress from all the interruptions that he just couldn't take it.

If they did say that, it'd basically do NOTHING for storyline, except for keep Vickie & Krystal face, as it'd be a way to get Long out while he heals, & then possibly have the girls go through a "power play" over time with them in time, turning heel & abusing their power. I think that might actually be what they'd do, now that I think about it. The only true question is, with a storyline mainly revolving around two females.. how do you end that feud? Have them wrestle.. I'd rather see another Batista v. Khali match, than see Krystal & Vickie put in some type of match as punishment for running SD with an "iron fist."

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