New SmackDown Announcer


Earth Born, HellBound said: is reporting that Mick Foley will debut on color commentary tonight at Backlash for Smackdown along with Michael Cole. Foley's first jump into the world of color commentary took place at the first ECW One Night Stand PPV back in June of 2005.

We reported on Friday that WWE had called Foley and wanted to bring him in to join the Smackdown announce team, replacing Jonathan "The Coach" Coachman.
What does everyone think of Mick Foley replacing Coach on SmackDown. I like it personally. I don't think Coach is as bad as everyone seems to think, but I think Foley will definitely bring some entertainment to the booth. He did a decent job at One Night Stand, and I can't wait to see where this goes.
I'm not a fan of Adamle, I'm not a fan of Tazz (though he looks good in comparison to Adamle, lol), I never liked JBL's "all I do is scream and badmouth Cole" version of "commentary", and Coach is mediocre but has no real emotion in his voice. Cole, he's no JR, but I think he's ok.

As far as Foley goes...I've never heard him do commentary, so I don't know if he'd be bad or not, but c'mon, he's Foley lol. Foley's the man, so he'll probably do a good job.

Also, and it hasn't been mentioned yet so maybe its just speculation on my part, I would assume that Coach would go back to being the General Manager of Raw, with Regal returning to the active roster.
To me this is a good move. Foley did well at One Night Stand. Not excellent, but definitely good. Not to mention, he actually has some credentials in the ring. Coachman, has he ever won a match? That's always been my issue with him. The idea of a color man and analyst is a good talker and a former good wrestler to do the analysis. Coach broke that mold, now Foley refills it. I'm all for it, as No Fate said, c'mon, it's Foley.
To me this is a good move. Foley did well at One Night Stand. Not excellent, but definitely good. Not to mention, he actually has some credentials in the ring. Coachman, has he ever won a match? That's always been my issue with him. The idea of a color man and analyst is a good talker and a former good wrestler to do the analysis. Coach broke that mold, now Foley refills it. I'm all for it, as No Fate said, c'mon, it's Foley.
Yes, he has. He has a pinfall victory over Tajiri. lol
NoFate007 said:
Also, and it hasn't been mentioned yet so maybe its just speculation on my part, I would assume that Coach would go back to being the General Manager of Raw, with Regal returning to the active roster.
I think that could be where they're going. I honestly hope it is, because I think they could do big things with Regal now that he's the King of the Ring. Coach was better suited for that role anyway.
I like the move. I hated Coach to begin with. I like his work when hes on air as a character but not as a announcer. As for Mick, its going to get over easily. I dont know many fans that hate Mick hes such a easy guy to like for how much hes done for pro wrestling. His stufvf wasnt bad at ECW ONS. But you have to remember Joey was doing the majoirty of the work, and Mick would give his input which will fit perfect for the job with Cole.
Coach lasted what 4 months? That’s longer than I expected. I don’t think he was as bad as some might say though (and he’s miles ahead of Adamle). He and Michael Cole just weren’t a good fit (they were both too straight-laced); they didn’t really have any chemistry. I expect Coach to resume his RAW duties soon with McMahon (who's been MIA lately).

Foley is an interesting choice. We know he can hold his own on the mic and his wrestling background garners him automatic credibility. I’m not sure what to expect from him though, as I’m used to always seeing/hearing him in “character”. If nothing else, I'm sure Foley can be counted on for some cheap laughs and general “good time” feel to the show. I think Foley can become like Lawler’s counterpart (the funny one) while Cole is JR’s counterpart (the serious one). I’m curious to see how this pairing plays out; I don’t think things can really get any worse at the announce table.
This is pretty awesome, even though I'm still not sure whether this is a one time only thing, but it seems to be permanent.
I always liked Foley, I have his books and so on so I'm really looking forward to seeing him (and hearing him, obviously) on a regular basis. He's probably gonna do a pretty good job, and he will probably be a better team with Cole than JBL/Cole (where JBL just talked trash all the time and Cole didn't defend himself or anything which got annoying) or Coach/Cole (where Cole always tries to build that tension between the play-by-play man and the color commentator that he had with JBL but Coach doesn't really respond to that).

Personally, I think this is a pretty big thing (well, probably because I'm a pretty big Foley fan) and I'm definitely looking forward to Backlash a whole lot more now.
Fuck yeah, that's all I have to say. Finally, the WWE gets one right when it comes to replacing announcers, hopefully they follow suit with Adamle really really quickly. Coachman always has been and always will be. I've never understood why they keep this guy around myself.

Foley finally adds what the WWE has been needing for a long time. A quality former wrestler that won't bore everyone to tears on commentaroy, ala JBL. Foley is a perfect fit. He's going to have catchy quirky statements and over all, he's a very intelligent guy that knows his stuff. Good call.
Foley is terrible as an announcer. The guy has never been able to do it. Some are great on the mic, yet can't talk for shit at a desk. He single handidely made the announcing at One Night Stand unbearable. He was being lazy that night. As he has become recently. And from the sounds of things he's being lazy tonight. If he can't muster up a bit of entuisiasm for PPV then I'm not very optimistic about Smackdown.

Still better than Coach though. Man he sucks. It's time WWE hired back the Road Dogg or Raven.
I really miss JBL, I think WWE should always have a Heel Color color commentator it is way more entertaining that way, I actually liked Raw when The King was more of a Heel type of color commentator when he use to always root for and make excuses for all the Heels

the problem with Coach is that they actually tried to make him a "Face" color commentator when he first started on Smackdown, WHY? I don't know, then all of a sudden they tried to switch him to a heel again, maybe he is headed back to Raw to replace Regal now as Assistant GM or what ever that role is, I hope so, I think Coach is good in that role but as play by play and color commentator... NO WAY!
You know I honestly don't know who i would have as commentator. I liked Tazz and as for JBL can't remember how good he was. I think i saw maybe a couple of Smackdowns with Coachman, and I thought it was not bad. Foley maybe good we will have to see. At least we have a wrestler as commentator.
Actually, i'm really excited about this turn of events. I gotta say, this is pretty badass. Coach got ditched for Mick Foley. Some may not find this to be a big deal, but I'm just tickled pink. Hold on, I think I just turned a little fruity. Anyway, Foley will bring logical commentation to the show, he'll be everything Vince will want in a commentator at this point because Mick has had to bend over backwards for Vince for years, but Foley will take control when he feels he can. He'll bring more tounge and cheek humor to the broadcast, which has been needed for a while.

I have never been a fan of Coach from the day he appeared on WWE programming, unless he was taking a bump. Ok there's been a lot of mediocre WWE commentators like Michale Hayes and Bill DeMott, but sticking Coach with Cole (who i personally don't like either) jus made me sick. As much as JBL seemed like an ass towards Cole, Tazz was pretty much the same except not as abusive, PLUS they were both right more often than not, the difference was was that Tazz is funny.

Now we have a humorous, credible colour commentator on SD! again and i actually sat down and watched the whole show from start to finish for the first time in months rather than just watch Afterburn or WWE Experience to see the highlights of the main event.

2 things tho:- hopefully Mick won't point out that he's not the Coach everytime he's on tv. As much as i hate Coach, it's still unprofessional in my view. 2nd is he REALLY impressed with EVERYONE on the SD! roster? Every match this week, he was impressed w/ someone's abilities, when Miz and Morrison seemed to be the only talent who deser ved such praise.
Foley seems ok, and i'm sure he'll improve as he gets more experience. Taz wasn't that great off the bat, but seems to have gotten better.

But related to an earlier point, it does seem as though WWE has dropped the whole face/heel commentating team altogether. king hasn't been a heel in a long time. taz used to be more heel oriented when he was on smackdown with cole but is more neutral now.

I don't think it's necessary for every show to have a face/heel team, but it does sometimes create more interesting discussions during matches.
I think this is an absolutely great move. I mean what fans that have been so for a while can't say that they are happy to see Mick back. He was one of the most over guys in his time and is still very entertaining when he comes in for the occasional angle. He won't be great in the beginning but I'm sure he'll be accepted more just because of who he is, and with time and experience he we probably be good.
This does go away from the traditional face/heel team which isn't as expressed as it used to be. But if you think about it...Jerry Lawler has been a face for years when he gets in the ring. He usually ends up defending the divas or J.R., and has done so for years. But when he called matches, he'd generally support the heel. A good example of that is when Triple H is a heel...King speaks highly of him and J.R. says he's a no good son of a b*tch. King doesn't really do that as much anymore, but def. still does..look at how he would support Orton during his reign for the most part.
So, anyway, great decision bringing Mick in, happy to have him back, and I'm excited to see how he does in the coming months.
I dont mind Coachman but I think pretty soon he was going to move on, I dont think WWE really had him as the next colour commentator after JBl I think they had him just to fill in. I think bringing in Mick is superb idea, pretty well known, a face commentator, a good one indeed and should bring some much needed life to Smackdown I hope!
I am for one glad that Coach is done with announcing.He was terrible at it.But good as a GM or something.Now they need to replace Adamlee with Joey Styles and put Joey back where he belongs.Then they should ship Foley,who by the way is great,to ECW and Tazz to SD.But I like having Mick as an announcer.He is great with his commentary and knows what he is talking about.It is great to have someone who has wrestling experience in the booth.Oh yeah so did Coach.He fought Tajiri once.

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