New Raw Theme (Love It/Hate It/Should Be Something Else)

Turd Ferguson

In some news that is sure to make XFear VERY happy...

-- Apparently, WWE no longer "wants to be loved" as they will be debuting a new opening video for Monday Night Raw next week.

Following Jamie Noble's bout with Sheamus on last night's show, Josh Matthews entered the ring to lead the crowd in screaming over and over. The ECW announcer said they were shooting footage of fans for a new Monday Night Raw opening video that will debut next week.

So far so good, I hated that Papa Roach song, and felt that song never really fit as being Raw's theme. However...

As reported this morning, WWE will be debuting a new opening video for Monday Night Raw on next week's show.

In an update, the new theme song for Raw will be "Burn It to the Ground" by Nickelback.
The song is also featured on the front page of WWE's corporate website.

So basically, the WWE picks a band that's on the same level with Papa Roach, and a song that talks about handles of whiskey, doing tequila shots, getting "batshit crazy" and "going all in, balls out" and "drinking everything in sight" and "getting shitfaced". I'm not really sure that really meshes with the PG rating they're trying to go for.

Not to mention I just really hate the song to begin with.

Your thoughts?

I am very happy to hear this.

Firstly, I was a big fan of the Papa Roach song "Wanna be loved" and I do think that it fitted in well with the Raw brand. However, I did feel that it had run it's course and that it was time for a change. Couple that with the change to the Smackdown theme being changed and you have a new theme song.

With the announcement that it is going to be Nickelback, I am ecstatic. I have made it very clear that I am a big fan of the band and have seen them live on many occasions. I like this song and I think that it will make a welcomed addition to the Monday night show. They may have better songs that would have fit but I am happy with the choice.

An added bonus is that XFear hates them and I love them... ;)
Wow... I've never gone from being so excited to being completely pissed that quick. They really are going from bad to worse with the theme song, and as GuyCompton pointed out, they're shooting themselves in the foot with the lyrical content. All they're trying to do is get on the side of the kids YET again by having this godawful crap as the theme. No disrespect to Dave, everyone is entitled to enjoy their own music but I just feel as though Nickelback are completely right (but in the same sense completely wrong) for Raw.

For the love of God, there was nothing wrong with Across The Nation, bring it back immediately.
That's pretty cool. I always liked that song, I had it as the theme song for one of my CAWs on Smackdown vs Raw. I think it'll fit RAW damn good, bout' time they go with a new theme song, To Be Loved is pretty terrible.
Christ, really? Fucking Nickelback? One of the most talentless group of hacks rock music has ever seen? They make Papa Roach look like The Beatles. My thirteen year old neighbor's "garage band" is more talented than those hacks.

Papa Roach's theme was shit, but this is even worse. Why does everything have to be set to some shitty modern rock band's music in the WWE now? It's bad enough that 99% of the themes sound like utter trash because of it, now we've got fucking Nickelback on Raw?

Unbelievable. Literally the worst band on the planet has just been chosen for this job. Well done Vince, really.
Burn it to the Ground is way better than Want to be Loved. To me I always felt that that song wasn't fit for a WRESTLING show. I mean what wrestler want to be loved?

I still think that they should've went with Monster by Skillet, the song they had for the HIAC PPV.
whoo!! I was wondering when they were gonna change it lol I liked the previous theme before papa roach. I forgot the band and song tho, but it was better. Raw hasn't changed their songs much whereas SD! is always changing.
So some people like the fact that the RAW theme song is being changed from "To Be Loved" by Papa Roach to "Burn It To The Ground" by Nickelback. Others hate it. So this is primarilay for those who hate it.

What song would you personally replace "To Be Loved" with?

I myself would change it to "I Don't Wanna Stop" by Ozzy Osbourne. I don't remember what PPV they used it for, but I just thought it would be a damn good song to kick off a wrestling show with.

There you go. What's your replacement?
Wow..fucking Nickelback. At least choose a band that actually likes their own music (its actually true they hate their own music, my brothers friends met them for some reason and partied with them, Nickelback told them there)

But anyways, seriously, this just sucks. The song sucks, for some reason I've heard it before i just looked it up, and i hate it. Like pick something good and not some shitty band like Nickelback or Papa Roach.

Good News though: To be loved is no longer the theme, they didn't pick the Jonas brothers or slipknot.
I don't know, I laways like To Be Loved by Papa Roach, I thought it was a great song by a decent group. Nickelback is okay (sorry X), but Burn It To The Ground isn't that good of a song and doesn't fit RAW at all. Not a good choice, but it really isn't something to get hyped about, it's just the theme song. Not like Funaki just won the Heavyweight Championship (which would be a big deal, a very big one).
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Raw is making a change, which is nice. A new video opening, and new music. Lets just hope the show is better now with the change. The old music didn't fit well IMO so we'll see what happens now. Hopefully this will mean Raw will get a little more risky.
Loved it, when they had " to be loved" which was great compare to the Nickleback's single. I was at a RAW taping before and whenever the intro WHOHOOO, we all went WHOOOHOOO. I like intro that we fans can interact with rather than just look at the screen.
I'll wait to see how they cut the original song up to decide if it sucks or not. The song has a catchy guitar riff, but the lyrics don't seem to fit with WWE PG. We'll see!

Disciple "Game On" would be very appropriate. It's hard, heart pounding, and void of cussing and drug references. Perfect for the PG Era. This song is very reminiscent of when Matt Cappotelli used tobyMac's "The Slam" during his stint in OVW. Both are mainstream Christian artists with the talent to pull off this kind of exposure. The song is a narrative about the reason to fight, very John Cena-ish. It's very general and applies to most every feud.
i think they should have went with "violence" by DOPE,anyway i like nickleback alot more than papa roach.
Not a huge fan of the Nickleback song, myself. But, I totally understand why they chose it.

It has the typical elements that WWE Production looks for in producing video packages. It has that opening guitar riff (which, I'm betting they'll use sped-up footage of the arena set up with the crowd arriving/leaving) and the general pace of music they use in most produced packages which allows them to insert images of the Raw roster along with images of fans screaming, pyro and the Raw logo in time with the music.

Don't like the song, but, the video product I expect will look great!

But, I gotta say, I love the current opening to SmackDown! Music and visually it looks and sounds GREAT! WWE Production did a helluva job with SmackDown's opening.

... and I've ALWAYS liked the current ECW opening.

Raw's opening WAS the weakest music wise and the video, while slick, just didn't do it for me. The theme was burned out, and I hope they revamp the graphics overall for Raw.

... now if they could just get rid of Kevin Dunn....
Hate Papa Roach, hate nickleback even more. What happened to that heavy shit they used to play like anthrax or union underground. These lame rock bands suck and they have to choose them to make the theme for their show called Raw, nickleback is anything but raw, they suck, their mainstream, talentless, jokes. They're a shell of what a real rock band is. Choose a band that has a raw, angry sound not some stupid ass pussy song by a fuckin band directing their music to the media.
In some news that is sure to make XFear VERY happy...

So far so good, I hated that Papa Roach song, and felt that song never really fit as being Raw's theme. However...

So basically, the WWE picks a band that's on the same level with Papa Roach, and a song that talks about handles of whiskey, doing tequila shots, getting "batshit crazy" and "going all in, balls out" and "drinking everything in sight" and "getting shitfaced". I'm not really sure that really meshes with the PG rating they're trying to go for.

Not to mention I just really hate the song to begin with.

Your thoughts?

I'm pretty sure they used this song for one of their PPV's during the past year.

But it is a great song. I have to agree that the lyrics will fit in perfectly with the WWE PG Era, though.:rolleyes:

I think it's a great song, personally, though.
I honestly think that its a good choice, better than Papa Roach's To Be Loved. Miss ECW being let the bodies hit the floor. Raw is goign to be a band that everyone knows like nickleback cause its for kids, tenns, and adults, they are not going to have some heavy shit that not everyone is going to enjoy. the are reaching out to a vast majority of us with this song. but there will always be someone with an opinon on how the songs sucxk
Personally, and feel free to call me crazy, but I like Nickelback. I think that WWE creative is just into the fast paced party rock theme and Nickelback fits that perfectly.. Personally, if it was up to me, I'd have picked this, but the PG rating kinda makes it null.

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I love the new theme, The lyrics do fit the content of raw's past though. It would be a pleasure to hear it every monday night.

But i agree with the RKO guy, The old Raw theme was badass. I loved the way it would start up slow and then start to build, Then finally explode in excitiment.
Burn it to the Ground is not a very nice theme at all. No one wants to see music which demoralizes excitement as the show begins. The theme should have stayed and the new one not even considered.

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