New Raw GM.


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Obviously going to be Flair. Ugh.:banghead: Next week is a 3 hour Raw, without a GM, Triple H returning, and its in Charlotte, NC? Clearly going to be Flair, and they're expecting everybody to go apeshit and be all surprised and happy about it. I couldn't be further from that.

Might as well call this thread "Ric Flair - New GM", but I figured if anybody had any other ideas, we can discuss it here.

Here's hoping Flair ISN'T the GM and just makes an appearance and gets his ass whooped - and HHH leaves again so we don't have to watch a stupid HHH/Orton feud suck up the airwaves for the millionth time.
Darn, I was hoping for Mike Adamle( Just Kiddin) but yea I agree with you and it wouldnt surprise me to see him screw Orton out of the title and favor people like HHH,MVP,Batista,Cena, etc. Although i dont think he would return this early. But knowing Raw anything is possible
It's a wonder as to who they'll make the Raw GM. Flair got owned all to hell by Orton last week, so I don't see Flair being GM...but if he is...I won't mind it as much as I minded Vickie. She was terrible.

Other prime candidates for the job...

Shane McMahon
Eric Bischoff
Stephanie McMahon
Dusty Rhodes

I'm seriously just throwing names out there. I mean, I have no clue who they'll go with.
I never looked at it but Flair is the prime choice. I wouldn't like it but he is the prime choice. Better than Vickie or Adamle at least. If it happened to be Eric Bischoof or Shane McMahon I'd mark out like crazy, especially for Bischoof. He was the ultimate GM to me. He made great matches, has a great TV personality, always could draw heat, which in turn draws ratings, and it was just interesting with him around. He could actually step in the ring from time to time and I enjoyed his fueds with Stone Cold, Cena, and the like. And the occasional surprises, Like RAW Roulette, that's some good stuff there. I wish he would've never left. But yeah, although ol' Eric is the best choice, it'll prolly be Flair for the obvious reasons mentioned above, that The Game's back, there in Charlotte, 3-hour event. But oh well, like I said, better than Vickie.
This one hasn't been thrown out there yet and I highly doubt it will happen but what about Steve Austin. Austin has said he wouldn't mind a non wrestling role in the company why not bring him in. It would be a great curveball that no one would expect and would for sure increase the sinking ratings were getting now. I know it's wont happen but I sure as hell would mark out if Creative could pull this one out!
I have a feeling that everyone else is right on target. Ric Flair is looking to return to television, so this will probably be how they do it. It isn't in the ring, like he may want to, but it's as close to it as he is going to get.

At the same time, I hate the choice of Flair as GM. Been there. Done that. All we are going to get is a bunch of strutting, and a bunch of "Wooooooos!" every single week. The same shit we've seen for years from him.

I really think its time for Shane McMahon to be given the position. Former wrestlers just don't cut it. I know a lot of people are fans of Regal, but he didn't cut it either, as far as I'm concerned. Personally, I think they should just do away with the GM concept altogether, but if they don't and want to continue it, I think Shane is the best choice.

I am glad that Vickie, according to the Newsboards, is leaving the company. They should have given her the boot from television a long time ago. However, it took her to actually hand in her notice in order for them to do it. It's amazing, as she only works TV tapings and one PPV a month as it is, and that apparently is still not enough time for her to be with her kids, the other 6 days of the week.
I'm actually stumped. Shit... I'm actually stumped as to who the new GM will be... seriously.

I agree that Flair is the obvious leading candidate, but in the past 24 hours, there have been so many unpredictable outcomes... I'm really not sure at this point.

So many unanswered questions and so many different ways they could go.

I'm really going to have to give this one some thought :scratchchin:
Well with the rumors of Ric Flair re-signing with them and Raw being in Charlotte, North Carolina next week then I think it is the only obvious choice seeing as how they can't just put some nobody in the position of General Manager even though they truly don't have any powers at all.

I really don't think that Ric Flair as GM is the right choice because he just doesn't look like GM material in my opinion and I just can't picture him doing the job of general manager. I didn't buy it the first time around and I won't buy it the second time around. People will probably like him as general manager for a few weeks but after a while it will get stale with him just doing Woo's and doing his little strut. I really do think the GM role should go to someone else like Shane McMahon or maybe even Stephanie. I wouldn't mind either one of them as general managers as I think they do a good job in that position and they can be taken serious as authority figures.
Ok, so everyone thinks that after a severe beatdown by Orton, and a punt to the head thats put out much younger and bigger guys out for long periods of time, that Flair will return after a 2 week hiatus? I've been watching wrestling for almost 20 yrs, that would make me consider not watching wwe anymore.
it will be Flair sadely. this repulses me as i think Eric or Austin would be great for this role. but i will throw a curve and say it is Adamle. he is not gone yet to tell the truth and said he would like to give it another shot so this is where they will go.
When Vickie resigned, Adamle was honestly the first guy that came to mind. Not Flair, not Regal, not Austin, not Bischoff, that's right, Mike Freaking Adamle. And after pondering it, I still think he is going to the be the guy. That or Teddy Long fills in until a GM is named.
What about Shawn Michaels. He has held non wrestling roles in WWE before. He has been out for a while and it could build him up for another brilliant match at WM next year. Probably won't happen but if it does you heard it here first. ;)
I think the Million Dollar Man should be the new GM, it is someone new for a change... He gets to call Raw , the Million Dollar Show.. Can help push his son, bring back the Million Dollar Championship.. and best of all, can "buy" appearances from brand superstars for his show.
While i agree that it'd be a bit of a letdown to have Flair as GM, i'm not that against it. i mean he's good on the mic, he supposedly needs the money, and its not like the guy is busy is he?

I dont think there is a chance that Eric Bischoff will return to WWE, considering that he is loyal to Hogan, and there were all those problems with the CCW using the "Beefcake" name last year.
Steph i don't see coming back because of the whole Orton thing.
Shane: see Steph
Adamle wasn't as bad as he got credit for, but i don't see him coming back either. i think he's all bitter toward WWE
Flair seems likely but i think he wants to WRESTLE which means GM will just be a tease and i don't think Ol Ric likes teases.
that really leaves Dusty for me. that'd be pretty good. like Flair he's good on the mic so that would be good.
if WWE wanted to go really crazy why not just not have a GM? not letting the inmates run the asylum but go back to the days that a GM or Commisioner or whatever you want to call the authority wasn't around and the show just happend without us having to be told about it by some "narrator" now that would be fresh.
Yeah, all signs point to WWE pulling Ric Flair to make him a GM, which for me, I don't see how the WWE will make it entertaining.

Wow... I never thought I'd say I wouldn't find Ric unentertaining, but right now, he's kind of in a no-win position. I still have yet to see a GM that has gotten over as a face. For whatever reason, it doesn't seem WWE fans like faces at the top of their organization of their wrestling programs. No, what typically works best for the WWE is to have a heel GM, or to have a GM that is non-partisian.

I would absolutely love William Regal to become GM again. I don't know about y'all, but I found his run as GM extremely entertaining. He actually used his authority in an innovative matter, with such things as blacking out Raw, or using stipulations to fit his own desires. And William Regal plays the role of an authority figure so well, that I'd love if he became GM again.

Or, another choice I wouldn't exactly mind is Teddy Long. At least he's competent, and knows what he's doing. He actually makes for great slogans, too, and I find him to be a somewhat compelling character.

But to answer the matter.... yes, it'll be Ric.
Anyone remember last time Flair was the GM? Pre Evolution? I do and it wasn't a very good. Don't get me wrong Flair is great, but the combination of Flair, Triple H and Batista on Raw again, Boooooooring. Evolution 2.0, but this time have them all be faces? It'll be like the second run of HBK and Triple H as D-Generation X, boring.

They need to mix things up, new story lines, fueds, and angles.
Triple H should of stayed off TV for at least until Summer Slam.
Batista should not of won Sunday, he should of lost, again, went out with an injury again, and been off TV forever, fire him asap.
Theres also the subject of Cena, how many times in the next 3 months will we see him beat the Big Show?
Theres young frest talent that needs pushed. MVP, Matt Hardy, the Miz, and Kingston.
Ric Flair makes TOO MUCH sense....and with the way WWe09 has went so far, that would mean this is not gonna happen. It's about time Vince goes into his pocket of tricks and bring in someone unexpected. Especially with the main event being a weird influx of injuries and staleness, and a newfound plan to focus more on in-ring wrestling, this is a chance for something new...
I dont think flair should be gm it would stuff up orton and no one stuffs up orton. i reckon either vince, shane or hbk they would all be good.
I think Mr. McMahon should take back the boss role on Raw. Smackdown and ECW are fine with their General Managers. Leave the "A" Show to the boss.

It's been a good while since McMahon was completely running things. He wouldn't have to be all over the storylines, just step in and make rules and matches ever so often.
I do not see a problem with it going back to Steph.
Vickie orginally was only meant to be interim RAW GM. Honestly I thinkSteph is more likely to return to the top role.

Flair would be horrible as GM. I honestly am so tired of this evolution mashup at the top of Raw it has taken it down signficantly. At least with Smackdown you can se potential new challengers to the WHC belt in ones like Punk, Hardy, Benjamin and now faster than ever Morrison. On Raw its the same old same old which will ultimately end in the mormal ending 'Triple H vs .....' for the WWE Championship at Wresltemania. Flair would only make it staler. If its Flair I turn off.

Bischoff is never go to happen and Regal is far better a wrestler than a GM

Long is safe on Smackdown.

This one might be a long shot but maybe a return to the WWE for a man I thought was always destined to be a GM.... John Bradshaw Layfield. He would draaw loads of heat and at least he wouild not be challenging for any titles as he is now retired.

i have an awful feeling if its none of the above they will give it to....Chavo Guerrero as some of his influence in the last few weeks has indicated he might just have been being groomed.

There does not seem to be anyone else in the fray.
I think the new gm of raw will be triple h cause after what orton did to his family and friends trips will appoint himself gm of raw and make sure orton never holds a title again.He would give raw ratings but in the process help out the young lions off the locker room cause Steph wants to go foward not backward. Trips, Cena, or Orton as WWE Champ would be takin 2 steps back. Hopefully they decide 2 give MVP a push to become WWE Champ cause he desrved 2 be world champ b4 punk or swagger. So hopefully Porter becomes champ and Trips becomes GM. Trips as GM would test the water for him after he retires from in ring competition whenever that happens. Trips as GM & MVP as WWE Champ would be a good move IMO. So WWE Plz do the right thing & not screw up things.

Next WWE Champ= MVP
Well obviously Austin is out because of movies. Easy E is out due to all the heat that Celebrity Championship Wrestling caused between him and Vince, allbeit indirectly....well, there's a slight chance of him gettng the job, but it's really slight. Shane'O would be good, but I don't see it happening due to his corporate schedule. Plus, I really want to see this McMahon/HHH/Legacy thing over with, just like the Big Show/Cena thing. Adamle would be just too damn funny. He did hint on a sports show that he was ready for a return. Ugh. Let's hope not. With Ric Flair, you'd get a guy with on-screen GM experience, both in wcw and wwe, and you'd get Ric Flair. I mean yes he's 60, and yes he's got a new slurr to his promos and less hair with those same promos, but he's still the man. IF he calms down a bit, and this whole strange fued with Orton blows over, then I think Flair would be a good choice. But only for the summer. I don't like Flair being in charge for too long. I mean RAW needs someone who's contravesial, someone who makes the entire show go. Not just the parts with the main-event guys, but everyone. Remember back in the day when Regal was commissioner? He had a friggin desk! I want to see some of that. Wrestlers coming in demanding matches for titles, wanting revenge. Finding out they'll get it if they wrestle a set-up match first. Man, I long for wwe December 1999-March 2001. Dest damn time for the company since 1987-1993. Oh, what about Vince? I mean maybe he could do it? I dunno. Oh hell, how about Shawn Michaels? lol...we got a week...
I think they should make Orton the GM. Think about it, he can come out after every match and cut a promo, put himself in every title match, vacate all the belts and award them to Legacy, put HHH and Batista in lots of three on one handicap matches then Cena can come and beat him and there are a million threads created called "Stop shoving Cena down our throats, we want more Orton".

Erm, it will probably be Flair unfortunately, like you said. No one will give a shit, and it won't last long. It has to be a heel, it's always better as a heel so that will make it definitely a face. Stephanie and Flair are the favourites. Oh, and next week they will tease Santino and Hornswoggle as the GM for a laugh.
I think I might just be the most blind Wrestling fan there is. :lmao: I honestly didn't even think of Flair, until I read NoFate mention Raw being in Charlotte next Monday - in need of a new General Manager.

I actually was thinking more along the lines of Flair somehow getting involved in the actual Championship match - then (while it's highly unlikely) actually WINNING the Championship to become a 17 time World Heavyweight Champion, only to lose it to Orton at The Bash.

Flair as General Manager makes more sense than Flair as your next Heavyweight Champion, however both are thoughts to give process to.

Personally, I thought about Eric Bischoff, or even (yes, honestly) Mike Adamle. Bischoff would own - Adamle would just be a filler. But I had one final option/thought as well.

What if Raw just stated without a General Manager for a couple months again? Remember the last time this happened? Raw's ratings went up, didn't they? The Inmates (Heels, mainly) started raising all kinds of hell.. and the Faces stood up to them, but each week was something new and entertaining.

It honestly seems, without someone in charge - things are more entertaining. So I say, fuck a new GM, who needs one. Not Raw.
Fuck Flair. The guy can't talk for shit. There's no need for another GM. Everybody knows that Vince runs the show. All that's needed is for Cole to state that and we're sorted.

Raw GM's always take up a lot more air time than they need to. If they insist on one then just bring in Teddy Long. In and out without interrupting the flow of the show.

That, or Hornswoggle.

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