New Raw GM.

I have to agree with Paradox that it would kill the credibility of the orton punt if they named Flair just 2 weeks after he got the boot to the skull. Don't forget on top of the ones you mentioned that HBK was out 5 months and RVD never came back.

But if it is Flair, I would love to see a twist to it.....He be pro-orton. He gets so enraged by Batista treatment of him that he switches to orton's side. He lumps the likes of HHH and HBK in with Batista thinking they all think he is over the hill.
I really hate the idea of Flair being GM for most of the reasons listed. Let him go to Ring of Honor, or TNA or wherever. His time is done and the impact he would have on those promotions would be marginal at best. So let him go, simple as that.

Now as far as who should the next Raw GM be? Well I would love for them to scrap the concept all together, but I doubt that will happen. It would probably be a heel since Smackdown has a face GM, so my personal choice would be Bishcoff. By far the best on camera GM they've had. I doubt that will happen based on the whole CCW thing, so who else?

JBL-A recent departure that many fans would still recognize. Great mic skills and I never could stand him in a good way. Meaning he got the heat necessary for this role.

Randy Orton-No chance in hell I know, but this would be an AWESOME swerve. Orton is out of the Fatal Four way due to the beatdown HHH gave him. Vince comes out and BLAMES HHH for the mess Orton caused. "You couldn't take him out, You couldn't protect my daughter," so on and so forth. "You caused my family hell now I'm going to give you your personal hell," and he names Orton GM. It would be temporary of course but it would turn Vince heel again, freshen up a fued that WWE seems to not to be able to let go, and would turn HHH back into "a man versus the power" which WWE fans love. Like I said no chance in hell but I would love to see it.

Matt Striker- Great mic skills, can generate the heat. He's being wasted as a commentator. They don't want him in the ring that's fine, but I think he'd make a great heel GM.

Anyway, those are my humble thoughts.
I think Flair is a bit too obvious, especially for "smart" fans. It seems like he's trying to boost ratings, and, even though Flair is a God on the mic, I can't see it.

Problem is, I cannot think of who else it could be right now. I hope, pray and grovel that it's NOT going to Chavo! I think it would be interesting to just get Vince to come back and take charge. Stephanie would be old news, as would Regal. But, Vince has proven he can draw. I, personally, would find Raw FAR more entertaining with Vince there every week.

Man, I wish Foley or Bischoff could be tapped, but that's not happening. :(
I think Roddy Piper could be a good GM if its not Flair. He has been pretty much gold on the mic all the one shot appearances his done in the last few years. He could be funny and serious when needed if he wants to come back as a regular.

Chavo Guerrero could be a possibility as he was with Vicki all the time and they could say he knows what to do with a GM. Although it probably wouldn't work out well and they want him to wrestle.

I didn't mind Adamle if they tweaked his character. I liked the sort of smartass, sly heel they were going with for a while when he was there. And he has natural heat like Vickie already. I was hoping he was gonna turn heel on Stephanie...

Maybe Regal? He was doing ok as GM before he got into trouble with the wellness violations. Maybe he's too much of a risk for it now and they want him to only wrestle.

Austin/Bischoff/Heyman/Cornette..People that you might wish for but it will never happen..

I hope it's not just Linda/Vince/Shane/Stephanie returning. They should pull a suprise on this one.
Like many others I would say the early favorite would be Flair. However, I don't think he would work well since you need someone who has balance, or a heel. Flair would have to be like his old self with Evolution, or be like Teddy Long when he was first GM of Smackdown. Of course since he is the early favorite Raw will probably surprise us with something else like Steph.
To bail them out of the situation, WWE chose to have Triple H return a little earlier than planned to keep things going heading into The Bash PPV.
trips came back to replace batista so my guess is that with hhh coming back, that means one of the McMahons will come back(most likely stephanie)

however, ric flair said this a while ago in an interview

"I announced I would be leaving them (ROH) last week at the Philadelphia show because it would be on HDNet (cable TV) and I felt it wasn't right for me to be appearing (on TV) for the WWE and ROH while singing the praises of both."

She asked if any pressure was brought by the WWE to quit ROH. "None whatsoever," Flair said. "The decision was mine alone. Nothing against ROH, but I decided you can't serve two masters, and my loyalty lies with the WWE. I feel very comfortable being there."

so my guess is that what he meant by saying that " appearing (on TV) for the WWE and ROH while singing the praises of both." didn't mean only calling our randy orton to get punted in the head the next week so my guess is, yes, it will most likely be ric flair since as it was mentioned on WZ, next week's 3 hour RAW will be in his home town so all we do is wait.
I was thinking. They should make Shane the new GM, but with a twist. He could stay face for a little bit, and then, JOIN LEGACY! Shane is 4th generation, and he would fit in.

Now, you've got your heel GM back, and a possible storyline with the rest of the McMahons. Later, tension between Orton and Shane could build, with Shane saying he's 4th generation and should lead Legacy. Possible Orton face turn?

I think Raw needs a heel GM. Babyfaces need it to seem like the world/company is against them. They appear more heroic when they beat the odds, and the heels become bigger scumbags because it seems the company is on their side.

I think Shane to Legacy would be great and unexpected, after all the shit Orton put the McMahons through. This would also be a good reason to get HHH and Vince involved.
Wow, really, all this Flair hate? why?

Like fuck he cant cut a promo. he cuts a fine one, very logical, just the way a crazy ass old drunk would cut one. I love them. He fucks up consistently, and says odd, funny things. Act like the unintential comedy scale wont be sky high.

I dont get all the shane and steph love here. They both couldnt BE more bland, and on RAW, the GM is a tv character, unlike SD and ECW. Im not trying to have Shane or Steph lull me to sleep every week. Ill be fine with Flair, and his antics.
There is one scenario not mentioned so far, that I think is most likely...

Flair is back to wrestle... because the new GM said he could...Shawn Michaels...

If Flair is gonna wrestle, its gonna be for Vince and WWE... if the only man who can "allow it!" is Shawn, then it has to be him as the GM to make the match...

My leftfield swerve would be Ricky Steamboat... If any GM is gonna let flair wrestle again it'll be Steamboat, as long as its against him!

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