New Idea for a bad ass stable in WWE


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was thinking about an Idea for a new stable that really hasn't been done in wrestling before. What I was thinking would be an alliance between the 3 top champs in WWE. The stable would be the WWE champion, The World Heavyweight Champion, and the ECW Champion. They would be aligned with each other and be the most dominant stable around. They would have to be heels and kind of like the 4 horsemen, interfere in each other's matches in order to keep their positions at the top. THere would have to be at least a 4 or 5 month period where all three belts are controlled by this super group. The group could be called "CHIMERA", the three headed monster. It would give whoever is the ECW champion a huge rub and make that title look almost as legit as the WWE title or WHC. The champs would appear on whichever show they choose which could make things interesting. Scenarios like Edge interfering to help Swagger keep his title or something like that. Also to add to it two of them could win the tag titles as well.

One Possible scenario would be Orton as WWE champion, Edge as World Heavyweight Champion, and Jack Swagger as ECW champ. This would work since Edge and Orton have history with eachother and would help get Swagger over massively if he was aligned with the two top heels in WWE. IT would probably work best if one guy wins his title first and then a shortly after the two other guys win their title on the same night and after they all helped eachother win their titles, they cut a promo calling themselves Chimera, the three headed monster and the most dominant stable in the history of wrestling. Idk, what do you think of this idea? Could it work or does it suck anus?
First, in reply to your idea...I think a cool idea would be to take the three heels like you said, Swagger, Orton, and Edge. And then about a month into it, have Rated RKO start to get annoyed at Swagger, who starts making them look bad. At a PPV, like Summerslam, have Rated RKO come out during his match with somebody like Finlay or Christian, and cause them to win and become the new ECW champion. And then they new champ walks away stunned and Swagger gets an RKO for his trouble.
Then, on Raw the next night, Christian comes down and adresses the fans, talking about how he is going to react to Rated RKO. He says he didn't need their help, and he wants to see them in the ring, tonight, in a tag team match against them...and his John Cena. Christian and Cena win by DQ when Swagger comes in and beats down Christian. RKO makes the save and Edge drops him with the spear. Cena/Christian stare down Rated RKO. Out of nowhere Christian hits the Killswitch on Cena, and the new evolution of your Chimera thing is born, with Christian, Edge, and Orton, giving the group even more chemistry.

I still doubt that would ever happen in the WWE. But whatever. It's cool regardless.
wow the Idea of chrstian, edge, and orton together really intrigues me.. you got the edge n christian tag team but you also got team rated RKO. the possibilities. but just to add on to this idea, i like team priceless there as the Dominate tag team wining the unified tag title and this group could and would have it all. eventually rhodes and/ or debiase will also capture the ic or us title. its really just an expansion of legacy but still it 'd keep me entertained.. not sure what to call this dominate group but they would kick ass and they would rule all of wrestling.
I like this idea alot with the stable of Edge, Orton, Christain, and Priceless as the most dominate stable ever with all of the gold. The storylines are almost endless. Too bad WWE doesn't hire some of us as the writers. But, then again, Vince would probably just shoot it all down. But, if it were up to me, I'd say go for it.
having edge & christian together plus orton and legacy as one stable could be huge, it would create an interesting dynamic for a survivior series match as they would be a legitamate stable instead of teams just thrown together like they are now.

im not sure how it would work with them being on other brands unless they pull the ecw talent swap card, keep orton and edge on raw n smackdown edge on smackdown n have christian n legacy wrestle mainly on ecw.

randy could be wwe champ, edge could be world heavyweight champ, christian couold be ecw/ic/us champ n rhodes n dibiase could be unified tag champs

thats a shitload of gold and one dominant stable
Yeah, when I saw the name of this thread, I said to myself "let's see what this crappy idea is", but I actually like it... I just don't know if the average wrestling fan is going to really get the whole "chimera" thing. Not that I can think of a better name... I really think that Swagger could use a rub from these top guys, and maybe pick up some better mic skills as well. He could definately fit in with Orton and Edge IMO. I don't know what this does to Legacy though (despite the nice idea of including Priceless as undisputed tag champs). Good post!
I would like to see this idea done, but not with Orton and Edge. Reasons being that Orton has a cool stable on the horizon. I mean right now it seems like crap, but Evoltuion didn’t smell like roses when it first started. Edge wouldn’t be in the mix as Edge sucks in stables. I mean the brood was good, but went wrong once in the Ministry and then the Edgeheads couldn’t get over and La Familia was just plan awful. Some people are born to be part of groups like Triple H (DX, Corporation, Corporate Ministry, McMahon-Hemesly Faction, Two Man Power Trip, & Evolution), and Edge is not one of those guys. Plus Edge has that “Me, Me, Me,” attitude that doesn’t work with stables. I would like to see it done with Chris Jericho, Jack Swagger, and Shawn Michaels as heels. HBK needs to turn heel as this face crap has gone on too much. Then they can call it the “Trinity.” Jericho the World Champion, Swagger the ECW Champion, and Michaels the WWE Champion. Gives the group the past, present and future look to it. Plus Swagger could be the breakout star who turns on one champion and wins their belt.
randy could be wwe champ, edge could be world heavyweight champ, christian couold be ecw/ic/us champ n rhodes n dibiase could be unified tag champs

thats a shitload of gold and one dominant stable

Rhodes can be US champ, DiBiase can bring back the Million Dollar, and a third (DH Smith?) can be IC. Priceless can be tag champs on top of that. I always like when stables have all the gold.

The only problem with this is that Edge and Christian have no need joining with Legacy, and if they want to make a big stable they'd have to drop the Legacy name and aura.
I like the idea I just don't like the name don't know why either I guess because I can't really see Orton or Edge calling a group they are a part of something like that ya know.

And just a quick question sense every champion has to lose their belt every now and again, would the group stay together if they all lost their titles to try and help get them back or would that be the end of it? I'd still like to see it though lol
I really like the idea of pinning these guys together, but what is their gimmick? I'm a little sick of stables - simply for the fact that they serve no unique purpose anymore. Its just a case of putting 2 to 3 guys together and that's where the creative process ends. They do what they would do anyways but now they move in a pack.

I personally, and not to sound like a stereotype fanboy here, was very taken by the Age of the Fall stable in ROH. It's fallen apart and lost its original meaning since Gabe Sapolsky was removed which is a shame as it had so much potential - but this was a perfect example of something compelling and unique. And we all know the WWE and the wresting industry in general needs something fresh

The gimmick of The Age of the Fall was basically 'Fight Club'. Strip your life down to its most fundamental elements and serve not yourself but a cause. You become selfless in your commitment to a greater good and fear nothing. Past all the bullshit meaning behind it all though, its a great gimmick. I would love to see Orton, Christian and Edge just running an absolute muck as this sick sadistic trio just out to make everyone feel their pain. They don't need gold, they don't need fame... but they need control, and they need power. They have won titles, they have been to the top and back again, they have done it all but still they feel empty inside. They seek contentment but can't seem to find it. They are here for all the people who cannot find a purpose for themselves. Their purpose is to hurt others and in doing so find enlightenment.

Much like the ROH angle, they could also book this as a legitimate move for social revolution. A page right out of Fight Club but it worked so well and gave rise to what I would call the most compelling promos in professional wrestling since Raven in ECW. It would be an awesome marketing tool for the WWE too. This group could become so bad and so dominating that they actually become cool and subsequently develop a cult-like following of people that just want to see the unique brand of violence, blood and gore that they provide.

Stealing an idea I know but it would be so cool. The mix of these three guys and this concept would work great in my opinion. Some of the best heels in the game and also the best mic workers in the company - which is necessary in a gimmick like this which is very promo intensive. For this same reason - Jericho would also work great in this role.

Also love the name, which again fits well with the gimmick - Chimera. Another name I had been thinking of was "Hellequin". This works on two levels. It is the derivative of Harlequin - a mute character in pantomime - going back to the communication of an abstract message of violence and brutality. It is also the name of the leader of a legendary troop of demon horsemen.
I was thinking about an Idea for a new stable that really hasn't been done in wrestling before. What I was thinking would be an alliance between the 3 top champs in WWE. The stable would be the WWE champion, The World Heavyweight Champion, and the ECW Champion. They would be aligned with each other and be the most dominant stable around. They would have to be heels and kind of like the 4 horsemen, interfere in each other's matches in order to keep their positions at the top. THere would have to be at least a 4 or 5 month period where all three belts are controlled by this super group. The group could be called "CHIMERA", the three headed monster. It would give whoever is the ECW champion a huge rub and make that title look almost as legit as the WWE title or WHC. The champs would appear on whichever show they choose which could make things interesting. Scenarios like Edge interfering to help Swagger keep his title or something like that. Also to add to it two of them could win the tag titles as well.

One Possible scenario would be Orton as WWE champion, Edge as World Heavyweight Champion, and Jack Swagger as ECW champ. This would work since Edge and Orton have history with eachother and would help get Swagger over massively if he was aligned with the two top heels in WWE. IT would probably work best if one guy wins his title first and then a shortly after the two other guys win their title on the same night and after they all helped eachother win their titles, they cut a promo calling themselves Chimera, the three headed monster and the most dominant stable in the history of wrestling. Idk, what do you think of this idea? Could it work or does it suck anus?

Make the ECW champ to be Christian and call it the triple alliance lol! Its a great concept, and it could be used in that "Superstars show" WWE is creating..great idea regardless! But who would feud against them, a team of faces? These 3 are world champs..this isnt Evolution you had a world champ, a secondary champ, and tag champs..this is different...
as much as I'd like to see Edge and Christian back together in a very well thought out stable group, the big booking roadblock in ECW right now is the proposed future Face/Heel ratio.

Faces: Finlay, Christian, Evan Bourne, Ricky Ortiz, Tommy Dreamer & DJ Gabriel

Heels: Jack Swagger, Mark Henry, Tyson Kidd, Paul Birchall, John Morrison, and Mike Mizanian

With only 12 wrestlers on the roster, even one cross-over is not helping the booking staff.

They really need to decide what they're doing with this Tommy Dreamer thing first. Is he serious in his appeal to the booking committee? I seem to remember an interview with Tommy saying he never wanted to win the ECW Championship (in reference to his win back in 2000) and wanted his character to be the perennial loser that was always honest about it. It wouldn't surprise me if his retirement was a losing effort for the ECW Championship.

With the loss of one of the "Upper Card" wrestlers on ECW (Christian, Tommy or Bourne, maybe Finlay), neither Gabriel or Ortiz are quite ready to step up. Likewise, who of the heels could you turn face? Split up Miz and Morrison? That'd kill Miz's career. Swagger? Henry? Birchall? Maybe Tyson Kidd, but that would be detrimental to Hart Foundation 2: Electric Bugaloo (Ok, I know it's really Hart Foundation 4: Electric Bugalour, but that's not as funny).

It just seems like a non option now. You'd have to bring in superstars from Raw and Smackdown to make it work. Maybe Chavo, Funaki, Jamie Noble, Gregory Helms (no more cruiserweight title), Khali, Kendrick, Haas, Dolph Ziggler, and Sim Snuka could use an ECW reboot.
I am against Christian being in the stable because the point of this would be to give the rub to the ECW title and the champion. Christian is established and doesn't really need a rub like this. He would be better suited as the guy chasing after one of the titles. Thats why I chose Swagger for the role because his career would greatly benefit from the rub. Just look what Evolution did for Batista. Without that rub he could have basically been Matt Morgan. Also I guess the stable doesn't have to have Edge and Orton I just used them as an example because they are the top two heels. I like the idea of having Jericho and Michaels as two heel champs because then Swagger could fill the role of enforcer and since both Michaels and Jericho are great on the mic it would help Swagger out because they would help get him over.

Also I was thinking of their gimmick being that of extremely high class sort of like Main Event Mafia. They would arrive to the arena wearing Armani suits and shit and roll up in a stretch Hummer. They would also have to have the most kick ass theme music for their group.
wow the Idea of chrstian, edge, and orton together really intrigues me.. you got the edge n christian tag team but you also got team rated RKO. the possibilities. but just to add on to this idea, i like team priceless there as the Dominate tag team wining the unified tag title and this group could and would have it all. eventually rhodes and/ or debiase will also capture the ic or us title. its really just an expansion of legacy but still it 'd keep me entertained.. not sure what to call this dominate group but they would kick ass and they would rule all of wrestling.

It's not exactly what you're dreaming of, but didn't we have a stable like this a few years back - Evolution ??

HHH held the heavyweight title, while Flair and Batista wore the tag belts, and I believe (but don't hold me to this) Orton carried the IC strap for a bit - all at the same time.

IMO it worked well back then, so why not try it again ??!!
I like teh ideal, alot. the name though is a problem. i would look back to when edge and christian were first starting out in scott damores company. Sex and Violence. It fits with their charactes with Edge being teh rated R superstar and Orton being booked as a violent psycho. Also because Christian is realtively good look he would fit as well.
Why is everyone ragging on the name Chimera? How many people on this board actually know what the Chimera is?
And these guys could fued againt hhh and Cena right. Could lead to new things like maybe a championship match at mania between Cena and Edge or hhh and Orton. Man why didnt the WWE think of something like this! It the same old boring fueds- same faces and same heels- who cares if they tag up and cut promos together?
Why is everyone ragging on the name Chimera? How many people on this board actually know what the Chimera is?

That’s why people hate the name, they don’t know what it is. The average wrestling fan is a dumb redneck with no high school education so they would have a clue of what a Chimera is. Hell think of the people who didn’t get the name Evolution. I was one of the dumb people at that time who thought it was a dumb name and didn’t make sense.
An amazing stable should really consist of at least 2 guys on the same page. I personaly think that the best stables that can be made now are as follows...

Edge and Chris Jericho - Admit it, they would make such a diabolical duo. The two most kniveing, dirty, most hated guys by the majority of fans. Not to mention they are my 2 favorite wrestlers in the whole buisness.

Matt Hardy and Christian- They are always the overlooked ones by the fans Jeff is better than matt, edge is better than christian no buts about it. So they could form an alliance , not to say edge and jeff would form one , but they could completley take it to their betters and show the fans whose boss.
I don't like the idea of splitting up priceless. In my opinion they are all going to be stars.

I came up with the idea of getting DH Smith involved. Now he'd come up and join legacy, then Tyson Kidd and Nattie Neidhart and possibly even Teddy Hart of WWE would bring him back. Now the storyline would be have DH Smith decide if he wants to go with faamily or success. You could bring in some members of the original hart foundation, and pricelsess's dads, and it could become a huge storyline, making Tyson Kidd and DH stars of the future. What do you think?
I like it, that stable could actually work.

I have another idea for a stable
At the draft Jericho and Christian get drafted to Smackdown.
Then Christian turns heel and alligns himself with Jericho. Then Edge joins the group and Maryse becomes Edge's Girlfriend. It would be a heel Canadian stable

Chris Jericho
Not a bad idea at all. I would go a different route though. I would have Edge, Christian, and Jericho. They have all indirect history as well. Orton has Legacy.
I think John Cena should align himself with Kahli, then from there they acquire Mark Henry, Big Show, and Kane and from there the five of them can call themselves the Five Move Crew. Because they all have a bout five moves each in there aresnal and really that's it so it would work perfectly for them!
I don't see Orton leading another stable besides Legacy which I think will be firmly entrenched for a while as Rhodes and Dibiase develop. I think somehow Christian will end up back with Edge because since Vince doesn't like Christian, he will never be more than a mid-card singles performer or he'll be stuck on ECW. At least he'll have a fighting chance if he teams up with Edge again.
I think everyone got a bit off topic here. This thread isn't about Orton or Edge, its about an alliance between the top 3 champions in WWE. I only used Orton and Edge as an example. I do have a better scenario. The stable could be Swagger as ECW champ, maybe Jericho as WWE Champ, and then for the World Heavyweight championship Cena turns heel by having Jericho and Swagger interfere in his match to help him win the World Heavyweight Title. Then Cena could cut a promo lashing out at the fans for not supporting him even though he has busted his ass for them his whole career. He could lash out at all of the "Cena Sucks" chants and say that he is tired of catering to the fans and it is now time for him to do things his way. Also he could bring up the fact that he has carried the WWE on his back for the past 4 or 5 years and call the fans nothing but ungrateful scumbags. It could be kind of like Hogan's famous nWo promo. That could be epic if it happened like that.

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