New Day turn against each other?

Carlos Ramirez

New Member
I feel like Kofi’s wrestlemania is gonna have a sour turn for Kofi, Kofi Kingston is gonna win, but interference, costing him his title, thanks to the new day attacking him. This will probably lead into a new story line created with Xavier woods and Big E claiming that Kingston is in fact a B+ wrestler, and that he only got the wrestlemania match thanks to them
I disagree actually.. I believe Kofi will capture the title at WM35 (so fans can leave the event happy). In the long term, the story is written such that Big E & Xavier were the ones to punch the ticket for Kofi's entry. So in layman sense, Kofi can only succeed because of the two other help, this plants the seed for Kofi's heel turn in the long run.
I don't feel like it will. Remember that they are doing the superstar shakeup the week after mania, so all they have to do if they want to split the new day is keep kofi on smackdown and send xavier and big e on raw which i think will be what they will be doing.
Quit breaking up good factions. Once they are broken up the reunion never feels the same and I don't see the crowd as behind these guys as individual entities. Kofi as a short term champion and still part of New Day will work just fine.
For some reason I have a feeling that Kofi will win at Mania then his buddies will come out to celebrate, then out of the blue Big E will do the Big Ending on Kofi and will leave him beaten by New Day
I would rather have a story where Vince tries to turn Big E (promises him as a "chosen guy") against Kofi and Woods and fails.

I like New Day's message. Great for kids and different than what we are used to in pro wrestling. No reason for them to ever break up until it is time that Kofi retires or semi-retires.
For some reason I have a feeling that Kofi will win at Mania then his buddies will come out to celebrate, then out of the blue Big E will do the Big Ending on Kofi and will leave him beaten by New Day
yeah like Evoultion and Orton
For some reason I have a feeling that Kofi will win at Mania then his buddies will come out to celebrate, then out of the blue Big E will do the Big Ending on Kofi and will leave him beaten by New Day

I think Kofi will turn on Big E and Xaiver actually... Vince plants this story angle where the future can easily swing up or down. Because Kofi gets a spot due to E & Xavier, the direction in the future can be multitude

a) Kofi gets the title, and people started to say Kofi's success is because of E/Xaiver's help. They can brew this storyline over time, where these "voices" started to get into Kofi's head. Eventually, Kofi turns on E/Xaiver out of jealously/anger to prove himself . Best is if Vince decides to pair up Kofi with a manager, and some tag team muscle like AOP. This storyline can be plotted over long period of time. Much more essence in terms of writing.

b) Like what many here said, Big E turns on Kofi. But sudden and dramatic heel turn seldom happens these days in the PG television. The most recent one was Dean's turn on Seth. Even so, Dean's heel turn has been slowly teased and built over weeks leading to the attack.

My bet is on Option A. It makes more sense and more digestible for kids audience.
Their’s no bigger way do the New Day break up then Wrestlemania in Kofi’s biggest match of his career. Kofi will continue his singles push post Mania and New Day has long run its course. Have Rowan interfere and the Big E runs in to save Kofi only to drop Kofi with the Big Ending. They could repackage Big E and push him as a new monster heel.Then have Kofi win the WWE Title at the next ppv closing the show. The problem with Mania is that it’s too long and drawn out and a lot of the show gets rushed and doesn’t go over well. It might be better to hold off and give the WWE title match the spotlight it deserves on a lesser ppv.
Their’s no bigger way do the New Day break up then Wrestlemania in Kofi’s biggest match of his career. Kofi will continue his singles push post Mania and New Day has long run its course. Have Rowan interfere and the Big E runs in to save Kofi only to drop Kofi with the Big Ending. They could repackage Big E and push him as a new monster heel.Then have Kofi win the WWE Title at the next ppv closing the show. The problem with Mania is that it’s too long and drawn out and a lot of the show gets rushed and doesn’t go over well. It might be better to hold off and give the WWE title match the spotlight it deserves on a lesser ppv.

Wrestlemania is the big stage where all eyes are tuned in. I doubt Vince will do angle of a usurper with such a big kids name like New Day turning on each other. My bet is, it will be a slow brew rather than a sharp twist.

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