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New Brood?

The Live Wire

Dark Match Winner
I thought it should happen since Kevin Thorn's debut, the WWE should bring back Gangrel and bring back The Brood! I don't know about any of you but i really loved that group. They were always fun to watch and the Blood Bath was a classic.

The WWE had a poll up the day after Thorn quit the New Breed and the question was "What should Kevin Thorn do now that he has left the New Breed?" One of the choices was "Start his own New Brood". Maybe I'm just getting excited but i think that it might happen. I would tune into ECW every week to see that. Then it could turn into: The New Breed vs. The New Brood!
I hope they don't do this as, it just makes it pointless for just having the New Breed, which was like it or not just a way to propel some of these guys into main stream prominance, on ECW, to be more specific it was a way to propel Elijah Burke to prominance. Kevin Thorne is one of those guys that will get stuck with the crap gimmick but make it work, look at Mordecai, he made that work. He has made Kevin Thorne work.

WWE should not bring back Gangrel, He had his chance to get back in but they released him before they did anything with him in ECW where he was originally going to go. The Brood, was also based on the idea that they "were" Vampires, whereas they are portraying Kevin Thorne as one that follows a vampirism as a lifestyle, it may not be the right wording but thats the best way I can think of to get the concept across.
i always liked the Brood. When Edge joined it was cool because he was pretty new and didn't have much of a speaking role.... more of his creepy grin with the glasses and the trenchcoat. The one match that sticks out in my head (and you can youtube it) was the hell in the cell with big boss man vs undertaker and the brood flys down from the rafters on top of the cage and hangs the BBM. pretty over the top but at the time i loved it.
Their entrance was sweet and i loved their weird music. i could do without them coming back but i'd at least give thorne their entrance.
i think it would be a good idea for thorne to make his own brood..at this point i believe it would be a good direction for his gimmick.question would be who is good enough to fit the portryal of a vampire...
I don't think the New Brood is a very good idea. Kevin Thorne just got out of a stable that gave him a decent push. Now he has to show he can make it on his own in order to be viewed as a legit contender at some point. Also, his "vampire" gimmick was a bone thrown to Sci-Fi. But I think WWE has done the right thing and toned the gimmick down a bit in order for the focus to be put on the wrestler and not the gimmick. Having him lead a vampire faction like the New Brood would put the focus squarely on the gimmick and hurt his standing as a wrestler. Since there are so few solid big men period, let alone in ECW, that can not be allowed to happen.
a new brood could work i think, but i dont really see who else could fit the group in wwe, maybe shannon moore, is he still in wwe? maybe if they did bring back gangrel, that could be a trio

but i think thorne is gonna lose momentum by losing his manager, i forgot her name, but she was pretty cool looking, different from the typical diva in wwe.
a new brood could work i think, but i dont really see who else could fit the group in wwe, maybe shannon moore, is he still in wwe? maybe if they did bring back gangrel, that could be a trio

but i think thorne is gonna lose momentum by losing his manager, i forgot her name, but she was pretty cool looking, different from the typical diva in wwe.


Thorn needs something like this because now that Areil is gone Thorn just doesn't look right when he's out there, just looks like somethings missing, I don't think they should bring back Gangrel though, instead let Thorn form his own group, and bring up some guys from OVW to be his minions
I hope The Brood isn't reborn.. Usually when things are reborn they just suck. The same thing would happen with The Brood.. Plus does Gangrel even still wrestle?
Not again. The Brood was good in the 90's but this isn;t the 90's anymore and the WWE never does these things right to justify it. I am all for Kevin Thorne, move him to raw and give him a push, just not a ripoff of a old storyline. I am sick of rehashes, from the NWO to Dx and the new hart foundation. The WWE needs to create new ideas, not copy old ones.
Although I have to disagree with all of you, I would love to see Gangrel back into the WWE. Gangrel/The Brood was a big part of what made the Attitude Era so unique and fun to watch. It would have to be done very smoothly and carefully, because we all know how DX and nWo ended up.... SO... YES please bring back The Brood, and give them a decent push, who knows where things could go, I always thought Gangrel was a great wrestler for his size too.

Hmmm now that I think of it a cool storyline that WWE could do is have a vampire vs vampire sort of match to see who's the more "dominant" of the two. They could really push it by having Thorn wrestler each week on ECW and have the lights turn out with the Brood song, and have his titantron playing, but no Gangrel. keep doing that for about 2 matches, then the third have Thorn get Blood Bathed, then the fourth have thorn wrestling while Gangrel comes up from the flames with the music and everything going... just a fun thought :D
Meh, the Brood was dumb when it was new...forget about having it reborn. It only gives Gangrel another chance to be a cornball on national television. If anything just push Thorn on Raw or Smackdown. I'd like to agree that when an idea is rehashed it never works (DX, nWo, etc.) but I do believe the Horsemen could still form and cause havoc. I'd love to see WWE actually come up with new stables
Sure, the Brood was popular and an entertaining stable, but does Thorn have the character status to pull off another stable like this? I doubt it, as Gangrel was the ultimate vampire, and his character was a lot more developed and open than Thorn's is. We just don't see enough of this 'Vampirism" from Thorn to make an effective stable like the Brood was, and for one, I would hate to see the WWE rehash something that should be kept as a memory of the Attitude era. The latest WWE hit or miss attempts with doing that didn't work too well did they? We all beg for these things to happen, but the talent just isn't there to emulate stables of beforehand. The Brood focused more on their characters rather than wrestling, and so while I don't think we should bring wrestling skill into the equation of bringing them back, I just think that Thorn is just unable to have the popularity to head a stable and have around the same quality as it did before. Yeah, seeing the bloodbaths again would be cool, but like most things the WWE try and bring back, it would be repeated to the point when we come on these boards and complain endlessly. Thorn should get his vampire character over before there are talks of him creating a New Brood, but anything fresh is needed on ECW right now, I just hope it isn't this, although I wouldn't put it past the WWE to try and squeeze some interest out of something popular in the Attitude Era.

As for Gangrel returning, I believe he was released, so that isn't happening too soon. But if he did come back, I would imagine he would have some form of angle with Thorn. I think he is too old for his marginal talents in his early career to be maintained, but if he could maintain the entertainment he had with his Vampire character, I'm sure he would make a halfway decent New Brood stable manager. I just think he's been off TV too long to just be brought back like this, and I won't like to see him return anytime soon as I believe his character would just not be the same, and the Brood just wouldn't be the same with the inexperience of Thorn and others. I know Edge and Christian were newcomers in the WWE when they started the Brood, but I think they had more talent than Thorn does, and for the last time: I don't want to see anything else from the Attitude Era painfully renewed in today's WWE.
Not again. The Brood was good in the 90's but this isn;t the 90's anymore and the WWE never does these things right to justify it. I am all for Kevin Thorne, move him to raw and give him a push, just not a ripoff of a old storyline. I am sick of rehashes, from the NWO to Dx and the new hart foundation. The WWE needs to create new ideas, not copy old ones.

Dude you need to re-think what you said there.

You're saying The Brood shouldn't be revived because it "isn't the 90's anymore"... I don't know if you've been missing Smackdown lately but we've got some Grease rip-offs, hell that was 1978! And they revived Tatanka, 1980's, until his release earlier this year.
Vince and other officials have made it known that they want Raw to be the place for all the big top guys and edgy, tough action, and that Smackdown be the place for 1980's gimmicky characters.
It wouldn't do any harm reviving an Attitude era faction, and I can tell you a hell of a lot of people would prefer that to the constant 1980's gimmicks that keep popping up.
Plus, the vampire gimmick ALWAYS works, and Kevin Thorn has really made something of it and played it off real well. Bringing in Gangrel would not do any harm, and regardless, let's face it, it would be fun to watch.
Also, Ariel has gone, which is a BIG blow. She added something to Thorn, it made sense to have the two together, and they actually added something to ECW. Now without Ariel, that something evidently isn't there anymore, it is hard to describe but I know people have a general jist of what I mean. He desperately needs help now, otherwise he will eventually fade away, trust me. Bringing in Gangrel would be a life-saver somewhat, and a good start to keeping Thorn in the safe-house.
Plus, with the tag titles coming into ECW, the two could have opportunities there.

Obviously, it isn't going to happen now as it was VERY close to happening, Gangrel was going to be debuting in ONE week, but then there was a stall and he was eventually released.

Thorn is on his own now, and that is what he never should have been.

Meh, the Brood was dumb when it was new...forget about having it reborn. It only gives Gangrel another chance to be a cornball on national television. If anything just push Thorn on Raw or Smackdown. I'd like to agree that when an idea is rehashed it never works (DX, nWo, etc.) but I do believe the Horsemen could still form and cause havoc. I'd love to see WWE actually come up with new stables

Dude you’re saying forget about having stables reborn, and you just said you’d love to see WWE actually come up with new stables, yet in the sentence before that you said you believe the Horsemen could form – that is a stable being reborn!

Sure, the Brood was popular and an entertaining stable, but does Thorn have the character status to pull off another stable like this? I doubt it, as Gangrel was the ultimate vampire, and his character was a lot more developed and open than Thorn's is. We just don't see enough of this 'Vampirism" from Thorn to make an effective stable like the Brood was, and for one, I would hate to see the WWE rehash something that should be kept as a memory of the Attitude era.

Thorn should get his vampire character over before there are talks of him creating a New Brood.

I believe his character would just not be the same, and the Brood just wouldn't be the same with the inexperience of Thorn and others.

And for the last time: I don't want to see anything else from the Attitude Era painfully renewed in today's WWE.

Gawd, I’m getting so tired of this…

You’re doubting that Thorn has the character status and we haven’t seen enough of his “Vampirism” etc – dude, he hasn’t been given the chance! He needs Gangrel or someone in order to let the character and vampirism expand and expose itself more!

Dude, Thorn has already done an absolutely outstanding job of putting the vampire character over, you’ve obviously not been watching ECW for the past year.
The vampire gimmick ALWAYS works.

Finally, you say you would hate to see anything else from the Attitude era renewed today, but it doesn’t really make a difference anymore, reviving stables etc will do no harm whatsoever, as it’s already been done enough times to now make no difference.

Yes, putting a crowd to sleep is getting a character over for sure. And of course, half of the audience not knowing who the hell you are is a great asset Thorn has. The vampire gimmick CAN work, but with the right people and the right time, and this tarot crap we have seen is the only 'Vampirish' thing we've seen from Thorn. Hell, why don't they just steal all of Gangrel's traits. Let's have him emulate everything he did, that's a sure sign of a creative character. Thorn is an average wrestler by WWE's standards, and that's not saying a lot. Combining that in with a shallow character we don't even see and you will get people thinking "Why bother?" with this idea of the New Brood. We don't need Gangrel back. We haven't seen him for years and surely, he can't have kept the same aura he had around his vampire gimmick from the start. Thorn is a pale imitation of Gangrel at best, and you'd think a guy with a Vampire gimmick would be cool, but I doubt anyone thinks Thorn is all that great and has the potential to relive one of the most popular stables in history.

I don't know what you were thinking by saying that digging up things that should have stayed buried is not going to cause anymore harm, because I know there are lots more things the WWE must bring back and water down to wreck their tumbling reputation further, and really, every past attempt at reviving something that was once popular has failed, and I don't hold much hope with Thorn, so bringing back the Brood will bomb and bomb bigtime because like DX, today's WWE is going to commercialise everything and make it kid-friendly, and this is exactly the opposite of what it used to be. Thorn obviously can't speak on the mic and doesn't have much going for him with a fresh Vampire gimmick, so I don't know where you expect him to pull one out of. Gangrel returning would be good for about 1 night. After that, we will all grow to realise again that anything the WWE takes from the Attitude Era and brings back will suck.

The WWE should have learnt from what they did with DX, and just saying that it can't get any worse than it is, so why not just bring back old stables, is a terrible attitude, because we all know that the WWE continually finds ways to worsen their product. Putting a pathetic new Vampire character in with an old and washed up one, and trying to bring back something that should stay in the Attitude Era, is going to piss people off even further. Until the WWE find a good reason to bring the Brood back and do it well, I won't be buying any thought of it, not when I see that the only act of Vampirism we see is Thorn looking through tarot cards. Have him drink some blood, then we'll consider it.
It's not about what we want, it's about what Vince wants. Us older fans who saw the original DX we're unimpressed with the revival, but it doesn't matter to Vince, it doesn't make a difference, he made a TONNE of cash from it and he's more better off than he was before he did it. Sure, it very well may have damaged the WWE fanbase but with little kids who didn't see the original DX going "watch wrestling, dx is on!!" to all their little buddies then it somewhat compensates.
A Brood revival; if it works it works, if it doesn't it doesn't. Either way it's going to generate money.

"And of course, half of the audience not knowing who the hell you are is a great asset Thorn has."
- I don't know many people who would buy tickets to an ECW event and not watch the weekly television show :S People know Thorn mate, unless they don't watch ECW, in which case the logic would be not to buy ECW tickets.

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