End of the New Breed?

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EP Punk

I don't know about anyone else, but it seems to me that the New Breed/Originals Storyline is wrapping up, as well as the New Breed in general. McMahon is in seemingly a one man feud agains the Originals, Thorn quit the New Breed, and it appears Striker may get booted from the group, leaving Cor Von and Burke. I may not be a fan of the New Breed, but this sucks, mainly because it was giving these four a chance to really let their gimmicks shine and play off one another, well, for the most part, and they were getting over big time, you gotta admit. My question is, what's next for these 4? Maybe this is just a patented VKM swerve and the New Breed will come to the aide of Vince next week against RVD. Thoughts?
I think Burke & Punk will feud. Maybe Thorne will join with Punk and we'll see some tag matches. I don't think Striker is done with the New Breed. He hasn't quit or been kicked out yet. Basically the main thing going on is Burke vs. Punk. The others will still be around and involved in this feud somehow.
Yeah, thats true, although it would be interesting if Striker ended up becoming torn whether to join Ounk against Burke or siding with the NB. It could be one of those angles where Burke wants Striker to attack and he hesitates before going thru with it, and it creates more dissention.
You know at first I really didn't enjoy the New Breed, I thought they were all very untalented at everything they did. However as time has gone on (and I've watched some of the independent stuff of guys like Matt Striker and Monty Brown/Marcus Cor Von) I've learned to love them. All of them. Even Kevin Thorn, who has a sick neck breaker move from the corner turnbuckle.

This could go two ways in my mind. Either it'll be great news for all of the guys (except probably for Striker, who I see as the weak link in the group) and all of 'em will be put to good use in good feuds, or it could mean the downfall of all of those involved. Hopefully the previous will be the case.

I for one am looking forward the this Burke-Punk feud. It seems as though Vince may finally be turning ECW around to the positive. It'll never be what it once was and don't ever expect the quality of wrestling and hardcore action of the original, but it looks as though Vince may finally be turning the brand around.
I 'd like to see them keep Cor Von and Burke together, I could care less about Striker, and I think they should move Thorn & Ariel to SD!, and partner them up with Boogyman & Kane to create some sort of freak stable, Punk vs. Burke seems pretty obvious, I think this is a good thing for ECW, between this and McMahon vs. the Originals, ECW seems to have a little structure and is actually watchable, now all they need to do is get rid of that Extreme Expose crap, and do something with Snitsky, it seems like they are trying to push him but don't have anyone to stick him in a feud with, maybe he could be brought in by Mcmahon to hepl him retain the title next week against RVD
It might not be a bad idea. Honestly, what else do they have to do with each other? The originals look to be breaking up. The new Breed while mediocre, have established themselves. Burke and Cor Von definetly stand out in the group. These new Breed guys looked pretty good against the Originals recently. It's time to move on, and breaking them up is just the next logical move. The problem is now, if ECW is starting to establish stars, they may need 2 hours to keep it going, other wise, it'll just be seen as a feeder into Raw and Smackdown.
The whole Striker thing is probably a bit of a swerve, and he'll remain with the group. If not, the new breed will probably introduce a new third member, and then WWE will call up Ace Steel and Colt Cabana to reform the Second City Saints With Punk and have a long drawn-out feud where the TV and tag titles are re-introduced in four-man/team tournaments and the finals end up being punk vs Burke and Cor Von/Striker vs Steel/Cabana.

.....oh wait thats just my dream 'OMG ECW has been saved and is actually a decent show' scenario
I think its happening too fast, i just read a rumor saying the writers think the Punk return to being face happened to fast (which wouldnt make sense.cause...they're the writers?!?)....either way, i hope they dont break up the New breed...they are the future, they al have skills in the ring and are strong on the mic, Striker is, Burke DEFINITELY IS, Thorn and Ariel did some interesting stuff when they first came in, those promos, and CorVon was nice when he did guest commentary...

either way, hopefully at least 2 of the New Breed stay together
Yeah I think everything with Punk and the New Breed is happening too fast. The build-up to Punk joining the New Breed was done really well over the space of a few weeks, but after that everything was rushed. I'm hoping that Punk's "pep-talks" to the New Breed members will result in them allying themselves under Punk's leadership and fueding with Elijah Burke and some new people in a stable under his command. Eventually, if the Originals are still employed, the proposed tag division would be pretty deep with teams from the NB, Originals, Burke's new stable, the Major Bros, and maybe a team like the FBI being brought back..
I think it's a great idea to nix the whole New Breed storyline. First of all it sucked. Second, there aren't many wrestlers on the ECW roster to have a well balanced faction/feud. CM punk joining the New Breed was a joke to begin with. The idea of Van Dam,Punk and Burke feud would have been EXTREMEly better. In final BRING BACK HEYMAN!!!! Vince is killing ECW.
i hate the fact that people think cm punk joining the new breed was a jokee....when that happened 2 or 3 weeks ago..i was happy. cm punk is one of the greatest heels...if u dont believe me, watch his roh stuff. tv and tag titles back to ecw...2 hours, all good ideas. cm punk and hopefully cabana vs burke and cor von..NICEE
If my memory is serving me, Monty Brown has yet to be pinned or made to submit in an ECW ring.. So although it doesn't appear the New Breed is totally over, I think that at some point Elijah Burke and Monty Brown will be the only two members left of the New Breed and get a heavy heavy push. I wouldn't mind seeing a Burke/Brown vs. Punk/??? fued.. Eventually tho, I see Monty Brown as more main event material than Elijah Burke.. Maybe if Vince and Shane being to fued over the belt, he could be Shane's answer to Vince's Umaga, although I hope they keep him at least as a tweener rather than turn him all the way face..
Anyone Ever Thought This Rivalry Resembles A Similar Wcw One I.e. Millionaires Club (established Stars Of Company) Vs The New Blood (young Hugnry Stars, Looing For The Limelight), Sure Seems To Me The Same Storyline, Just Resurfacing
The whole New Breed thing should have played out last year and been wrapped up at Survivor Series 2006.It would have given the WWE a reason to screw up ECW the way it did beacuse most fans would have been duped into thinking that the "changes" to the original ECW brand were a storyline.It would have seen diehrad fans coming in their thousands to boo the New Breed while still keeping them watching.Instead they let apathy sink in,and people just stopped following ECW like they used to.
I still believe that CM Punk should have turned heel earlier,either turning on DX and affiliating himself with Rated RKO or at WM23,having the Newbreed have him win MITB.The way it played out on TV a few weeks ago was kinda gay.
I 'd like to see them keep Cor Von and Burke together, I could care less about Striker, and I think they should move Thorn & Ariel to SD!, and partner them up with Boogyman & Kane to create some sort of freak stable, Punk vs. Burke seems pretty obvious, I think this is a good thing for ECW, between this and McMahon vs. the Originals, ECW seems to have a little structure and is actually watchable, now all they need to do is get rid of that Extreme Expose crap, and do something with Snitsky, it seems like they are trying to push him but don't have anyone to stick him in a feud with, maybe he could be brought in by Mcmahon to hepl him retain the title next week against RVD

I love the originals and I don't find anyone else on ECW to be all that interesting. I agree they should get rid of the Extreme Expose. I mean if you want to see that crap, there's MTV. It would/will suck if/when the orinignals aren't on ECW anymore. If/when that happens, they might as well move Thorne & Ariel to SD since ECW will be a total snore fest without the originals. Actually, I kinda like the idea of a Thorne/Ariel/Kane/Boogeyman freak thing. Heheh, cool. ;)
The New Breed are going the way of all of all stables in Breaking up. I see them all being successfful on ECW, if they can get it up to 90 minutes of time, they have the talent depth in the Roster of ECW for it to be able to support a 90 minute show. this is what will allow for the creation of the TV title, it will mean something when there is 90 minutes for the restof the show to occur on. you won't have rushed matches. But that is :offtopic:. But out of the New Breed, I see good things in terms of ECW being able to continue on as an entity IF RVD (and by default Sabu and Sandman) leave WWE employment, you have Elijah Burke, a man that will be a force in the next few years, Matt Striker(Its an I not a Y, there is an Indy wrestler called Matt Stryker, the one in WWE is Matt Striker) is one of those guys that people naturally hate, but he is a solid wrestler, he just need new tights. Monty Brown isn't getting any younger but he has the ability to be main event of ECW. Kevin Thorne is going to do well out of the Break up of the New Breed, I see him being the guy that will be pushing on the main event of ECW doors in the next 3 years, and I won't include CM Punk as a member of the New Breed.
Thank goodness I was getting bored already with the same matches between the new breed and the originals. I hope Burke challenges for the ecw championship with the likes of RVD, CM Punk or Lashley.WWE should bring back a title like the television championship for the mid to lower card to fight over. People like sabu, marcus cor von, kevin thorn ortommy dreamer should fight for this title. Matt Striker should go back to heat and rot away till he gets a better gimmick.
I kinda like da new breed concept dat is if you minus kevin thorn, i think Elijah Burk, Matt Striker and da other guy whos name i dnt know would av made a great stable with CM Punk as ther leader co leader with Elijah Burk.

With a little bit of mic work work, CM Punk can become the next Rock and there stable could become the nxt nation of domination.

Have CM Punk feud with John cena for the title as inter promotional match and make Elijah go for the ECW title, dat is if Lashly wins it from vince nxt sunday.

What you guys fink?
I think the Draft on Monday will be the breaking point of the New Breed. What I would like to happen is Matt Striker being drafted to Smackdown (since he came from Raw originally & maybe he'll team up with Michelle McCool) leaving Elijah Burke & Marcus Cor Von together on ECW. They are both future main eventers and look good as a team with Burke as the leader/mouthpiece and Cor Von as the enforcer/bitch type of guy.
Burke goes to Raw, Striker goes to Smackdown And let Marcus Cor Von become someone who could sell being a monster type heel and wiining ECW title. Hell Yeah
There has been talk of bringing Paul Heyman back to television, but with no creative stroke at all. They want him to be a heel manager for a heel that is on the brink of being pushed reaching main event level status.
-ryan clark

I think paul heyma could come back and manage them, or i think vince could start to manage them and start up a fued with the originals or lashley.
I agree, the New Breed story is comming to a close,
but lately Dusty Rhodes has wanted to get involved,
and i've read that three OVW guys(one being Sonny Siaki:ex TNA) are going to be brought into ECW with Estrada as their valet.
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