New Announce Team?


SmackDown! is MY Show

It appears as though that JBL is returning as a full-time wrestler. There has been talk for several weeks of JBL giving up his announcing spot on SmackDown. Television producer Kevin Dunn has been auditioning people with Michael Cole to find him a new announcing partner.

This is interesting as I really like the team of JBL and Cole as JBL brings out the best in cole. Now it be interesting to see who they bring in to be paired with Cole as JBL and Cole were good and Cole on his own is quite boring. So i guess if JBL starts to wrestle full time again we shall see Tazz come over and do the job, but i kinda doubt that. So hopefully who ever they bring in can do a good job, but hey who knows Scott Hudson might get a call.... anyways be interesting as Cole is quite boring and needs someone like JBL to bring out the best in him
Honestly, I think Tommy Dreamer could be a great color guy, and if the decided to move Tazz back to SD! to fill JBL's spot then Dreamer would be a good fit for Tazz's current spot on ECW, I think Dreamer and Styles could have good chemistry together, and Tazz and Cole have worked together in the past, so they seem to know how to play off each other as well
Well I never though of Tommy Dreamer, that would be a good idea. The guy I was thinking of was Elijah Burke. I mean, before he got his push last January, he was used as a comentator a few times, he even replaced Tazz on a taping of ECW last year, and I won't lie, he was good. It would be a shame to see another talent go, but Elijah has what it takes to be a good comentator. Right now, with the WWE being unsure of what to do, I'd say in the short run, it would be better to reunite Tazz and Cole, because we know tha works, and ECW is "expandable". Because I can't think of anyone else they could put on Smackdown besides Tazz.

Or, heres a crazy though. Why not have Micheal Cole, Tazz, and Joey Styles all do double duty on Smackdown AND ECW? We had three commentators on RAW before, why not on these shows? Tazz has the wrestling experience, Micheal calls it as it is, and Joey says "OH MY GOD" better than anyone! I think the three of them together would be great!
If Bill Demott could get some personality injections he would be a good fit to team with Michael Cole on smackdown. He wasn't horrible(or great) on Velocity and Cole could carry the load until he got good. He meets the ex-wrestler bad-ass type who knows what's going on in the ring and could bitch Cole where necessary.
People may laugh, but I would love to see Paul Heyman back, I though he was an awesome commentator, but we all know that ain't happening.

Perhaps Mic Foley, he commentated for the original ECW One Night Stand if I ain't mistaken.
Mick Foley. If he has any interest at all in being a full time commentator, you have to give him the job. If not, just keep offering him more money until he is interested. You could put Tazz back on SD and put Foley with Styles, they did a good job together at the first One Night Stand, or just put Foley with Cole.
I agree with the suggestions including Tazz to SD! and bumping Elijah Burke to ECW.

I just can't get over JBL leaving. If you catch the youtube of JBL yelling shut up to Cole, you'll not stop laughing. Classic moment.
I agree i believe it is going to be Tazz, he was with him from 02 late to 05 ish and they know how to work together.

but not sure who to fill ECW maybe bring Heyman back or Estrada i mean he is gm but in the 1997-1999 period McMahon was gm with jerry lawler and Jr commentating the rumbles and stuff i mean nothing wrong with it or just give the ECW spot to an ECW original like dreamer or sandman or just fill it with coach i really don't watch ECW every week so i don't mind.
Ugh, rumors are that Michaels Hayes is/maybe the next announcer for Smackdown. Hayes is fucking horrible. He was horrible in the ring, horrible as a manager, and horrible as a booker. This is the same Michael Hayes that believed Benoit wasn't worthy of being a world champion because he lacked Charisma. Keep in mind this was the same guy that made a career out of being the king of cheap heat by wearing a Confederate Flag for a robe. He also said that the Death of McMahon was one of the best storylines, and argued with Mick Foley about it.

The guys voice is raspy as hell, and I can't see him being insightful at all. I'm liking the idea of moving Tazz to Smackdown again, and possibly either having Styles by himself again, or with Tommy Dreamer.
I know who it is going to be, Jimmy Hart Baby!!! Lol, that would be annoying as hell. I think Rowdy Roddy Piper would be a great fit for the position, but I think he is on the ever changing McMahon enemy list right now for the time being. I can hear Piper now, talking crap to poor Michael Cole lol, if he thought JBL was bad, Piper will definitely be harder on him than JBL. WWE is definitely looking for an obnoxious loud mouth Ex-wrestler because Cole is the sensible Non-wrestler announcer on SmackDown(along with JR on RAW and Styles on ECW) and Piper has those qualities, his Piper Pit segments alone shows just how great he is at blabbing his big mouth.
Why would you put Elijah Burke as the commentator and stop using him as a wrestler?

I'm SO glad that JBL isn't doing the commentary anymore....not because I would ever want to see him wrestle anymore, but because I couldn't stand his commentary. It was nothing but variations of "you suck, Cole" and "this guy is great" to everyone in the ring. He wasn't original in his choice of words, he was a total monotone bore most of the time, and he never offered much insight into the technical aspect when Cole would ask him a question. It would just go "how does that feel?" "well it sucks, Michael." ".........ok, back to the match."

As for who could replace him? I'm not a big fan of Tazz's inability to go 3 sentences without choking up on a word or stuttering. Keep him on ECW with Styles so we only have him for the shorter show. Hayes, I don't want to see at all. Not interested. They need to get someone that isn't a prominent wrestler but has some personality. I love the idea of Foley, I'd say you could give it to Flair but he hasn't retired yet. I'm sure there are a lot of qualified people, but I can't think of any off the top of my head. Frankly, I'd like to see an old wrestler come back that can't do any in-ring work....someone like DiBiase (though not specifically stating him). I do love Skullz's suggestion that Piper should do it, cause he'd be amazing.
What the hell is Jesse Ventura up to anyway? God the guy and Gorilla Monsoon were the best damn combination ever. The man is 56 and been out of the limelight of the WWE for near 20 years, but at least I can dream of him behind the announcers booth one more time.

Where can you go wrong with a guy that drops such a wonderful line like this "Organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people who need strength in numbers. It tells people to go out and stick their noses in other people's business."
Well, they need to be a heel commentator, or i'll get way to bored with smackdown! I hope to hell it isn't Tazz, because i felt those two were boring and predictable together. I would love to see Shane McMahon do it. He hasn't been doing anything lately, and i'd rather see him commentate, then wrestle.
As much as the WWE may hate to say it the best person out there may be Raven for ECW. This guy is golden on the mic, as I am sure we all know, and would bring the attitude back to the way extreme should be called. If not Raven then how about Mike Sanders from back in the WCW days to go alongside Cole. Sanders was good on the mic and was looked at for commentator in the past. Mark Madden from WCW could be another name.

To be totally honest I think that could be a permanent fix. Cole and JBL will move over to call the action on RAW in a few years and someone (maybe Mike Goldberg) will be on the Smackdown side with whomever they get now. I would personally love to see the Road Dogg come back, but we know that won't happen. Mike Sanders would be the best choice.
I don't think that someone wierd would come out but Tazz covered for JBL on Smackdown and I think he will stay cause nobody likes to watch ECW and nobody cares about him there anymore so he will come to Smackdown tommorow.
Well, they need to be a heel commentator, or i'll get way to bored with smackdown! I hope to hell it isn't Tazz, because i felt those two were boring and predictable together. I would love to see Shane McMahon do it. He hasn't been doing anything lately, and i'd rather see him commentate, then wrestle.
Yeah, we need the return of "BOOM, BOOM, BOOM!" in the commentary booth.

Please no.

I really hope it isn't Tazz though, I agree there. Maybe they'll give Hayes a chance again? I don't really remember his Doc Hendrix run too well.
Its a cert that Tazz is going to be Smackdown Commentator i think hes better there anyway, sometimes he argues with Cole thats funny, sometimes can get his moves right, and sometimes has little funny things to say not all the time but more than Jerry the King i mean he hardly says any actual wrestling stuff nowadays and just comments on rivalry.

Styles could handle anyone hes more than talented enuf.
I like to see 1 of 2 options used even though it isn't likely. And both options involve 2 men and former world champions. Taz and Steve Corino. Either move Taz back to Smackdown and put Corino with Styles on ECW or simply Corino with Michael Cole. Corino is entertaining, would be a fresh face and knows wrestling. And if need be throw him in the ring and let someone bloody him up.
Coach got the position.

I think I'm going to be sick, he said nothing when he filled in for JR last year and when he did, it was painful to listen to.

Tazz and Michael Cole were a good team, and I am liking the Dreamer/Styles combination. But I just love the idea of Styles, Cole and Tazz announcing for both shows. ECW is only an hour long anyway.
I can't believe they picked Coach. He was terrible whenever he filled in for JR. He was the last person I would have thought of to replace JBL. I thought they would put Tazz back to SD! or maybe even Armando Allejandro Estrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrada. That would have been entertaining.
I'm not happy with Coach as announcer. For one he can't do it. He's terrible. But why move him away from McMahon. Finally after about 10 years in the company he found his perfect role. He was great at Vince McMahons lackey. Not only that but the only time Michael Cole has been any good was with JBL. Now we've got two bad commentators. It's like Cole & Tazz all over again. But without the credability of having somebody who used to wrestle.
Oh boy, just another reason to make it impossible to watch Smackdown. While Smackdown has the better talent, the announcing has been atrocious. But it's not limited exclusively to smackdown, listen to Raw lately. JR and the King are terrible anymore as well. The entire "advancement of storylines" way of announcing has gotten entirely out of hand that rarely do any of the announce teams on WWE programming actually call a match. It's always about looking to the future and selling a pay per view. Honestly, the more shitty the announcing gets, the more I appreciate Monsoon/Ventura, best duo ever. Like I said in another thread, just watch WWE programming on mute, it's more enjoyable that way.
Worst announce team ever...seriously they're just bad, I'd rather have Tazz back on SD! than listen to Coach, they guy sucks, this is really the best they can do?, I mean do they even try anymore, I could barely listen to SD! last night, I felt like I was watching a really long episode of HeAT, just bad, I'd rather they go with my idea of Moving Tazz back over to SD!, and then giving the color commentary spot to Tommy Dreamer on ECW, that or isn't Arn Anderson working for WWE, why not put him on color commentary for SD!, he'd be a hell of a lot better than Coach, of course that's not saying much as Funaki would be better than Coach

What's next, they gonna replace JR with Todd Grisham on Raw
The announcing team on Smackdown I really think is dreadful.They could have at least held back on the whole JBL scene until they found an actual replacement, someone new, not Jonathan Coachman.The guy can occasionally blurt out some good lines here and there but doesn't mix well with Micheal Cole.Lastly on this note, why not put Tazz as back to Smackdown.Let ECWE do its thing, then right after Tazz stays there and commentates on Smackdown.
I dont mind Michael Cole and I think he is the best commentator in the business, but Coach sucks.

Coachs voice is jst so frustrating to listen to. I miss JBL already, he is a way better commentator than Coach will ever be.

Id prefer is Tazz and Cole were commentating for Smackdown so ECW could have Joey and Coach. Some have to gift to commentate and some dont. Coach doesnt have the gift. Now that I think about it why is he in WWE? Coach cant wrestle and he cant commentate so why not release himm anyone agree??

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