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Networks afraid to give ROH a TV deal

This is the funniest Thread ever! Do you honestly think ROH would blow TNA and WWE clean out of the water? ROH is nothing, The only people that know about Ring Of Honour either Work for them or live in a place where they Wrestler, I myself had never heard of them until i came onto this website. I dont even think they could beat ECW in the rating's. Fair enough they might have some good wrestler's But WWE has been around for year's and TNA is becoming well known, So if they was to come on TV they wouldnt come anywhere near ever. And like people have already Mentioned Wouldnt that make the TV channel give them air time.?
RoH just sucks. Simple.

Oh My God! They have wrestlers that can outwrestle WWE... fake. WWE doesn't give a damn about RoH neither does TNA, in fact, TNA sucks so much that, if they did care, they would make a ROH-Division, just as stupid as X-Division.

Ring of Honor, wow, WWE would just demolish RoH in 3 seconds, McMahon can and would buy every single performer, they can't pay more than WWE, with that said, they wouldn't get any chance, even TNA that sucks as much as bad wrestling can suck are far more important and entertaining that RoH (RoH is pure Wrestling and nobody cares about it).
ROH is content with being an indy promotion and the reason they don't have a TV deal is cause they probably refuse to change their style. ROH couldn't be giving way 30 minute, 60 minute matches on Tv, cause they know alot of people wouldn't stay intrested in the match.

IF ROH got a TV deal they would have to change their style which means have matches with less time and have to do some backstage segments to try and get people intrested in their wrestlers and that is something they refuse to do.
RoH just sucks. Simple.

Alright that's it, I'm sick of this shit, why is it when ever you meet a fan who isn't a ROH fan they have to be completely biased and slam the living shit out of a promotion?, ROH does not suck, it's just a different style of wrestling that is targeted to a different group of fans

Oh My God! They have wrestlers that can outwrestle WWE... fake. WWE doesn't give a damn about RoH

Yeah clearly, that's why they signed Punk, Kendrick, London, Noble, Matt Hardy, Sydal, and Colt Cobana from ROH, yeah clearly WWE doesn't pay attention or give a shit about ROH at all:rolleyes:

neither does TNA, in fact, TNA sucks so much that, if they did care, they would make a ROH-Division, just as stupid as X-Division.

You do realize that they X-Divsion is pretty much comprised of former ROH talent right?, oh and AJ Stlyes yeah former ROH talnent himself and is one of the biggest names in TNA, and lets not forget Joe, the guy who is TNA Champ right now, yeah he's also a former ROH talent, so yeah TNA doesn't give a shit about ROH either:rolleyes:

Ring of Honor, wow, WWE would just demolish RoH in 3 seconds, McMahon can and would buy every single performer, they can't pay more than WWE, with that said, they wouldn't get any chance, even TNA that sucks as much as bad wrestling can suck are far more important and entertaining that RoH (RoH is pure Wrestling and nobody cares about it).

The only reason WWE would have for demolishing ROH would be if Vince feared it, ROH isn't threating the WWE fanbase therefore Vince has no reason to demolish it, instead he just sends his people to ROH shows and they sign the people they think could work best in WWE to development deals, which is really just a smarter approach to it, I beleive TNA once had a partnership with ROH, but I'm not certain about this, and either way they do pretty much the same thing WWE does, basically scout future talent at ROH shows, ROH as I've said before is aimed at a different type of fanbase and that fanbase is extremly loyal to ROH, ROH that it's not meant for the mainstream wrestling fan
Alright that's it, I'm sick of this shit, why is it when ever you meet a fan who isn't a ROH fan they have to be completely biased and slam the living shit out of a promotion?, ROH does not suck, it's just a different style of wrestling that is targeted to a different group of fans
It is a different style. It's a sucky style of wrestling.

I've seen plenty of ROH, more than I should have, and I can remember on one hand the amount of matches I found passable, and only one I found semi-entertaining (Joe vs. Punk 3).

For the same reasons people bash TNA and WWE, I am well within my right to bash ROH and say it flat out sucks.

Yeah clearly, that's why they signed Punk, Kendrick, London, Noble, Matt Hardy, Sydal, and Colt Cobana from ROH, yeah clearly WWE doesn't pay attention or give a shit about ROH at all:rolleyes:
There's a difference between caring about ROH talent and ROH.

You do realize that they X-Divsion is pretty much comprised of former ROH talent right?, oh and AJ Stlyes yeah former ROH talnent himself and is one of the biggest names in TNA, and lets not forget Joe, the guy who is TNA Champ right now, yeah he's also a former ROH talent, so yeah TNA doesn't give a shit about ROH either:rolleyes:
LOL, and AJ Styles was working in WCW before either TNA or ROH, as was Daniels. Joe worked in UPW before ROH.

So to say that TNA signed guys simply because of ROH is short-sighted. Again, there's a difference between ROH talent and ROH.

The only reason WWE would have for demolishing ROH would be if Vince feared it
Which pretty much proves that the WWE doesn't care about ROH. The WWE cared about WCW, they don't care about ROH.

ROH isn't threating the WWE fanbase
Because they suck.

I beleive TNA once had a partnership with ROH, but I'm not certain about this
Yes, they did. Before they became larger than an indy promotion.

ROH as I've said before is aimed at a different type of fanbase and that fanbase is extremly loyal to ROH, ROH that it's not meant for the mainstream wrestling fan
It's not meant for fans who are concerned with quality wrestling, it's meant for the uber-"smart" wrestling fan, who is more concerned about showing how "smart" they are, than they are quality wrestling.
ROHs production is quite god compared to some of the other indy feds out there.

But seriously, they do not have a single "star" that they could use and they havent since Joe/Punk 3 years ago

Yea ROHs production is good compared to other indy promotions but they r nowhere near WWE or even TNA for that matter

Yes they do have "stars" it is just a matter of how they are pushed, right now they have many, but if they got on TV they would push the hell outta Austin Aries or Nigel McGuinness just to try and get ppl to watch it (just like WWE did with Austin and The Rock) they were nothing until WWE got behind them!

ROH is the WRESTLING god
TNA just SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!
It's not meant for fans who are concerned with quality wrestling, it's meant for the uber-"smart" wrestling fan, who is more concerned about showing how "smart" they are, than they are quality wrestling.

You know, I think you're a pretty intelligent guy and I do enjoy reading most of your post, but it's when you say shit like this where you end up looking bad. You categorize fans who don't like the same things you like, and you do it in an insulting manner. I mean, yes... there are a lot of ROH fans out there like you describe, but there are also ROH fans who just enjoy pro wrestling. I mean, just tonight on Raw, there was a 40-50ish year old man in the front row wearing a Ring of Honor shirt, and he was marking out like crazy for Cena during his match with Edge. Believe this or not, but there are just as many Cena fans who follow ROH as there are Cena haters. I can email you a link that would prove this to be true if you'd like.

I don't care if you like ROH or not; that's just personal preference, but it's lame how you categorize those who do like it as nothing but snobbish smarks.

But yeah, on topic... the ultimate reason I think ROH isn't on TV is because they don't aspire to be at the moment. In my opinion, had they ever had a TV deal, it should've been from 2005 until mid-2007. Right now, even as a ROH fan, I can admit that their current product is not very good. It hasn't been since that bum Morishima became champion. I still enjoy the fuck out of Bryan Danielson and the Briscoes, and AOTF can be pretty entertaining, but that's it, really. If I want to fucking watch Japanese wrestling, then I'll go buy some Japanese DVD's from promotions that are way better than fucking NOAH. ROH needs to focus on their local talent like Danielson, the Briscoes, AOTF, Brent Albright, Chris Hero, Jack Evans, ect., instead of giving valuable main events to Japs every show. You can't have storylines with those guys. The only semi-interesting one was when Joe was challenging all of them, but that didn't last too long because TNA decided to pull Joe from the company, and since then, other than Danielson carrying that fat, worthless piece of shit Morishima to watchable stuff, these overrated Japanese wrestlers haven't served any decent purpose in the company, and I personally don't want ROH to have a TV deal while their product is like this.
You know, I think you're a pretty intelligent guy and I do enjoy reading most of your post, but it's when you say shit like this where you end up looking bad.
My apologies for speaking the truth.

You categorize fans who don't like the same things you like, and you do it in an insulting manner. I mean, yes... there are a lot of ROH fans out there like you describe, but there are also ROH fans who just enjoy pro wrestling. I mean, just tonight on Raw, there was a 40-50ish year old man in the front row wearing a Ring of Honor shirt, and he was marking out like crazy for Cena during his match with Edge. Believe this or not, but there are just as many Cena fans who follow ROH as there are Cena haters. I can email you a link that would prove this to be true if you'd like.

I don't care if you like ROH or not; that's just personal preference, but it's lame how you categorize those who do like it as nothing but snobbish smarks.
I'm afraid you are definitely jumping the gun on me. Go back and read what I said. No where, in what I posted there, did I talk about how fans behave. No, what I talked about was the type of fan that ROH is trying to attract. And I'm right, too. ROH is meant to be the smark's paradise, where moves, big spots, and foreign wrestlers are a higher priority that quality professional wrestling. That's ROH's target audience, because, as you said, there are a lot of wrestling fans out there who are that kind of fan. And that kind of usually is disillusioned with the wrestling that the WWE puts on (usually because they're too caught up in their own ignorance of the definition of quality wrestling), and so ROH says to them "Hey, look at us. We put on the type of wrestling where you can see people who do a bunch of moves, because that's REAL wrestling". I don't blame ROH for targeting those fans as a business. It's good business if you can make it work. I do blame promotions like ROH for the decline in wrestling quality, but that's another story.

But yeah, on topic... the ultimate reason I think ROH isn't on TV is because they don't aspire to be at the moment.
They don't aspire to be, because they are not good enough to afford. They don't have the financials to back a show, because they don't have the fans to support the financials.

ROH needs to focus on their local talent like Danielson, the Briscoes, AOTF, Brent Albright, Chris Hero, Jack Evans, ect., instead of giving valuable main events to Japs every show. You can't have storylines with those guys.
BUT, what you do do is appeal to those "smart" fans, who read or watch a couple Japanese matches, and suddenly think they are Puroresu experts. So, ROH brings in a name for a couple shows, to appeal to those fans. See how it all ties together?
The networks are afraid to give ROH a TV deal because they know ROH doesn't sell. Sure ROH is the "real" wrestling promotion. But that's not what's in. MMA is in. So even WWE, and TNA are having a hard time, and if WWE is struggling ROH would perish after about a month. Plus ROH doesn't have a big enough fan base. ROH has their loyal supporters, but that’s not enough. WWE, and TNA are known worldwide. ROH is barely known in the USA. It's just a local Indies promotion, and that's the way it should, and will stay. Not only that, but ROH doesn't have enough money. They wrestle at high school gyms, because they can't afford better.

So sorry ROH fans. But it's not gonna happen.
I'm afraid you are definitely jumping the gun on me. Go back and read what I said. No where, in what I posted there, did I talk about how fans behave. No, what I talked about was the type of fan that ROH is trying to attract. And I'm right, too. ROH is meant to be the smark's paradise, where moves, big spots, and foreign wrestlers are a higher priority that quality professional wrestling. That's ROH's target audience, because, as you said, there are a lot of wrestling fans out there who are that kind of fan. And that kind of usually is disillusioned with the wrestling that the WWE puts on (usually because they're too caught up in their own ignorance of the definition of quality wrestling), and so ROH says to them "Hey, look at us. We put on the type of wrestling where you can see people who do a bunch of moves, because that's REAL wrestling". I don't blame ROH for targeting those fans as a business. It's good business if you can make it work. I do blame promotions like ROH for the decline in wrestling quality, but that's another story.

Shit…. my bad. I guess I did misinterpret your statement.

But yeah, to a certain extent I agree, but it looks like ROH is finally taking a different turn. They didn’t have any Japanese guys on either show this weekend, which is a plus considering how much bitching I was just doing about that. So hopefully, ROH is getting away from the booking they’ve been doing since mid-2007.
The reason ROH doesn't have a national TV deal is because they have no stars that the casual wrestling fan heard of. TNA got theirs because there are folks that the casual wrestling fan who only watches the WWE or when it was around WCW. So they brought in wrestlers that folks heard of. Name one current wrestler in ROH that a casual wrestling fan heard of.
The reason ROH doesn't have a national TV deal is because they have no stars that the casual wrestling fan heard of. TNA got theirs because there are folks that the casual wrestling fan who only watches the WWE or when it was around WCW. So they brought in wrestlers that folks heard of. Name one current wrestler in ROH that a casual wrestling fan heard of.

In my humble opinion, I think you have this backwards. Wrestlers become known to the casual fan because they are on TV. And that's why ROH doesn't have a TV deal. Their product isn't made for the casual wrestling fan. It's not a money making machine like the WWE. ROH is directed towards fans that love wrestling- it's not a product that everyone will like. On WWE programming, there is usually a spot for everybody- comedy, drama, sex, violence. ROH shows are certainly not trying to appeal to the masses. The shows are based around the wrestling with a limited amount of skits and promos. And personally, I think that's what makes it great.
Everyone thinks ROH is so special because they have less of the entertainment style of the WWE, but truthfully, all indy organizations are like that. All Indy organizations concentrate more on the wrestling parts than the non wrestling parts. Now I agree that fans get to know the wrestlers by TV, but think of this. If you see a TV guide listing for ROH and TNA and ROH's said see such stars as Nigel McGuinness, The Briscoe Brothers, Adam Pearce and more ROH stars vs TNA's saying see such stars like Kurt Angle, Booker T, Kevin Nash, and more TNA stars. More folks will tune into the TNA show, because they have seen more of those guys. They know them.
Everyone thinks ROH is so special because they have less of the entertainment style of the WWE, but truthfully, all indy organizations are like that. All Indy organizations concentrate more on the wrestling parts than the non wrestling parts.

Exactly. And for my taste, I would choose just about any Indy show over a WWE show.

Now I agree that fans get to know the wrestlers by TV, but think of this. If you see a TV guide listing for ROH and TNA and ROH's said see such stars as Nigel McGuinness, The Briscoe Brothers, Adam Pearce and more ROH stars vs TNA's saying see such stars like Kurt Angle, Booker T, Kevin Nash, and more TNA stars. More folks will tune into the TNA show, because they have seen more of those guys. They know them.

THis point could be argued either way all day long. It's kind of like the old "which came first, the chicken or the egg" saying. I think that fans get to know wrestlers by watching them on TV.
Regardless, I don't think name recognition has anything to do with getting a TV deal. The original ECW had no nationally recognizeable names when they got their TV deal with TNN. Getting a TV has more to do with the nature of the product. At this point, I don't think ROH would be willing to comprimise their product just to get a TV deal. They would have to for a cable network to carry them.
Don't forget though, back then wrestling was the hottest thing on TV at the time. WCW and WWE were gettings 5's and 6's for RAW and Nitro, maybe 3's and 4's for Thunder and Smackdown, maybe 1's and 2's for shows like WCW Saturday Nights and Heat and stuff. Of course they were going to sign ECW to deal, favorable market to get wrestling fans.

Today the WWE is doing 3's on RAW, 1's and 2's on smackdown and 1's on ECW. TNA is doing 1's. Not really a favorable market for wrestling fans.

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