Nets acquire Deron Williams

Buffalo Dave

Yeeeeeeeah Buddy!!
New Jersey Nets just landed one of the best PG's in the NBA right now, definitely a top 10 player in the league. The deal was, Favors, Harris, two 1st round picks, and cash considerations. Just a great move by the Nets. They have been looking to make a big move ever since the Russian billionaire took over, now they have it. Getting Williams definitely makes them better. They lose a good point guard in Devin Harris, but Williams is tons better than him. Favors is only a rookie and has a big upside, but Kris Humphries is playing pretty good, damn near averaging a double double, now he's starting he should be able to. He has definitely broke out this year in his second year with the Nets, after being tossed around the first few years of his career. So now the Nets starting 5 looks like this,

B. Lopez - Center
K. Humphries -Forward
T. Outlaw - Forward
A. Morrow - Guard
D. Williams - Guard

On the bench Petro, Ross, James, Udoh, Farmer, Vujacic.

The Nets also sent Troy Murphy to the Warriors for center Dan Gadzuric and Forward Brandon Wright. Nets have been looking to dump Murphy and his contract for awhile now since they never use him, and finally get that. Wright will see some time, put Gadzuric will see little time. It's also said that the Warriors will most likely buyout Murphy's contract leaving him to sign where ever.

All in all it works for both teams. Jazz are clearly in rebuild mode, and get 2 pieces plus the draft picks to help that, the Nets get the superstar they desired and an anchor to their team.
well its a big risk for NJ since Deron isn't eligible to sign an extension until July, or whenever the new CBA allows him to, & also does Deron want to stay in NJ past the 2011-2012 season??? (From what I have read, he's unhappy about the trade lol)

From Utah's standpoint, this is an excellent trade for them because they get Devin Harris & Derrick Favors plus a 2011 1st round draft pick from NJ (most likely will be a top 5 or top 10 draft pick unless its protected or something) & a 2012 1st round draft pick which NJ originally acquired from GS (dont know if that's protected but if it's not then that too will be a lottery pick since we're talking about GS here lol)

However, Utah will probably have to trade Mehmet Okur, Paul Millsap and/or Al Jefferson during the summer because of Favors, & also they'll probably trade Kirilenko by tomorrow since his contract expires after this season

From GS standpoint, Troy Murphy will definitely get bought out & he'll sign with Orlando, Boston, Dallas, or Miami
After the loss of Jerry Sloan Utah obviously knew that this current core wasn't going to cut it so they went out and got some nice pieces to go with the current talent they have and build for the future. Devin Harris when he's on is one of the better point guards in the league, I'd say top 10. Derrick Favors is very young but he has some raw talent. In a couple years with young guys like Harris, Favors, and Al Jefferson, and the two future first rounders they received, the Jazz have a chance to be compete again in the West. It all depends on how their young guys develop together.

The Nets needed a big name to start their run towards contention in the East and Deron Williams is a great start. He is easily a top 5 point guard in the league and a superstar caliber player. He will instantly make the Nets better. He and Brook Lopez are a good start towards building for the future and this offseason I expect them to get another fairly big name in free agency to help them move forward even more.
tripolie atche;2879778 said:
well its a big risk for NJ since Deron isn't eligible to sign an extension until July, or whenever the new CBA allows him to, & also does Deron want to stay in NJ past the 2011-2012 season??? (From what I have read, he's unhappy about the trade lol)
Don't read anything into Williams being unhappy about being a Net, on this, the day he got traded. He just got traded from the team currently in the 8 seed in the West (the only team he's ever known) to a team that is 17-40. If he WAS happy, he'd need his head examined, especially since he has no prior ties to the team (as a player, fan, whatever).

The parallels between this trade and the Jason Kidd Nets trade are very similar. Both are Point Guards in their prime, both were very unhappy to be traded to the Nets, and both went through issues with coaches (Kidds was in NJ with Byron Scott, Deron obviously recently with Jerry Sloan), ultimately resulting in the coach no longer coaching the team (Byron Scott was fired, Sloan resigned). If they can duplicate the success they had with Kidd (2 finals appearances), the Nets will be ecstatic.

There are 3 reasons why I wouldn't be surprised if Deron Williams will ultimately re-sign with the Nets.
1. The team will be built around him, and they will use him to help drag another superstar to the team (which will be in Brooklyn) in 2012 (possibly as big a name as Dwight Howard?)
2. Money. Even under the new CBA, it will be likely that the current team will be able to offer the most money. Most every player in the league, at the end of the day, jumps at every last dollar (see Carmelo Anthony).
3. He'll possibly end up liking it there. In the New York market, he will be afforded opportunities that players don't get in Utah, or other small markets. He'll also no longer be overlooked for the same reason.

Finally, New Jersey ABSOLUTELY needed to take this risk. Unfortunately for them, living in the shadow of the Knicks (and Madison Square Garden) makes it really difficult to sign Free Agents, or get guys to willingly go to New Jersey. They were able to force Deron Williams here, and they'll do everything they can to make him like it. Getting 1 guy in will help them be able to lure the 2nd guy. PLUS, the Nets just got embarassed by the whole Carmello shunning them situation, and being able to get a superstar like Williams (who is actually a better fit for the nets then Anthony) is a GREAT way to save face.
Let me start off by saying 1 thing: The Jazz are NOT in rebuild mode. I was at Energy Solutions Arena during the press conference and I heard it straight from the horse's mouth. We're still a decent team, and we're still looking to move. If we make one solid deal before the deadline, we could be back in the mix. We obviously won't win a championship, but we will be a playoff team and somewhat of a contender. You have to understand, though, the Jazz have been the picture of stability for 23 years, and now they're finally making moves. It does not indicate the Jazz calling it a year and shutting down, it just means that with the team they felt that a change was needed, and that to contend we needed to make something happen. Simple as that.

As for the trade itself, I'll be looking at it from a life-long Jazz fan's perspective, obviously. Let me say that I LOVE the deal. We got rid of D-Will, an excellent player mind you, but he wasn't going to stay anyway. This way we got something for him, and it was a damn good deal that we could not pass up. We got Devin Harris, a former All-Star Point Guard, an a very good player when he's at full throttle, and Derrick Favors, a diamond in the rough, who was the 3rd overall pick and has the potential to be an amazing player. To go along with that we got 2 first round picks and cash. The Nets' pick can potentially be very high and give us a guy who would be ready to make an impact as soon as next season.

Don't sleep on the Jazz, folks. They are still a good team, and will only get better as time goes on.
I'm sorry but while the future may be bright for the Jazz, they are done this season. They've lost 5 straight games, 7 of their last 10, and they just lost their best player who happens to be a top 3 (top 5 at the worst) point guard in the league. They've fallen out of the 8 spot and the only thing they got in return that can help them this year is Devin Harris. I'm sorry but as much as I like Harris, he isn't going to lead them to the playoffs this year. Favors is way too young and raw to contribute to a playoff run right now and the two first round picks are irrelevant to this year. The future looks solid but they aren't making the playoffs this year.
Let me start off by saying 1 thing: The Jazz are NOT in rebuild mode.

This move was obviously made with rebuilding in mind, most of your post is even saying this.

As for the trade itself, I'll be looking at it from a life-long Jazz fan's perspective, obviously. Let me say that I LOVE the deal. We got rid of D-Will, an excellent player mind you, but he wasn't going to stay anyway.

He was most likely not going to stay, but during the rest of his stay they would be better than they are now.

This way we got something for him, and it was a damn good deal that we could not pass up. We got Devin Harris, a former All-Star Point Guard, an a very good player when he's at full throttle

But not nearly as good as Williams, who is one of (if not the) best point guards in the league.

and Derrick Favors, a diamond in the rough, who was the 3rd overall pick and has the potential to be an amazing player.

The key word is potential. He could be great, but he is by no means there yet.

To go along with that we got 2 first round picks and cash. The Nets' pick can potentially be very high and give us a guy who would be ready to make an impact as soon as next season.

Next season.

Don't sleep on the Jazz, folks. They are still a good team, and will only get better as time goes on.

But they are not as good as they were before the trade. The whole idea behind going into rebuilding mode is getting better in the future, which is exactly what you just described the trade as.
I like the trade for both teams. The Nets get one of, if not the best PG in basketball and can start working on bettering their team. They have a nice core with Lopez and Williams. If they can pick up a big name in free agency and also get some valuable role players with their current roster (Outlaw, Humphrey, Farmar, etc.)

As for the Jazz they got some good talent in return for Williams. I'd expect them to make some moves by the deadline. Devin Harris is a quality PG and when he is on you is close to elite at the position. Favors has loads of potential and if he can put it together he will be a damn good big man. Mix in Millsap and Jefferson and you have a nice core of big men. Utah will be in for a down rest of the year and may be a low seed in the west, but will most likely be gone in the first round. The offseason shall be fun for the Jazz. Likely they will move Millsap or Jefferson and AK47 and then they can look at the draft and work on bettering the team for the long haul.
Since the trade happened I've been hearing that D-Will isn't going to re-sign with the Nets anyways, so if that happens then the Jazz may have made a fantastic trade. Devin Harris is pretty good, one of the better PG's in the league, and Derrick Favors could end up being something special if he pulls his head out of his ass.

The draft picks are also helpful, Utah will probably end up with a bad record anyways, so there's a pretty high pick, and the Nets will end up with one of the worst records int he league - so there's a very high pick. They could pick up some nice players in the upcoming draft.

And Utah is most certainly in rebuilding mode.

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