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Least talented divas in WWE

  • Eva Marie

  • Brie Bella

  • Cameroon

  • Tamina Snuka

  • Alicia Fox

  • Dana Brooke

  • Other (Name her)

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Gone. For. Good.
So i want to know your opinions about this matter....
We all want Divas Division to be much relevant and although "Divas Revolution" has been booked at average, yet it has improved the division.....
With the likes of Sasha Banks, Becky Lynch, Paige etc on main roster and Bayley, Asuka etc on nXt, This division can be great if booked strongly....
I strongly want it to be named back to Women Division and title back to Women title.......
So if we want a real revolution in this division and make it great as was in nXt, Which divas have nothing to contribute to it in WWE? In my view, they are Brie Bella & Eva Marie....
According to me, they are least talented divas...
Well actually, Brie Bella and Tamina can have good matches. Moreover Brie had evolved a lot and gained lots of moves and flow in the ring from the time she debuted. I don't even reckon she and Tamina or Alicia should be in the list. Last year at Survivor Series Alicia had a decent outing in the Divas Survivor Series elimination tag match.

It's just the way how WWE uses them. The only names that's obvious in the list which should be taken off from the Roster are Eva Marie and Cameron. They're just awful and it has been more than obvious to the crowd. They'll never accept them both.
Eva Marie is only there because she has a "look", whatever that is. Cameron is useful only as a squash jobber. Eva Marie has zero use at all.
I'd toss Rosa Mendes in there. She is the worst woman wrestler I've seen .....and that's saying a lot.

This topic doesn't seem to encompass what divas do outside the ring, but there, too, I'd pick Rosa as the gal with the least to offer. Her last non-fighting gig, as Fandango's partner was as rancid and fortunately short-lived as everything else she's done.

To top it off, she was booted off the tour for a long time due to substance abuse problems, right? Plainly, the company must see something in her that I'm missing.
Isn't Rosa Mendez pregnant? If she is I doubt we'll be seeing her back in the WWE ring and that's a good thing.

Cameron is nothing sort of horrible, and Eva Marie, while a beautiful woman, is pretty bad as well. There is more than that, but it gives me a headache just thinking about them.

Oh and they will never get rid of the name Diva's. According to reports Vince loves it, and thinks the girls are just that Diva's.
I'd toss Rosa Mendes in there. She is the worst woman wrestler I've seen .....and that's saying a lot.

This topic doesn't seem to encompass what divas do outside the ring, but there, too, I'd pick Rosa as the gal with the least to offer. Her last non-fighting gig, as Fandango's partner was as rancid and fortunately short-lived as everything else she's done.

To top it off, she was booted off the tour for a long time due to substance abuse problems, right? Plainly, the company must see something in her that I'm missing.

Rosa is the one that immediately came to mind for me. It blows my mind that she was been on WWE television since 2008. Maybe I should rephrase that. She debuted in 2008 but she is rarely on television. Despite her being here for seven years I still have a hard time recognizing her when she does show up. She has done nothing of note during her career. Rosa is completely forgettable and I guarantee if she were released tomorrow many people on this forum would chime in with a post saying they thought she was released years ago.
I would of throw in Naomi and Summer Rae in there along all those names on list. If we are talking about serious contribution both dont have too much to offer. Fact that they are involved in storylines and Natalya or even Sasha Banks arent nowhere to be found is why that "Divas Revolution" is an overall fail. For example Layla retired earlier this year. If you couldnt done anything with her but could with some other names then you know that you are doing it wrong. Heck, Lana is good valet figure but she got heat just because she dared to engage with Rusev. So, dunno if WWE will find something good for her when she comes back.

I actually liked Alicia Fox with her "crazy" gimmick. At least it was something kinda new with her going around and smashing things. And Eva Marie can at least contribute with all heel heat she has right now. People say that she improved at NXT but saw few of her matches on youtube and cant see that she improved that lot unless you count that she is being little less atrocious as some improving. Though wouldnt count on anything serious with her she could maybe at least generate some of her heat for storylines.
Look at it this way -- if people really want to see the Divas division come full circle (as some do), then you need JOBBERS. You need someone like Bo Dallas who can come out and get some mic time, but ultimately put someone over. Of course, now we just need Vince & Trips to see it that way. Because I'd love to see jobber matches involving Brie. LOL I'd love to see her to her dumbass "Brie mode" chant and then have someone just beat the piss out of her for saying it in the first place.

Rosa is the one that immediately came to mind for me. It blows my mind that she was been on WWE television since 2008. Maybe I should rephrase that. She debuted in 2008 but she is rarely on television. Despite her being here for seven years I still have a hard time recognizing her when she does show up. She has done nothing of note during her career. Rosa is completely forgettable and I guarantee if she were released tomorrow many people on this forum would chime in with a post saying they thought she was released years ago.

Not to mention that she hasn't won a match in her entire WWE career.

I'm not sure why they keep her around to be honest. She isn't on TV enough to really be considered a jobber and when she is put in managerial positions she rarely lasts longer than a few weeks for whatever low card superstar she is with.

I never like to see anyone lose their job, but if Rosa were to end up fired tomorrow, I wouldn't scoff at it.
Alicia and Brie shouldn't be on this list. Alicia is severely underrated in the ring if you ask me. Brie is Brie, she's not amazing, but she can wrestle and boy is she marketable. I'm glad the Bella's reign of terror appears to be over, but they have a lot to offer so far as a midcard goes in the divas division.

Tamina is great muscle, I don't see any reason to release her based on the fact that she's boring or not boner-inducing. I like where she is as she can back up Sasha and Naomi.

I'm not sure why Cameron has a job. She's barely passable as a wrestler, maybe as a character she can draw heat or reunite with Naomi, but does anyone have nostalgia for the Funkadactyls? It can't be a need for more diversity, you already have Alicia, Naomi, and Sasha. Of all of them, Cameron is the top pick for release.

Dana and Eva Marie are developmental talents. Way too early to say they can't round a corner find something that clicks. I generally don't like the people backed by the WWE machine too, but I'd give these too some more time before casting judgement.
Eva Marie gets a pass from me because she has and is demonstrating a willingness to learn and improve in the ring. That, and she's a heat magnet. Even if I don't like her, that has a place on the roster. And, let's look back and see how much Trish Stratus improved back in the day. Will Eva Marie be like Trish? I doubt it, but I'd give her a chance if she's willing to continue working hard.

Brie, Alicia, Tamina, and Dana all have some combination of skill, work ethic, or character that allows them to fill out the roster. They can be jobbers, managers, the third rung of a team, a partner, a sister, whatever they need to be to add faces to a division that needs depth. All of them should stay.

Cameron doesn't really have any of those features. Could she? Sure. But, if she flops on NXT, then she should be done. That's that.

The same could be said for Rosa. I didn't even remember she was on the roster until several mentioned her above. Her best role was a sexy valet for Primo and Epico. As a wrestler, she did nothing, and likely never will. Unless she goes back to being someone's valet, I see no reason to keep her around. Any of the enhancement divas on NXT could fill the same spot AND put on a decent match as well.
The correct answer is Brie Bella. She's absolutely useless. As much as I talk about how much I hate The Bella twins, Nikki has at least improved some. Brie is the 2nd worst in-ring on the entire divas roster losing only to Cameron. Brie is THE very WORST diva on the mic that I have ever seen. The only reason she still has a job is because of starring on Total Divas with her twin sister. I understand keeping her around for Total Divas and even for supporting her sister, but Brie has no business stepping foot into the ring or doing another promo ever again. With the new girls coming up from NXT the quality of the division has gone up so much that she's lightyears behind the majority of the others. In terms of being used in an in-ring capacity, they should get rid of her. Only have her do Total Divas and be in Nikki's corner. If we're talking eliminating someone from every capacity in the WWE including Total Divas then I nearly had to change my choice to Rosa as she never does anything and hasn't for 7 years. She's better than Brie though and thus to me is more of an asset.

As for the others on the poll.... Eva Marie is hated, but she at least wanted to improve. As awful as she was (and honestly still kinda is) she admitted to needing more training. She earned some respect from me with that. Same goes for Cameron. Still abysmal in the ring, but she chose to do more training in NXT. Tamina and Rosa get 2nd and 3rd place respectively for me in the poll behind Brie. Tamina's got a legend for a father and that might be part of why she's still there as it can't be for in-ring quality. Rosa still having a job after 7 years of doing NOTHING relevant WHATSOEVER is a mystery. Alicia Fox shouldn't be on the poll. She's not great but she's significantly better than Brie, Cameron, Eva Marie, Rosa, and Tamina. Why is Dana Brooke on the poll? She's still improving and has become much better since her NXT debut. If she keeps improving she could become a big star and in an intimidating heel role when she gets to the main roster, something like what Beth Phoenix used to be.
This is a good poll. And some good choices there. For some reason their wanting Eva Marie to be the next Nikki Bella in a few years but she has zero to offer and zero potential.

I think Alicia Foxx is actually pretty decent in the ring. I'm interested almost everuytime she's in. Even Brie has some not terrible matches. There's potential for her to be in a decent match. I voted for Cameron cause she shouldn't even be on the roster.
Eva Marie doesn't know how to wrestle but I think she does have a use. People hate her guts they should use that. She's a heat magnet why don't they make her a Vickie Guerrero type heel and pair her with somebody. Not every woman has to be a wrestler.

The most useless is Cameron. She's terrible and nobody cares for her. I didn't even care for her when I watched Total Divas. She was always whining and complaining while Naomi was stealing the show.
Eva Marie doesn't know how to wrestle but I think she does have a use. People hate her guts they should use that. She's a heat magnet why don't they make her a Vickie Guerrero type heel and pair her with somebody. Not every woman has to be a wrestler.

Well the thing about Eva is her heat is from her being used as a wrestler despite a obvious lack of experience and skill, if she stopped wrestling then all the heat is gone and she would have to make up for it on the mic, and well lets just say she's no Vickie. Not even remotely close.
Sorry to burst the bubbles here, but Charlotte is easily worse than every single one of those Divas listed, INCLUDING Eva Marie. Eva Marie is in NXT, and she's just very recently begun her wrestling career. She's still super green.
Eva Marie, Cameron, Rosa Mendez, Summer Rae, Lana, Jo Jo and Renee Young all of these ladies can be easily replaced with better enhancement talent.

Although in retrospect I guess I believe Summer Rae is a decent Manager and has a character people love to hate. I like Her in Her new role with Tyler Breeze and believe they play very will off one another. I guess in all honesty My biggest concern with Her is She is flat out unappealing to the eyes IMO. She could be so much more effective if She was beautiful again IMO.

Which brings Me to Lana who is very beautiful and I also believe She can flourish in an Manager role. She is a little charismatically challenged and absolutely horrible on the mic which holds Her back exponentially. Her single reedeeming quality can't just be that She is very pleasing to gaze upon if She hopes to become more than inconsequential eye candy.

Renee Young and Jo Jo have absolutely nothing worth salvaging IMO. They are the two single most worthless backstage announcers on the Roster maybe ever... I personally wouldn't be sad to see either go away and never be heard from again.

Eva, Cameron and Rosa are all in the same boat to Me. Little to no true wrestling talent, all are fairly good looking but that does not warrant their employment?... absolutely not! at least not in My humble opinion. Eva can at the very least draw heat. Cameron continuously makes a fool of Herself on Total Diva's and I honestly could not tell You why on God's green Earth Rosa has held a job this long... with the exception that maybe She regularly gets Mr.Mahon off on a daily basis.

Unless these ladies improve exponentially I would not be sad to see any and all of them fade into obscurity.

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