NDAA: Another Step in the Fascist Takeover of America


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
Dicsclaimer: The thread title was taken from the Article linked below I did not come up with it.


NDAA stands doe National Defense Authorization Act and what it will do is give the military permission to capture and Detain American Citizens indefinitely without Due Process or a Trial which is in direct violation of the 6th Amendment. The Bill was drafted in secret my Michigan Senator Carl Levin & Arizona Senator & Former Presidential Candidate John McCain before being passed in a closed-door committee meeting without any kind of hearing

An amendment brought forth by KY senator Rand Paul & CA senator Dianne Feinstein would have taken out the ability of the military to Detain American Citizens indefinitely saying "the government should not have the ability to lock away its citizens for years and perhaps decades without charging them.”

Obama says he will veto the bill if it comes to his desk but there is a chance that it will be passed anyway

When our elected officials start trying to chip away at our constitution I get scared to be honest. The fact that this was drafted & passed in secret is also a cause for worry. It starts here but where will it end? Will there be public executions without a trial? How about they give police the right to barge into our house and do whatever they want? I hope yo god this doesn't get very far because if this passes I see bad things in the future of this country
What kind of hell hole would we live in had John McCain won 2008's Presidential Election? What kind of fuck tard endorses this kind of Bill? Is he so terrified that terrorists are living amongst us that we need a bill that clearly violates our Constitution? Why should I give up my right to be tried without a fucking reason just because the military suspects I will harm America? You're right Milenko, what's next to go? What freedoms will be taken away before lawmakers stop doing this shit? It seems every six months or so, some stupid bill that clearly violates the Constitution pops up and threatens to take away our rights. I could be locked up indefinitely for writing this post as long as I'm labeled a terrorists. No trial. No lawyer. Nothing. Just utter horse shit.

I also found this on Addictinginfo.org:
Included in the bill is Amendment 1068 which was offered by Republican Senator Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire. This part of the bill undermines President Obama’s executive order that bans torture and overrides the list of permissible interrogation techniques in the US Army Field Manual.
Toturing normal everyday American citizens is what this country has come to? Really? Fuck that.
I am an Australian, so I don't quite get the full impact of this, but this in any developed nation is a little close to a 'Secret Police' state. So to hell with that shit, the fact that this is being looked at is a scary thought.

Just My Opinion
Goddamn conservatives in this country scare me. I mean, the greedy "if you aren't rich (born rich like me) then it's your own fault" is understandable. If you're raised wealthy and told your shit don't stink, it's understandable.

THIS is batshit crazy. First off, tortuing other terrorists is wrong because it basically puts us at their level. This sounds like it was written by some uneducated hick who also endorses "just blow up da whole middle east, get rid of all the towlies".

I am really, really, really, REALLY afraid that the conservatives are going to take over and fuck everyone. If so, I just might become a Canadian.
Holy shit.

Now I'm a conservative, but this is just batshit crazy. This bill isn't going to protect anyone from anything dangerous, no; this is merely another means of taking away what power there is left from the people (in the name of the people, rofl).

No, I don't want this. Torture people all you want - disembowel them if you like - but not under circumstances that spell coercion and fear.
Hey, how about you actually look at who co-sponsored this bill before you start blaming just the Reublicans...Carl Levin is not only a long tenured DEMOCRAT, but he is also quite liberal. This bill needs to be defeated, it is an incredible violation of justice...but only a fool would blame just the Republicans.

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