NCAA Football Week 5 LD - Welcome to the Big 10, Nebraska


Justin Verlander > You
A little late on this, but better late then never, right? Right now Texas A&M and Arkansas are having a nice little duel in Jerry World and Illinois and NW are in their own shootout in Champaigne. In a few we'll see Auburn @ So. Carolina, MSU/OSU, GT/NC St for relevant games in the title chase, although I'll probably be having most of my focus on the MLB games on today/night.

Oh yeah, Nebraska makes their Big 10 debut to the prohibited favorite of the Big 10, Wisconsin, and Bama goes to the swamp to face the Gators.
Really looking forward to Wisconsin stomping all over the huskers throats tonight. Ark/A&M has been a pretty entertaining game so far.
It'd be nice to do something Dantonio hasn't accomplished yet - Win against OSU. This is their best chance, by far, but they really need to get the run game going early, even with their battered up line.
:lmao: A&M tried to run on 4th and two and got DENIED.

And this is some shitty weather in the MSU/OSU game.
Shitty weather fucked that drive over. Oh well, pin them deep and play field position battle early.

WOW lucked out on that punt. That could've gave them some early momentum. Gotta handle these snaps, even with the wet ball.
WOOO Sparty! Good start. Got the run game going well with Bell (who right now has the hot hand) and Cunningham came up with the big catch. If we get to about 24 or 27 we should win, since our defense is very strong and OSU's passing game is bad.
Great one handed pick there by Denard. Momentum changer. Now if we can get a drive going and get at least 3 before the break, that'd be great.

The D's playing up to par. The running game has slowed down a bit, but I still want to see more Bell because he always seems to get at least 3 or 4 a carry.
These receivers have to do a better job of getting to the ball. Cousins throws were on the money, and these guys are just late with turning. At least we've pinned them deep, though, I'd still like a 2 possession lead going into half.
I know OSU's offense blows, but this line is getting awesome pressure on the Buckeyes and aren't even giving Miller time to drop back. This defense is gonna win us some games, I see. It's got some great young talents (Bullough and Gholston spring to mind, and their top recruit this past year - a LB - hasn't been on the field yet due to injury). Dantonio's doing a great job in making this team deeper in talent, and it's starting to show.

Now get some more points, please.
Well the defense bailed Cousins out, but you gotta protect the football. Giving points away just... ugh.
This offense is killing itself here in OSU territory. Cousins had a guy deep just rushed the throw and underthrew it. I know OSU hasn't gotten any O, but you can't keep relying on them pitching a shutout all game.

So irritated. Should be winning by at least 2 TDs.
We should really stop with the dumb penalties. No need for a headshot on what was going to be a 3rd and 17. Just dumb, dumb plays.
They are, however, getting great pressure seemingly every time Miller drops back to throw. Drive killers for sure.
This games been ugly offensively, but still up (with a chance to add more) going into the 4th makes me happy. Finish this drive off with 6, get a stop, and ice the game.
Banging my head against a wall.... seriously? Awful call, awful throw, take your 3 and 2 possession lead instead of doing a shitty play like that.

God dammit.
MVP of the game is that superfreak William Gholston. Another sack and another 3 and out.

As angry as I am about the offenses fuckups, the D's given up nothing all day.

Edit: with the field position they have, they better get at least 3 and put this game out of reach. I still am not completely safe up only 7-0, since a big play can break out any time and it would kill to have that happen because we can't take advantage of good field position.
Thank fuck we got 3 there. Now I can relax, although the D better keep on pressuring the OSU's O-Line, since they're gonna have to start throwing it more and more often as this game gets shorter and shorter.
I'm having a fine time talking to myself, thank you very much... :suspic:

And the way OSU's moving the ball this games all but over... hopefully.
Great play by Denicos Allen jumping over the RB for the sack.

And 7 sacks is awesome to see. We've never really been a great rushing team, so continuously taking the QB down like they have been makes me happy and hopeful they do it all Big 10 season.

Also, Leveon Bell should be the close out back right now. I know Baker was great last year, but Bell is much bigger and runs well between the tackles.

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