NCAA Basketball Thread

Thank God they cleared Selby to play. I can't wait to see this kid go up against the USC and everyone else that Kansas will play. I believe that he can surpass Brandon Knight as the best scoring point guard in the country before this season is over.

Me too, if he averaged 20 points to go along with Marcus Morris' 18, we'd be a great team, and we'd be cutting down the nets come March.

Harrison Barnes is so fucking overrated that it's not even funny. He's now dropped from number one from many mock drafts and people see him dropping even further down with the emergence of Irving as the second coming of Chris Paul.

For a supposed "clear cut" number one pick next year, he's yet to scratch 20 points in the season and when the offense has been put on his shoulders, he has failed miserably.

Yep, he pretty much sucks these days. I don't know if it's Roy Williams coaching, or just a case of everyone overrating the hell out of him, but he just can't get it done. Another lackluster performance last night just dissapoints the hell outta me, 3-11 shooting, and 9 points? That's not an All American, I'll tell ya that much.

Much as I hate UNC, I do want Barnes to break out of this slump, and play to his (alleged) potential, I don't wanna see another Felipe Lopez situation.

I can't wait for the UNC Duke game because either Irving will show that actually HE'S the clear cut number one pick next year or Barnes will go out and justify some of the hype that was given to him before the season. I would go with the former on this one though as I don't see Barnes breaking out as a star anytime soon.

Unfortunately, we may not see this matchup. Irving may be out for the season, which would blow hard for three reasons:

1. You hate to see a guy projected so high on draft boards to go down with a possible career changing injury, I hate Duke, but Kyrie Irving is a great dude, and one hell of a ball player, I hope he can make a full recovery this year, or at least before next year.

2. Those Dukie bastards would have Kyrie Irving next year.

3. We won't get to compare Selby and Irving, the two top frosh. guards this year, and we won't get to see them play eachother in the tourney (if Duke/KU play).

Recruit update: McLemore says he will "definitely" make his decision around christmas time, but I would take anything he says lightly, 'cause he's been pushing the date back for quite some time now. Apparently he's engaged to his high school sweetheart, and now she, along with the rest of his family are strongly encouraging him to go to MU.

DeAndre Daniels, a Kevin Durant clone, attended KU's home victory over UCLA (both schools are on his list), and apparently enjoyed it very much. UCLA, KU, Texas, Kentucky and Florida are still on his list. He originally commited to Texas, then decommited, he's currently ranked about #9/#10 on most 2011 boards. Here's a quick highlight vid:


Also, the NBA players union wants to abolish the rule stating that you have to be at least 19, and at least one year removed from HS to enter the draft. If this rule is made, they will most likely make a rule stating that players who do go to college, must stay at least two years. I like both parts of the rule, I thought forcing kids to go to college, or take their game overseas to make money was stupid, if they're good enough, why not let 'em play?

What do you guys think about the rule? Should they keep it the way it is, go back to they way it was, or bring in the new rule?
Oh, one more recruit update.... Savon Goodman, who had KU, UCLA, Texas, Kentucky, and Pittburgh on his list, commited to Villanova, who has been getting some great players as of late. He's the only 5 star in their 2012 class so far, but they have 3 4 stars coming in in 2011, and another 4 star dude to go along with Goodman, so the 'Cats will be a team to watch for in years to come.
Yep, he pretty much sucks these days. I don't know if it's Roy Williams coaching, or just a case of everyone overrating the hell out of him, but he just can't get it done. Another lackluster performance last night just dissapoints the hell outta me, 3-11 shooting, and 9 points? That's not an All American, I'll tell ya that much.
Can you believe a lot of mock drafts still have the kid in the top three behind Perry Jones and Irving last week? Now with Irving out they have Barnes in the number 2 position behind Jared Sullinger and Terrence Jones who have been killing their competition. Barnes hasn't even scored 20 points yet in a game! To have him this high over Sullinger and Jones is ridiculous.

Much as I hate UNC, I do want Barnes to break out of this slump, and play to his (alleged) potential, I don't wanna see another Felipe Lopez situation.
I do too buddy. I think the entire basketball community does because of how much he was hyped out of high school. It looks like he might stay an extra year though because I read in an interview that he never said he would leave after one year and has looked at staying at North Carolina as something he would do all along.

Unfortunately, we may not see this matchup. Irving may be out for the season, which would blow hard for three reasons:

1. You hate to see a guy projected so high on draft boards to go down with a possible career changing injury, I hate Duke, but Kyrie Irving is a great dude, and one hell of a ball player, I hope he can make a full recovery this year, or at least before next year.

2. Those Dukie bastards would have Kyrie Irving next year.

3. We won't get to compare Selby and Irving, the two top frosh. guards this year, and we won't get to see them play eachother in the tourney (if Duke/KU play).
Damn, I couldn't believe the news when I heard it. He's out indefinitely and it really sucks because Irving had a great chance of being selected number one in this years draft if he kept playing at his current pace. I hope Irving comes back as soon as possible.

DeAndre Daniels, a Kevin Durant clone, attended KU's home victory over UCLA (both schools are on his list), and apparently enjoyed it very much. UCLA, KU, Texas, Kentucky and Florida are still on his list. He originally commited to Texas, then decommited, he's currently ranked about #9/#10 on most 2011 boards. Here's a quick highlight vid:
All I know is this: he's not going to UCLA. Top recruits aren't going to UCLA for some reason. I just don't understand why but that is the reason as to why we have sucked these past 2 years.

Also, the NBA players union wants to abolish the rule stating that you have to be at least 19, and at least one year removed from HS to enter the draft. If this rule is made, they will most likely make a rule stating that players who do go to college, must stay at least two years. I like both parts of the rule, I thought forcing kids to go to college, or take their game overseas to make money was stupid, if they're good enough, why not let 'em play?

What do you guys think about the rule? Should they keep it the way it is, go back to they way it was, or bring in the new rule?
I'll just say this. There are not too many players that can make the jump from high school to the NBA and succeed. Yes, there are success stories: Kobe, Howard, Garnett but there are more failures: Gerald Green, Shaun Livingston, etc etc than successes.

Keeping players in college for two years will keep NBA owners from wasting money and draft picks on kids that can't play. The competition in high school is not like what it is in college. Evaluations can't be made properly from a tape of a kid dominating kids that are not close to the level that he is. Perry Jones dunking over high schoolers that are 6'0" and below while he's 6'11" is not something that an NBA scout can use as proof that this kid can succeed in the NBA. It's too risky. Yes, you have combines and pre-draft workouts but you don't have tapes of what these kids can do when they're challenged by actual competition. Most of these kids don't play up to the potential and hype that they come out with in high school.

The prime example is Harrison Barnes. If high schoolers were allowed to jump straight to the NBA, he would have surely been picked first in the draft, competing with John Wall for that position. From what we've seen from him, he would not be ready for the NBA. He would have wasted away on someone's bench, not playing. The basketball community would label him a bust and an NBA team would have wasted a high draft pick.

I like the part of college players staying with their colleges for two years. It will surely benefit much of the players that have attitude problems and problems in general. A prime example of this is DeMarcus Cousins of the Kings. This kid is a head case. He could have definitely benefited with one more college year under his belt. He could have gotten his act together and become a more complete player. The only reason he dropped to 5th in the draft was because of his attitude. Teams didn't like that and he could have surely matured with one more year at Kentucky.

So yeah. Rant over. In summary:

1) I disagree that high schoolers should be allowed to enter their name in the draft.

2) I agree that players who go to college should spend 2 years there.

On a side note Angel. Selby's looking to play this Saturday by coming off the bench. But you already knew that.
Josh Selby made his debut as a Jayhawk yesterday, and ending up with 21 pts. including 5 three pointers. It became pretty clear throughout the course of the game that he was the best player on the court, he iced the game winning trey around the 20 second mark, to cap off another KU home victory.

Selby did not start but played the majority of the game, including the final 7 minutes. Self said he has to earn a starting spot, todays performance should be enough to get the start against Cal on Tuesday.
Anybody else see the Renardo Sidney incident? Shit was bizzare, two Mississippi State teamates, two guys that room together, and have been hanging with eachother since last season got into a fight...... Because Elgin Bailey wouldn't move his feet. The fight lasted for a while (I mean, what Hawaiin people are going to break up two 6'8/6'10 black dudes?) and it was hillarious. Did I mention it was in the stadium were a game was about to take place? See for yourself....


Shame though, Sidney was a stud coming out of HS, he really needs to get his shit together.

And I was shocked that Baylor lost last night, I still think they're one of the more impressive teams in the nation, they've got ridiculous size and athletic ability, they're the only team I'm worried about beating KU in the Big 12.

And because I'm a homer, I gotta throw in a KU update.... We beat Cal in a fucking slugfest, literally. Marcus Morris got ejected for throwing a (intentional) nasty 'bow, and some Mexican jackass picked a fight with every player on KU. As expected, Selby balled his ass off, scored 18 points off the bench and snatched up 3 steals. And I don't know if anybody remembers Jelan Kendrick, the studly 5 star recruit that (doesn't really) play for Memphis, but he's looking to transfer, and KU is one of the schools he's looking at. Hell, if he can refrain from hitting/threatening fellow 'Hawks, I'd love to have him. He's got talent oozing from every pore on his body.

Highlights of Kendrick.....


Been meaning to respond to this for a while...

Can you believe a lot of mock drafts still have the kid in the top three behind Perry Jones and Irving last week? Now with Irving out they have Barnes in the number 2 position behind Jared Sullinger and Terrence Jones who have been killing their competition. Barnes hasn't even scored 20 points yet in a game! To have him this high over Sullinger and Jones is ridiculous.

Nope, can't believe it at all. The fact that he's still in some peoples top tens is laughable, Jones, Big Sully, Irving, Selby, and many others are much better options than Barnes. If he continues to stink it up then he'll find himself waiting in the draft room a bit longer than he expected.

I do too buddy. I think the entire basketball community does because of how much he was hyped out of high school. It looks like he might stay an extra year though because I read in an interview that he never said he would leave after one year and has looked at staying at North Carolina as something he would do all along.

They all say that though, I doubt he'll stay, especially if his poor season continues.

Damn, I couldn't believe the news when I heard it. He's out indefinitely and it really sucks because Irving had a great chance of being selected number one in this years draft if he kept playing at his current pace. I hope Irving comes back as soon as possible.

Yep, Irving has loads of potential. I was waiting and praying for a Duke/KU matchup somewhere along the road, and I think they'll both be leaving after this year, so looks like I'll have to wait for a NBA showdown.

All I know is this: he's not going to UCLA. Top recruits aren't going to UCLA for some reason. I just don't understand why but that is the reason as to why we have sucked these past 2 years.

You guys got lots of prospects looking at you in 2012, and Norman Powell will be solid. The Bruins won't stay bad for long.

I'll just say this. There are not too many players that can make the jump from high school to the NBA and succeed. Yes, there are success stories: Kobe, Howard, Garnett but there are more failures: Gerald Green, Shaun Livingston, etc etc than successes

The same could be said for players coming out of college though, it's all speculation when it's said and done, on both levels (D1 and HS).

Keeping players in college for two years will keep NBA owners from wasting money and draft picks on kids that can't play

I honestly couldn't give a shit less about rich NBA cats losing money, some of these kids come from the shittiest of the shits, and they don't want to go another year with their family living in a shithole with no power, running water, etc.

It's too risky. Yes, you have combines and pre-draft workouts but you don't have tapes of what these kids can do when they're challenged by actual competition. Most of these kids don't play up to the potential and hype that they come out with in high school.

THey also have guys that follow them around and watch every single game they play. Not to mention that some AAU teams are better than D1 squads, they've got enough info on these players to make a decision, and like I said- I don't care about million/billionares losing some chump change.

I like the part of college players staying with their colleges for two years. It will surely benefit much of the players that have attitude problems and problems in general. A prime example of this is DeMarcus Cousins of the Kings. This kid is a head case. He could have definitely benefited with one more college year under his belt. He could have gotten his act together and become a more complete player. The only reason he dropped to 5th in the draft was because of his attitude. Teams didn't like that and he could have surely matured with one more year at Kentucky.

I think you're giving Coach Cal waaaay too much credit.

On a side note Angel. Selby's looking to play this Saturday by coming off the bench. But you already knew that.

Yessir, whaddya think of him so far?
Anybody else see the Renardo Sidney incident? Shit was bizzare, two Mississippi State teamates, two guys that room together, and have been hanging with eachother since last season got into a fight...... Because Elgin Bailey wouldn't move his feet. The fight lasted for a while (I mean, what Hawaiin people are going to break up two 6'8/6'10 black dudes?) and it was hillarious. Did I mention it was in the stadium were a game was about to take place? See for yourself....


Shame though, Sidney was a stud coming out of HS, he really needs to get his shit together.
Yup I saw it and it just shows Sidney's immaturity. His star has seemed to supernova in just three years from his transfer to Cali, suspension, and then this incident. Someone is still going to take a chance on him based on potential but he'll fall to the second round because of his immaturity. It's a shame because I've been waiting for this kid for two years and he can't seem to stay on the court.

And I was shocked that Baylor lost last night, I still think they're one of the more impressive teams in the nation, they've got ridiculous size and athletic ability, they're the only team I'm worried about beating KU in the Big 12.
I didn't think Baylor was going to go undefeated and as far as beating KU, it would have been exciting but KU would have been won handedly.

And because I'm a homer, I gotta throw in a KU update.... We beat Cal in a fucking slugfest, literally. Marcus Morris got ejected for throwing a (intentional) nasty 'bow, and some Mexican jackass picked a fight with every player on KU. As expected, Selby balled his ass off, scored 18 points off the bench and snatched up 3 steals. And I don't know if anybody remembers Jelan Kendrick, the studly 5 star recruit that (doesn't really) play for Memphis, but he's looking to transfer, and KU is one of the schools he's looking at. Hell, if he can refrain from hitting/threatening fellow 'Hawks, I'd love to have him. He's got talent oozing from every pore on his body.

Highlights of Kendrick.....


I never liked this kid for some reason. I still don't know why.

Yessir, whaddya think of him so far?
Selby is a gunner that's for sure. I see him as a young Gilbert Arenas before the injuries and before the gun incident. He's exciting and if he keeps playing this way, he'll be one and done and will have his name called in the lottery this year.
I didn't think Baylor was going to go undefeated and as far as beating KU, it would have been exciting but KU would have been won handedly.

Yea we did.

Selby is a gunner that's for sure. I see him as a young Gilbert Arenas before the injuries and before the gun incident. He's exciting and if he keeps playing this way, he'll be one and done and will have his name called in the lottery this year.

I've always seen him as a Baron Davis/Monta Ellis hybrid. And are me and thrilla the only people who love CBB? Duke lost, Ohio State vaulted up to #1, and KU is #2, conference play started, and Kentucky just lost last night. K-State alse fell out of the rankings, proving they're just about most overrated team coming into this season. Anything I forgot fellas? Does anyone think there's an undefeated team left capable of running the table? Is Duke still the best team in the nation? POTY so far?
And are me and thrilla the only people who love CBB? Duke lost, Ohio State vaulted up to #1, and KU is #2, conference play started, and Kentucky just lost last night. K-State alse fell out of the rankings, proving they're just about most overrated team coming into this season.

I'll follow it somewhat, but like others have said it doesn't get real interesting until conference tournaments come up. And, sadly, my Spartans are up there in conversation for most overrated team. Started in top 5, but it was clear that losing Raymar Morgan and Chris Allen were bigger losses then they thought. Green has been struggling, and Summers is hot and cold like usual. Do they have the talent to make their third final four in a row? Yeah. Lucas, Summers, Green, Roe, Lucious, and a freshman they have (his name is escaping me right now) can be a dangerous core if they're all on, which can happen for 6 games. Do I see that happening? No. Maybe Sweet 16, at best. While that's nothing to scoff at, this team just doesn't shoot well enough consistently enough to be a big time winner.

Anything I forgot fellas? Does anyone think there's an undefeated team left capable of running the table? Is Duke still the best team in the nation? POTY so far?[/

No on undefeated. I think you could make a case for a wide variety of teams being the best this year. The 3 undefeateds, Pitt, Duke, UConn, Nova, Syracuse, Texas, all have a reason to argue. Kemba Walker is easily POTY so far. Complete dominance.
I've always seen him as a Baron Davis/Monta Ellis hybrid. And are me and thrilla the only people who love CBB? Duke lost, Ohio State vaulted up to #1, and KU is #2, conference play started, and Kentucky just lost last night. K-State alse fell out of the rankings, proving they're just about most overrated team coming into this season. Anything I forgot fellas? Does anyone think there's an undefeated team left capable of running the table? Is Duke still the best team in the nation? POTY so far?

I don't know about a Davis/Ellis hybrid. That would be some fucking player. I'm thinking at best Derrick Rose and at worst Jerryd Bayless.

It looks like we're the only ones bro. UCLA won on a tip in yesterday and no one in the school really cared.

I like Sullinger and Ohio State but even though they're undefeated, I don't think they'll stay undefeated or win the championship. Duke with Irving was amazing earlier in the year and I've been hearing that he might return this year. I have them slated as the one of the final two teams standing at the end of the year if Irving can come back.

My final four right now goes Duke, Kansas, Ohio State and then a surprise team.

Oh and Kentucky and Baylor? What the fuck. What happened. I thought that Brandon Knight and Perry Jones were gonna rape this year. They've been good but not great. Knight should never have cut his braids off. That's a case of the biblical Samson right there.


^^ He invoked the powers of Latrell Sprewell in high school. BEAST.
I think that this year's tournament is gonna be fun! Alot like last year where there really isn't a dominant team that is going to go in to the tourney a hands down favorite.

Some friends and i were discussing how weak the NBA draft is gonna be this year. Jerred Sullinger is the probable number one pick right now and he is a 6'8" back to the basket player! He is too small to guard the 5 and too big to stay with some of the quick 4's in the league. Will someone step up in the next couple of months to really separate themselves from the rest of the pack?
I'll follow it somewhat, but like others have said it doesn't get real interesting until conference tournaments come up. And, sadly, my Spartans are up there in conversation for most overrated team. Started in top 5, but it was clear that losing Raymar Morgan and Chris Allen were bigger losses then they thought. Green has been struggling, and Summers is hot and cold like usual. Do they have the talent to make their third final four in a row? Yeah. Lucas, Summers, Green, Roe, Lucious, and a freshman they have (his name is escaping me right now) can be a dangerous core if they're all on, which can happen for 6 games. Do I see that happening? No. Maybe Sweet 16, at best. While that's nothing to scoff at, this team just doesn't shoot well enough consistently enough to be a big time winner.

No on undefeated. I think you could make a case for a wide variety of teams being the best this year. The 3 undefeateds, Pitt, Duke, UConn, Nova, Syracuse, Texas, all have a reason to argue. Kemba Walker is easily POTY so far. Complete dominance.

Is Adrianne Payne the frosh you are thinking of? He is from my area and i actually coached against him last year. He is a beast!!! They have a nother kid coming from here next season who is fun to watch!
I'll follow it somewhat, but like others have said it doesn't get real interesting until conference tournaments come up.

Not if you live in Lawrence.

And, sadly, my Spartans are up there in conversation for most overrated team.

They can't touch K-State in that catagory.

I don't know about a Davis/Ellis hybrid. That would be some fucking player. I'm thinking at best Derrick Rose and at worst Jerryd Bayless.

He's nowhere near as good as either of those guys (yet), but that's what his style of play reminds me of, especially when he's aggressive with the ball and slashing to the rack.

It looks like we're the only ones bro. UCLA won on a tip in yesterday and no one in the school really cared.

I really like watching that UCLA team play, Honeycutt and that freshman (Smith I think) are really good, shame people don't think much of them this year, they could suprise a few people in the tourney for sure.

Oh and Kentucky and Baylor? What the fuck. What happened. I thought that Brandon Knight and Perry Jones were gonna rape this year. They've been good but not great. Knight should never have cut his braids off. That's a case of the biblical Samson right there.


^^ He invoked the powers of Latrell Sprewell in high school. BEAST.

I was also dissapointed when Knight cut his braids, he looked like a black avatar when had 'em. And they've both been playing really well, Jones' just hasn't been nearly as dominant as I expected, and Knight sometimes gets passive with the ball, which is not what that Kentucky team needs at all.

Some friends and i were discussing how weak the NBA draft is gonna be this year. Jerred Sullinger is the probable number one pick right now and he is a 6'8" back to the basket player

Huh? NBA teams are probably pissing themselves over this years draft, Perry Jones is a 6'10 forward who has guard like dribbles, and an outside shoot, if he continues to increase his range, he could be a lot like Kevin Durant. Sully makes up for his size with ridiculous strength, he'll be damn good in the NBA. Kyrie Irving is also a guy with great upside, he could probably help an NBA team right away. If Harrison Barnes ever reaches his potential he'll be great. Enes Kanter, Kemba Walker, Selby, Brandon Knight, Derrick Williams, Jordan Hamilton, Tyler Honeycutt, shall I continue?

This draft is definitely not weak.

He is too small to guard the 5 and too big to stay with some of the quick 4's in the league. Will someone step up in the next couple of months to really separate themselves from the rest of the pack?
I really like watching that UCLA team play, Honeycutt and that freshman (Smith I think) are really good, shame people don't think much of them this year, they could suprise a few people in the tourney for sure.
I have Malcolm Lee ("star" SG) and 'Zeke Jones (starting PG) in my Education class and they're full of themselves. It doesn't make sense when these two went 1-17 combined at USC a week back.

But anyway, we could definitely surprise a few people. But if the regular season is any indication, we're gonna need a lot of people to step up.

Huh? NBA teams are probably pissing themselves over this years draft, Perry Jones is a 6'10 forward who has guard like dribbles, and an outside shoot, if he continues to increase his range, he could be a lot like Kevin Durant. Sully makes up for his size with ridiculous strength, he'll be damn good in the NBA. Kyrie Irving is also a guy with great upside, he could probably help an NBA team right away. If Harrison Barnes ever reaches his potential he'll be great. Enes Kanter, Kemba Walker, Selby, Brandon Knight, Derrick Williams, Jordan Hamilton, Tyler Honeycutt, shall I continue?

This draft is definitely not weak.
The draft is not weak but I think what he was saying was that there's no clear cut number one pick in this year's draft. Last year you had John Wall and the year before Blake Griffin but this year, there's no one player that's above the rest. Before the year started, it was between Perry Jones and Harrison Barnes.

Barnes has not even come close to his potential and Jones still needs a lot of polishing to his game before he's declared the number one pick in the draft. Before Irving got hurt, he was catapulted into that pick but now that he's injured, everyone thinks that he'll probably sit out this year and come out next year. Some NBA draft sites have been flip flopping their top five throughout the season and that just shows how deep this class is but it also shows how no one has been able to separate themselves form the pack.

Right now some draft sites have Derrick Williams from Arizona as the number one pick. Ludicrous in my book.
I don't like Duke but if Kyrie Irving comes back healthy then they are the best team in the country. Ohio State has looked better then expected but they have had a fairly easy schedule thus far and it starts to get tougher starting with their next game against Purdue. The Big East as always will have plenty of competitive teams in the tournament competing for the title. Pitt, Nova, Cuse, and UConn are all very good. SD State and BYU are a couple of small conference underdogs. Big game Wednesday night with SD State at BYU. Jimmer Fredette is a beast and a candidate for POTY.
I don't like Duke but if Kyrie Irving comes back healthy then they are the best team in the country.

I don't think there really is a clear cut number one, even if the Dookies have Irving. The big men are just too weak...

The Big East as always will have plenty of competitive teams in the tournament competing for the title. Pitt, Nova, Cuse, and UConn are all very good. SD State and BYU are a couple of small conference underdogs.

All those teams, minus San Diego State and BYU, and plus KU, Duke, Kentucky, and possibly Mizzou and Texas are legit contenders. The tourney is wide open this year. Texas was pretty damn impressive yesterday, they snapped KU's 69 home game win streak (lol). But, I still do think we're the better team, we had a few off court issues the night before, and we were missing a very consistent player in Travis Releford. I think we'll beat them handily when/if we meet them i the Big 12 tourney.

Jimmer Fredette is a beast and a candidate for POTY.

A canidate sure, but Kemba Walker is the clear cut POTY.
I don't think there really is a clear cut number one, even if the Dookies have Irving. The big men are just too weak...

Duke is 10-1 without Irving who was an early POTY candidate and they are the defending champs. They definitely would be the favorites with a healthy Irving. They may not be deep inside but the Plumlee's are good and Ryan Kelly has a had a solid season of the bench. There aren't many teams out there that could really dominate them inside.

A canidate sure, but Kemba Walker is the clear cut POTY.

Agreed. Just pointing out the great season Fredette is having.
North Carolina is a team on the rise and a team that could be scary come tournament time. Harrison Barnes has taken a lot of shit this year and some of it rightfully so. However, he has seemed to really get it going as of late. UNC has won 3 straight by at least 20 points and Barnes has been great in all of them. He had 25 and 6 boards on 10-16 shooting, then 26 and 6 boards on 9-15 shooting, and against Florida State he had 17 and 10 boards on 7-15 shooting. He has also heated up from 3 point range going 9-20 in his last three from beyond the arc.

Another positive for UNC is something that seemed like a negative at first. Junior point guard Larry Drew decided to leave the team just a few games after losing his starting point guard job to freshman Kendall Marshall. Drew had struggled all season and a change had to be made. In his first game with Drew off the team Marshall had a coming out party. With no one really challenging him for minutes Marshall scored 9 points and had a very impressive 16 assists.

North Carolina started this year as arguably the most talented team in the country. Now that talent is starting to come together and they could become one of the best teams. The game Wednesday night at Duke will be a big test for them.
So BYU forward something Davies got suspended..... For having sex with his girlfriend, thought that was absolutely hillarious. Anyways, BYU suffered, and got their asses kicked tonight. For a team that already wasn't very good, this could possibly (and hopefully) be the knockout blow to their cinderalla dreams.

Just imagine if every school had a "code of honor" like BYU's? A player at KU got caught fucking a womens player (at allen fieldhouse no less) and was gone a wopping 2 games, this guy is out for the remainder of the year. I wonder how BYU recruits, I know I would never go anywhere near that campus if I was a recruit...
I'm still not sold on Duke or Carolina and I live in the state so I see all their games and have to hear all their hypemen around here. Duke is a solid team and Irving is great but if he returns you can't expect him to be at a freshmen of the year level. Dukes main problem to me is if Smith has an off night they are in big trouble, and you might be saying what about Singler, Singler has a habit of shooting them out of games, he single handedly lost the VTech game for them. Duke has actually lost 2 games without Irving but even so they haven't played anyone other than St Johns and Carolina the ACC is a cakewalk this year, sure they played Temple but the played em in Durham. They play great D but like most Duke teams they rely too heavily on the 3, unless Singler heats up in March, Curry steps up or Irving returns at 100% I don't see Duke in the Final 4 again.

As for Carolina, their like the Chicago Bears of the NCAA, the luckiest team in the country. They needed last second 3's to win at UVA, Miami, and FSU, given they were all road games but FSU is the only one of those that is worth shit this year. People were all impressed cause they led Duke by 16 at half, too bad they got beat by 20 some points in the 2nd half. Carolina's 24 point loss to Georgia Tech is the game that makes me think they won't get to the sweet 16, they've only lost to Duke since then and that was Larry Drew's last game, but again its the ACC big deal, and they've looked sloppy in the last week. They are a very talented team, Tyler Zeller is alot better in the paint than most people give him credit for and although Marshall is a great talent and racks up assists, people overlook his turnovers(sometimes tries to make highlight reel plays instead of smart plays) and complete lack of a jumpshot. Harrison Barnes is also a very skilled player, but much like Kyle Singler alot of times if you pass him the ball you won't see it again, guy takes way too many 3's for someone with his size and ability. Reggie Bullock, a key reserve is also out for the year now so their chances just took another hit.
I feel like its Ohio State's championship to lose this year they are a very complete team and Sullinger somehow never fouls out, unlike Oden a few years back. OSU's 2 losses this year were on the road against top 10 teams. They have experienced guards and a monster in the post, only way they don't win is if they beat themselves. Trust me I'm an expert on beating myself...
I don't like Ohio State to win at all because while they are dominant at home, they do struggle at times on the road, especially against good teams. They've only lost two games on the road but they have played a lot of close road games against inferior competition in Northwestern, Illinois, Michigan, and even Iowa of all teams gave them a run for their money. Illinois and Michigan are both bubble teams while the other two have no shot at the tournament especially Iowa who is a Big Ten bottom feeder. I just can't see OSU sustaining their great play throughout the entire tournament when, outside of the first round, there really aren't any easy games.

Being a Big Ten guy and seeing OSU all season, I don't think they are ready for the type of competition they will be seeing and I wouldn't be surprised if they failed to even make the Final Four. They split with the other two great Big Ten teams and there none conference schedule was nothing to write home about.
Also, OSU isn't a very deep team. They may very well have the best starting lineup in the nation, but once you get past the first 6 men in the rotation, there's not much depth there. I too do not see them making the final 4.
OSU's depth was a concern for me, if anybody wathced the Purdue game when Lauderdale and Sullinger both had early foul trouble they didn't really have anyone to turn to, and the other big names like Lighty and Buford failed to pick up the slack. I still think OSU is very capable of going deep if they don't get ahead of themselves and overlook anybody. Main reason I'm going OSU is that none of the other top 5 teams have really wowed me. Who are you guys picking as your favorite? I'm not asking just so after you give your pick I can start telling you your wrong or anything, just curious. And how bout BYU getting blown out at home without davies
Well I'm a Kanas fan, so I pretty much pick KU every year, and they do have a very good team this year. Possibly the best starting front line, the most depth, and the best 6th man in the country. The only concern is that we don't seem to have a guard who can really step up and make big time shots, I believe Selby is able to do it, but we haven't seen it just yet.

Other than KU, Pitt is the best team in my book. They've got very solid guards, and Wanamaker is a very good player. Another team to beat is Texas, even though other than the second half of the KU game, they haven't impressed me at all. If they can play like that though, they'll be pretty tough to beat. uconn is another team I see making a deep run if they get it together, they've got the best guard in the country, and in CBB guards win games, if Kemba Walker can get a little help from Napier and his bigs, they can definitely win some games. If uconn can get they're shit together in time for the Big East tourney they will go on a deep (conference and national) tourney run, I guarentee it.
Two teams I really like are Duke and Purdue. Duke has only lost 3 games this season and all 3 of them were on the road against teams who are either going to make the tournament or will be one of the last bubble teams left off. They have a veteran team and one that knows what it takes to win it all. Coach K's teams usually shine come March.

Purdue was a wild card coming into this season with Robbie Hummel being out for the year again but JaJuan Johnson and E'Twaun Moore have come up huge this season. The twosome that Purdue has is probably the best in all of college basketball. Purdue is also a great defensive team and they are a tough out for anyone. With the two big name seniors I could see Purdue winning it all.

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