NBA New Technical Foul Rule-Good or Bad for NBA?

People's Champ

Bleeding Teal
So as we all have heard, the NBA has decided to become stricter on players that complain about fouls are giving technicals for those players who do so. Anyone who continues to complain after being warned or has made demonstravie gesture will be given technicals. Coachs will also told that they risk receiving technicals is they get out of their seat after a foul. Because of that, we've seen a rise in techs in preseason. According to ESPN and the Elias Sports Bureau, there have been 69 technicals fouls called through 59 preseason games, while there was only 51 called during 62 games last season. In just 2 days (Tuesday and Wenesday) there were 36 techs called in 16 games.

Now the NBA players union is threatening legal action over this. They feel that these rule changes are harming the product. NBAPA director Billy hunter called the new change "unnecessary" and an "unwarranted overreaction on the league's behalf". He went on to say that this stiffer treament "leads to a stifling of the players' passion and exuberance for their work", which harms the product. He finished by saying that these changes were done "without proper consultation with the players association" and that they planned to "file an appropriate legal challenge".

Now there are pros and cons to these changes. I know for myself I really don't want to see players complaining as much as they do about fouls. I would say 95% of the time the calss aren't going to be changed so there's no need for them. On the other side of things, I can see how this could affect the players' passion. Its just human reaction to hearing something you don't agree with. So my questions for you are:

Do you agree with the new rules changes the NBA has made?

Is the NBAPA right to challenge this and do you think they will win?
It's something I feel is unnecessary, because sometimes the complaining is warranted, but it won't hurt or hinder the game in any way. Players will eventually figure out that the refs are serious, and we will see the number of Technicals decrease once again.

Is the NBAPA right to challenge this? Yes, I think so. If it's something they feel strongly about, then they should go right ahead, I sometimes like seeing arguements between the players and refs anyways. Do I think they'll win? No not really, but I also don't really know how stuff like that works.
Honestly, I kind of like the idea because basketball players are the biggest crybabies in sports. They bitch about literally every call and shutting them down for even thinking about questioning a call should finally put a stop to it. While it maight end up getting a bit petty, the players will have to just get used to it and it won't be a problem in a season or two.

The player's association has a gripe though. I know anytime something doesn't go perfectly in a game I show my displeasure for it, it's human reaction and can't be helped sometimes. But I doubt they actually take action over this, it would seem a bit silly to me if they did. But my mind can change.
I don't see why they had to do this. It is really a stupid rule change. We're gonna see more technicals, and more ejections. Why would we want that? The NBA seems to be more concerned with keeping up some great image rather than giving us the best basketball possible. I think this is just like the dress code from some years back... People will initially dislike it, but we'll get used to it.

The NBAPA is definitely doing the right thing by challenging this. I don't think they'll change it though. The NBAPA will make a big deal out of it and then good ol' David Stern will step in and NOTHING will change. Time to get used to this new rule.
I like the rule to an extent. I believe techs need to be called a little more often and that complaining needs to die down a little bit but so far in the pre season they are taking the rule a little too far. My hope is that they are just being really harsh in the pre season to send a message and will tone it down a little once the regular season starts.

I want complaining to go down but not at the expense of my enjoyment of the game. If Rip Hamilton gets ejected in a meaningful regular season game for some complaining that really wasn't bad at all then I won't be happy. I don't want to see big games being affected by important players getting ejected for some borderline stuff.
The rule is incredibly stupid and is probably just a way to collect more fines by the League. Oh, don't get me wrong, I can't stand the way NBA players act, like a bunch of spoiled children who don't get their way. It's causing the unsportsmanlike conduct to trickle down all the way to the pee-wee leagues, and it's absurd that grown men cannot set a better example.

The problem I have with it is there is still no reason to not get a personal foul. NBA teams will score between 90-100 points on FT is going to change the game significantly? Fuck that. The technical rule needs to be harsh in punishment, not in assessment. Every technical foul comes with 3 FT attempts for the other team, AND possession of the ball, no matter what. Three points AND the ball is suddenly a big deal, and players will quit getting so many technicals, because it CAN affect the outcome of the game, and no guy wants to be the reason his team lost, and no franchise is going to allow one player to lose games.

Increasing the amount of technical fouls does absolutely nothing. Increase the penalty for those fouls, and suddenly you'll see a change in the game. All this does is give referees an even better chance to get a big head.
Why the fuck would the player's association be getting involved? If you act like a complete hothead every time you get called for a foul, you risk getting a technical. That's just how it is. Maybe they should worry more about the players not flipping out every other play instead or taking legal action against a simple rule adjustment.

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