Naughty Bear


Staff member
How I had never heard of this game until around 20 minutes ago will never cease to amaze me. Anyway, after getting the new sheets in from the game distribution companies, to find that we are taking a lot of stock for new games over the next couple of months and Naughty Bear is one of the biggest shipments to us. However, for all the time that I spend around here and other video game sites, I have heard very little about this game and didn't even know it existed until i read it.

So, with that in mind, I decided to go home and do some research on the very curiously named game. I typed it into Youtube and what greeted me was one of the funniest and most brilliant concept for a game ever. For anyone who hasn't heard, this game is about... Well, I don't want to spoil it for you without having seen the amazing trailer that has been released. However, this is just one of many trailers spoofing different movies and concepts. I urge you to go onto Youtube and watch some of them because they are freaking hilarious.

So yeah, those are the two most common trailers for the game and makes it look utterly brilliant. I love games that have a bit of a quirky nature t them and this one seems no different. It seems to spoof Jaws, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th and many, many more great movies. Adding the twist that you are essentially murdering bears. I beleive it is coming out in July but I can't be sure right now.

Anyway, how good does that look?
This is the funniest thing I have ever seen for a video game. :lmao:

I won't spoil the trailers or anything either, but I will say it reminds me of my favorite psychopathically cute killers- Happy Tree Friends. Loved how the trailer played out and I for one wouldn't mind paying money for a laugh like this.


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