Natural Born Thrillers?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Anyone remember the group in WCW towards the last days? It was a group of young up and comers who lashed out against the top stars. I think it was completely botched by WCW but I think it could work if WWE decided to do it over again.

WWE has a lot of young stars who are on the rise. Having them band together can help get them over quicker and established. This is different from Legacy because they would not be second generation stars, but just young stars who feel they are ready to break out and are not willing to "wait their turn". A group consisting of Jack Swagger, Drew McIntyre, The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Zack Ryder, Escobar, Sheamus, and maybe throw in Tyler Reks just for the fuck of it. Miz would be the mouthpiece like Mike Sanders was but Miz is obviously way better in every aspect.

The group would basically all start feuds with established stars across all 3 brands. The alliance would stretch across all 3 brands and bring together some storylines. They would attempt to dominate WWE by winning all of the titles in WWE. It could help to create a few tag teams. Reks and Ryder could team up on ECW while Escobar and Ziggler can team up on Smackdown.

IDK, it seems like WWE has a lot of promising young stars so why not have them sort of work together. They can gang up on the established stars by jumping them and doing sneak attacks. It would be somewhat like the shit TNA tried to do but WWE has better young guys than TNA has. If done right, it could be an interesting angle. They can also feud with fellow babyface up and comers. They can try to convince guys like Kofi and Bourne to join their movement and then attack them when they refuse.
I don't know if it needs to be across brand lines. If the rumors about ECW are true, I think it's a good idea though. I would use Swagger, Ryder, the new tag team on ECW, and Sheamus.
I thought the Natural born Thrillers did alright for themselves, I especialy liked Jindrak and O'Haire(WWE totally fucked them over though, for some reason they though the Seanton Bomb was a bad idea, I'd hate to be in that situation where the thing that got me over in one company is exactly what they don't want me doing in the one I get bought out by). The only problem with them was that they got too much too fast though. I remember I missed a few Nitro's and by the time I caught up again WcW was so different, Sanders was the commish and they held like all the titles, I was like wtf.

Yeah a similar stable would work in the WWE as well, but they put so little effort into things like this it hardly seems worth it anymore. Anyone rmemeber the New Breed?

Oh yeah watch this and tell me O'Haire and Palumbo shouldn't have been wrestling in the Invasion/O'Haire using the Seanton wasn't the FUCKING SHIT!! Too bad they just HAAAD to get buried.
Toroc is right. The WWE puts no effort into most things anymore. The most effort they show happens between the months of August for Summerslam, then again from November (Survivor Series) to March/April (Wrestlemania). And with the way things are, some of the older guys (by some, I mean one and that's Triple H) won't want to put over the younger guys themselves. It's just something about next gen vs old school that doesn't seem to mix well.

Like New Blood vs Millionaire's Club...failed because The Club didn't want to give up their spots. Oh..and WCW was just bad by that time.

New Breed vs ECW Originals....failed because they turned Punk heel and turned him back withing 3 weeks. Making New Breed look weak and inconsistent.

TNA Frontline (horrible name lol) vs MEM....failed because TNA changes their minds as often as I change my shirt. The Mafia just looked dominant after taking out most of the frontline in just a few short weeks.

I love the idea of young guys against old guys, but it's just idea. How Legacy has lasted so long I don't know...seeing as how they have never really been dominant. Most factions or groups (nWo, Hart foundation, MEM) at some point collect the majority of the titles and Legacy has yet to do that, and probably never will. So I don't see another group of young guys ( I know...Orton isn't "young") coming together and dominating a brand or company, especially the WWE.
The Natural Born Thrillahs were built to be the future of a diminishing product. They drew no money, and they were full of themselves. Mike Sanders is a great worker, but shit as a draw. No one wants to see him get beat or beat someone. He's filler, and they made him into the mouthpiece of the group. Something wrong there. But they could do this faction right. Have ECW's younger stars start invading Raw and Smackdown and demand their shot at glory. Wouldn't that be a breath of fresh air? A group of young, talented wrestlers who could go after guys like Cena, HBK, HHH, Punk, Batista and others. It can work, but you better have a damn good set of wrestlers to pull it off, which is what the WCW lacked.
The Natural Born Thrillahs were built to be the future of a diminishing product. They drew no money, and they were full of themselves. Mike Sanders is a great worker, but shit as a draw. No one wants to see him get beat or beat someone. He's filler, and they made him into the mouthpiece of the group. Something wrong there. But they could do this faction right. Have ECW's younger stars start invading Raw and Smackdown and demand their shot at glory. Wouldn't that be a breath of fresh air? A group of young, talented wrestlers who could go after guys like Cena, HBK, HHH, Punk, Batista and others. It can work, but you better have a damn good set of wrestlers to pull it off, which is what the WCW lacked.

Question: Who would ECW send? I'd say Christian leads the charge and have Kozlov and Jackson be the heavies for Yoshi, Shelton, and Ryder (Please, dear God, NOT Croft and Baretta) then add the "crapped-on" guys from Raw and SD to help (Bourne, Finlay as an adviser, and maybe Kaval/ McGuinness to be the huge breakout stars)
Question: Who would ECW send? I'd say Christian leads the charge and have Kozlov and Jackson be the heavies for Yoshi, Shelton, and Ryder (Please, dear God, NOT Croft and Baretta) then add the "crapped-on" guys from Raw and SD to help (Bourne, Finlay as an adviser, and maybe Kaval/ McGuinness to be the huge breakout stars)

Croft and Baretta are breakout stars. Great workers, and can talk on the mic. If you want it done right, have Sheamus go to ECW once he loses the WWE Title. Hell, have other younger talent such as Bourne, Swagger, and others who are being held down go back to ECW, then after about a month, have them go to Raw and Smackdown in unison to 'show the world what they've got'. And you answered your own question. ANYONE on the ECW roster could out perform and out talk Mike Sanders, Mark Jindrak, Sean O'Haire, and whomever else was in the Natural Born Thrillers. So it would work to a MUCH better capacity.
Croft and Baretta are breakout stars. Great workers, and can talk on the mic. If you want it done right, have Sheamus go to ECW once he loses the WWE Title. Hell, have other younger talent such as Bourne, Swagger, and others who are being held down go back to ECW, then after about a month, have them go to Raw and Smackdown in unison to 'show the world what they've got'. And you answered your own question. ANYONE on the ECW roster could out perform and out talk Mike Sanders, Mark Jindrak, Sean O'Haire, and whomever else was in the Natural Born Thrillers. So it would work to a MUCH better capacity.

I'll give you that... Now I rather liked Jindrak....the athleticism was pretty good... apart from that botched jumping frankensteiner (vs scotty 2 hotty). I mean, when's the last time you saw someone jump from the canvas to the top and snap off a frankensteiner (that WASN'T a cruiserweight?) O'Haire's Widow Maker flat out looked NASTY to take and he would DEFINITELY be a good fit now with his size and mic abilities (You remember the devil's advocate is the only word to describe it)... Sanders sucked royally. I agree, Croft and Baretta ARE good workers but flat reactions don't get you anywhere these days (unless you got friends in the right spots). Sheamus would be all right if they let him open up his moveset a bit more ala Jindrak
Croft and Baretta are breakout stars. Great workers, and can talk on the mic. If you want it done right, have Sheamus go to ECW once he loses the WWE Title. Hell, have other younger talent such as Bourne, Swagger, and others who are being held down go back to ECW, then after about a month, have them go to Raw and Smackdown in unison to 'show the world what they've got'. And you answered your own question. ANYONE on the ECW roster could out perform and out talk Mike Sanders, Mark Jindrak, Sean O'Haire, and whomever else was in the Natural Born Thrillers. So it would work to a MUCH better capacity.

Whoa whoa there. Anyone on the roster could out perform anybody on the Thrillers? You're crazy dude. Mike Sanders was good on the mic, and O'Haire and Jindrak had great potential, esp O'Haire. This guy was 6'8, yet he was doing swantons better than Jeff Hardy. WWE has droped the ball with a lot of people, but O'Haire was one of their bigger missed opportunities.
Whoa whoa there. Anyone on the roster could out perform anybody on the Thrillers? You're crazy dude. Mike Sanders was good on the mic, and O'Haire and Jindrak had great potential, esp O'Haire. This guy was 6'8, yet he was doing swantons better than Jeff Hardy. WWE has droped the ball with a lot of people, but O'Haire was one of their bigger missed opportunities.

That so? Where are they now? Where were they in the WWE when the WCW was bought out? Besides Jindrak and O'Haire, who were failures in the WWE, no one from that faction amounted to anything. Sanders was mediorcre on the mic and was a smarky punk who used smark terms to get over. He was a solid worker, but bland. Nothing exciting about him except when he was done with his match.

I'll give you O'Haire. He was a failure due to the WWE not knowing what the fuck they were doing. Jindrak was a bland guy who couldn't draw a dime. SO I stand by my assertion that the NBT sucked.

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