

Getting Noticed By Management
I was reading a thread about ideas for a new version of the IV Horsemen and it got me to thinking about another legendary faction, possibly the greatest faction of all time... the New World Order, and what a modern incarnation of the NWO might look like. So, which current WWE superstars do you think would make up a cool NWO. Try not to have more than like 4 or 5 (having to many guys in is what made the original NWO stupid). The faction can be made up of superstars from just one particular WWE brand or can be taken from all of the different brands its up to you.
A new New World Order...

Okay let's first examine the original...
Hollywood Hogan- the leader they would follow into hell without regard. The NWO was a joke without their annoying and cheating leader.

Kevin Nash and Scott Hall- Outsiders and NWO. They started it and were the key to Hogan's transformation.

Syxx- The group "wish I was a" tough guy, original lackey.

After which followed a legion of wannabes and never was wrestlers.

Now for a new NWO we will need someone or someones who can cause a stir.
1st would be Batista & Randy Orton - not as the leaders of the group but the pivotal duo who turn an Icon into the most hated man in wrestling and then follow his every order.

2nd- The new leader is revealed. Shawn Michaels, once the most loved and adored by the fans could finally scrap the HBK and become someone more commanding and use his true reprehensible nature to steal the World Title or WWE title or both with the help of his goon squad.

3rd- The first anointed tough guy of the NWO, Hurricane Helms, he's been gone, he's been on both sides of the coin as far as heel/fav, he can wrestle and be a weasel.

4th and final- Umaga...nothing scarier than a giant Samoan with the letters NWO planting his ass at full speed in your face. He can validly beat anyone who gets in the NWO's path of destruction, but...

I know you said 4 or 5, but we missed the one thing that made the NWO far more powerful than any other faction to date, "The Benefactor". The NWO had Eric Bishoff, now the NWO will have a man who can draw as much heat if not more Shane McMahon. You've got to have the guy who can erase events that don't go according to plan!
first id have edge and john morrison in a tag match vs. cryme tyme. Morrison has an entertaining past with cryme tyme. then id have edge morrison and get dq'd and beat up cryme tyme then have john cena get huge pop for his return and come out and clear the ring. ud then have cena side wit morrison and edge and beat up cryme tyme. he would reveal he was the leader of the pack. then out comes mr. kennedy to deliver more and more punishment to cryme tyme.

all of the sudden when things cant get worse out comes vincent kennedy mcmahon himself to control the whole wwe
this sets up a long term storyline
See, now you're aligning Cena and Vince for a comeback. That, my friend, is long term booking. That is not cool.

But you have the top people right, but this stupid brand split keeps the other two from joining.

I like the idea though, but with HBK, Orton, Batista, you could add Morrison and Knox. They are being wasted on ECW. That way you can control all the belts.

Plus, when you add Shane to the mix, you make room for a Vince comeback. Put him with Cena and Cryme Tyme to battle the NWO and you have six months of programming that writes itself.

This could also lead to the end of the brandsplit. Have the NWO run over to SD! and have Cena and HHH team up under Vince's control, have HHH turn heel after it's over, and have he and Cena battle all over both shows for a month, then establish a new hierarchy.
The basic power structure of the NWO is this. Two or three heels, then another heel, the another heel, then a surprise face turning heel. That is, however, if you are going to go the basic 4 or 5 man route. But today, we are going to do the core group of 7.

Move 1: The most logical NWO members right off of the bat would be Priceless. I mean think about it. The Million Dollar Man's son would be a shoe in due to Debiase's past NWO ties. And of course, Cody comes along for the ride. And Cody plays and important part. He plays sidekick, much like Macho Man did with the NWO and Hogan. But eventually Debiase gets tired of Cody and dumps him, starting a feud between the two. But that's down the road a bit. Now of course with the two comes Manu. Because every good faction needs a henchman that can be tough. Hence why he's with Priceless.

Move 2: Member 4 needs to be a veteran. Someone who would come aboard and be a credible heel to pull the rest of the members together. And that is why the next member is MIIIISSSSSTTTEEERRRR KEEN-NED-DY!........KENNEDY! Yes, I said it. Toss out him being injury prone because he can still serve the group and a mouthpiece. And when he can wrestle, he can wrestle. Plus he makes for a vicious mind and personality. I know, he could easily the the face who makes the turn, but that's too predictable as he sells great as a heel.

Move 3: Next member has to exude cockiness and arrogance. He also needs the means to play muscle and be cunning as well. Now while The Big Show COULD come aboard, he's not needed and there is no need to push him this way. Therefore, the next member who would come into the fold would be... THE Brian Kendrick. And while many of you are wondering my logic when I say muscle, you have to think that he comes with his hire muscle, Ezekial Jackson. Big man, able to move about quite a bit without being overly massive and predictable. Plus Kendrick play the master in the Master Blaster duo.

Move 4: And now, seeing as we have a group of six strong competitors who span across the Smackdown and RAW realms, as The NWO is without rules and regulations of having to be on one roster, you wonder who this 7th player would be who would shock the world. Now while the obvious choice would be John Cena, I don't think that he could ever play heel again believably. He's not Hogan. He doesn't have the range and couldn't hold the energy that he brings as a face. Trips? No. Michaels? Snore. Hardy? Which one? No wait, I mean oh please. There is only one logical choice. And that man is..... CM PUNK! Yes, I think that a heel turn being aligned with a super group would actually give him legitimacy. It would shock the world as Hogan did when he turned during a pivotal moment for WWE vs. NWO war. The heat alone would make him a top tier star who people hate legitimately.

Now later on, you can sprinkle the group with talent enhancement like Snitsky, Burke, Dykstra, and a select few others, but the main group would be the seven individuals that I named.
I don't think the NWO would be a good idea for a faction in the first place. Nothing too WCW related indeed. I would rather see a new Evolution kind of team, but lets stick with the thread.

Honestly, i can't see anyone who can draw the amount of heat and be over at the same time as Hollywood Hogan did. That shit was totally insane i'm telling you. Besides, Hogan is Hogan and that solely is a big, very big shadow over a potential rerun of the NWO. Regarding the new Outsiders, I agree: Orton and Batista would be my picks. Both of them knows how to work as super heels, though I don't find too much of "work chemistry" as in the original version...

Hell, I dont even know why Am I still trying. The NWO was a unique phenomenon who IMO will never repeat. again, you would need a Mega-superstar like Hogan who could lead the whole thing to a new attitude era kind of shit and honestly, I don't have anyone in mind who could fill that black Bandana, Brother.
I'm all in favour of dominant factions but not regurgitating old ones. Evolution was basically the Four Horsemen, except the Horsemen were four guys who started around the same time and progressed through sports entertainment together. evolution was two vets hand picking two rookies and molding them for the future.

By all means, have a faction that causes trouble for the GM, segregates the locker room, and dominates the Championships, just don't go calling it the NWO.

As for members of such a faction, RAW seems to be the show for long winded segments every 15 minutes so i think it would work better on Raw. For me the 2nd gen stable thing they have going would be enough. Orton as the leader, can claim that he's laready at the level Flair and HHH were at when they tutored him, then he's got all 3 members of Priceless and maybe they should incorporate Santino and Beth in there as well. That way they've got the most dominant diva in the WWE and Santino can act as the weak link amongst the group, and then they can turn on him somewhere down the line to turn him face. Or maybe Regal instead. What faction wouldn't want the KOTR amongst their ranks?
this stupid brand split keeps the other two from joining.

Technically, if WWE ever wanted to have the nWo and have them act like the group instead of just having the name, the split wouldn't have to prevent anyone from joining as they'd conceivably appear on each show to promote the "taking over" and "we don't give a shit about rules" aspect. As we saw though with the brief WWE version of the nWo they didn't do things like that.

With that in mind I would be all for some sort of group that can spread amongst the shows, but wouldn't like them to be the nWo as the previous 7 or 8 incarnations were enough and at this point if it's going to be different members it might as well have a different name and concept all together.
Any kind of new NWO would have to be centered around one man, and one man only:


This is a clear choice, as he's the guy that is most like Hogan when he made the transition. Some people hate him, but those who don't are his uberfans that would follow the five knuckle shuffle to the ends of the earth. If C-bag was to turn on those fans...well, we'd be hearing some of the loudest boos ever.

I don't think it would be the "NWO," but this is something that I would desperately like to see. The product is so stale at the moment that it's almost becoming unwatchable. I want to see a faction come in and not follow brand allegiances...create its "own" brand if you will...but still compete on the various shows.
Well I thought allot about this topic and I got a great group:

First I will create group of outsiders (miz and morison), they will come over to raw from ecw hating raw and despising all of their top superstars. They will challange batista, cena, and hbk to a 3 man tag match with a mystery partner. Heres a shoker to you all the mystery partner is the undertaker. With the miz and morison in the group theres not much need for a mothpiece and turning undertaker heel will be gold. The next crucial members to join this group will be ted dibiasse, it will work this way priceless wants there in to this new order and miz goes off on the fact that he wont let cody in because hes to "sissy" for this group. Ted then in turn faces a choice of staying with cody or joining the nwo so he drops cody to join the nwo. Cody feels betrayed so in turn he joins up with hbk, the biggest rival of nwo and furthers his career and turns face again. The 5th and final core member of the new nwo will be kenny dykstra, he has great mic skills and he adds a styxx element to the nwo, a true midcarder is needed in this group so nwo can be also dominant in the midcard as well. Heres a few storylines I have thought for this group. The first one will be involving JBL, he wants to join the NWO but they wont let him so time after time he tries to get in and makes a fool of himselfmuch like he does now, dont you all enjoy that. Next stoyline will be involving HBK he will be keeping up his whole I do this for the fans thing and will storm to the ring to start a war after miz starts bashing how worthless all the fans are and how wwe will be so much better without them. HBK starts a pro wwe faction whos first member is cody rhodes and every member after that is young and midcard status (cm punk, kofi, etc. get my drift). I would keep all other markee guys like orton, cena, edge, and others out of the storylines at first to create a fresh competition latter on in the storyline as well as creating great storylines outside of the nwo. So how do you all like this
I like the idea of the Undertaker being the leader... he would of course have to drop the deadman gimmick altogether, though. I don't think the 'Hogan Role' could be played by anybody but the Undertaker or Stone Cold at this point. Cena and Batista just aren't the icons yet. Triple H already has played a strong heel, so it wouldn't be shock value, and I don't see HBK in that role.

As for the "Outsiders Role", I would go with CM Punk and Mr. Kennedy... two guys who are established, right on the cusp of main event, but not able to carry the show themselves successfully.

Next, to play the "Giant Role", would be none other than The Big Show. Why not? Him and Undertaker would be pretty dominant together, and he has the historical link.

As for the "Syxx Role", I would put Santino Marella... the wannabe tough guy who provides a little comic relief. He'd also bring along Beth Phoenix for the diva factor.

Shane McMahon could take on the "Bischoff Role", which would then lead to a feud with his father backing the rest of the WWE eventually.

nWo - Undertaker, CM Punk, Mr. Kennedy, Big Show, Santino Marella, Shane McMahon, Beth Phoenix

I guess its not quite - Hogan, Hall, Nash, Giant, Syxx, Bishoff, Miss Elizabeth - but it would do if they would really want to redo it.
Wow, I was actually thinking of a similar storyline about a month ago.
First off, I fully agree that John Cena would have to be the "Hogan"
It's a HUGE stretch because this would involve so many comebacks, but whatever, here's something:

1. Armageddon - Paul Heyman interrupts a match ala Scott Hall, cuts a promo hating on the company and says that Armageddon is in store for the WWE.

2. Chris Jericho loses in a "You're Fired" [or similar] match at Armageddon via his little fued with Adamle.

3. Heyman aligns himself with Jericho, starts interrupting events and such, basically acting as the Hall-Nash duo.

4. Promo - Jericho makes reference to Lance Cade and how he dissapointed him, but he was never much of help anyway. So to replace his lost friend, here's the return of Sycho Sid! sid/hbk 95 = sid/jericho 08

5. After creating so much tension in the WWE, in a surprising twist, we find out Heyman isn't the mastermind behind all of this. Here comes Eric Bischoff. The 4 members embrace as RAW goes off the air.

6. Next RAW, Bischoff cuts promo stating how he started this because how Vince had been nowhere near the company and he saw it as the perfect time to come in and take control. He also states that a "good ol' friend" of his was going to be joining them in their pursuit to kill the WWE. At the end of the show, Kevin Nash makes his return.

7. A couple weeks ago, Shane (and/or Vince) return and start getting things under control. This new faction starts getting insider information to the WWE and Vince thinks there is a mole within his roster. They make a huge deal out of it, he even starts to punish some of his superstars. The next week, we find out it's not a wrestler who's giving bischoff information. It's Vince's daughter: Stephanie! who makes her on-screen return.

8. A "NWO" (cant think of name for new faction - def not NWO) vs. "WWE" match is made for Wrestlemania. (not sure who would be involved, I dread to think of a vince/shane vs. bischoff/heyman match!) Anyway, Bischoff and Heyman keep proclaiming that the WWE will be in utter shock after Wrestlemania. The speculations begin and all. Towards the end of the match at Wrestlemania, John Cena (newly-crowned WHC?) reveals to jump to the faction. The ultimate heel turn since Hogan 96. The final straw. A historic moment. Something that can only be a WRESTLEMANIA moment.

Okay, so none of this would happen! haha but this was just some storyline I came up a couple weeks ago for fun. No bashing :lmao:
New leader: John Cena. He reminds me so much of Hogan with the overcome all odds no matter what gimmick and I think he'd be a great leader of the new dominant faction.

New Tag Team Badasses: I would have to say Randy and Batista. These guys just look like they could whip some serious ass just like Nash and Hall did. You have the smaller person who picked people apart in Randy, and the hugh enforcer in Batista. I think they would be perfect for the job, and be great 2nd in command guys.

Smaller guy who acts tough: I have to say Evan Bourne would be PERFECT fo this role. He has a good look to him, and great athleticism. He just needs something that could push him to new heights, and I see this being the thing.

The monster of the group: I'd have to say that Kane would play the perfect part for this. He is in a gimmick that makes him look like a monster(even though hes loosing to Rey) and i think he'd be the perfect fit into this faction.

That would be my new NWO. I'm not counting the guys who were second hand dudes in it only the main people.

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