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Mysterio Out For "Months and Months?"

The Man They Call WMD

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Rey Mysterio had been under the impression that he torn his ACL and MCL. Going into the match with Alberto Del Rio on last Monday's RAW, the idea was to take things easy but Rey tore his bad knee up very bad on a baseball slide. The latest from someone close to him is that he may be out of action for "months and months," and will most likely need the surgery now.

Before the bad news from Monday came out, Rey was expecting to work through with more rehab.

Thats from lordsofpain.net

What is your over all reaction to this?
Will we see Rey again?
Are you happy he may be gone, or will you miss him?


Rey Mysterio announced on Monday afternoon that the results of his recent MRI test revealed that he will in fact need surgery to repair his knee, which has already undergone surgery before.

Mysterio tweeted the following message in Spanish on Monday:

"Buenas tardes. Siento mucho el tener que dejarlos sin mi presencia en el ring por UNOs meses! Sirugia8/26 le pido a dios qca la ultima!619!"

For those who do not speak Spanish - Mysterio's next knee surgery is scheduled for Friday, August 26th and he will be out of action for several months.

Mysterio followed up with another tweet, apologizing for letting his fans down:

"Sorry4 the let down! Promise to make it back as soon as possible!Gonna miss what I luv most-ENTERTAINING U's!619
I think it is about time for Rey to hang it up. I've been a fan of his work, but every time he has surgery he comes back slower and slower and less of himself. I think he's closing in on 40 soon. It's about time to retire. He had a great career but soon he's going to seem like one of those guys that stay around to long (even though he's not too old)
I think it is about time for Rey to hang it up. I've been a fan of his work, but every time he has surgery he comes back slower and slower and less of himself. I think he's closing in on 40 soon. It's about time to retire. He had a great career but soon he's going to seem like one of those guys that stay around to long (even though he's not too old)

I would agree but i really want to see Rey vs Sin Cara. Which means one of the two would have to be the heel and i think Rey can pull it off because Rey speaks english, which is a must for promos.

Get Well Rey
He'll be gone 'til around the Rumble if he has buggered his ACL. I'm not sure when his contract is up but I'd imagine he'll come back for 3 months and then he'll be gone after Wrestlemania.
I think it's time for Rey to hang up the boots. He's been battling injuries over the past few years and I think it's time to move on.

He's a fan favorite but other than that, his matches are too robotic now. It's basically the same seqeunce of moves in the same order and the same outcome.

Time to go, Rey Rey.
It's about time to retire.

Maybe so, but if the injury really is that serious and will require so much time away from the ring, the smartest thing for him to do is remain on the roster while he recovers from the job-related injury .....and THEN retire. This way, he keeps getting paid; whereas, if he retires now, he's off the payroll.

Or, maybe he rehabilitates for one more match, in which he beats the living shit out of Sin Cara for horning in on Rey's gimmick. The match would probably be one of the worst in history since both men need opponents who abandon their normal ring repertoires to accommodate the flying maneuvers of Rey or Sin. Still, we might be pleasantly surprised.

However, if Rey suffers through a long, painful rehab and winds up resuming his full-time career, we should at least stop constantly hearing about him retiring.....'cause it ain't happening.
How in the hell did he work a match with a torn ACL? I am just about to recover from my torn ACL (which I did way back in August), so how he worked that is a mystery to me (when you suffer the injury, your knee swells up so much, you can't really see your kneecap anymore). I think nows the time for him to consider one last run. I think he should get a build up to a retirement match and have that be the last on he has, because his knees cannot go full time anymore. His knees are already screwed for life (probably), so I think one short last run would be his best option at this point. He even said in an interview once, that he tears something in his knee at least once a year, I just hope he is okay.

PS - ACL's take around 6 months to heal.
What is your over all reaction to this?
Mysterio is usually out of action a few months a year, and it has been this way for the past several years, so I am not one bit surprised. Undertaker takes 9 months off a year FFS!
Will we see Rey again?
Royal Rumble? Wrestle Mania? Rey's got plenty of time to get healthy enough to compete at those to events next year.
Are you happy he may be gone, or will you miss him?
Although I'm not a big fan of his, I respect what he does. He's good at putting others over, and he has put on some great matches throughout his career. I won't really miss him, but there will be a void left to fill with Mysterio out of action.
Rey Mysterio has been dealing with knee injuries since the mid 90's, it's nothing new and even back when he hurt himself in '99 people were speculating that he'd retire, because it was his third serious knee injury in two years. To this day we all know he has a poor pair of wheels, but should he retire? No, because as hes stated publically before he doesn't want to because he loves what he does, hes rubbished several past reports that he was contemplating retirement or that he wasn't going to sign a new deal, but he's always there no matter what report surfaces.

I feel for the guy, over the past few years some people have questioned his in-ring performances. These last few months from an in-ring perspective have been some of the best of Mysterio's career. Hes been solid, but we all know that at anytime his knee can faulter and if it does, he has to deal with the consequences.

I'm sad to see he'll be about again for another matter of months. I suspect he'll be back for WrestleMania and if he is then the only way I see them going now, defintely, is Rey Mysterio vs. Sin Cara. This whole "he needs to pass the torch," thing though isn't going to happen. Cara doesn't have a large connection with the fans like Rey does, Rey has been in the top company now for over a decade. Hes been one of peoples favorites and when you think of Lucha Libre wrestling, you think of Rey Mysterio. Cara won't have any of that; he may grow a healthy, large name and I'm sure he's selling merchandise and all that, but until he can start interacting with the crowd some more he'll just be a Lucha Superstar.

Sad to see Rey go down again. Hope he gets back in time for WrestleMania. Rey Mysterio can't be replaced, whether it be by Mistico or whomever, can't be done.
Poor Rey Rey.. Yes i will miss him seeing him compete its a damn shame too you know!! The Most important part of his arsenal his legs are always getting injured that guy cant get a break from that. Seems like hes injured comes back for a yr or so then is on the shelf again. What 6 surguries on his left knee 1 upcoming on his right knee thats too much for any athlete to endure. I think when he is finally healthy have a goodbye match at WM then retire!! Maybe against Sin cara that be fun!! If he doesnt seriously consider retiring poor guy may be hobbled for the rest of his life or worse. Rey is a first ballot HOF he has done it all!! Raw wont be the same without him
First thing I thought of was "Well, I'm not surprised."
Second thing I thought of was "Rey is getting another push and blows it by getting injured.....again."

This should be a wake up call that Mysterio either has to cut back ala Undertaker, I think he has earned the right to be able to, or retire if they don't let him cut back. His body is beyond the breaking down stage. Guys his size simply don't last as long as they used to with the amount of stress he puts on his body every year.

I am likely wrong, but I really think the original plan was to have Rey win the belt off of......in his hometown last week and then quickly lose it again to ADR.
Is this article necessarily true..? It's written a bit vaguely... I'm not a huge fan of Rey, but I'm a bit disappointed, because I was under the impression that he would play a large role during the upcoming tour of Mexico. I wonder how that's going to be booked, now. Is Alberto Del Rio really going to be received as a heel while touring Mexico? Had Rey been his opponent, or at least one of his opponents, fans'd be much more likely to boo ADR.

Hope I'm on topic enough, I think I made a relevant enough point there.
He'll be gone 'til around the Rumble if he has buggered his ACL. I'm not sure when his contract is up but I'd imagine he'll come back for 3 months and then he'll be gone after Wrestlemania.

I agree with this. Rey would not hang it up without a send to his fans / the kids. While i dislike Rey as a character, i do not hate his in ring skill (just wished he had changed things up a little bit in the last 10 years). I do not wish injury on anyone, but Rey just bores me.
I think if Rey is going to retire, he should do a quick heel run against Sin Cara. His motivation could be that he is tired of all the attention that Sin Cara is getting, how he paved the way for him, how he speaks English, etc. Obviously I think this should only last a few months, Sin Cara could win the feud, and then they could shake hands, hug, and Rey would be a face again. And then he'd retire a few months later I guess. I don't necessarily think Rey would make the best heel though. And I'm not sure that people would cheer Sin Cara over him regardless. If anything, I'd be more inclined to boo Sin Cara because the idea of a non-English speaker in a predominantly American wrestling league annoys me. At least as a face. I'd have no issues with a heel not knowing English because I'm supposed to not like them anyway.
"Rey is getting another push and blows it by getting injured.....again."

I am likely wrong, but I really think the original plan was to have Rey win the belt off of......in his hometown last week and then quickly lose it again to ADR.

I wouldn't say either of those. Despite the fact he had a couple of title matches, I wouldn't say Rey was getting a push. He was an a hour and half transitional champ for Cena and got his "automatic rematch" in his hometown against ADR. They knew having ADR beat him in San Diego would give him much more credibility as a champion - a smart move considering he won off of MITB. If Rey wasn't injured right now, I doubt he'd be sticking around the title picture. He'd go back to where he was before he won the title last month.


As far as his injuries goes, it's a tough break. If he really has blown his knee, he needs to do his pre-surgery rehab and then get it fixed immediately. No sense in an athlete performing on a bum knee. Get well soon Rey.

(and yeah, I'd still like to see Mysterio vs. Cara for the heck of it)
When isn't Rey injured let's be honest here?

On a more serious note I really do like Rey Mysterio, as growing up I was wowed and amazed by the things he did in the ring, and he has been in the ring for quite a while now, don't know if he's gonna call it quits just yet. But he is small and he will get injured easily, so I think he should go on a lighter schedule, or better yet have one last run with the WWE then hang up his boots.
How in the hell did he work a match with a torn ACL? I am just about to recover from my torn ACL (which I did way back in August), so how he worked that is a mystery to me (when you suffer the injury, your knee swells up so much, you can't really see your kneecap anymore). I think nows the time for him to consider one last run. I think he should get a build up to a retirement match and have that be the last on he has, because his knees cannot go full time anymore. His knees are already screwed for life (probably), so I think one short last run would be his best option at this point. He even said in an interview once, that he tears something in his knee at least once a year, I just hope he is okay.

PS - ACL's take around 6 months to heal.

I know what you mean, but I've seen it done, before. Yours might have been worse, but my older brother played his entire senior season of high school football with a partially torn MCL and maintained a high level of play; he was a Kentucky All-State OLB. Again, yours might have been way, way worse, but all my brother did was slap a brace on it and use crutches when he could. It was pretty bad, though, because twenty years later to this day he still wakes up in severe pain and uses a cane to get around, because he opted against the surgery. I'm not trying to make him sound like a bad ass, by the way; he's an enormous idiot. But, I am trying to suggest that maybe Rey's isn't that bad/completely torn and he'll get back in the ring before Wrestlemania XXVIII.

Honestly, I'm not the biggest Rey supporter, usually. I loved him back in the 90s, but after all the surgeries and weight he's put on, he's lost his edge. I think what it really is, more or less, is that Rey is sort of a one trick pony. His character isn't all that deep, though he has a history that one can appreciate, but his personality isn't all that big, no pun intended. It's like Rey does well in spite of himself, and it would have been better if he had kind of just never spoken at all. He seems like a really nice person in reality, and I'm sure people are drawn to him because that comes across on the screen. Maybe that's why I can't remember him ever as a heel. I guess what I'm saying is that Rey is likable, but I never saw him as a star, once he gained the weight and started wrestling outside the Cruiserweights.

I appreciate Rey Misterio, ultimately. He's wrestled a lot of great matches ever since he got on American television, I appreciate how he embraces his Mexican heritage because I always respect when people embrace where they come from, and I'll always remember him as a true ambassador to the sport of professional wrestling. Will I ever dare say he's the greatest Mexican wrestler I've ever seen? Hell no; that will probably always belong to Eddie, because of the soft spot I will always have for him. But, is Rey an icon and a legend? Hell yes.

I really hope we'll see him again, at least one last time. The man really should hang his boots up, just because the injuries are getting so impossibly difficult to withstand; they'd have to be. But, if we do see him again, then he and Sin Cara (Mistico) should have a final match at Wrestlemania XXVIII. To me, that's what Wrestlemania is about: we get to see dream matches that we wouldn't see any other time. Imagine, if on one card you had John Cena v Rock and Rey Misterio v Sin Cara. Icons of the past and present in their respective times, facing off in what would have to be a one-shot deal, and it would certainly spell Wrestlemania. Sure, I'm probably glamorizing two matches on name value alone, but that's kind of what Wrestlemania is about; who you put on the marquee. Let CM Punk and HHH have a match, put on other high profile, story fueled matches, but give us the dream matches that don't even need a story. I hope Rey comes back for at least this one last match, because it has the potential to be pretty special.
Rey gets hurt way too much, and I don't think his body can take it much longer. However, I hope that he comes back for one more run, hopefully culminating in a match with Sin Cara at WrestleMania 28. This could be a way for Rey to go out whilst putting over the new luchador in town. That is, of course, if Cara can really build up steam by then and actually do something impressive. Mysterio has accomplished virtually everything there is to accomplish in WWE, but I it is for that reason that I think he deserves a proper send off.
Well, that's that. How many more injuries of that magnitude can he take? I think it's about time he called it quits.

He had an amazing career. The first time I saw him he was this skinny tiny dude with a Spider-Man mask in WCW. While I was blown away by the stuff he did in the ring, had someone told me back then that that's a future Royal Rumble winner I would have laughed at his face.
For years I was a fan of this, but I admit I eventually tired of him. I tired of the 619. I've been ready for Rey to go for at least 5 years now.

Royal Rumble winner, 3 time champion, 1 time Wrestlemania main event (even the winner). Smallest champion of all time. He even has an outstanding record of unselfishly putting over young guys in the twilight of his career. Here's a guy with truly nothing left to prove or to do. Definitely Hall of Fame material.

The only thing left would be a match against Sin Cara, but whatever. If Sin Cara doesn't learn to use his mouth (and preferably in English) he'll be but a flash in the pan anyway. Besides, if Rey retires it doesn't have to mean he'll wrestle NEVER again. There's always an open door for one more match or two down the road.

Rey should retire and should do so proudly and happily.
I am recovering from a torn ACL at the moment and i have been told it will take 9 - 12 months of very tough physio to fully recover, so Rey won't be back for a while if he decides to have surgery. No offence but you all really don't understand how hard it is to come back to competing after this sort of injury (mentally and physically) so I have so much respect for Rey for coming back so many times. I think he should now give himself a break and retire from wrestling, he's worked his ass off for so long for the WWE and I dont think he should put himself through another operation, his knees are already fucked so theres no point really. He will be missed but has surely earned himself a spot in the HOF.
How do I feel about this? It's hard to put into words. Imagine you came home one day to find your family slain and their stomach interiors hung about the house like Christmas decorations. That's the only thing I can think of that gets even close to the horror that I felt when reading this story. I recently told you all how much I like Rey Mysterio, didn't I? Here; here's the post verbatim rather than me just typing out something vaguely similar. Make a Scooby Doo flashback noise in your head before you read it:

Fair few posts in this thread. Many of them long, more of them indecipherable. Just some points that I saw brought up while skimming:

  1. Rey Mysterio is too small to be a believable world champion.

    If Rey Mysterio is too small to ever have a prolonged reign as world champion, then the inverse must also be true - Big Show, Mark Henry and The Great Khali should just sit on their opponents and have the belts all but glued to their waists. After all, John Cena, Randy Orton and Triple H are all tiny in comparison to those giants - who'd ever believe they would win in a real fight?

  2. Rey losing the title was booked badly.

    I don't want to jump the gun - they could still rectify this - but it kind of was. Rey wants to take on all comers and was willing to take on the man who he saw as the true number one contender as soon as possible, I get that. Does Cena not have a similarly honourable attitude, though? Is defeating Rey after he's already fought The Miz and Alberto Del Rio not a tainted victory?

    Yeah, Cena had to have the belt, but could his match have not waited until next week? Hopefully this point will be proven redundant by two weeks of amazing build. We'll see.

  3. Rey Mysterio is not the best wrestler in the world.

    Maybe not, but he's not so far down the ladder as to laugh at the idea. Rey puts on perhaps the most consistently good matches in the entire WWE and is a very underrated promo guy. I presume English isn't even his first language. Merchandise sales? Ratings? Like I give a fuck. He is the man I would trust above anyone else to go out there and put on a good match.

    People criticise him because his knees are shot and he's tubby (which is rich when I picture the people it's coming from) but, even without the incredible agility he had in his youth, he remains likely the most exciting and dynamic high-flyer in the world. There are people that can jump higher and do more flips, sure, but they always seem more like gymnasts than wrestlers. I'm looking at you, Sin Cara.

    I've been guilty of as much misguided Rey-Rey bashing as anyone else, but I've grown tired of it and I'm confused where this is coming from. Are people still upset because he didn't want to give Dolph Ziggler some pointless trinket?

I hope this isn't the last we see of Rey Mysterio and the WWE Championship. A Mysterio/Punk/Cena match down the line is something I would drown puppies for.

So yes, I'm Team Mysterio for life. I worship my Rey Mysterio DVD. I literally have it on an altar, sacrifice goats to it; the works. As opposed to the Randy Savage boxset, the discs of which I've used as rather ineffectual toilet paper. Sorry, Randy - no hard feelings.

Basically, no Rey Mysterio means no smiles from Sam. It's a shame that the title scene will be Cena/Del Rio or, at best, Cena/Punk/Del Rio rather than the Punk/Cena/Mysterio match I wrote explicit fan fiction about. No doubt he'll be back. Only I'd rather not see him put Sin Cara over. The man's a successor to Rey only in the sense that he also wears a mask, the problem being the three gimps I keep under my bed can make a similar claim.
I think its time for Rey to stop. I believe he's 36 and he has already had a ton load of surgeries. Every time he comes back from an injury he returns slower, chunkier, and unable to perform at the level he was once able to perform at. By the time he gets to his late forty's early fifty's he is going to need a wheel chair because he is not going to be able to walk. I think he's one of the guys that doesn't know when to stop and it's a shame because he's just hurting himself and ruining his legacy. Rey please just hang up the boots. Rey has had a very illustrious career. One that a guy at his size doesn't normally achieve. He is and icon and a legend. There is no doubt in my mind he will reach the hall of fame.
What a shame. Any time he gains some sort of momentum he gets injured. I hope hes not gone for too long. At least we have an ideal person to take the title off Del Rio when he returns.

The sad part is I had heard he was injured and was sitting at home watching him face Del Rio when I said to myself "hes gunna get hurt. That match is looking way too rough for someone whos injured".
It's sad that Rey got injured again, I'm not the biggest fan of him but I still don't think now is the time to hang up his boots. He has had many injuries but I think he still has a couple of years in him. Maybe putting over guys is mainly what he can do for the last part of his career as he's one of the best on the roster at doing that, then he needs to have a big final storyline so he leaves on a high.
I like Rey dont get me wrong but him being injured would be a good way to slip him into like a manager role for the time being, train like Sin Cara or some of these other new guys thats getting a break. Sincara dont talk much so that would be a good role for Rey, and than have one or the other turn on the other, as Reys coming back to action.

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