My WrestleMania 25 Predictions

I talked to klunderbunker before I did this and he told me it was ok to post this so here you go. I made a video of my WrestleMania 25 Predictions. As the video says at the end I'll be doing a review also on it. So let me know what you think and if I should make this a monthly thing( the Predictions part as I won't be getting all the PPVs to do reviews)

[youtube]WfxrDeNIf28 [/youtube]
It's very hard to hear you. For the predictions that I could actually hear, I agree with most and I think you probably almost hit the nail on head. I enjoy your posts much better than this video. Could you please type your predictions next time if you can't fix the sound. I think you got alot of great ideas that need to be heard lol.
Maybe your volume is down haha...I can hear it.

But for the people who can't hear

(not in same order as on video)

The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels-Undertaker
Triple H (c) vs. Randy Orton-Randy Orton
Edge (c) vs. The Big Show vs. John Cena-Edge
25-Diva battle royal-Beth unless Trish is in it.
Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy-Matt Hardy
The Colóns (Carlito and Primo) vs. John Morrison and The Miz-John Morrison and The Miz
John "Bradshaw" Layfield (c) vs. Rey Mysterio-JBL
Chris Jericho vs. Roddy Piper, Ricky Steamboat and Jimmy Snuka (with Ric Flair)-Jericho.
Undertaker def HBK*POP*
HHH def Randy Orton*POP*
John Cena def Big Show & Edge*POP*
MVP wins the MITB*POP*
Matt def Jeff*POP*
The Miz & Morriosn def Primo & Carlito*POP*
Santino wins the Battle Royal*POP*
Legends def Y2J*POP*
Rey def JBL *POP*
Maybe your volume is down haha...I can hear it.

But for the people who can't hear

(not in same order as on video)

The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels-Undertaker
Triple H (c) vs. Randy Orton-Randy Orton
Edge (c) vs. The Big Show vs. John Cena-Edge
25-Diva battle royal-Beth unless Trish is in it.
Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy-Matt Hardy
The Colóns (Carlito and Primo) vs. John Morrison and The Miz-John Morrison and The Miz
John "Bradshaw" Layfield (c) vs. Rey Mysterio-JBL
Chris Jericho vs. Roddy Piper, Ricky Steamboat and Jimmy Snuka (with Ric Flair)-Jericho.

These are some ridiculous predictions. For 6 or 7 out of the 9 matches you have heels winning. That would never happen at a Wrestlemania, ever. They always have the majority of the winners as faces. And as the guy above me said both orton and edge, (both heels) winning the titles would never happen. Two heels winning both of the big titles has never happened at a Wrestlemania and it never will.
I agree more with Jakes. Just not Santino, I think Melina will get it and Beth will move on to split with Santino. And I think Edge will win and then spear Vickie as she declares her love for him, leaving the crowd popping, before Edge can insult them on RAW and stay heel.
Wow, you really do make that popping sound a lot lol.

I agree with most of your predictions, as I can definitely see guys like Orton and Christian going over at WM. However, I'm not sure if Edge will be able to retain against Cena, cuz Cena is on a roll right now, especially with his new movie. So I disagree with the Edge pick (and a few others), but good job overall.
These are some ridiculous predictions. For 6 or 7 out of the 9 matches you have heels winning. That would never happen at a Wrestlemania, ever. They always have the majority of the winners as faces. And as the guy above me said both orton and edge, (both heels) winning the titles would never happen. Two heels winning both of the big titles has never happened at a Wrestlemania and it never will.

Well I see with the WWE and World Title I see WWE pulling off a big shocker here. I don't see Cena winning back the title and I see Randy Orton winning the title. Now if Cena and Orton both win then well both belts would be on Raw. Now I know there is a draft the next week but I don't see Orton swiching cause then Cody and Ted would have to come with him and I don't see Cena switching either. Now I know Triple H could win but I still see Orton pulling that off like I said in the video and others have said with a McMahon's help. The rest might be far fetced but hey if I get at least 5 of them right I'll be good.
I honestly think five of those predictions will be the right outcome: Taker, Christian Orton, Matt Hardy & JBL.

I can't really say about the Divas one, not bothered tbh.

The reason I'm going with the Colons is because of the way it's built, plus with Miz & Morrison being over with the Slammys and all that's behind them, they got to give the Colons something memorable. Plus with a potential split with M&M (only rumoured atm), the Colons are better as a tag team and need the win more than the other two.

Jericho won't win, purely because of the three legends, Ric Flair and Mickey Rourke all being there. It's enough to provide Jericho with a credible loss.

Edge, much like the Playthegame said, the momentum and focus is on Cena, he was beaten down last night, odds all against him, actually losing to Big Show. It spells another reign for Mr. Cena.

The only one I would like to see happen but not sure is Christian and MITB, purely because of what I've read with Vince's view on it, but I don't care tbh, I want Captain Charisma to win :D
Is it really too much to comb your hair and shave your face before you broadcast yourself to the world?

Triple H will beat Orton.
Bigshow will win the WHC.
Shelton Benjamin wins MITB.
Carlito and Primo win the unified tag titles
Matt beats Jeff.
Rey beats JBL.
Legends beat Y2J.
Santino wins the Ms. Wrestlemania thingy.
Taker beats Michaels.
DQ-Triple and Orton
Big Show
Mark Henry
Hulk Hogan for Legends
Hardys hug it out
Eve Torres
Here are mine:

WWE Championship - Orton
WHC Championship - Cena
MITB - As much as I'd like Kane, I have to say probably Christian
Legends Match - Jericho
Hardy match - Jeff
IC Championship - Rey or some kind of swerve here.
Diva Battle Royal - Beth or Melina
Streak - Undertaker
Tag Unification - Miz and Morrison

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