My Wrestlemania 24 Experience.


I flew in from Chicago for Wrestlemania 24 on Friday and just got back.

I like reading peoples live reports so here is mine.

A few notes:
I met Pete Gass of the mean street posse at Universal City Walk. My friend had a "Shane O Mac" jersey on and he actually called out "Want me to call Shane right now?" I was confused but we went over there and sure enough I eventually recognized good ol Pete Gass. He was with his wife or girlfriend but he was really cool and let us take a couple pictures with him.

The Double Tree was basically where a lot of Wrestlemania fans stayed. They had the meet and greets there and sold the merch there as well. WWE really did take over Orlando during Wrestlemania weekend as I couldn't walk 20 feet without seeing a WWE T shirt on.

On to the Citrus Bowl and Wrestlemania.

So as we are walking up TNA had a little set up across the street and in my opinion it made them look like amatures. They had a video board playing TNA and some flyers and everything but compared the the massive WWE fanfest going on they looked like any other indy promotion to the casual fan. I doubt they gained any new viewers or fans by showing up.

The event itself was a great time. Crowd was into it most of the night especially during the Ric Flair/HBK match.

When the band started playing no one knew what they were doing until Cena actually came out. I think most were shocked that the triple threat wouldn't be the main event. Bad move by WWE on that part as the marching band was just confusing.

The Taker/Edge match had the crowd dead during the first 10 min but they really picked it up neard the end and the crowd was really into it live. Suprisingly a bunch of pro edge signs around the Citrus Bowl.

Weather was fine and it only rained for a few minutes despite other reports and it was never anything more than a drizzle.

The Fireworks incident was weird. I saw them come out of the lights and shoot directly into the upper deck seats. I was sitting in the 2nd row on what would be the 50 yard line on the 200 level and got smacked in the hand by the rope that was burned and fell on the crowd.

The stadium itself was pretty dumpy but I had no real complaints other than they had 90 year old ladys trying to run electronic ticket machines.

Pyro was impressive and sound system was great. Cool setup and a fun atmopshere. I went to Detroit last year for Wrestlemania and this one was more fun but Detroit was a lot more organized.

Any comments or questions about Wrestlemania let me know!

Oh and I also met Mick Foley at the Airport in Orlando. He was super nice and with his family. He blends in so well because he just wears sweat pants and a Hawaian Shirt. Hilarious but a nice guy.
Was anyone that you saw there actually interested in the TNA booth thing?
Was anyone that you saw there actually interested in the TNA booth thing?

There were a few people over there and I stress a few. You would think there would be a long line of people wanting to hold the X division title but I saw a line of 3 people.

Again I'm surpised TNA didn't have any of their wrestlers there. That would have actually created a buzz. Could you imagine if Kurt Angle was there?
There were a few people over there and I stress a few. You would think there would be a long line of people wanting to hold the X division title but I saw a line of 3 people.

Again I'm surpised TNA didn't have any of their wrestlers there. That would have actually created a buzz. Could you imagine if Kurt Angle was there?

Yeah thats true, but it goes to show how much people care about TNA in their own BACKYARD when WWE are in town.

Another question, what was your accomidation like? Whats it like going to WrestleMania, sitting in the crowd ect? What was the city like on the day ect?

Im only 16 so until im older, its just watching WM on Sky Box Office for me.
There were a few people over there and I stress a few. You would think there would be a long line of people wanting to hold the X division title but I saw a line of 3 people.

Again I'm surpised TNA didn't have any of their wrestlers there. That would have actually created a buzz. Could you imagine if Kurt Angle was there?

I think that solves the whole "which is better: WWE or TNA" argument. was the whole show? Matches, promos, crowd interaction, everything. Was it REALLY good? Like I mean, is it gonna be worth buying the DVD, or is it not worth it at all?
Yeah thats true, but it goes to show how much people care about TNA in their own BACKYARD when WWE are in town.

Another question, what was your accomidation like? Whats it like going to WrestleMania, sitting in the crowd ect? What was the city like on the day ect?

Im only 16 so until im older, its just watching WM on Sky Box Office for me.

This being my 2nd Wrestlemania live it was a blast. I reccomend to anyone going to a live WWE event in a big arena, unless you are going to be in the first few rows on the floor to try and get 1st or 2nd row seats on the 2nd tier level on the side of the ring. It's a great view and there is no need to adjust to see anything.

The crowd was pretty great live. Much better than last year. The whole weekend felt like Wrestlemania had taken over as people were talking to each other with WWE t shirts on etc. Everyone was excited about the event and the biggest concern for a lot of people was rain but that didn't end up happening.

It was a great event to be at as the spectical of it all really sank in while the show was getting started. The crowd was buzzing the whole time and erupted when the jets flew over.

Flair got an actual Standing Ovation where everyone in the crowd was on their feet which was nice to see.

I've been to other live WWE events before PPV and RAWs but there is NOTHING like Wrestlemania live. Just have fun with it and you are guaranteed to have a great time.
I think that solves the whole "which is better: WWE or TNA" argument. was the whole show? Matches, promos, crowd interaction, everything. Was it REALLY good? Like I mean, is it gonna be worth buying the DVD, or is it not worth it at all?

Overall I thought the show as a whole was pulled off really well. Edges promo was great and the crowd was into it the whole night with the exception of the first 10 min of the main event.

I'm going to buy the DVD and I would have had I not been there.

Only real bad matches were the Playboy Bunny match and Batista/Umaga. I would say it's worth it alone just for Flairs last match. And I'm not even a big Ric Flair Fan.
Not meaning to hijack your thread, thought I'd share my WM24 experience too. If you want me to remove it I will.

Arrived at Orlando International airport on the Wednesday before Wrestlemania. Was greeted by a guy and a girl in Wrestlemania themed boxing robes holding signs saying "Wrestlemania 24 welcomes you to Orlando". a nice touch, the smaller things...

Driving through Orlando there was a real buzz about Wrestlemania...adverts on the radio, billboards, Wrestlemania themed buses and you couldn't go anywhere without seeing someone in a WWE shirt.

Went to Universal studios on Friday. Actually wasn't aware that there was a WWE Fans Axxess event going on that day, despite seeing many WWE shirts around the place again. The Fans Axxess event was easy to locate and was pretty awesome and fun. Quite a few freebies, and interactive things for fans to get involved with as well as the chance to meet some of the guys/gals. the only let down was TNA staff trying to ruin it by heckling WWE fans.

On to Wrestlemania itself... traffic was a bitch but that's to be expected with an event of this scale. Fans had painted their cars as if they were signs with stuff like "Cena sucks" "16-0" "Thank you Ric" etc... was pretty cool to see this much enthusiasm, especially coming from the UK myself. there were many locals selling unofficial merchandise which I saw from a mile off, unfortunately many others didn't. Many locals just watched you walk past on route to the arena, which I found weird, especially seeing as the surrounding area wasn't the nicest.

I barely noticed the TNA van, only found out that they were giving away stuff and had the x division belt there until the next day so...well done TNA! There was a tent outside the arena where WWE wrestlers were (catering at a guess), saw quite a few come in and out. Merchandise stalls outside the arena had a few tshirts, and toy & replica versions of the World & WWE titles and were better organised than they were at wm22. Beer was a decent price, $6 a pop. Saw Billi from Big Brother UK going in which was a bit random.

The security staff were useless and had the average age of 60. Couldn't scan tickets, poorly searched bags etc. Inside the arena was very crowded and merchandise/food queues were long. It was very difficult for me to find my seats ad the security stewards had no idea where my entrance was. Floor seating are was smaller than I thought, as was the ring but the arena looked big and impressive from the floor. As did the palm trees and the general WM set up. It didn't feel that much of a dump to me, but then I was on the floor and not the bleachers.I missed the majority of the battle royal, trying to get some more merchandise and some beer and the following "countdown" to wrestlemania was poorly timed as we were waiting staring at the screen for a couple of minutes when nothing happened.

The sound system was awesome and the pyro was loud, bright and HOT! The event programmed made out that the matches were in a specific order but I guess vince changed this on the day for various reasons.

Finlay v JBL: Odd opener, but a decent slugfest. Really don't see why JBL won this, especially with the emotions involved with this one.

MITB: Simply awesome. All 7 brought there A-Game to this one. Matt Hardy's appearance was predictable but well received and Punk got booed when he won. Shelton & Y2J's entrances got the biggest pops as well as the usual random shouting for "Kennedy!"

HoF: The Hall of fame bit was boring and many used this as a toilet break

Batista v Umaga: I dont remember anything from this match except Batista's entrance and Batista messing up the Batista Bomb, got a you F'd up chant from my section.

Chavo v Kane: Total squash. What a let down. I went for a piss during at the beginning of this one and nearly missed HBK's entrance...

Flair v HBK: Totally stole the show. The whole crowd was into this one. Even my buddy who came with me who isn't a massive wrestling fan knew he was watching something special. This shouldve been the penultimate bout.

Playboy bunny match: Another candidate for toilet break. think I went to get some beer during this one. Came back when Snoop was kissing my woman.

Cena v HHH v Orton: Cena's entrance...WTF?! We were cheering the marching band and first, mainly because they were good and also because they Played god save our Queen. Then when they went into Cena's theme, noone knew what it was. I clocked on before many and started booing, everyone followed suit when Cena came out. This match seemed short to me and I was expecting this to be the main event. Nevertheless I was ecstatic with the finish.

Mayweather v Big Show: The "money" came out right by where I was sitting so I rushed to it, thinking "free merchandise" but as I got there there were people turning back saying "it ain't real". Didn't stop two marks from sweeping the floor with all the remaining ones thinking they were the mutts. Crowd was suprisingly into this one as well and supposedly fights broke out in the crowd over this too. this match suprised me as it came off ok.

Edge v Taker: Slow start but in the end was an awesome match. there were suprisingly a lot of Edgeheads in the arena (me being one of them). The image of Taker holding the belt at the end though was classic (I didn't see the pyro mishap) and I was pretty close to the ramp at this point.

Awesome show WWE A+++++++

Was quite difficult finding my bearings once out of the arena. Walked the wrong direction twice, maybe that was the beer... But the fans were buzzing outside.

don't suppose I need to remind anyone that HBK was on my plane home to Texas...?

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