My Video Game

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
Many of you already know that I have been making my own RPG video game. It's called Division Blade. I had the official trailer on my facebook ever since this summer, so some of you may have already seen it there. Due to some issues (the main one being that I don't have internet at my apartment yet) it took a while to get it onto youtube. However, as of last night, I now have it posted to youtube. I am attempting to get the word out as much as possible now that it is almost finished. I would like to know what you guys think. Here is the video:


DISCLAIMER: The music in the video is for promotional purposes only. It will NOT be in the game.

I have put over 2 years into the programming of this game, and had been working on the story as far back as August of 2000. Division Blade is currently in the final stages of development and about 5% away from completion. I have a team of beta testers who will begin testing it next month and it should be ready for release sometime in the first quarter of 2011 at the very latest.

There are 32 playable characters and about 90 hours of playable material.

Any feedback is appreciated. Also, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Video games have never been my cup of tea, unless they're called Madden or Tiger Woods. I do commend you as it appears you put a ton of effort into this. I hope it goes better than you expected when you do finally release it.
The FF 6 music isn't that copyrighted :/

Yeah, it won't be in the game. That's just for the video. I have a disclaimer on the youtube page acknowleding that, and I added on to my previous post too. I had forgotten to include that, so thanks for reminding me. (The Chrono Trigger song in the opening won't be in the game either)
It seems pretty cool. The graphics kind of remind me of old Zelda games, when he is traveling. The only problem I would think is that there are too many playable characters. Then again I like Fire Emblem and they have like 60 characters there.
It seems pretty cool. The graphics kind of remind me of old Zelda games, when he is traveling. The only problem I would think is that there are too many playable characters. Then again I like Fire Emblem and they have like 60 characters there.

You make a great point. I remember that being an issue with Chrono Cross. There was around 50 playable characters, but only a fraction of them joined you automatically and the final roster at the end never seemed "complete" unless you did what was necessary to get everyone, which included playing through it 2 or 3 times. I tried to do something entirely different so as to not run into the a similar problem.

There's 32 playable characters.... You start off with Dagger (my WZ screenname's namesake, and the main hero) then along the way you will have 11 others who automatically join the party, becoming playable. The remaining 20 are secret characters. The main story is not changed by how many of them are recruited, it's completely optional. The good news of that is that it adds to the replay value of the game, trying to play through with different people.

The large playable cast was meant to do just that, add to the replay value. You are required to play as either Dagger or Lara, but can switch between which of the two for the majority of the game, and can bring up to 3 others in the active party with him/her. Other than that one restriction, there are an endless number of active party combinations you can make. The fun will be finding which characters the players like best, since they get to pick who they bring on quests.
What is this Division Blade thing? Never heard of it. ;)

I hope it's awesome Dagger.
If there is an amazingly strong character with no real faults that gets all the girls and delivers the final blow to the main boss, and his name is Rick or Dagger or Ragged or Gerrad or etc, I swear to god
Hey, I used to love that game! Phantasy Star was one of my favorite games on the Sega Genesis.

Just want to offer some cold blunt truth. Your game looks like a complete and unabashed Phantasy Star rip-off, with 15 year old graphics, and a rather uninteresting and generic storyline. Not trying to rain on your parade, I'm sure this has been a lot of hard work, and took a long time. But still. Phantasy Star.


EDIT: Also, your battle scenes look eerily familiar as well, just can't place them.
Just want to offer some cold blunt truth. Your game looks like a complete and unabashed Phantasy Star rip-off, with 15 year old graphics, and a rather uninteresting and generic storyline. Not trying to rain on your parade, I'm sure this has been a lot of hard work, and took a long time.

EDIT: Also, your battle scenes look eerily familiar as well, just can't place them.

I was limited in graphics due to using RPG Maker 2003 as my engine. The door is 100% wide open for a remake later on and that is my next goal after this prototype. As for the story, that is the game's strongest point and the video's cryptic messages are just the tip of the iceberg. Theres far more to it than Kay's division and inevitable battle. I worked hard on plot twists and character development. Thanks for the input, Sly.
If there is an amazingly strong character with no real faults that gets all the girls and delivers the final blow to the main boss, and his name is Rick or Dagger or Ragged or Gerrad or etc, I swear to god

LOL.... No. Dagger is a powerful character but he is far from being invincible. He does not have restorative abilities so the person playing would need to have someone else in the party who does know restorative skills, such as Lara or Kay. He doesn't "get all the girls" either. Just the one he falls in love with. So, like a normal human being he has faults and is not invincible or perfect. Thanks for the input. Im not a fan of "perfect" heroes either.
Yeah, saying that was a lot safer than going "If you have a self-titled Mary Sue"

I used to do that a lot when I was 15 or so, probably why I'm such a huge advocate against it now
Here's another video. This one is of an in-battle cut-scene where the player is scripted to lose against one of the main villains.


Once again, the music is just in there for promotional purposes. I need to find a recording software that can record footage from the game AND the sounds, so I won't have to use FF music in every video I make. Anyways.... thoughts? Any feedback is appreciated.
I wasn't a big fan of the dialog to be honest. It seemed really cheesy and out of place.

But what do I know, I've never played a legit RPG like that.

I've been told that by others.... it's meant to be a little cheesy at times. I hate how too many games these days are "too serious".... I'm not looking to make the next Earthbound or anything, it won't be THAT cheesy, but I did attempt to make it a bit silly at times in comparison to most games. Things like breaking the fourth wall and keeping a few stereotypes alive, stuff like that. Plenty of originality too though. The wait will soon be over, though. A January release is doable. Wouldn't it be badass if I could market it for a 1/1/11 release? I could go a step further and do open the download link at 11:11pm or something lol.

I'm working right now on an optional quest that lasts the entire game, although you can start it at any time, even right before the last boss. It's different depending on if you selected Dagger or Lara at the opening cut-scene of the game, as your main character.
I've been told that by others.... it's meant to be a little cheesy at times. I hate how too many games these days are "too serious".... I'm not looking to make the next Earthbound or anything, it won't be THAT cheesy, but I did attempt to make it a bit silly at times in comparison to most games. Things like breaking the fourth wall and keeping a few stereotypes alive, stuff like that. Plenty of originality too though. The wait will soon be over, though. A January release is doable. Wouldn't it be badass if I could market it for a 1/1/11 release? I could go a step further and do open the download link at 11:11pm or something lol.

Do you have a "They?"

I'm working right now on an optional quest that lasts the entire game, although you can start it at any time, even right before the last boss. It's different depending on if you selected Dagger or Lara at the opening cut-scene of the game, as your main character.

Please tell me it's not a massive trade quest like the Biggoron line from OOT
Do you have a "They?"

You mean like Abyss in TNA before Bound For Glory's cluster-mess of a group heel turn? No. Nothing like that is in the game.

Please tell me it's not a massive trade quest like the Biggoron line from OOT

Nope. Nice reference, though. It's just a long optional event that is different depending on if you picked Dagger or Lara as your main character. So far the only differences that the decision makes are within that quest and the cut-scene that follows the decision at the very first of the game. I'm going to add a few more small changes that are impacted by that decision, so that people will want to play through it twice to see them all.
But how will you showcase 1/11/11 as being THE GREATEST DAY EVER if you don't have a they?!

I've been playing FF1 a lot lately so I'll probably check it out. It's run on RPG Maker, right?
But how will you showcase 1/11/11 as being THE GREATEST DAY EVER if you don't have a they?!

LOL.... I was just joking about that honestly. I left it just as "spring 2011" so that I'm not restricted by a specific deadline. As cool as it would be to have the novelty of releasing the first video game of 2011, it's more important that it's good and free of glitches, so I didn't want to be in a rush to finish what little I have left, even though it will still take a while since I'm really busy.

I've been playing FF1 a lot lately so I'll probably check it out. It's run on RPG Maker, right?

RPG Maker 2003 is the engine I built it with, I don't think people will have to download that in order to play it.... I'll find out.

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