My TNA Experience


ROH TV champion
So first off i feel i should inform you i am biased, Kurt Angle is my half sisters uncle, so ive gotten tons of autographs, memorabilia from him, i know he has a bad rep as of late but hes a cool dude, we had a cancer patient in the family and kurt (the night before bound for glory i believe) came down to the hospital and spent hours with children. Now i got free tickets from Kurt and managed to get the 3rd row. Now, i dont like that their venues are so small for only one reason, TNA is huge, they could sell out decent sized buildings, this was at an ice arena that youd catch a CZW show at. A lot of people i know were unable to get tickets as it sold out, but other than that, i know their supposed to act nice but the talent in TNA are really nice, madison rayne spoke to me for a few minutes though her line was long, she was incredibly sweet, BMI, Kaz, and Hernandez were also really cool, Matt Morgan was the coolest though, since htey come out to meet everyone after the show they normally are tired and go fairly fast but Morgan was different, he stopped to take pics and talk to tons of people, he signed literally everyones items, and had about a 5 minute conversation with me, as i am a huge Morgan mark, some people like Abyss were a little bit rude, but the guys a top heel so that could be him in character. The show was small, and intimate, the matches were incredible, this is what makes TNA fans love them, if you hate TNA, thats fine, but go see a live show at least once itll probably change your mind, it was an incredibly fun experience that i thoroughly enjoyed.
Every TNA Live Event I've heard about have all sounded the same, they're all great. It's good to hear of another person enjoying their events. I can't believe your so close to Kurt Angle you lucky bastard. He's practically your uncle. Anyway just a word of advice is that a thread like this would be better suited in the Spam Zone as there isn't much to elaborate on your thread, just a suggestion. It's great to hear you enjoyed yourself.
So first off I feel I should inform you I am biased, Kurt Angle is my half sisters uncle, so I've gotten tons of autographs and memorabilia from him. I know he has a bad rep as of late but he's a cool dude! We had a cancer patient in the family and Kurt (the night before Bound For Glory I believe) came down to the hospital and spent hours with the children. Now I got free tickets from Kurt and managed to get the 3rd row.

Wow, that's awesome. And while people still obviously dislike him for the "incidents" he's been included in, nobody see's him as a bad wrestler. I mean, I know people who consider him one of the best today. And when it comes down to it, sometimes you have to separate the Kurt inside of the ring and the Kurt outside of it. Of course, he isn't the only one that applies to either. But you definitely shouldn't take something like this for granted, hell, I have no connections to anyone in my family. That's also really sweet about the cancer patients, and I'm sorry for whoever it was that had to be one more of it's victims. But things like that are truly what divides the genuinely caring and nice guys from the rest, and I'm sure none of those children will ever forget it.

Now, I don't like that their venues are so small for only one reason, TNA is huge, they could sell out decent sized buildings! This was at an ice arena that youd catch a CZW show at. A lot of people I know were unable to get tickets as it sold out.

I know this is frustrating and you aren't the only person I've heard complain about the size of their venues, and it's hard because there isn't really one clear cut reason why. But how I look at it is, it's baby steps. You have to remember that TNA rarely ever leaves the iMPACT! Zone and when they do it's for live shows like these. So I think it ends sort of being like, they don't want to vary too far from where they started. And you also have to remember about negotiations with arena's and stuff as well, for some reason or another, they could've fell through. Like I said, it could be any of these or it could none of them, but as long as you were entertained (which you were), I'd just get over it.

Also, I know they're supposed to act nice but the talent in TNA are really nice. Madison Rayne spoke to me for a few minutes though her line was long, she was incredibly sweet. BMI, Kaz, and Hernandez were also really cool; Matt Morgan was the coolest though. Since they come out to meet everyone after the show, they normally are tired and go fairly fast. But Morgan was different, he stopped to take pics and talk to tons of people. He signed literally everyones items, and had about a 5 minute conversation with me, as I am a huge Morgan mark. Some people like Abyss were a little bit rude, but the guy's a top heel so that could be him in character.

This doesn't surprise me, in a good way of course. You have to remember, very rarely will superstars or divas want to be rude or unfriendly. And if they are, it is usually either the specific person trying to stick to kayfabe or things like that. Not saying there aren't some people who are going to be a bit more bitchy or mean, but it would almost be more surprising if you had said that they all ignored you or something like that. And about Morgan, that's really great. Especially being in the WWE for a little while before TNA and everything, he should have enough experience now to know proper fan etiquette. You always get one or two of these kinds of people in each of the these meet and greet things, and I'm glad that yours did.

Abyss is also most likely trying to cling to kayfabe and all that, because like you said, he is heel and I feel like more of the monster types seem to keep away from things like these or at least try and sort of move things along quicker than others. There isn't much else to say but man oh man, cannot express the amount of envy I am feeling, sometimes being a Canuck really sucks when it comes to TNA. :( Also, what matches did you actually end up seeing? Not that I will die if I don't no, just always interesting hearing what TNA booked this time.
They came here in October last year, and i gotta say it was very good! During intermissions, they'll bring someone out to sign autographs and what not. The pope was selling and signing his glasses for $10, then at the end of the show, Jeff Hardy came out and let fans get in the ring and take pics with him!!! Here's the best part of that though: for $20, you could bring however many people you wanted into the ring and take a pic with Jeff! Well, it was just me and my cousin, so we got in there! He was cool as hell(catch the oxymoron), he wasn't high or anything. I met Shannon, Brutus, E.Y, Don West, Douglas Williams, Pope, AJ, and Earl Hebner! Rhyno was signing also, but he was a total ass! I was really looking forward to meeting him, too. But he skipped over people, and didn't even say a word to the one's he was signing. :banghead: But i'm glad you had fun, and for the idiots that only watch the tna on t.v and talk bad about it, go to a live event, and say it's not better than WWE!!!
omg how did i forget to include the matches, my apologies:
1. Kazarian defeated hardy with the fade to black- a lot of back and forth with high octane reversals, a couple of rest spots, but i hardly blame hardy for resting during a 15 minute match with kaz.
2. Traci Brookes defeated Madison Rayne- I actually watch knockout matches constantly, i normally take a bathroom break during divas matches, and as usual it didnt let me down. A lot of yelling at the crowd by rayne, ending came when hebner made out with rayne and pushed her into a spear by traci.
3. Matt Morgan defeated Hernandez- This match was insane, two big dudes that were great in the ring, a couple of switches in momentum, end came with a sick carbon footprint, either hernandez is a great seller or this actually connected, being in perfect position (it happened right in front of my seats) im pretty sure hernandez accidentally ate Morgans boot, he looked pretty out of it afterwards and stumbled away, he was fine later in the night but the chin was swollen. After the match Morgan posed on the turnbuckles with the american flag that he borrowed from a fan, which i liked a lot.
4. BMI defeated Gunner and Murphy- Funniest match of the night, a lot of fan interaction by BMI, taking timeouts to drink beer and then teasing Gunner. After they hit a lot of double team moves DWI connected for the win. A really fun match to watch.
5. Abyss defeated Tommy Dreamer in a monsters ball- I didnt know either would be there, im a huge ECW fan so it was a pleasure. The match had a lot of typical violence, both men hitting their respective moves for two counts. End came when Dreamer lifted abyss and carried him around for a Dreamer Driver, impressive, only to be reversed into a black hole slam for the win, damn good match though.
6. Joe defeated Bully Ray- I cant believe it...i LOVE Bully Ray, he did awesome on the mic getting heat. Mocking fans (even ranted about how ugly a fans girlfriend was) match wasnt too great except for Bully Ray fighting with Earl Hebner, ending came via submission when joe locked in the Coquida clutch.
7. Kurt Angle defeated Jeff Jarret w/ Mick foley as special enforcer- A lot of messing with Brian Hebner by Jarret. Eventually Hebner took his shirt off and went on to (impressively at that) wrestle Jarret and hit him with a hip toss. End came when Foley brought out Mr. Socko and applied the mandible claw, pushing Jarret into an Angle Slam and then an Ankle Lock for the submission win.

Forgot to mention how cool Jarret was after the show, dude appreciates TNA supporters, spent time thanking me for coming out to the show before signing 3 extra photos for some friends of mine, a real class act as Jarret has been in past meetings. Karen Jarret also was nice to me (though i see her at Christmas so she damn well better be) On a personal note though she is a bit psycho lol but thats only my opinion
They came here in October last year, and i gotta say it was very good! During intermissions, they'll bring someone out to sign autographs and what not. The pope was selling and signing his glasses for $10, then at the end of the show, Jeff Hardy came out and let fans get in the ring and take pics with him!!! Here's the best part of that though: for $20, you could bring however many people you wanted into the ring and take a pic with Jeff! Well, it was just me and my cousin, so we got in there! He was cool as hell(catch the oxymoron), he wasn't high or anything. I met Shannon, Brutus, E.Y, Don West, Douglas Williams, Pope, AJ, and Earl Hebner! Rhyno was signing also, but he was a total ass! I was really looking forward to meeting him, too. But he skipped over people, and didn't even say a word to the one's he was signing. :banghead: But i'm glad you had fun, and for the idiots that only watch the tna on t.v and talk bad about it, go to a live event, and say it's not better than WWE!!!

Thats awesome i have met AJ and enjoyed it but i would like to meet Doug or Shannon moore a ton, i agree TNA live events make the company which is what i hoped to share in this thread, they also did the pic deal at the end $20 for your entire group to have your picture taken with kurt, and mick foley
all in all it sounds like a cool show. Any cool chants there? I have to say I am a bit saddened...that you didn't get to see desmond wolfe vs samoa joe...last year they were hear and in my mind that was the match of the night. The crown was entirely split for that match. Split for anderson and beer money matches but that joe/wolfe match was great. Can't remember who anderson faced...think it was angle. I know beer money faced mcmg. Yea, any wrestling fan should atleast triy a tna live event. I got pics w jarrett, w angle, and oh...I just had to get one with hebner lol. Don't know if they still have the shirt at live events but it's a ref style shirt and on the back it says "yea, I did it" I freakin' laughed at that.
all in all it sounds like a cool show. Any cool chants there? I have to say I am a bit saddened...that you didn't get to see desmond wolfe vs samoa joe...last year they were hear and in my mind that was the match of the night. The crown was entirely split for that match. Split for anderson and beer money matches but that joe/wolfe match was great. Can't remember who anderson faced...think it was angle. I know beer money faced mcmg. Yea, any wrestling fan should atleast triy a tna live event. I got pics w jarrett, w angle, and oh...I just had to get one with hebner lol. Don't know if they still have the shirt at live events but it's a ref style shirt and on the back it says "yea, I did it" I freakin' laughed at that.

Man i would wanna see wolfe, i followed him in ROH. And yes the shirt was still there i met hebner haha how can you not? I forgot to buy the shirt though, which i regret haha

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