My thoughts on CM Punk


2015 King Of The Ring
This is not a troll or hate thread. If you cannot respect my or other people's opinions don't post. I simply made this to have a more civilized version of the debate. Now I've done a lot of research into this, and I've come to a conclusion on my opinion on Punk.

CM Punk's Moveset:
CM Punk as with many other heels change their moveset because of their status with the audience. I thought he was a tad bit boring when he first came back on Raw, but I've watched some of his older matches and have been able to asses his psychology a bit easier. ROH was my particular preference for my analysis.
I liked CM Punk vs Samoa Joe. It gave me that indy wrestling type feeling and Punk really did a good job in telling a story. I also watched a CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan match which would be a dream match for the IWC (Book it Vince). I noticed however that my first assumption was correct. There wasn't much of a difference. Punk still did the same things he did in WWE. Albeit, my sources were extremely scarce, but I think I've seen Punk on WWE tv for long enough to know how he works (I've seen Punk since his on screen debut).
As a training wrestler, there's nothing worse than when your partner bothes a move. At first, you want to knock the other guy out for real, but you come back to your senses and move on. Unfortunately, some botches you can't recover from. That's what I fear from Punk. He's a botching machine but to be fair, his GTS finisher takes both wrestlers (not superstars screw you Mcmahon) to make it work. When he botches, it's doesn't deter from the storytelling aspect and make you say, "That looked fake." He just hurts other guys from what I see.

Mic Skills:
This is where Punk shines. I never realized how gifted he was on the stick until he started commentating. I think the WWE should capitalize on his talents as there should be no way in the world he's not a top heel. He gets under my skin so much and I can't wait until Randy Orton punts his lights out tomorrow. He knows how to work a crowd and if it weren't for his smarks, he would be booed louder than Cena at One Night Stand.

His fanbase:
Unfortunately, CM Punk could have the worst fanbase of any wrestler in the industry. They would probably say that Punk would have to carry Bret Hart had The Hitman not retired. Even he himself claims he doesn't like some of his fans. They constantly bicker and complain on his role in the company and don't even realize that they are part of the reason WWE is ashamed of being called of a wrestling company. Now to be honest, everyone has a right to complain. Heck, I think that Randy Orton is the best superstar in the company, but the difference is that I am part of a breed of fans who knows how to discuss and debate in a respectful matter. Now I'm not trying to big myself up, I'm just saying.

All in all, I think CM Punk does great telling a story in the ring, but as far as a wrestler in the ring and psychology goes, he's average. He doesn't sell quite as well as he should and he botches and hurts people quite often. His mic skills are the best since Chris Jericho or maybe even better, and he can get under the crowd's skin which is the most important. Now please, let's keep this above the belt people :)
I for one love CM Punk. Like you said he really gets under people's skin. Always a good heal IMO. Could you list some of his recent botches? Like who has he accidently hurt etc?
Punk is easily one of my favorite on the current roster, and one of the brightest stars but he's one of the more overrated superstars in recent memory. He's complete GOLD on the mic, that goes w/o saying. His mannerism and delivery is second to one. He has a conviction and believability on the mic that many of his peers lack. That being said he hasn't had a great match since Jeff hardy was around, he's led to stables to the ground, and his physique is absolute crap.

A lot of fans seem to think he's the second coming of Jericho, and while Punk has done well in his own right...I don't see it. He's not really a guy who can elevate lower superstars to level. Still, at this point he should be top heel as he's much more credible than Miz in like 100 ways, but that's neither here nor there. He's just been stuck in limbo ever since that "feud" with taker. He should be headlining WM at this point. His current feud is definitively more boring than it should be, but the match shouldn't disappoint.

Anyway, I pretty much agree TC. The guy is godly on the mic, but he isn't the "greatest wrestlers of all timez". Still better than 90% of the roster, but not quite as good as many would have you believe. Although, I'd hardly call him a botching machine. Thats stretching it.
I am a big fan of CM Punk, the best heel in the business at present, in my opinion. Predominantly his mic talent is what appeals to me most about him. His whole attitude towards people, the way he goes about himself I also think is very well done and what makes his character very watchable and entertaining. As far as in ring ability is concerned, I think there is nothing wrong, yes he has botched before, maybe more than most others have, but it's a part of wrestling and has been since day 1. He is entertaining in his matches, he has a good moveset and has skill. But regardless of his botching, and whatever you think about his in ring ability, he is flawless when it comes to a heel on the mic. I think he still has a lot more to show as well.
i as well love cm punk (btw if your wondering some botches watch the orton miz match at rumble he messes up bad and brutal) but i think punk is amazing on the mic and his in ring skill is past average he s a good technical wrestler and most importantly can make even a jobber look good in the ring, i dont like how he is underused being a 3 time champ i think he would be more marketable and more of a fan assest if production used him rite it cant all be put on him but i do say this is a good punk analysis
I met Punk in ROH. He is awesome in real life and he is a phenomenal performer. He is a great heel and I hope he stays that way. He should drop Nexus though.
CM Punk has been my favorite wrestler ever since his heel turn in 2009. he is so awesome in the ring and mic, he is the total package for how to be a wrestler and in my opinion has been the top heel in wrestling ever since the turn. hopefully he wins a world title this year because he deserves it. and in my opinion he is the new Chris Jericho.
Well first let's just clear one thing up: Imagine the two of us standing outside on a bright and clear sunny day; there's not a cloud to be found in the sky. I say the sky is blue, it's your opinion however that it is a brilliant shade of orange. Though we both have functioning eyes one of us is clearly wrong. Hence opinions can be wrong. With that out of the way…

Your writing is somewhat contradictory and at times betrays you. First, regarding Punk's heel move-set, you find (or found) "it a tad bit boring". Now then, consider the true purpose of a heel. Now try and rectify the two ideas. The heel doesn't try to pop the crowd. He's to be a heat magnet, simple as. Oh, and btw move-sets are largely irrelevant. Look at the supposed Kings of "5 moves" John Cena or Hulk Hogan.

Second, why must Vince book an IWC match? They make no money and WWE isn't an Indy fed pandering to supposed smarks.

Third, they're "Superstars", deal with it.

Fourth, Punk's finisher is what it is. It's a take off on a Puro strong-style move and thusly there isn't much protection. Either you whiff or you connect on contact. It's not really a "botch" when that truth is part and parcel to the move itself.

Fifth, "Great" story telling, "average" psychology?

Last, I wonder why would his fans have anything to do with your analysis of CM Punk himself? I personally find that odd. Anyway, as with anyone who has fans some can be good some can be atrocious. *shrug* Good on you for being one of the polished smarts of Prowrestling fandom though. Quite the accomplishment.
Maybe it's just me and maybe some of us are over-analyzing things a little bit but... what exactly is wrong with how Punk performs in the ring? You could make the same argument about most of the guys in the WWE. In fact, I'm sure we have.

The fact of the matter is that WWE has become exactly what Vince has wanted it to become... an entertainment company. And, you know what? I'm totally cool with that. If I want to see really creative wrestling, I have plenty of options to choose from. I long ago accepted WWE for what it is... and the same thing Vince claimed his company was in the Beyond The Mat documentary... they're out to make "movies" (which, oddly enough, they're doing now... even now w/o their "WWE Superstars"). I like it, I'm entertained by it and I'll keep watching it.

Now... back to CM Punk. I think he's got one of the more varied move sets in the organization. Take that as you will... I'm by no means an expert. But he's great on the microphone... he's one of the few guys who can cut a promo and, most of the time, it doesn't sound scripted. He fits in to what the WWE is looking for. He's kind of the anti-Cena, if you will... you know how there's always a portion of the crowd at each show that boos John Cena? There's always a portion of the crowd that's going to cheer Punk.

For the most part, I get the OP's criticisms, but in the big scheme of things when it comes to what WWE is going for... I think we're going to be seeing Punk for a really long time... and for good reason.

Oh... and sorry for all the ellipses. They're my anti-drug.
CM Punk is quite simply one of the best heels WWEs ever had. Im not a CM Punk mark, in fact when he first came into WWE I couldnt stand him, but with this heel gimmick hes fast becoming one of my favourites in either "big" companies (TNA and WWE). like his slammy award suggests, he is DESPICABLE! and thats why he is so good.
I think Punk plays the role of the evil cult leader better than anyone ever. Even better than Raven. I just wish they would stick with it. So far he has had SXS and NXT both not last or amount to much. SXS could have been a lot better if they were given a chance instead of always made out to be jobbers.
there it is again "botches". You're a training wrestler huh? Who's training you? Just because you're training, hell, even if you are "trained" it doesn't mean you know anything. Any Joe Blow can set up a ring and train someone. Unless you're at the Harley Race Wrestling Academy, or some other highly reputable place, I wouldn't go around bragging.

Punk doesn't really "botch" that much. Psychology and storytelling are pretty close to the same thing, it's like saying "his batting average is .300 but he can't hit for shit". Punk gets over, is great on the mic, and his matches always make sense and have a story. I'd watch that any day over a Dragon Gate style perfectly executed spotfest or anything of the sort.

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