My theory on why Nexus buried Undertaker


Mid-Card Championship Winner
On last nights Raw, the Lady in the heels was Stephanie McMahon. Next week on Raw The Undertaker will return wanting answers as to why he was buried alive by Nexus.

Stephanie McMahon will come out and reveal herself as the Raw GM. She will of "cut a deal" with Nexus to complete this task. The reason? Revenge for her husband. Revenge for The Undertaker retiring WWE Legend and Hunters best friend "Shawn Michaels".

Remember Otunga threatening to tell the world why they really buried Undertaker? Triple H/Steph was the reason. Triple H was the Nexus higher power they talked about and Stephanie was the Raw GM. They had a masterplan! The McMahon/Helmsley regime is back!

So where does this leave Nexus given 3 of the culprits have now gone. I see CM Punk coming out to reason with Taker. He will explain they are the "New Nexus" and Takers beef should be with "The Corre" over on Smackdown (Takers show). Otunga will be "sacrificed" to Taker, take a beating and that will be put to bed. Taker now has a reason to target Barrett, Gabriel and Slater over on SD and make things interesting.

Wait....could Triple H be the 5th Corre Member - he wouldnt devalue them, they are all equals? Will he be moved to give Smackdown that monster heel and star power they desperatly need? Does Raw have room for the Triple H/Taker fued given Rock has returned, Orton is into it with Nexus and Cena/Miz are going at it? How does Triple H trade to Smackdown....Steph lets him.

Very nice. I like it. It's certainly an angle that we aren't expecting.

Could Taker avenge his demise in a Buried Alive Match at WM27? Maybe he wants to bury Nexus entirely? That would certainly make for a great match at WrestleMania.
For the person in heels I will agree. I think that was Stephanie.

The rest of the plan seems a bit eh, sounds reasonable but logically that wouldn't work.

The Taker vs HHH angle will probably end up happening. That is a no brainier. As for Nexus parting with HHH I highly doubt it. That would make HHH a heel and with his recent movie, I don't think that is the direction the WWE wants to go.

I will say that HHH will lose at Wrestlemania as he has too much on his plate to be a full time wrestler anymore. Family and in reality the WWE is in his and Stephanie's hands.
On last nights Raw, the Lady in the heels was Stephanie McMahon.
Who or what is your source? Stephanie McMahon?

Anyway, if HHH was the 5th Corre member how come he didn't stop a stronger group, being original Nexus, disbanding? They were Nexus when they attacked Undertaker, and if HHH is looking for Undertaker why would he go to SmackDown with Corre if Undertaker is being hyped for RAW?

I think Nexus buried Undertaker because WWE did try to plan a Wade Barrett/Undertaker match far too early. They counted their eggs before they hatched.

What if Nexus went out to attack Kane? Maybe Kane was in no position to be dealt with and, as the reigning champ who was dominating the past few months, he could take out Nexus temporarily. Maybe Undertaker would've helped Kane?

Or they could've just been reckless like they had been on RAW, they hardly got chances to attack SmackDown. Remember they wanted to get to the top of the WWE

But I still want to know since Justin Gabriel (I think) threatened to Barrett to reveal why they attacked Undertaker...
Honestly IMO they just threw the Nexus attacking Undertaker together earlier that day it was on wrestlezone acouple weeks ago and it had an article posted saying that Drew McIntyre was the orginal person planned to attack Taker so I think they took away that push from McIntyre and were just running around like a chicken with it's head cut off trying to figure out what to do without thinking in the long term effects of the actions and were just looking for something to plug the holes that day and weren't thinking of the big picture. That being said I really like the original posters idea of Stephanie being the one cutting the deal with the The Nexus but I don't think HHH should be revealed has the 5th member of The Corre because I think it would be pretty much pointless for him to be introduced in a new faction for about a month and a half and then retire after losing to the Deadman at mania (if the reports are true and it is career vs streak again)
On last nights Raw, the Lady in the heels was Stephanie McMahon. Next week on Raw The Undertaker will return wanting answers as to why he was buried alive by Nexus.

Stephanie McMahon will come out and reveal herself as the Raw GM. She will of "cut a deal" with Nexus to complete this task. The reason? Revenge for her husband. Revenge for The Undertaker retiring WWE Legend and Hunters best friend "Shawn Michaels".

Remember Otunga threatening to tell the world why they really buried Undertaker? Triple H/Steph was the reason. Triple H was the Nexus higher power they talked about and Stephanie was the Raw GM. They had a masterplan! The McMahon/Helmsley regime is back!

So where does this leave Nexus given 3 of the culprits have now gone. I see CM Punk coming out to reason with Taker. He will explain they are the "New Nexus" and Takers beef should be with "The Corre" over on Smackdown (Takers show). Otunga will be "sacrificed" to Taker, take a beating and that will be put to bed. Taker now has a reason to target Barrett, Gabriel and Slater over on SD and make things interesting.

Wait....could Triple H be the 5th Corre Member - he wouldnt devalue them, they are all equals? Will he be moved to give Smackdown that monster heel and star power they desperatly need? Does Raw have room for the Triple H/Taker fued given Rock has returned, Orton is into it with Nexus and Cena/Miz are going at it? How does Triple H trade to Smackdown....Steph lets him.


wow did you ever think to be a story line writer in the wwe this stuff is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my thoughts are Triple H going to Smackdown is a good move they don't need him on Raw and having him as a heel again would be a good choice.......... I mean after all, all we got on Smackdown as the main Heel is Dolph Ziggler............ Yeah...........Nuff said...... Moving Triple H to Smackdown to be a main Heel on the brand would be an epic move because Smackdown does indeed need a heel like Triple H now!!!!!
It actually makes the most sense for Triple H to behind Nexus burying Undertaker since Triple H left before the debut of Nexus. He could have just paid them, or Stephanie paid them.

A problem is that Otunga was one of the guys who buried him, and he's on Raw while the rest of the guys who did bury him are on Smackdown.
They also need to deal with the Sheamus situation.

Overall it would make a good story that HBK's best friend wanted to avenge him.
I think Nexus attacked Taker 'cos WWE wanted Barrett to face him at WM, but now Nexus has disbanded it's not happening. I remember reading on that the original idea of Taker vs Barrett was scrapped and it's now HHH vs Taker at WM. Also, Taker's probably not returning next week 'cos of the 2/21/11 vids. But nice storyline anyway.
How about this one. The Undertaker defeated CM Punk in Newark, N.J. on 10-04-09 to win the World Heavyweight Championship. This was CM Punks last title reign. They would have to work out a few kinks, but, they could go with CM Punk getting revenge. I know that the current idea is to run Triple H against Taker at WM27 or at least that is what the IWC says, but, there is a window of opportunity for them to say that CM Punk was getting back at Taker for beating him for the title. This may be a swerve of some sort by the WWE to discredit the IWC and reporters. I know thats a long shot but wasn't there a post not too long ago where The Rock said he was done with the WWE?? It's just hard for me to believe that Triple H would come back to the WWE after being off.....not run a stint with Sheamus over their situation and work 2-3 matches and be retired....he is one of the biggest draws in the company and it is hard for me to fathom them running a short stint to end his career. I do believe that if the WWE could work it out, they would definitely do their best to swerve the IWC. Thoughts?
I think Nexus attacked Taker 'cos WWE wanted Barrett to face him at WM, but now Nexus has disbanded it's not happening. I remember reading on that the original idea of Taker vs Barrett was scrapped and it's now HHH vs Taker at WM. Also, Taker's probably not returning next week 'cos of the 2/21/11 vids. But nice storyline anyway.

Last night was 2/14, and there's 7 days in a week. As we saw last night, the wwe is no longer hiding the fact that 2-21-11 is the Deadman. So since next Monday is, undisputedly, 2-21-11, I would definately count on seeing him, there.
Also, I agree w/ those who say they used Barret/(old)Nexus at the time to bury Taker, mostly based on a (justifiable, in my view) lack of foresight at the time. I also agree that the WWe will somehow tie the Corre/Nexus burial of Taker to HHH, as he will definately be the Undertakers opponent at this years big show.
So yeah.. no disrespect, but i would love to know what ur thought process was above, or if u simply mis-typed. Thank u.
On last nights Raw, the Lady in the heels was Stephanie McMahon. Next week on Raw The Undertaker will return wanting answers as to why he was buried alive by Nexus.

Stephanie McMahon will come out and reveal herself as the Raw GM. She will of "cut a deal" with Nexus to complete this task. The reason? Revenge for her husband. Revenge for The Undertaker retiring WWE Legend and Hunters best friend "Shawn Michaels".

Remember Otunga threatening to tell the world why they really buried Undertaker? Triple H/Steph was the reason. Triple H was the Nexus higher power they talked about and Stephanie was the Raw GM. They had a masterplan! The McMahon/Helmsley regime is back!

So where does this leave Nexus given 3 of the culprits have now gone. I see CM Punk coming out to reason with Taker. He will explain they are the "New Nexus" and Takers beef should be with "The Corre" over on Smackdown (Takers show). Otunga will be "sacrificed" to Taker, take a beating and that will be put to bed. Taker now has a reason to target Barrett, Gabriel and Slater over on SD and make things interesting.

Wait....could Triple H be the 5th Corre Member - he wouldnt devalue them, they are all equals? Will he be moved to give Smackdown that monster heel and star power they desperatly need? Does Raw have room for the Triple H/Taker fued given Rock has returned, Orton is into it with Nexus and Cena/Miz are going at it? How does Triple H trade to Smackdown....Steph lets him.


You have very good points, and you've really been thinking this through. But i have a few problems with some of it. One, i remember reading a while back that Stephanie was happy being a house wife, and she also just had a baby. And in order for Trips and taker to fight someone has to be heel! You say Triple H, but how would that look on TV, you don't see to many heels if any on TV who avenge the "lost career" of their best friend who was a FACE. Heels are on Heels side and FACE on FACE so i think that would be hard to sell Triple H being a HEEL sticking up for a FACE. Shawn Michaels would have to come in and cost a face a major title or something to make it more believable with his best friend being a heel. And as to your point of triple H being the 5th member of the Corre, though possible it just doesn't make sense unless Triple H sticks around. It's been said that he'll retire after Wrestlemania. Next as bad as i want it to happen, The Rock has not returned! Which is why it's baffling to me that he has new theme music and a new shirt. He's only a host, which by the way has Wrestlemania ever needed or had a host?
This idea is not half-bad at all. They could couple this fact with Stephanie being the Anonymous GM and wanting to seize control from his father(Since Nexus attacked Vince too and have no real explanation for it). It would be like the Mcmahon-Helmsley era all over again(which I don't know if its a good thing or a bad thing) but I wouldn't want to see Triple H affiliated with The Corre in anyways, it would devalue Barrett and the rest of the group. However, overall its a good idea and they could do this without Taker having to directly exact Revenge on Barrett.
How about this one. The Undertaker defeated CM Punk in Newark, N.J. on 10-04-09 to win the World Heavyweight Championship. This was CM Punks last title reign. They would have to work out a few kinks, but, they could go with CM Punk getting revenge. I know that the current idea is to run Triple H against Taker at WM27 or at least that is what the IWC says, but, there is a window of opportunity for them to say that CM Punk was getting back at Taker for beating him for the title. This may be a swerve of some sort by the WWE to discredit the IWC and reporters. I know thats a long shot but wasn't there a post not too long ago where The Rock said he was done with the WWE?? It's just hard for me to believe that Triple H would come back to the WWE after being off.....not run a stint with Sheamus over their situation and work 2-3 matches and be retired....he is one of the biggest draws in the company and it is hard for me to fathom them running a short stint to end his career. I do believe that if the WWE could work it out, they would definitely do their best to swerve the IWC. Thoughts?

Taker returns next week on Raw. Steph returns as GM. She is the one behind Nexus burying Taker.

Trips comes back to address the situation a week later. First up he demolishes Sheamus for what he did to him. He is a face for a week or so, then turns on Taker in a tag match or something. He reveals it was 1 big plan between him and Steph.
I think WWE is trying to send us all for a wild goose chase. HHH has always seemed to be too obvious, and from what I have inferred so far - especially in the last couple of months, Vince is continuously springing surprises, like CM punk joining Nexus, Miz facing Lawler, Corre and Nexus coexisting and others.
WWE is aware for internet leaks, and has decided to use it to its own advantage. This belief - I realised - was cemented by Bischoff's scorn remarks towards WWE's new entrees - Nash and Booker T - and did not mention names. Moreover, what he said seemed like he was much pissed off. I don't think Nash and T would have been the cause, especially when both have been downplayed for long. The anger must be for something else. Something more powerful. And who's more powerful in TNA now - The Sting!
TNA tried to spoil WWE's game by removing Sting from its site and giving crafty hints. The story of WWE-Sting not making a cut came after that, which only confirms WWE's stand.
HHH is just a diversion. He's already booked, and he wants to have the role of heel again. What's the bloody point of playing that role for only one month!!!!
This brings down to only one thing: It's Undetaker v/s Sting. Why? Because it's unexpected.
We aren't WWE's bloody fathers, that it has to reveal everything. It has the authority to speak lies as well.
And that's what I call business.
It's like this at WMania:
Undertaker vs Sting
HHH vs Sheamus
Nexus vs Corre
Punk vs Orton
Edge vs Rio
Cena vs Miz
JoMo vs RTruth
I agree with Don, and for once WWE has got me wanting to see more. I can't see why creative would just blow off a sure-fire feud between Trips and Sheamus, when it's been assumed in recent months that HHH would have his 'Grudge' match with Sheamus.
I also agree with whoever said that a feud had been set way too early, potentially between Barrett and Taker. I think the 'bigger picture' of Nexus is just another failure on WWEs part.
It's like this at WMania:
Undertaker vs Sting
HHH vs Sheamus
Nexus vs Corre
Punk vs Orton
Edge vs Rio
Cena vs Miz
JoMo vs RTruth

i think they all make sense.....except Taker vs. Sting. before i get bashed at this, let me explain a bit. i think it'd be a bad business move for Taker to face Sting.

why would Sting go to WWE to job to Taker in the city where WCW was built in WWE's biggest stage? i don't know where people would go with a Sting vs. Taker match either, how would it come about? if Sting is in fact the guy outside the house, it's like if Taker was waiting for him.

when promos are built like that, it's usually a team like aspect where the 2 guys meet, not where a feud is built on.

if anything, Taker needs help vs. Nexus/Corre/HHH/whoever he's fighting. the stables would be going after Taker and as someone mentioned, Sting could have "brought Taker back" with his Crow gimmick to help Taker out vs. the heels who seek to destroy him.

if Sting wrestles at Mania, he has to go over in Atlanta with the pro-WCW crowd. no way does Sting sign with WWE to job there
I think wwe creative needs to hire you because that sounds awesome and worthy of mania, i hope this is what happens, or at least something close to it...but knowing wwe creative, they probably wont deliver on this and itll just be a bland storyline to create taker vs HHH for mania
Sting and Taker teaming up would be more epic then Rock last night and that was epic.

I still don't think that HHH will turn heel with his recent movie. WWE is going to cash in on it as much as possible, turning him heel will make them lose money.

Logically this isn't a smart decision by the WWE if it's true.
Yeah in the meantime, while Triple H and Taker are feuding over HBK's failed attempt, Sheamus will be running around saying he put HHH in the shelf and did nothing about it. Make sense right?

Whatever the Nexus has been talking about, like big picture, bigger purpose, bigger whatever, those plans are nixed. Otunga is the only one left from the old nexus. CM Punk is in a program with Orton. If Undertaker should have any issue, it should be with Kane and Wade Barrett, since Barrett was the leader of the old Nexus.

At Elimination Chamber, if Taker was coming for Kane and Wade Barrett, another 2/21/11 promo should air during that Smackdown Elimination Chamber.
The reason for Nexus burying the Undertaker was to create a back-up match for Taker at WM (against Wade Barrett.) But now it looks as though HHH will face Taker. i dont see it going any further than that.


The OP does make a very valid point, it makes sense and i can see it happening.

A little off topic but if this does happen, WWE will have a Rock return, HHH and Stephanie back together for an on camera power couple again. WWE will look to be in grand, old school looking shape. Gotta give em credit if all this goes to plan
Taker returns next week on Raw. Steph returns as GM. She is the one behind Nexus burying Taker.

Trips comes back to address the situation a week later. First up he demolishes Sheamus for what he did to him. He is a face for a week or so, then turns on Taker in a tag match or something. He reveals it was 1 big plan between him and Steph.

Triple H demolishes Sheamus and then just moves on....really? and they just use it as a side note? I doubt it...besides, he has been claiming to be the "King of Kings" they are setting up a feud between Trips and Sheamus at WM27. I think your ideas are awesome really...except having HHH come back for a month then leave in a retirement just doesn't make sense. People will pay to see Trips no matter who he is facing and Taker as well....I really think they are trying to swerve people and Justin Labar and his cat headed partner can get on here and claim to know all of this stuff, but the bottom line is that they only know what someone else leaks to them...if I had someone on the inside I guess I would have my own show too...but what do those guys bring to the table except ruining surprises that someone leaks? Personally, I feel it has watered down wrestling as a whole....there is no shock factor....until now. Hopefully, the WWE is starting to fight back by releasing information that is not true to bring shock factor back...thats what every wrestling mark or true fan loves and I think that is exactly what is going to happen with this least I hope so.

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