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My Realistic "Fantasy" Booking Plans for the Next Few Months


Pre-Show Stalwart
It is one week till the Royal Rumble, and we have 16 people entered. Out of the people currently announced we have only 2 people capable of winning:
CM Punk (not likely)
Batista (very likely)

Roman Reigns will do very well in this match but will not win, maybe makes it to the last 3. I can see Punk being set up like Cena was the other year when Alberto won it, and Miz and Riley eliminated him, by Kane or maybe HHH himself. Out of the people who haven't been announced, the only 2 realistic entries I can think of are Bryan and Sheamus who have a chance. I honestly think Bryan should win it, but with the hype they've put on Batista's return, I think this is unlikely, plus he might not even be able to wrestle. Sheamus will have a strong showing if he does return, and can see him lasting till the final 3 with Roman Reigns. Ultimately I think Batista will win the Rumble.

John Cena v Randy Orton I think will end up with Cena as champion, because if the winner is facing Lesnar, I can't see a heel v heel match for the title. Orton and Lesnar don't seem to be turning anytime soon, so I see a Lesnar v Cena match with Lesnar getting revenge for his loss at Extreme Rules 2012, leading to a Batista v Lesnar match at Wrestlemania since this feud has never been done. I could see Orton also maybe helping Lesnar, leading to a match between them at Wrestlemania either in a tag match with Hogan and Piper, or a singles match between them 2 since in recent matches it would be 1-1, and we will finally see which one of them is the "Face of the WWE".

Back to Punk's elimination from the Rumble, I see HHH continuing to screw him afterwards without him getting his hands dirty, till Punk is in a vulnerable position and HHH gets his revenge on him for his comments and Punk attacking him in the Ascension ceremony. This will lead to Punk v HHH.

The Undertaker will also be returning soon, and I can see him facing Daniel Bryan as being somehow affiliated with the Wyatt family, effectively playing the "heel". I can see it also being another face v face match because The Wyatt feud could be over by then, with Bryan wanting to prove he is not an underdog etc and gives Taker a run for his money, earning his respect even though he came up short. This is only if Sting doesn't sign for WWE, which I still doubt at this point, if that happens Sting v Taker would be a definite, and Bryan would likely face Bray, or even Michaels IF they can also talk him into Wrestlemania, which I also highly doubt, but it could still happen as he might want to do this last "favour" for his star pupil.

The tag team titles I see ending with the New Age Outlaws, maybe at the Rumble, maybe after. They have been subtlely teasing tension with the Rhodes after Cody eliminated Goldust last year, and Goldust claims he will do the same to him this year. This will lead to the Mania match both have wanted for years, and it will lead to one last NAO run with them putting over a young face tag team, The Usos would be my pick.

Roman Reigns I can see eliminating the other members of The Shield in the Rumble match and this causes problems, I can also see an Ambrose and Langston feud if they do decide to unify the mid card titles, with Ambrose coming out on top to defend it in a triple threat Shield match at Wrestlemania, with Roman being a face, Dean a heel and Seth is up in the air.

Sheamus I can see him slotting in with an RVD or Jericho as I can see him being a heel when he returns, and these two have had problems with The Authority in the past, leading to a Mania match.

I don't know how precise this will turn out, all of it could be right, some could be right and none could be right, but looking at it, my Wrestlemania card would be:
Batista v Brock Lesnar (WWE World Heavyweight Championship)
CM Punk v HHH
A Face v Heel tag team for Control of the WWE (Face: Mcmahon team, Heel Triple H and Stephanie)
Randy Orton w/ Piper v Cena w/Hogan
The Undertaker v Sting/Daniel Bryan
Daniel Bryan v Shawn Michaels/Bray Wyatt/Undertaker
Cody Rhodes v Dustin Rhodes
NAO v The Usos

What do people think?
Your card is very realistic. I hope you are wrong about some of it but it's pretty much spot on to what will probably happen. My hope is that Bryan wins the RR which trickles down to this.

WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Daniel Bryan w/ Hulk Hogan vs. Randy Orton (c) w/ Rowdy Piper (perfect considering Hogan/Piper main evented WM 1)

Undertaker vs. John Cena

HHH vs. CM Punk

Batista vs. Lesnar

Roman Reigns, Sheamus, RVD vs. The Shield (Ambrose, Rollins, Whoever New Member Is)

Bray Wyatt vs. Chris Jericho.

I'm sure 1-2 filler matches but I can't really tell how they would shake out. Tag titles + Cody vs. Goldust maybe.
Daniel Bryan vs John Cena vs Randy Orton - WWE WHC
Build-up: Daniel Bryan wins the Royal Rumble and faces Wyatt at EC. Orton beats Cena at the Rumble and faces Lesnar, Cena, Batista, Punk and Sheamus at EC. Cena wins the title and Orton's rematch is added into the Mania main event to make it triple threat.

Match: Bryan gets Cena in the YES Lock, Orton punts Cena while still in the hold. Bryan counters an RKO into a YES Lock and Orton taps, Bryan wins the title to end the show.

Undertaker vs The Shield - Gauntlet Match
Build-up: The Undertaker taunts The Shield with the gong and causes them to be eliminated from the Rumble match. He returns to attack them and Corporate Kane makes the 3-on-1 gauntlet match.

Match: Taker gets through Rollins and Ambrose, and Reigns is last. Reigns gets close calls with a spear and powerbomb counter to Hell's Gate, but comes up short.

CM Punk vs HHH - Street Fight
Build-up: CM Punk draws #1 and maybe all three members of The Shield are 2-4. Then he is one of the first two in the EC and maybe cost the title by a distraction from the Authority. He has enough and attacks HHH. HHH fires him and Vince returns to reinstate Punk and make this match.

Match: Punk pins HHH by using a shovel he finds under the ring, as a shout out to the IWC.

Batista w/Flair vs Brock Lesnar w/Heyman - Falls Count Anywhere
Build-up: Batista eliminates Brock from the EC match and Brock F5's Batista before leaving to cause his elimination. The Animal vs The Beast is booked at Mania.

Match: Flair locks Heyman in the Figure 4, Lesnar tries to break it up but is hit with a clothesline and Batista Bomb. Batista wins.

Rhodes Brothers vs New Age Outlaws vs Real Americans vs The Usos - Tag Titles
Build-up: Not important. Any 4 teams would do, save Goldust vs Cody for next year.

Match: Usos win their first titles at the big show.

Langston vs Sheamus vs Alberto Del Rio vs Kofi Kingston vs Wade Barrett vs Chris Jericho - IC Title Ladder Match
Build-up: Langston unifies the US and IC titles at EC against Ambrose. An international ladder match is announced and challengers qualify with wins over other international stars like Khali, Santino, Tatsu, Cesaro, McIntyre, etc.

Match: Langston wins it or any of the heels, to give Langston a feud moving forward.

Bray Wyatt vs Rey Mysterio
Build-up: After losing to Bryan, Bray and the Family target Mysterio. Bray will sell this feud on the symbolism of masks and the metaphor of hiding ones true self. He will target removing Rey's mask. At one point they cover Rey's face with the Sheep Mask and remove Rey's luchador mask underneath. Rey's face isn't shown, but he is forced to walk to the back wearing the Sheep's mask in shame.

Match: Bray eats a 619 but counters the West Coast Pop with his body block. He loosens Rey's mask and sets him up for Sister Abigail. He slips Rey's mask off, kisses him on the forehead and hits it for the win. They slip the Sheep Mask on Rey, who gets up and removes the mask instead of wearing it shamefully again.

AJ Lee vs Ronda Rousey w/Roddy Piper
Build-up: This one is obviously fantasy. AJ beats everyone there is to beat in WWE and declares herself the baddest woman on the planet. Piper appears and cuts a promo to introduce UFC Women's champion "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey. Rousey's match with Sara McMann will happen before in February and allow a build-up to this match before her next fight. Rousey is a big pro wrestling fan, especially of Piper and would jump at this opportunity.

Match: Only downfall is that someone has to lose this match. If AJ can turn face during/before this feud and the divas rally around her, Ronda isn't opposed to playing a heel. Piper can then distract AJ and Rousey picks up the dirty victory to keep AJ strong. Piper tells Rousey to lock on the armbar/cross armbreaker (Rousey's signature move) after the match and Hogan comes to make the save and celebrate with AJ.

Pre-Show Battle Royal
RVD, Show, Henry, Kane, Ryback, Ziggler, Clay, Christian, Sandow, Axel, Fandango, Sin Cara, Fandango, Khali, Miz, Truth, Clay, Tensai, Santino, Woods, Ryder, etc.

Build-up: Extra match to get all of the talent in. Winner gets a shot at the WWE WHC.

Match: Ziggler gets the win, super kicking someone over the ropes (and subsequently using it as a finisher). He and Bryan can have a great match on RAW the next night or before ER.
My Card (9 matches)

15 man Battle Royale for a Tag Title shot w/ partner of choice : Alberto Del Rio vs. Ryback vs. Curtis Axel vs. Bray Wyatt vs. Jack Swagger vs. Antonio Cesaro vs. Great Khali vs. Santino vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Rey Mysterio vs. The Miz vs. Wade Barrett vs. Tensai vs. Brodus Clay vs. R-Truth

Build: We need something for these guys to do

Match: Bray Wyatt wins (see, I had a plan for this thing). It comes down to Bray and Ryback and Ryabck eliminates himself as a service to Bray and is inducted into the Wyatt family (he and Bray are perfect for each other right now IMO).

IC Title: Big E Langston (c) vs. Chris Jericho

Booking: Who Cares, it's Jericho. He'll make it work.

Match: Langston rolls through the Walls and hits a Big Ending. Everyone marvels at the feat.

Divas Title: AJ Lee (c) vs. Tamina

Booking: Oh no, the enforcer turned on the heel, what a surprise

Match: Tamina wins with a Rock Bottom (because why the hell not)

Tag Team Titles: 4 Team Ladder Match- Brotherhood (c) vs. The Usos vs. Wyatt Family vs. Big Show (no partner)

Match: At some point we need the Big Show to be tipped off the ladder onto 5 other guys. Would make a hell of a spot. Brotherhood wins, they'll be dropping the belts to Bray and Ryback at Extreme Rules though.

Loser Leaves Raw Match: Kane vs. Kofi Kingston (representing Brad Maddox)

Build: Maddox decides he's sick of Authority. Kofi Kingston complains backstage about being underrated and underutilized, Maddox says we should be friends or whatever. Maddox finds ways to book Kofi against semi-big names and he keeps winning. Kane gets pissed, challenges Maddox to a fight, loser leaves Raw, Maddox weasels but Kofi steps up and accepts the challenge.

Match: Kofi wins. Kane puts him over. Authority reigns on, Kane goes into hiding and can return in a month or so as a big demented monster again.

Batista (w/ Hogan) vs. Sheamus (w/Piper)

Build: Sheamus makes a return out of the blue on Raw and attacks Batita, turning heel. Some bullshit about everyone hyped Batista's return and nobody even gave Sheamus the respect he deserved or the build-up Batista got.

Match: Batista wins, but Sheamus comes out looking strong as well. Let them beat the hell out of each other.

HHH vs. CM Punk

Build: Not going to even bother with explaining this

Match: HHH wins. I know, you hate it. But if Punk is going to have the next Summer of Punk the best way to get him to start the run is by making people love him. HHH screws him after interference by whoever.

Undertaker vs. The Shield (3 on 1 handicap match)

Build: Taker is pissed at the Shield, Shield continues to tease a breakup but beg Authority for the match.

Match: You're usual 20-25 minute Streak match. Taker pulls a win out of nowhere. After the match Ambrose attacks Taker, Rollins joins in. Pan to Reigns, he starts shaking his head and fends off Ambrose and Reigns, helps Taker up, shakes the Deadman's hand, and boom face turn complete.

WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Randy Orton vs. John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Brock Lesnar (c)

Booking: Lesnar wins the Title before EC, leaves w/ the Title (2 years of this in a row, yes, but with the Title out of sight people might not begin thinking about why Batista isn't going after it) and D-Bry continues to main event Raw anyways. Bryan wins the Rumble, Orton bitches about not getting his rematch after losing the belts to Cena, Cena never gets his rematch on Lesnar, so Fatal 4 way Elimination Match it is)

Match: Cena/Bryan act as tandem, LEsnar and Orton go lone wolf. Orton pinned by Bryan, Lesnar pinned by Cena, Cena taps to the Yes lock (1st time ever, I believe) and shakes D-Bry's hand after the match. Yes chants all around.

You like?
So from TLC to Wrestlemania you are predicting 4 different Champions? Orton - Cena - Lesnar - Batista? I don't see WWE playing pass the title.

I don't see Cena winning the title and dropping it the next month at Elimination Chamber. When does Cena get his rematch?!

I like that it is hard to predict. I think if anything, Lesnar is going to interfear in the Orton vs Cena match at destroy both, sending out his intentions for the WWE Title. This will end in a DQ finish which protects Cena and keeps the belt on Orton.

Either Taker is going to return and Lesnar will focus on him or Lesnar will indeed enter the title picture and probably win the belt. What Lesnar wants, Lesnar usually gets. I just think giving him the strap for a month is a waste and he should be fighting for the strap at The Rumble.

Tough to call. Maybe Lesnar vs Batista doesnt even need to be for the strap. That match sells itself.
I really like the idea of The Shield v Taker in a gauntlet match; but would HHH want that to happen? Seeing as though the Shield are a part of the Authority and so it would be HHH's call, I gather?

But, Shield v Taker, with the inevitable Reigns face turn would be quality booking!

very fantasy booking...but bring the Money in the Bank back to WM and have it won before the title match, AND then have a cash in for the title...my dream booking...

Money in the Bank for the WWE World Heavyweight Title:
- Daniel Bryan
- Batista
- CM Punk
- Jericho
- Sheamus

Daniel Bryan would win, then cash-in on the winner of Orton v Cena (most probable title match as of yet).

Regardless of the competitors, it would be cool to have the MITB AND Cash-in during the WM event, but such a huge booking probably would never be needed and they'll draw the buys even without MITB.
First Hulkamania and then the NWO and now with wrestling seeming to be turning the corner a bit and becoming cool again Hogan is sitting in WWE's lap. Why in the world would anyone bring him back and just use him as the usual Vet return or HOF pop or a bland Wrestlemania sidekick. With popularity at its highest in years why not use Undertaker, Hogan , Piper, Jake the Snake and so forth to elevate the youth.

Undertaker being placed in the Wyatt/Bryan story is brilliant and elevates everyone involved.

Put The Snake in The Rumble or include him in a story with or against Orton.

Piper and Hogan are brought in for a road to Wrestlemania story but it has to be good and has to help elevate those involved. Hogan returns as a heel. Joins Lesnar, Heyman and the Shield. The Cena/Hogan face to face happens and HH chooses Reigns to face Cena at WM.
Cena w/Piper vs Reigns w/Hogan. This is match #1 in a year long Reigns/Cena feud leading to match #2 at WM 2015.
Hogan turns on Heyman, Lesnar and The Shield on the road to Mania 2015 leading to Cena w/Hogan vs Reigns w/Heyman.

Hogan/Heyman group elevates The Shield and everyone else the group encounters in 2014. Ambrose and Rollins carrying the singles and tag matches of the group. Just having Heyman or Hogan with them at their matches elevates them. You never know who will be with who when the HH group shows up and that leads to endless stories around the ring.

Langston joins the HH group late 2014 leading to conflicts between he and Lesnar and BigE vs Lesnar WM 2015.

HHH, HBK, Outlaws vs Punk/McMahon and others.

Sandow, Fandango, Miz, Kingston, Ziggler are used in singles and tag team matches against Ambrose and Rollins carrying that division for 2014.
My WM card. Gonna steal ideas from some of you guys because they seem like great ideas.

Tag team championship: Kofi Kingston/Big E. Langston vs. Ambrose/Rollins

Storyline: Pretty simple. The Shield causes Langston to lose the IC belt at Royal Rumble or a random Raw. The Shield jumps Kingston a few times with Langston running in and vice versa. Shield could take the belts off Cody/Goldust at Rumble or RAW. Good opening match featuring four solid young wrestlers.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio in a career ending match.

Great way for one of these guys to wind down. Not sure either is ready to leave Wrestling forever but it would add intrigue and their past serves as a great build up in a sense. They could features a few signature moves by Eddie Guerrero (and Benoit?) to showcase that era. I figure Mysterio would win since Y2J has other shit going on. Has potential to steal the show.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

IC championship: Roman Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt

Storyline: The Shield helped Reigns defeat Langston for the belt but friction within their stable has been a main segment leading up to Mania. The ref gets taken out after a good match and the Wyatt family jump Reigns. The Shield is conspicuous in their absence as Wyatt takes the IC strap. Welcome face turn for the new golden boy of the future.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Batista and Orton w/ Ric Flair vs. Lesnar and Ziggler w/ Heyman

Storyline: Evolution resurfaces without the involvement of HHH who has bigger problems. Ziggy gets one last crack and relevance as the new Heyman guy. Heyman and Flair lead the charge with mic work.
-- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -

Sheamus vs. Ryback

Storyline: Who gives a shit? But it would be an anti-bullying type angle? Filler mid-card breather.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -

Hulk Hogan vs. Roddy Piper

Storyline: Considering neither guy is probably fit and ready for in-ring work this would be pure throwback nostalgia from WM1. Hogan would obviously win and Piper would have to go heel pretty hard someone leading up to the match. Maybe by insulting Hogan over and over again while the Hulkster declines confrontation until it is absolutely necessary.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -

John Cena vs. The Undertaker

Storyline: Cena does not win the title at the Rumble. We get the typical "Where is my career heading?" Cena angle and the night after Elimination Chamber after another botched chance to capture gold he says there is only one way to redeem himself and win over even the most ardent of haters. That would be ending the Streak. Undertaker accepts his challenge and says he will put Cena out of his misery. Maybe even go Casket match? It would be great to see Cena disappear for 6 months post-mania. WWE might even go for it as it would recharge his career and give them a good look at the possible post-Cena WWE landscape of the future.
- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

WWE title: CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan in best two out of three falls.

A true wrestling fan can dream, right?
This could be the best face vs. face situation they have had since Bret vs. Shawn. Punk would win the Rumble. Bryan would win Elimination Chamber and give them a good month to kick up a nice competitive mutual-respect type feud.
So from TLC to Wrestlemania you are predicting 4 different Champions? Orton - Cena - Lesnar - Batista? I don't see WWE playing pass the title.

I don't see Cena winning the title and dropping it the next month at Elimination Chamber. When does Cena get his rematch?!

When the last Undisputed Championship was around, there was Jericho, HHH, Hogan, Taker, Rock and Lesnar Champion in the space of 7 months, so I can see them throwing the title around in my opinion and then let Batista have a big run with it. Also where is Cena's rematch comment, they always do stuff like that where they conveniently forget, and he could always have it after Batista's match.

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