My prediction: MVPs 2nd US title reign will suck.


Pre-Show Stalwart
First off... wow, I can't believe their championship match tonight went exactly as I predicted.. lame. They rushed the hell out of that match. This must have been what they said going into the Benjamin/MVP match:

"Oh, the championship match to build up our mid-card talent is up next? Oh, okay. How about lets just start the damn thing in the ring, no entrances. And how about this; lets make it an unbelievable and uneventual win for MVP. That's what we want right? And lets give it only about 6 or 7 minutes of in ring action. Yeah, that'll work."

Pfft, if MVP now wins the MITB too I'll offcially start hating him. This is just lame, what has MVP EVER done to make me want to cheer him? Having a losing streak? Being an ass? Saying "ball in!!"? Regardless of whether or not he's a good athlete. Hopefully now we can see Shelton in other roles other than just being the champion who loses to all his potiental challengers only to pull out a win when the belt happens to be in the line. Thats what happen to him with his, what was it? TWO challengers (R-Truth, and Hurricane Helms?) I REALLY don't see WWE giving MITB to Benjamin. Seeing as they treated him like crap as US Champion. If Benjamin falls off the radar into obcurity I might just quit watching SD completely.

MVPs 2nd title reign will suck because a) He'll win MITB and it'll be completely overshadowed by that, b) He won't get away with being a babyface too long and the fans will start not to pay attention, or c) it'll hold MVP back from moving up the ladder to start fighting main eventers here and there if he's champion too long.
I was cheering for Shelton Benjamin for literally the whole match and seeing M.V.P. hit the ''Playmaker'' and get the pin really broke my heart. Shelton Benjamin is one of my favorite wrestlers and I would not have minded to see him be champ for years, even though he hardly defends the title. I don't mind Shelton losing the United States Championship, as long as it will lead to bigger and better things... if he wins the MitB, or somehow gets to the main event, or even wins back the title by year's end, I'm good. As long as Benjamin is actually doing something worth watching, I don't mind.

The problem is... I do not know what is left for Benjamin to do since he's been in the mid card for over 5 years. It's time to go to the main event, but WWE doesn't believe he's ready yet. I think he is very athletic and would make a wonderful addition to the main event, but that's just my opinion.

So, in closing, it was a HUGE mistake for WWE to allow M.V.P. to defeat Shelton Benjamin and win the United States Championship. Benjamin's title reign could have been a lot better had he been given the chance. M.V.P.'s 2nd U.S. Championship reign could be good, but I think will not like it, unless he has a whole lot of challengers that help make the championship seem more prestigous.
His first one lost steam, so I wouldn't be surprised if this one did as well. I only think he's got the belt so he can become a double champion. I still think he'll be winning the MITB match.

There's nobody for him to seriously face as US Champ. Unless some main eventers step down.
When MVP first debuted I saw a lot of potential in him, and that potential is still there. However his last title reign wasn't as great as I expected, so I'm in 2 minds as to whether the next will be good. On one hand, he is a good wrestler - the future of the WWE one day, in my opinion. On the other hand, his last wasn't that great, has he got something extra now which would change that?
I'm sorry, if you thought MVP's first reign sucked, then what do you think of Shelton's? lol. Benjamin's reign made me completely forget about the U.S Championship. Atleast MVP had proper feuds with some people and can go from heel to face pretty easily. His promos are great, and he gets the crowd involved in every match. You can't really compare the greatness of MVP's reign to Shelton's reign.

Shelton's U.S reign was quick defeats over Jeff Hardy, MVP, R Truth and etc. and then finally, he loses it to MVP.

MVP's reign was that he won it from Benoit, went on to feud with Matt Hardy. Got presented a U.S ring by JBL if I'm not mistaken, they had challenges every week and then he lost it to Matt Hardy, who became an ECW champion not too long after.
MVPs first reign sucked because he gt sick, but they were trying to re-write history with a new longest running US champion (which was Benoit before him). So they had a bunch of challenges, and even if they wern't good from a wrestling standpoint, they showed off MVPs Mic skills. I think his first run was a success for other reasons.

That being said, MVP has been a steady midcarder since his debut, he even kept popular while in the dog house and his massive losing streak. MVPs next title run should be great now that he's a face, the Smackdown midcard is packed, and the upcoming draft will only make it better. Although I can't see MVP winning MITB this year, I do see great things coming from this title win.
I'm surprised that there are people that were pulling for Shelton Benjamin in this match. I like the guy but he is not someone that I tune in to watch.

Here's my take: The guy has zero charisma and can't tell a story in or out of the ring. All the guy can do is WRESTLE, which at this point in time isn't very entertaining television. We need characters in Sports Entertainment, and Shelton Benjamin doesn't have one that grabs the crowd. On the other hand MVP does. He can tell a story, he can damn sure cut a promo, and he can get the crowd involved. Also, MVP is the top African American star in the company right now. MVP with the US Title is good for business, how can you be disappointed by that? Besides, it was a good damn match.

With that said, MVP's 2nd US Title reign will get the title some attention, and I hope let's the midcard shine a little more. There are a lot of potential feuds that they can present, especially after the draft. I say let's go MVP/Kozlov first. Get some good USA vs Russia heat.
My prediction was right, when MVP turned babyface, he wouldn't be a smark darling anymore. Coincidence?

The WWE needed to get the United States Title off Shelton Benjamin, because he was a horrible champion. He did absolutely nothing with the belt. The belt didn't help raise his credibility, and vice versa. Also, Shelton's title defences weren't memorable at all. They were 5 minute matches on episodes of Smackdown. Hell, one of them was a PRE pay per view match with R-Truth.

MVP may not be the best choice for the United States Champion right now, but I think we just needed a change in general. MVP is a favourite to win Money in the Bank, and I hope he does. Just because he holds the MITB briefcase the same time as the US Title, doesn't mean he will devalue the belt. In fact, I hope the winner of the Money of the Bank briefcase actually waits a long time before cashing it in. Preferably until November or December.

His last reign was good as champion, in my opinion. So I really can't see why this reign can't be as good, if he faces a variety of opponents in good matches on pay per view. Hopefully his face turn works out good too. He needs more mic time, to further establish himself as a babyface.
I think it hinges on the competition he has...The first title reign he had, his competition was basically Flair and Matt Hardy. I can see a feud with Chavo Guerrero or Brian Kendrick since MVP has turned face. I believe if he were still heel, he would have a better reign as maybe Jeff Hardy can step down from the main-event for a while and feud with him and the Undertaker would be another option.
I was pretty disapointed that Shelton lost the title but at the same time the belt needed to get some cred back and the WWE either had to give Shelton more fueds and promo time OR give the belt to someone eles... Enter MVP.

I hope Shelton and MVP actually fued over the title, maybe throw Chavo in there as well. Shelton is a great wrestler and deserves something, his reign was shit but i dont pin all the blame on him as it was booked badly. Hopefully MVP can bring some kind of focus back onto the title.
honestly i luv shelton as a wrestler but overall hes not all that good of a champion a reason would be because he doesnt hav good mic skills so droppin the tittle to sumone who has good mic skills and that can wrestle is better for the tittle
hopefully shelton can get his skills up for one day he can be a main eventer
I was pretty disapointed that Shelton lost the title but at the same time the belt needed to get some cred back and the WWE either had to give Shelton more fueds and promo time OR give the belt to someone eles... Enter MVP.

I hope Shelton and MVP actually fued over the title, maybe throw Chavo in there as well. Shelton is a great wrestler and deserves something, his reign was shit but i dont pin all the blame on him as it was booked badly. Hopefully MVP can bring some kind of focus back onto the title.

I don't think it was booked wrong. Shelton Benjamin had many opportunities to shine during his US Title Reign, but he just dropped the ball. We all have to face the facts with this guy, he just CAN'T get over enough with the crowd period. He gets some cheers or boos because fans respect his talent, but the live crowd just isn't that into him. He was in the Championship Scramble, had matches with HHH, The Undertaker, Jeff Hardy, was given mic time, came out every week, but just didn't grow as a character, not even one bit IMO. The guy just doesn't have "it". He will never main event and will never go higher than he is now, simply because he can't put asses in seats, period. MVP potentially can.

MVP's 2nd title reign will make the U.S. Title at least be remembered by the viewers, and I predict a US Championship match at Backlash.

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