My plan for Alex Riley (might be a long read)

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That's the thing though. Nothing ever was, and ever will be like it was ten years ago. So throwing people into the main event just for the sake of doing it makes no sense. Alex Riley is not ready yet because he's... as Bill DeMont would say green as goose shit. Give the guy a couple of years, let him develope into something. Don't let my sarcasm fool you, this is a good thread. You have a good vision (besides otunga. Why not mcguillicutty or however the fuck you spell it.) I just think its the wrong person RIGHT NOW.
Throwing people into the main event for the sake of doing it, no, it HAS to be done. Credible main event faces need to be made. You have some creible heels and how would they do as faces? People say Riley is green but I'm liking him though. Riley has had momentum over the last month or two with his face turn. Why not run with that momentum?

WWE is stacked with heels. Not a lot of top faces. Morrison is hurt and besides has backstage heat.

As far as Otunga goes, does McGillicutty have a gimmick? No. He doesn't. At least with Otunga he could play the gimmick he used where he is this huge success. He is this cocky heel who is married to Jennifer Hudson and graduated from Harvard Law. That gives him something to work with in a midcard feud. McGillicutty is just another wrestler.
i have to agree with a post ways back sayin its like the making of another cena. i think he needs at the very least a dominant respectfully long mid card title reign and a few higher profile feuds. to me the mix feud wont cut it. im not all that high on the miz so i may be a bit biased. honestly if it comes down to the point of having to push him that hard that fast draft him next year to smackdown and put him in a title feud with christian or whoever the whc may be. test him that way. i dont get the man in black scenario seems like mr hughes to me lol.
As I have said many times in this thread, in order for somebody to take Cena's place and actually make it work, somebody will have to be on Cena's level and will have to be established like Cena is.

As I also said, Miz trying to intervene in a match between Riley and Cena for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania would write itself.

Him being prominently featured in the midcard and then being tested on Smackdown is perfect IMO.
I find it amusing that you "booked" a legitimate injury lmao wouldn't that be rather convenient for the long term plan you have for him lmao. Dude this is rediculous. It is cool to book this far ahead and having it PENCILED in would be cool but if you are saying this is HOW it should go no matter what than meh rediculous.

Unbooked legitimate injuries could happen too ya know. Also, what if Riley's reaction dulls out? What if someone starts getting way over by mistake (like The Brood). It happens.
Hey look. An injury could happen. I don't know how one could book a legitimate injury but that's just a scenario I threw out there since I planned on him winning the Rumble the next year and plus there is an excuse to put him in that match now.
It seems like you're pretty much building a new John Cena which people are clearly tired of. The Man in Black gimmick makes zero sense to me either. Why is he all of a sudden a man in black? Stupid. Riley is going to be a very slow build anyways. The WWE main event is pretty well set for the time being, so there's no point in pushing A-Ri so fast.

Agreed. It gets old seeing someone that is even a bit over with the fans get shoved down our throats. Give the guy a proper build. Let him establish himself in the ring and fine tune his skills on the mic. Let him shine.
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