My plan for Alex Riley (might be a long read)

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Getting Noticed By Management
People always talk about how John Cena carries the company by himself and that there's nobody on the current roster who can replace him but if WWE just heavily invested, they COULD replace him. It seems like a good investment would be Alex Riley to be a huge star. How would I do it? Here is how.

It all starts this Sunday at the Money in the Bank where the Miz once again wins the Raw MITB. The very next night he cuts a promo on how his title reign was cut short and that he will further his greatness by becoming a two time WWE champion, something Alex Riley will never do.

Riley's theme hits and then he gets a nice pop. Riley becomes "The Man in Black" Alex Riley by dressing like a secret service agent with a black suit and sunglasses. Not happy with being attacked, Riley snatches the microphone away from the Miz, telling him that he will work his way up the ladder and will do everything the Miz has done and more.

Riley then requests a non-title match with Dolph Ziggler and if Riley wins, he gets to face Ziggler for the U.S. title. Riley goes over Ziggler here in what is a good matchup.

The weeks build to Summerslam with intense fighting between the two. Ziggler tries to get the upperhand backstage while Riley manages to get the crowd on his side by disrespecting Vickie Guerrero. Dolph tells Riley he will never take his United States Championship. Vickie is so sure Dolph will win that she will abandon him if he loses.

That Summerslam, an even better match than on RAW as Riley manages to score a victory for the U.S. Title.

One final match is made at Night of Champions with again Alex Riley going over. This was a balanced feud as Riley carried Ziggler on the mic and Ziggler carried Riley in the ring.

Riley keeps on cutting terrific promos as he keeps on putting over the U.S. Championship. He faced challengers Drew McIntyre and Jack Swagger at Hell in a Cell and Vengeance, respectively, as both tried to get themselves back to a prominent position like they once were.

At Survivor Series, he successfully captains Team RAW to victory. He and the Miz do not co-exist but he finishes the job once Miz is pinned by team Smackdown.

Riley faces a new challenger in David Otunga for the U.S. Title. Otunga had long since been relieved that Nexus was over and that it was time to move on to bigger and better things. Acting like the entitled celebrity, Otunga talks crap right to Riley'sface but Riley really sets off. This sets up a match for TLC, that Otunga won by cheating and then retaining the next night on RAW via the same method.

In the Royal Rumble 2012, Alex Riley makes it to the Final Two but does not win. Let's use Sheamus since he has been champion before and he is a heel. Sheamus wins the Rumble but he suffers a serious legit injury and cannot compete at Wrestlemania.

The anonymous RAW GM is upset that for the third year in a row a RAW superstar couldn't win and decides to punish Riley by sending him to Smackdown. There, he enters himself in an Elimination Chamber number one contender's match for the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania to face Randy Orton.

Orton plays the tweener role while Riley is more of a face. Since Cena is feuding with the Rock, Orton acts more of a heel even though he still gets cheered.

The Viper provokes the Man in Black by saying a bunch of stuff to his face. That he will punt him in the skull and RKO him to retain at Wrestlemania.

With a bunch of intensity, Riley takes off his shades and angrily looks at Orton that the voices in HIS head say he will become the new champion at Wrestlemania.

A solid match for the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania, Riley finds himself the new World Heavyweight Champion by cleanly pinning Randy Orton.

Meanwhile on RAW, the night after John Cena beat the Rock, the Rock got one last curtain call the next night and Cena raised his arm during the show. Later on during that night, Cena wrestled a match against Alberto Del Rio. Cena wins but Del Rio wore him out and really applied pressure on that arm as Cena tapped after the match and couldn't take anymore.

As Del Rio is smiling and laughing on the ramp at a broken down Cena, Miz's theme plays as he comes running down Del Rio with the briefcase and takes advantage of a vulnerable Cena to become a two time WWE Champion.

So Miz and Riley are now the champions on the respected brands.

Orton could not recapture the belt in a rematch at Extreme Rules as Riley once again went over clean.

Riley would find himself in much of 2012 as he would face challengers such as Cody Rhodes and Wade Barrett for the next few months and was able to retain in a triple threat match at Summerslam.

A now heel Kane would challenge him at Night of Champions but fell as did Christian at Hell in a Cell and Vengeance. Both were splendid matches.

The week after Vengeance on Smackdown, Riley defeated Ezekiel Jackson in one on one action in the main event. Afterwards, A-Ri stood tall holding up his belt while Sheamus returned angrier than ever as he ambushed the champ with a pipe over and over again and rammed him through a table like he did to Mark Cuban.

"You looking for a challenge at Survivor Series, fella? You and I have unfinished business. That was MY title shot at Wrestlemania and you took advantage of what was mine. Now I will take what should've been mine all along: Your World Heavyweight Championship."

There is blood boiling tension leading up to Survivor Series as Sheamus is out for Riley's head while Riley doesn't back down from a challenge and tries fighting off Sheamus with all of his might. It's not enough as Sheamus managed to take the belt from Riley and retained at TLC.

In turn, Cena got the title back from Miz at Survivor Series after lots of trying.

The 2013 Royal Rumble saw Riley enter at #1 while he managed to hang in there the whole time. #30 (Or 40, not sure if WWE will go back or stay with it) is the Miz. As Miz is fresh and is certain to win. He decides to take his time entering the ring as Riley has eliminated the remaining guys and then a fresh Miz gets in there to try to eliminate Riley but Miz is in for a surprise as he is thrown over the top rope as A-Ri wins the 2013 Royal Rumble.

Riley announces he will challenge at Wrestlemania for the WWE Championship. He really enjoyed his run as World Heavyweight Champion but now it was time for the biggest prize of them all. This infuriated The Miz as Miz still saw him as the ungrateful pupil. He tried to do everything take the #1 contender's spot from Riley, who put it up at the Elimination Chamber PPV but the Miz could not do it. While Cena retained his belt in the Chamber match.

If Miz wasn't going to Wrestlemania, surely he was going to sabotage the main event. The night after, after Riley and Cena signed the contract for Wrestlemania 29, the Miz came out and attacked both as after the handshake between the two, the Miz out of nowhere hit the skull crushing finale on Cena and attacked Riley, raising the belt up high, ending RAW.

The next many weeks resulted in the Miz interfering in Riley's matches and Cena's. He even took the belt from John Cena and proclaimed himself to be WWE Champion but the champ managed to take the belt away from Miz the week before Wrestlemania and Vince himself banned Miz from ringside or else Miz would be fired.

Riley wins the WWE Championship and yes he does pin Cena clean. Just as how Rock passed the torch to Cena the year before, Cena did it to Riley at Wrestlemania 29.

This had to happen. Riley had to establish himself in the midcard, he needed to be kept away from Cena to make this even more special. Smackdown and the WHC was basically his test for the big one and there was tension on the Road to Wrestlemania. In order for a new star to be created, it should be done properly and Riley would be a good choice and this is how I would build him up.

Thanks for reading.
So Riley wins the world title at Wrestlemania after less than a year after turning face?

Don't you think that's too soon? I have a feeling it would backfire badly, like Swagger. Especially if he's face since I don't think he can carry a show as top champion right now.

Give him a few mid card title runs to see how he goes.
Why not have him in the lead up to wrestlemania team with Cena against the wwe tag team champions and have them win the titles as a way to give riley more cread. Then at the next raw/smackdown have Miz come out and distract them and cost them the titles. Also an IC title wouldn’t go astray.
However as i alway make note...titles don’t make a star....they make themselves by exhibiting what they can do in the ring night in and night out.
Riley get's in a tickle fight with returning Eugene, then gets in Vince's mino right before it blows up again...mine seems more realistic.

Riley won't go over Orton clean in a WM title match. We will see how Riley progresses as Vince see's how much he needs him.

All this is predicated on what happens with Punk (to start). Hell, if punk is really leaving I could see him beating Cena then having Mr MITB Riley come out and take it, who the fuck knows.

Let's say Punk stays, he will be a lot more prominant on Raw now, so we really won't be seeing a huge jump out of Riley right away.

I only see Miz/Riley going for a little bit longer, Riley has not really worked on a singles title program yet, so I do agree that it will probably start with the US title. I don't know if they are gonna have Dolph lose it when he is ready for a main event look or sooner. If sooner, then I see him and Riley having a nice long program, with some heavy Vicki oriented promos to get Riley foarther and farther over.

!! Riley Tip !! Stop doing the damn floating DDT, the cutter from the shoulders is way more impressive and impactful....something to actually end a match.

If Riley goes the US champ route, I see him holding it for a bit and getting in a fued or two before his draft after Wrestlemania, then have him lose the title the draft night to keep it on Raw and thrust him into something more main eventy on smackdown. If you keep him on Raw and monster-push him, I see him looking weak and not ready.

Verdict...bill him strong...diff move...heavy face oriented promos...we will have a main eventer, but give him time to fit into it.
I think it was a good idea, probably more creative than what WWE would be willing to do but great nonetheless. The only thing wrong is that you pushed Riley to the moon way too early. Thats the same thing that happened to Miz and now he feels like a one hit wonder. Riley should win the IC title and then try out of the HWC once someone like Orton isnt champion. Maybe if Christian ever wins the title back.
So Riley wins the world title at Wrestlemania after less than a year after turning face?

Don't you think that's too soon? I have a feeling it would backfire badly, like Swagger. Especially if he's face since I don't think he can carry a show as top champion right now.

Give him a few mid card title runs to see how he goes.

Well, not so fast. It could be possible. Riley has been getting a rather signifigant push and tv time. Besides, a certain Sheamus became WWE Champion within a year and did wonders for his character. Riley does have the "look" of a champion as did Sheamus (is it me or did he let himself go a bit :lmao:), but again, this is all in theory for Riley.
Well, not so fast. It could be possible. Riley has been getting a rather signifigant push and tv time. Besides, a certain Sheamus became WWE Champion within a year and did wonders for his character. Riley does have the "look" of a champion as did Sheamus (is it me or did he let himself go a bit :lmao:), but again, this is all in theory for Riley.

Making a heel champion is far easier than a face champion who'd win a top title at Wrestlemania of all places.

If he'd win the title at Mania that certainly says he's one of the top guys.

But less than a year after turning face? Too soon. What ever happened to winning a mid card title to test the waters?
Does everyone on here not like guys if they're midcarders? It seems that every new guy that shows up and gets a decent push, everyone thinks they need a world title.. I'd be happy if Riley never won the "big" one 'cause midcarders can be fun to watch also.. maybe if WWE would focus more on their midcard titles, then people would care again.. it's just like The Miz, I still think he is and looks like a midcarder for life but WWE decided.. oh let's put the belt on him.. didn't like the idea then, still don't like it

it'll be like Zack Ryder.. now that he may be starting something with the Nexus guys and get a small push.. everyone's gonna have a shit fit saying he needs to the world title within a year as well
Making a heel champion is far easier than a face champion who'd win a top title at Wrestlemania of all places.

If he'd win the title at Mania that certainly says he's one of the top guys.

But less than a year after turning face? Too soon. What ever happened to winning a mid card title to test the waters?

Don't get me wrong, it is a hell of a lot harder to get a face over winner the top championship, but this may be something that has not been tested in a long time and it could possibly work. As you mention, Swagger failed miseribly as World Champ (his first title) so theoretically, putting a heel over as first time champ is just as hard.
It seems like you're pretty much building a new John Cena which people are clearly tired of. The Man in Black gimmick makes zero sense to me either. Why is he all of a sudden a man in black? Stupid. Riley is going to be a very slow build anyways. The WWE main event is pretty well set for the time being, so there's no point in pushing A-Ri so fast.
Don't get me wrong, it is a hell of a lot harder to get a face over winner the top championship, but this may be something that has not been tested in a long time and it could possibly work. As you mention, Swagger failed miseribly as World Champ (his first title) so theoretically, putting a heel over as first time champ is just as hard.

I completely agree that every talent should go thru the process of midcard titles to earn some kind of credibility as a character presented to the fans. To me that's the only way to can any type of acceptance in both the locker room, the execs, and the audience.
Suplexer Perfector- a lot of people seem to think Riley is title material already. Normally I would agree with you but I think if you actually gave him a strong U.S. title reign and gave him loads of momentum from now until Wrestlemania, coupled with the fact that he has lots of charisma and he has the time to build himself up, no, I wouldn't say it's too soon. NOW would be too soon but he would have from August to April to hone his craft. You're saying what about a midcard title? I'm trying to book him as a great midcard champ with the U.S. Title. And I really do think Riley is capable of being a top guy.

For him to win the WWE title in the main event at Wrestlemania would be too soon but I feel that the World Heavyweight Championship, despite its name, feels more like a midcard title due to how it's been passed around. WWE title has much more prestige and importance.

Madico, I do like that tag team title idea but it does get repetitive when Cena is tag champion with ______ and then loses the belts almost soon after. But that is nice, since Miz would be someone to try to disrupt the main event at Wrestlemania.

As far as Riley not going over Orton clean in a Wrestlemania title match, well, if WWE wants to really make new stars, and I mean somebody who can really step up, something like this will HAVE to happen.

I do think the U.S. title route is the way to go, which is why I mentioned it in my original post. Ziggler had a terrific main event look before he was given the look that many bashed. I think Riley and Ziggler would be a good program and just how Riley got over by attacking Miz, verbally attacking Vickie I think could also help him get over.

How early is too early to push him to the moon? If he has a strong midcard reign like I booked him too and it seems like he has good mic skills and he could carry somebody in promos and somebody could carry him in a good match, I don't see why not.

Not everybody needs a World Title, trashboy, but Riley I think has too much potential to pass up. That's why I've tried to focus on the U.S. title during this push. Ryder doesn't need it now. Not everybody does. But Riley has had some nice momentum and I think he will keep it up. Not everybody is World Title material but Riley certainly is, in my opinion.

I'm trying to book somebody who I think has a realistic chance of making it big, Riley is one of those guys. If I substituted Riley for David Hart Smith, well then this would be silly but WWE cannot just rely on John Cena and Randy Orton. I really do A-Ri being a big player for the WWE.
It seems like you're pretty much building a new John Cena which people are clearly tired of. The Man in Black gimmick makes zero sense to me either. Why is he all of a sudden a man in black? Stupid. Riley is going to be a very slow build anyways. The WWE main event is pretty well set for the time being, so there's no point in pushing A-Ri so fast.

You say it's stupid but yet it gives him a look to wear something.

If somebody is going to have to take Cena's place, most certainly they will need to be established like Cena is.

You say it's well set for the time being but Cena is hurt and may need some time off. Keep in mind a LOT could change from now until 2012. The Smackdown main event is a place for him to hone his craft. People like Christian and Mark Henry are in the Smackdown main event but good luck for being in the RAW main event. So he dominates the mid card for the rest of 2011 and then the waters are tested in 2012 before the big pay off in 2013.

Cena cannot do it all by himself, like I said. If Cena really needs time off then somebody will have to step up and take his place. Just remember that.
You say it's stupid but yet it gives him a look to wear something.

If somebody is going to have to take Cena's place, most certainly they will need to be established like Cena is.

You say it's well set for the time being but Cena is hurt and may need some time off. Keep in mind a LOT could change from now until 2012. The Smackdown main event is a place for him to hone his craft. People like Christian and Mark Henry are in the Smackdown main event but good luck for being in the RAW main event. So he dominates the mid card for the rest of 2011 and then the waters are tested in 2012 before the big pay off in 2013.

Cena cannot do it all by himself, like I said. If Cena really needs time off then somebody will have to step up and take his place. Just remember that.

Youre right that someone has to take Cena's place eventually. And you're also right that Riley has potential to be a major player in the future. However, the person that takes Cena's place doesn't have to be a Cena CLONE like this situation sets Riley up to be. Cena is nothing the faces of the company before him. The Rock, Lesnar, Austin, etc were all different characters to compared to each other to keep things fresh. Have Riley just be Cena 2.0 is short sighted and stale. If Riley is to be the next big face of the company (which I doubt because I think it's the Miz), he will have to carve out his own niche.
You are right he will have to carve out his out nitsche and I would love to see the Miz as the next big face of the company. How did Cena get to the point where he is right now? He went over everybody.

How can somebody TRULY be made a star? Well Hogan made Warrior a star by having Warrior pin him clean. Warrior had to have some sort of buildup.

Riley dominating the midcard scene and then becoming champ for much of 2012, that is a good way to build him up. It's a storyline to solidify him as a top face. Two top faces in this day and age shows that WWE is on thin ice. Especially when THE top face is worn out and tired. Giving Riley the chance to build himself up to be a major player on Smackdown is good since the Smackdown main event is not as big of a deal as the RAW main event.

Miz trying to sabotage a Wrestlemania main event between two guys he hates and has a huge history with I think writes itself.

Randy Orton was pinned clean by Christian on RAW in a tag match a couple of weeks ago. I know this is RAW as opposed to Wrestlemania but still.

The Miz has established himself as a big name sure and a guy who can main event at anytime but can he step up if Cena is gone? Perhaps but in order for somebody to take Cena's place they also will need LOADS of credibility. If Cena is going to put somebody over at Wrestlemania that person will need LOTS of momentum. Sure Cena did a job for Miz but he sandbagged and Miz won at the help of the Rock.

This is something different.
First of all, Miz will turn face and become the third biggest face in the company before this kind of push happens for riley. Going over orton clean?!?!?! Riley going over Orton at all?!?!?! Not for a few years.
Second. You mentioned something about Alex Riley cutting terrific promos... there's a reason he hasn't said a word in almost a month.'t cutting...good...promos. And can someone get this guy a real finisher? And do something other than tackle and punch? Seriously... Alex Riley? Zack Ryder has a better shot. And he's not even on tv. This is a pipe dream as of now. Post this again in a year or two.
Third. I didn't know you could predict when people get legit injured. Is something bad going to happen to me soon too? Yikes.

"Aww, I'm going to take a piss, this guy SUCKS!"
- The Rock

Thought that quote was appropriate for this thread.
I think Riley can cut good promos. He has pretty good mic skills. I am not saying Cena WILL get injured but it seems there has been a LOT of buzz as of late that Cena really needs time off. So no need to be a smartass about it. If Cena needs time off then there are people who will have to step up.

Miz MIGHT turn face or he could stay heel. Who knows?

As I have mentioned, Orton has lost clean in a tag match. Even if it is a tag match on free tv, Orton has still lost clean. Orton may be the second biggest face in the company but he's also NOT a permanent main eventer as he has spent time in the midcard as early as this year (Nexus) Orton may be #2 but he is a FAR number two behind Cena.

If you want to attack me and say I suck, then whatever. You say Zack Ryder has a better shot but Riley really has the potential.
I feel Riley is a long ways away. Too soon to even be having this thread. For starters in my view, he has extremely crappy theme music, secondly he needs to change his finishing move. Why would he even use edge's ddt. H may even need to change his plain jane name. These days, in WWE anyone can be pushed so i expect he will be at some point.
For one, most people like his theme. I am one of them.

Second, I don't think it's too soon to be having this thread. Five or ten years ago if I made a thread like this I could see it being absurd to push someone fast but WWE does NOT have a strong supporting cast. A bunch of good heels but NO credible faces outside of two wrestlers and Mysterio is on his way out.

I keep hearing how Cena needs time off. Well somebody has to fill his shoes. In order for this to happen, somebody will have to be established enough. I like Miz but can he play a believable top face? We know he can play the chicken shit heel well.

WWE didn't get to be the profitable company they are today without taking chances. You have to take chances in order to succeed. Granted this would be a huge gamble but this is a dire situation. Sadly the WWE doesn't like to take chances and I guess a lot of you don't either.
And even then, like I said, Smackdown's main event is NOT like Raw's main event. Smackdown's main event should be where the new guys get the chance to shine first. That's why I had him on Smackdown for the year so he had main eventing experience before moving onto the #1 show.
You are right he will have to carve out his out nitsche and I would love to see the Miz as the next big face of the company. How did Cena get to the point where he is right now? He went over everybody.

How can somebody TRULY be made a star? Well Hogan made Warrior a star by having Warrior pin him clean. Warrior had to have some sort of buildup.

Riley dominating the midcard scene and then becoming champ for much of 2012, that is a good way to build him up. It's a storyline to solidify him as a top face. Two top faces in this day and age shows that WWE is on thin ice. Especially when THE top face is worn out and tired. Giving Riley the chance to build himself up to be a major player on Smackdown is good since the Smackdown main event is not as big of a deal as the RAW main event.

Miz trying to sabotage a Wrestlemania main event between two guys he hates and has a huge history with I think writes itself.

Randy Orton was pinned clean by Christian on RAW in a tag match a couple of weeks ago. I know this is RAW as opposed to Wrestlemania but still.

The Miz has established himself as a big name sure and a guy who can main event at anytime but can he step up if Cena is gone? Perhaps but in order for somebody to take Cena's place they also will need LOADS of credibility. If Cena is going to put somebody over at Wrestlemania that person will need LOTS of momentum. Sure Cena did a job for Miz but he sandbagged and Miz won at the help of the Rock.

This is something different.

Historically (asides from Hogan) the best top faces have come from making dramatically awesome face turns after being a big time heel. Even Cena and Orton went from heel to tweener to full fledged faces. HBK, Rock, and Austin? All made face turns after being top heels for a while. If you have a face who just runs through everybody on their way to the top, it just gets old and the push loses steam. The only time I can remember this working is in WCW with Goldberg, but he was just a freak. Riley's feud with Miz could be a possible vessel to get him to the top. They keep it subtle and in the background while Miz progresses and eventually makes his big face turn down the line. Have Riley and Miz pair up again for a little while as faces and appear to bury the hatch. Then have Riley screw the Miz bad to become one of the top heels in the company. He can establish himself as a main event heel (which is easier to do) and then he can become an even bigger face down the line.
You say that it gets old and loses its steam but I have mentioned before though about established heels who turn face.

I think Sheamus plays the badass heel way too good to be a face.

The Miz, like I posted before, not sure if he has the credible size to be a top babyface. He too, is amazing at playing the heel.

Wade Barrett at this moment I cannot picture a face.

The Riley/Miz feud was a good vessel. How else to do that? Let him be at the top of the midcard scene with the U.S. title. Certainly if he gets under Vickie's skin the crowd will have another reason to cheer for him.

Riley may not be the freak Goldberg was but I still think he has the size and build to be believable as a babyface.
You say that it gets old and loses its steam but I have mentioned before though about established heels who turn face.

I think Sheamus plays the badass heel way too good to be a face.

The Miz, like I posted before, not sure if he has the credible size to be a top babyface. He too, is amazing at playing the heel.

Wade Barrett at this moment I cannot picture a face.

The Riley/Miz feud was a good vessel. How else to do that? Let him be at the top of the midcard scene with the U.S. title. Certainly if he gets under Vickie's skin the crowd will have another reason to cheer for him.

Riley may not be the freak Goldberg was but I still think he has the size and build to be believable as a babyface.

Shawn michaels, bret hart, ric flair, kurt angle, stone cold steve austin, jeff hardy, ddp (yes ddp), the rock. All guys who were top babyfaces at one time or another. None of which are muscle bound freaks. This isn't 1984...chris jericho.
I can see that happening up to Otunga came into the picture. Riley vs Ziggler would be a nice feud after this ppv. But I don't see Riley no where near main eventing especially Wrestlemania. I like Riley but hes not ready for main event run yet. Plus why would the Raw GM send him to Smackdown because he was runner up?
That's basically the way of writing Riley onto Smackdown because the RAW GM is upset that a RAW superstar couldn't get it done so he punished Riley.

People need to chances. I have posted this in another thread a while back that in the eyes of the IWC that nobody is ready, nobody is title material and that everybody is just a midcarder for life.

I see star quality in Riley. The top faces on RAW are slim and Riley is up there since Morrison is hurt and it could REALLY change the landscape if Cena DOES take time off. As far as the crowd being for behind the Miz, the crowd has popped for and chanted A-Ri's name on multiple occasions.

I said Sheamus will get injured. That's my own fantasy thing as a way to write Riley as a big face and it sets up for a future storyline.

I like his delivery and plus him not coming up with his own stuff. How do you know? And how many guys have to recite a promo by a script word for word?

Orton has been a main eventer, yes but he also has managed to take time off and been lower in the card. If he is the number two face then he is far behind. As far as main eventing Smackdown, like I said, it's not like maineventing RAW. Orton's feud with Nexus DID NOT FEEL like a main event feud.

When he feuded with Edge last year, DID NOT FEEL like a main event feud.

Orton may be a maineventer but only one guy in the company has truly mainevented month in, month out, year in, year out.

You guys may think my idea is ridiculous and that is fine but today's WWE hardly has any supporting cast and a very small safety net unlike ten years ago.
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