My pick for WWE wrestler of the year is...


Occasional Pre-Show
The Miz..
after tonight's performance both attacking Reverse Bryan Danielson and his mic work after with Alex Riley, I feel that the Miz is at the top of his game. His ring skills are improving, his mic work is unreal and his persona is great. His promo's just get better and better and I can't wait for his match w/ DB at KOC. He is a few months away from becoming a top heel in the WWE and hopefully champion.

So what do you think?? Is there anyone better right now? If so, who and why?

Also, off topic, how awesome was that beatdown of Sheamus by Randy Orton :)
hmm. i would have to say The Miz so far it kind of depends on how the rest of it plays out with his MitB. If he uses it and wins (which is what i expect) then ya i would consider him one of the best of the year. His mic skills are absolutely unbelievable along with his improving in ring.
I like the Miz, but......have a hard time getting him out of my head from when he was on 'the real world' on mtv. He is turning out to be better than I had expected though and shows that he really loves what he's doing.

I will say, for WWE wrestler of the year, I'll go with the Miz as well though. He is getting a big push, one else is standing out to me.
There's no doubt in my mind that The Miz is WWE Superstar of the Year. His great on the mic, he's held at least one title for the majority of the year, he's The Miz, and he's awesome! (Sorry, I really couldn't resist.)

However, I would consider Kane an honorable mention. He's drastically improved in his promos, he's come off very well as a heel monster character (sound familiar, TNA fans?), and he's becoming as noteworthy World Heavyweight Champion, IMO.

Off-topic: Reverse Bryan Danielson.... I kinda like it! Although I prefer Daniel Bryan Danielson, but do whatever you want.
yes i think he is superstar for the year i mean when i first saw miz i though he was very annyoing but i know he mitb but do you guys think that he could had cash it in today after all the damage that happen to shamues after orton did if he pick a day im sorry i dont remember but if he didnt do you think they want it at a ppv like most were except like cm punks so why do you think he didnt cash it in tonight
I think Superstar of the year should be a guy that was World Champion. When and if Miz cashes in MITB successfully, then maybe he will get consideration. I am on the Miz bandwagon for sure. Always have been.

But, Superstar of The Year at this point is jumping the gun!

The guy I consider The Best in The Business is Randy Orton and I don't think he should win Superstar of The Year without a World Title Reign.

The more I think about this, the more I sway towards Chris Jericho. He successfully defended the WHC at WM against Edge. He has had jobs outside of The WWE involving a main stream nationally televised audience. Plus he continues to do stuff with Fozzy.

So, basically Chris Jericho is everywhere. His rookie even won NXT 1.

I think he is leading the discussion IMO. Also, Sheamus has won The WWE Title twice in the last year and even "disposed" of Triple H. So the last 2 SOTY right? They are the 2 leading candidates I believe.
yes i think he is superstar for the year i mean when i first saw miz i though he was very annyoing but i know he mitb but do you guys think that he could had cash it in today after all the damage that happen to shamues after orton did if he pick a day im sorry i dont remember but if he didnt do you think they want it at a ppv like most were except like cm punks so why do you think he didnt cash it in tonight

...Learn to type...that is all.

And bar none the Miz has to take this one. Along with Wade Barrett, mind you. Barrett is just starting out so the Miz is my pick but as a newcomer Barrett has made the biggest impact I have seen in a long time. He's definately one to watch in the future but I feel the Miz's future is right about now. He is on the cusp of some great things people. He's really starting to remind me of the cocky heel that HBK was back in the day and if he can have half the career that Shawn had using that type of character the Miz should be special to watch.
oh jesus. can it get any more dumb around here? it starts with groves of people claiming that TNA has been better than the WWE lately. thats bad enough but another miz love thread?

WHAT has he done? he has yet to have a 5 star match and his mic work is average (*serious look* arghhhhh im a tough guy and i am awesome!). right. he comes across as a nancy who tries too hard. what has he done thats remotely "awesome" to warrant that kind of respect?

the WWE wrestler of the year is randy orton and its not even close. randy was leagues better tonight, let alone all year so far. hes the best in the business. the best wrestler, the best mic work, the best gimmick. hes has better matches against better opponents. you dont need a title to make yourself the best wrestler in the world.

i also laugh when people mention jericho, seeing how he has just been blah for the last 6 months. hes not nearly as great as he was in the y2j days. he looks tired again. needs a refresher. maybe a trip back to the true y2j days would bring him back? he certainly is one of the most naturally talented.
It depends what you mean by wrestler. If you mean like all-around then I would give that one to Orton because he has been on fire in the past months. The crowd is always behind him, his talent in the ring is just superb, his mic skills are great, and you never know when the viper will strike with the vintage RKO. I mean if you basically want any category then Randy Orton should be number one in my eyes. He is fresh off his face turn and has never been better. Tonight, by doing what he did to Sheamus took me back to the 3:16 days and I was very entertained and will always be entertained by Randy Orton.
Nothing more fun than an anti-Miz poster.

oh jesus. can it get any more dumb around here? it starts with groves of people claiming that TNA has been better than the WWE lately. thats bad enough but another miz love thread?

Well, there's a logical contradiction in what you say here. TNA is in fact, not as good as WWE. The Miz, on the other hand, is worthy of all love thrown his way.

WHAT has he done? he has yet to have a 5 star match and his mic work is average (*serious look* arghhhhh im a tough guy and i am awesome!). right. he comes across as a nancy who tries too hard. what has he done thats remotely "awesome" to warrant that kind of respect?

What's a five star match but a stupid title assigned by a guy who just watches a lot of wrestling? Sure, there is something to be said about a 5 star match, but there are plenty of great matches out there that did not earn that title, some of which have included The Miz.

And Nancy? He put Sheamus' face into his briefcase, and has stared down The Viper, the most terrifying opponent in the WWE today. There are plenty of words to describe The Miz, but Nancy is not one of them.

the WWE wrestler of the year is randy orton and its not even close. randy was leagues better tonight, let alone all year so far. hes the best in the business. the best wrestler, the best mic work, the best gimmick. hes has better matches against better opponents. you dont need a title to make yourself the best wrestler in the world.

I'd say you're right in regards to Randy Orton being the wrestler of the year, but it is close. Randy Orton was already very over with the crowd before his face turn, he's just getting monster pops now. Best in the business is a little dramatic, but he's having a phenomenal year, no doubt.

You don't need a title to be the best wrestler, but it certainly helps. He also has that Money in the Bank Briefcase. The US Title and briefcase don't only measure success, but how much faith the company has in their employee. The Miz is all but guaranteed a World Title within the next year. Randy Orton is not. While I do agree that Randy Orton is the superstar of the year, The Miz is a terrific asset to the WWE, and a close second.
oh jesus. can it get any more dumb around here? it starts with groves of people claiming that TNA has been better than the WWE lately. thats bad enough but another miz love thread?

WHAT has he done? he has yet to have a 5 star match and his mic work is average (*serious look* arghhhhh im a tough guy and i am awesome!). right. he comes across as a nancy who tries too hard. what has he done thats remotely "awesome" to warrant that kind of respect?

the WWE wrestler of the year is randy orton and its not even close. randy was leagues better tonight, let alone all year so far. hes the best in the business. the best wrestler, the best mic work, the best gimmick. hes has better matches against better opponents. you dont need a title to make yourself the best wrestler in the world.

i also laugh when people mention jericho, seeing how he has just been blah for the last 6 months. hes not nearly as great as he was in the y2j days. he looks tired again. needs a refresher. maybe a trip back to the true y2j days would bring him back? he certainly is one of the most naturally talented.

what has he done? in the past year alone hes become united states champion twice, unified tag team champion by beating one of the greatest teams in wwe history dx, pro on both seasons of nxt, first person to unify the us title and both tag titles, he captained a team at survivor searies and won, he was the only member of the raw roster to win a match at bragging rights,PWI ranked him #12 of the top 500 singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 2010, and has won the money in the bank. his in ring ability is great and getting even better and his mic skills are among the best in wwe. please tell me name one person who has been this preductive in the wwe in the past year.
Are you crazy Miz the wrestler of the year is the ONE MAN ROCK BAND HEATH SLATER. Ok I was joking not this year but mark my word one year he will be.
But I have to go with the man with a 1004 holds Chris Jericho he has proven he has the crowd in the palm of his hands and if you watched SS you know what im talking about how he went from the crowd LOVING him to in like 5 mins Booing him out the building. Chris is better on the mic than Miz, Chris is better in the ring, and Is The Best In the World At What He Does. So my vote would go to Chris Jericho
The Miz, WWE wrestler of the year? Not quite. Close, but not close enough. He has had a GREAT year, but not enough to give him that title. WWE wrestler/superstar of the year would either go to Randy Orton or Chris Jericho.

However, if I were to give The Miz any type of award/title, it'd be the "WWE Most Improved Wrestler of the Year." It has been AWESOME to see how far he has come. It seems like he improves each and every week! His mic work is getting great, for example his promo tonight was pretty darn entertaining. Although he isn't the greatest wrestler and probably never will be, he is a solid worker and he hasn't really had a bad match in forever. The Miz is easily becoming one of my favorite wrestlers in the WWE and I'm extremely excited for his feud with Bryan.
But I have to go with the man with a 1004 holds Chris Jericho he has proven he has the crowd in the palm of his hands and if you watched SS you know what im talking about how he went from the crowd LOVING him to in like 5 mins Booing him out the building. Chris is better on the mic than Miz, Chris is better in the ring, and Is The Best In the World At What He Does. So my vote would go to Chris Jericho

I agree with everyone who has said Jericho as well. Not only has Wade Berrett said he learnt it all from Jericho, But in the past year he has:

Won the World Heavyweight Championship.
Won a Main event match at Wrestlemania
Been in better matches then Miz
Finally hit the Lionsault
Put over lots of younger talent

now tell me what of all that Miz did. To win at bragging rights is fine, but to win at 'Mania in a main event? that's even better
The Miz is pretty good I like his promos but I'm afraid I'm not seeing the in ring improvement everyone is talking about...I haven't seen anything really new (other than his finisher) since he's started don't get me wrong I'm not saying he's a bad wrestler he's had some great matches like the ones with Kofi. I'd have to see a few more matches for a solid opinion I suppose. Orton and Edge are SSOTY canidates in my opinion Sheamus as well he's definately improving..haven't been able to catch SD! lately so I can't really comment on the stars over there but I'm glad Kane is champion again he deserves it.
what has he done? in the past year alone hes become united states champion twice, unified tag team champion by beating one of the greatest teams in wwe history dx, pro on both seasons of nxt, first person to unify the us title and both tag titles, he captained a team at survivor searies and won, he was the only member of the raw roster to win a match at bragging rights,PWI ranked him #12 of the top 500 singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 2010, and has won the money in the bank. his in ring ability is great and getting even better and his mic skills are among the best in wwe. please tell me name one person who has been this preductive in the wwe in the past year.

wow, that is pretty good, even ill admit that. but is that wrestler of the year material? does that trump a randy orton? no.

i like how one of the above posters mentioned the miz as the most improved wrestler. that seems realistic to me. it wasn't long ago he got squashed by cena.

i just still cant take the guy seriously as a badass. i dont think it fits him at all. he does not seem tough or intimidating at all. maybe he will grow on me?
jericho wont get it because hes too busy jobbing to young talent. which i understand is the greater deed in the long run for the company. orton shouldnt get it jus because of his face turn cause in my opinion he hasnt doe anything special so far. lets see, he hasnt won any titles, no note worthy feuds, and not even no new devastating new moves to his arsenal.. now for the miz. gteat year thus far, title runs, great mitb win, fantastic feud brewing with bryan daniels which will end with him dropping the us title to daniels allowing him to cap off his year cashing in his case and completing his year by main-eventing a ppv in a moty match if not capturing the title in the process...
now for my personal pick... the darkhorse so to speak. the big red monster kane. nothing more then a blip on the radar and a midcard jobber(i hated to say that) then BAMMM i special violent attraction in the mitb(did you think he would actually win it?) to not only winning it but proceeding to make "history" by cashing it in the same night and destroying/betraying rey. the following night he proceeded to give the best mic work of his career with his victory speech which almost brought me to tears. he proceeded to destroy rey once more in convincing fashion at summerslam which also plays into his renewed rivalry with his most imposing opponent ever, his brother undertaker. kane is on top of his game with this storyline bringing him back to his former glory and could result in him eventually replacing undertaker as the "new phenom" if he is successful. glen jacobs has had an up and down career so far and its about time he gets his due and whats owed to him.
I like Miz but I dont see how he could be the wrestler of the year. He barely defends his US title. He really hasn't had any memorable matches yet. He is a guy that got over with his mic skills. He is the biggest rising star this year but definitely not wrestler of the year.

I'd give it to Orton. Jericho would be also another worthy candidate.
It is going to be randy orton. Just hear the pops when he comes out to the ring. He is receiving a huge push and is simply a badass. I would really be pissed if john cena won this award at the Slammys.
In my opinion so far the best candidate has to be one of 2 men. The Miz or "The Viper" Randy Orton. These 2 have had great years so far, and it looks like they won't be stopping. They have both been great on mic and great in ring competitors however I still think the Miz will take the crown.
Okay, since I think i asked this once already, but it wasnt fully answered, I'll try again.

What has Orton done this year that Jericho, or Sheamus, or even Cena has not that would give him the nod for Superstar of the Year? I really fail to see it. Yes he's been good. No one can say he hasn't, but those 3 have done more. I dont even like the character of Cena, and i can admit he's done more to deserve it then Orton this year. Miz will get most improved, no doubt about it
wow, that is pretty good, even ill admit that. but is that wrestler of the year material? does that trump a randy orton? no.

i like how one of the above posters mentioned the miz as the most improved wrestler. that seems realistic to me. it wasn't long ago he got squashed by cena.

i just still cant take the guy seriously as a badass. i dont think it fits him at all. he does not seem tough or intimidating at all. maybe he will grow on me?

see im only saying the miz cuz hes been the most productive. id have to disagree that orton deserves it. yeah he won the wwe title but hes done it already hes been at the top already. besides when the viper was just turning face and fans still didnt know when to cheer him is when i liked him. now i just cant stand the guy. every time hes in the ring he looks like hes turning into a ******. i CANT take HIM serious when he does this. also dont u remember a few months ago when he went full ****** (u never go full ******) and he was pounding the mat and he injured himself. i dont think thats superster of the year material. if it were to go to anyone besides the miz i would have to go with hm.....maybe jericho. still i cant see it going to anybody except the miz. its funny because at first i hated the miz. i couldnt stand him. he was a no talent loser. but ince they tagged him morrison thats when he started to heat up. they won the wwe tag titles and the world tag titles together. now broken up i think the miz is one of the top heels in the wwe, second to jericho. and to people that say he cant be ss of the years cuz he hasnt won the wwe title yet that dont mean shit. hes got the brief case and thats pretty much a guarentee he will be. i think he will be champ going in to 2011 and when that happens he will most certainly recieve the ss of the year award, not that he doesnt deserve it already.
First post coming through!

I've followed the forums for a while and it's really interesting gauging everyone's opinions on various topics in the WWE, and I have to say that I'm glad to see The Miz getting a lot of support on the forums here.

I'll admit that I'm a Miz mark. When he was on The Real World/Real Road/Road Rules Challenge I found him extremely entertaining and fun to watch and liked seeing his love of wrestling coming through on TV. I fell out of watching wrestling for a few years, so imagine my surprise last year when I stopped on Raw and saw The Miz made it to the big time! He was the reason I started to watch the WWE again, and it's been nice catching up on what I'd missed over the last 5 years.

That being said, I'd be very surprised if The Miz didn't win the Superstar of the Year because I believe it could play an important role in the inevitable feud between him and Randy Orton. I think the award will come down to these two with The Miz winning it and constantly hanging it over Orton's head.

If you asked me a week ago what I thought would happen with the MitB briefcase, I would have said Miz would be the first to lose it. Now, I'd be shocked if he did. As others have said I think there's a good chance we'll see Miz drop the U.S. Title to Daniel Bryan Danielson at NoC and cash in on Sheamus at the end of the night (thanks in part to Triple H.) I'd love to see a strong rivalry develop between Miz and Orton, especially because I think Orton could elevate Miz to being the #1 heel on Raw. Maybe even culminating with a WM main event match? Too early to tell, but there's definitely a possibility.

I'd love to see Miz add another move or two to his arsenal to further himself a little more, but as of now he's a solid worker with some of the best mic skills in the company, and if we know Vince, a wrestler who will add Superstar of the Year to his growing list of accomplishments.
Add another vote for the Miz here. He's improved in virtually every possible way a wrestler can improve. If he could add a bit more muscle definition to his physique, I think he'd be much more intimidating. However, I can see him as a bad ass. As of late he's been crushing people with his briefcase, running in and taking advantage just as a good heel should do.

Entertainment is his middle name on the mic and his matches are always entertaining to me. Sure he could use a few more moves, but really, who couldn't? It's the WWE and they're not going to allow but so much to go on in their ring. Either way, I like the Miz and have compared him to Roddy Piper many times on the forums. On the Mic he's golden, in the ring he's solid. Piper had the advantage in technique because he was a classically trained professional wrestler back before there were schools. He learned from established stars and performers. But barring that background difference, everytime I see or hear Miz, it's like Piper has been reincarnated to me.

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