My personal thoughts on: The Wii


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Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I have decided to bring back this series of threads and once again stroke my ego by writing out a fucking essay on something that I have had the pleasure or misfortune of using. This time, somewhat belatedly I admit, it is the turn of the Nintendo Wii. Yes, I realise that it has been out for a Hell fo a long time but I was never interested in it. However, the bug really did bite me over the last three or four months and I thought that with my extra cash, I would go for it. So, with my money in hand, I ventured into my work-place and finally bit the bullet.

The first thing that I would like that I would like to say about this console is how affordable it is becoming. To my mind, it seems as though it is coming down in price after a long period of steadfast pricing. That being said, I was not too put-out by having to pay £160 for it. To me, that is quite cheap for a games console that people haven't shut up about for the last couple of years. However, for every plus, there must be a negative and this negative comes now. I walked into work today to find an influx of Nintendo Wii's lying around that had to be bundled. For those of you who do not know what bundling is, it is the act of putting free shit into a deal with a console and making everything super-affordable to Mr. Buys At The Right Time. I know, I know, I should have probably waited for a while to buy it. Hell, I work there and I really should have known that this was likely to happen. So, the console now comes with 3 free games and it only 17 more expensive, which would have been nullified by my staff discount had I bought it today. However, I wanted it then and there and I am still glad I did buy it, if not a little bitter.

So, I get the console home and the real testing is to come. Now, I think that I really have to mention that the Wii was not a clear-cut choice for me. I have always been a Microsoft fan-boy since the inception of the Xbox and when the 360 made it's first appearance, I was clear in my mind that I would be purchasing it. However, the Wii has never had that advantage and I feel that I was giving it an uphill climb starting from the moment that I took it out of the packaging. However, it just has to deal with it and try even harder to impress me, in my opinion. So, let;s start with what we got with it. The first thing that I have to mention is that I got the very sexily sleek black version and now it sits upon my Xbox Elite like a well oiled machine that drains my social life away every time I play. Nevertheless, I was enthralled by the initial look of it and it impressed me right out of the gate. However, as I have said before, for every positive, there is a negative. This time, that negative is quite a small one in reality. The thing that annoys me about the set-up of the Wii is all the fucking wires. I know that is stupid but like it or not, it has the most wires of any mainstream console and the sensor wire is so thin. Honestly, I thought I had torn it taking it out of the packing. The fact it also has to strecth over everything on my desk to sit below my TV annoys me too. A small gripe perhaps but a gripe nonetheless.

So once I had set up the console, it was time to play the shit out of it and that is exactly what I did. However, it never ranged beyond Wii Sports: Resort and to be more accurate than that, Table Tennis. I am honestly addicted to that mini-game and it is the reason that I have now fallen in love with this console. However, as we know, this console is not designed for lonely old me to sit in my room and play all day. With that in mind, I further researched the fun I could have with it by taking it through to my lounge for rigorous game-play by my family on Christmas Day. Needless to say, they were impressed and I was too, if I am honest. The Wii really does do what it says on the tin and does entertain the masses. We had fun bowling and creating Mii's. You also have the browser capability amongst others.

With all of that out in the open, I think I have to bring this review to an end. You see, I have learned all I need to know about this console and I am very happy to inform you that it is a great purchase. I am very happy with it and although I have actually played a very small amount of games on it, I am generally happy with the way it presents itself.

Now, do you own a Wii? If so, how close am I in this review?

If you don't, what makes you want/not want one?
The Wii is rubbish. Utter rubbish. The fact that you only played games like Wii sports resort pretty much show that you didn't go into any depth with it. The game is optimized for the casual gamer and optimized for the Wii. I'm sure it's very entertaining and novel for the first few hours, but after that, what do you do? You look for a serious game to play.

But uh oh, guess what? Any third party developers that design games for the Wii encounter the same problem. It's a piece of crap novelty that doesn't work as it should. Any game, from Star Wars: Force Unleashed to The Conduit suffer from the Wii's awful control scheme. The motion sensor is a gimmick quite simply, and will never work for deeper gaming beyond simple games. That's a fact.

If you're addicted to that mini game, sweet. But thats all its good for.
Now, do you own a Wii? If so, how close am I in this review?

If you don't, what makes you want/not want one?

I think your review makes sense. I own a Wii myself, here are some of my thoughts on it as a gamer who went from detesting the Wii to owning one.

When it first came out, I hated the system. HATED it. I thought the Wiimotes were stupid (having grown up using corded controllers) and could not STAND the control system for the majority of its games. I even had a long running joke between my immediate friends where I would say "Here's the stupid way the Wii makes you play Zelda!" (Then I would swing around my hands as if I was holding a Wiimote as a sword), then I'd say "Here's how Zelda SHOULD be played!" (then I would pretend I was using a classic controller).... It's a lot funnier in person than in text form.... Luckily I could still play Twilight Princess on the gamecube version, so I had no intentions of ever getting a Wii at first.

Then came Smash Bros Brawl. That changed everything. I got a Wii for Brawl just a few days after it came out. The fact that I could play using the gamecube controllers rather than the Wiimotes (which I still detested at the time) and also being able to play gamecube games on the Wii using backwards compatibility was the second reason I got it because my gamecube started to show signs of death during my first playthrough of Twilight Princess.

After that, I also got Mario Kart Wii. I enjoyed being able to play using the classic controllers. Then I ended up getting Mario Galaxy to unlock Rosalina in Mario Kart (seriously.... that was the only reason I got it at first) and ended up really liking it despite hating the controls. I thought to myself maybe there will be more games on the Wii where you can use the classic controls! Maybe I wouldn't have to put up with the Wiimotes after all!

WRONG! Wow, was I wrong.

Most games on the Wii still rely on the Wiimote and its horrible controls, I am usually able to ignore it.... but it can be frustrating sometimes. I don't hate the Wii anymore (heck, I own one), but it will never reach the levels of appreciation I had for Nintendo's systems before it.

My personal thoughts are that the Wii IS a good system, for multiplayer games with friends. Stuff like Wii Sports is great for large get togethers with friends.... but for the gamers who prefer to play alone (or for those who are into genres like RPG's that tend to be single player) it's not best the system for them because that doesn't seem to be the Wii's target market anyhow.
Well, as an unabashed Ninty lover, I'm going to give you my totally biased opinion.

I've had a Wii for over two years now, and it is awesome. I think the Wii could possibly be the only console to truly be for everyone. It has games like Wii Sports for the non-gamer, New Super Mario Bros. and the Virtual Console for those who like traditional game styles, MadWorld and No More Heroes for the hardcore mature crowd.

Sure, every console *tries* to have games for everyone, but here's the difference between them and the Wii: The Wii's games are quality. At least, the first party games are high quality. There is a ton of shovelware on it, of course, but when developers take the time to make a game for the Wii, with motion control used in a smart way, the results are fantastic.

Wii Fit and Wii Sports are tons of fun for the non-gaming crowd. Hell, I play Wii Fit in order to stay in shape, as it's a lot more fun then going to the gym when it's cold and dark outside.

New Super Mario Bros. is a blast, featuring four players and old school sidescrolling action.

Zelda: Twilight Princess is a great combination of motion control and old school gameplay, taking the classic Zelda formula and making something excellent without straying far from its roots.

No More Heroes is bloody and hilarious, perfect for the Mature gamers. The motion control there is reserved for death blows and it makes it that much more fun.

The focus of the Wii isn't to have motion controls, but to provide a great gaming experience for all audiences. A "family system" doesn't mean it only appeals to the kiddies or nongamers. A "family system" means it appeals to the FAMILY, that is to say EVERYONE. And the Wii has done just that.
The Wii is rubbish. Utter rubbish. The fact that you only played games like Wii sports resort pretty much show that you didn't go into any depth with it. The game is optimized for the casual gamer and optimized for the Wii. I'm sure it's very entertaining and novel for the first few hours, but after that, what do you do? You look for a serious game to play.

But uh oh, guess what? Any third party developers that design games for the Wii encounter the same problem. It's a piece of crap novelty that doesn't work as it should. Any game, from Star Wars: Force Unleashed to The Conduit suffer from the Wii's awful control scheme. The motion sensor is a gimmick quite simply, and will never work for deeper gaming beyond simple games. That's a fact.

If you're addicted to that mini game, sweet. But thats all its good for.
The problem is that you're not looking at the Wii in the proper frame of mind.

The Nintendo Wii is not a console for the serious gamer. It's a party system, a console designed for light-hearted fun, especially for large groups of people. You're not going to find a game like Fallout or Uncharted or Gears of War for Wii, it's just not that kind of system. However, things like the Wii Fit, Super Mario Galaxy, Wii Sports, etc. are all extremely fun games to play for periods of time.

You can't think of the Wii in the same manner you think of Xbox and PS3, because it was never intended for that. It's a fun little things, designed to give you a few hours of entertainment every once in a while.
The Wii is basically what Sly said. It is not intended for the hardcore or regular every day gamer. Hell that was the whole marketing point of the Wii was to get everyone regardless of age or gender into gaming. And while the games are relatively simple, they can be fun at times.

However my biggest gripe with the Wii is the fact that every game has to use the motion sensor. I don't understand that. For an example, I rented Metroid Prime 2 I believe it was and I was using my brother's Wii. Now it was a fun game but I had a difficult time in the first level due to the fact that I had to use motion sensor in order to aim and fire. Now I don't recall seeing anything in the manual that says I could hook up a Gamecube controller and play that way, and if you must only use motion sensor, its a huge disappointment. Nintendo is so focused on its motion sensor that it has created little to no games that do not require the motion sensor and a standard controller would suffice. When coming home from a hard day's work, I want to be able to sit down and fire up a video game and sit on my couch and relax, not go through a bunch of motions that isn't exactly relaxing. This is why I won a 360.

With that being said, the Wii is great for parties and groups of people playing casual games at the same time. It's also great for it's promoting exercise and fitness through the Wii Fit game. However it just isn't a system I want to play every day as I do consider myself a hardcore gamer, and thus why I own a 360 and in the near future, a PS3 instead.
I like the Wii for a lot of puppses. Working with kids, it is a great instrument for keeping them entertained when you can't go outside. They are also physically disabled, and the Wii is a great chance for them to have a lot of fun.

My parents also bought themselves a Wii and they love it. There were not selections of games for my 50 year old parents, neither being into fantasy or action games. I played with them, and even games like Wii sport can be fun. We plays some great golf matches together.

With friends it's a great way to spend the night as well, just as Guitar Hero has done, interactive games bring people together.
However my biggest gripe with the Wii is the fact that every game has to use the motion sensor. I don't understand that.

Yeah the likes of MK, Smash bros, Sonic unleashed to name just three all use the classic controller or the GC pad. The Wii is a great console when you actually look into it, but because it doesn't have the graphics/online play of the other two the so called 'hardcore' gamers don't give it a chance.
Actually I like The GameCube more then The Wii. I think The New Super Mario Bros is the saving grace of the system as that was the only reason I got it. Wii Sports gets played out very fast and they dont exactly have a long list of good exclusives, well maybe for a kid and the whole family shit but that's about it. The Wii is in fact the WWE PG of Gaming. Nintendo has always coasted on the accomplishments of Mario & Zelda but theres only so much of those that can save Nintendo's ass. I salivate thinking of getting a PS3 or a 360 just so I can get my hands on Bioshock 2. There's to many great games that are not on The Wii such as the GTA Series/Halo/MW2/Bioshock and the list goes on and on. I love old school Nintendo but I think it died with GameCube.
Wii is a very addicting console. Wii Sports: Resort is a equally addicting game. I've played a few titles on the Wii and have had fun with them all. It's challenging, it's entertainment for the whole family. You literally have families getting together and bonding over the Nintendo Wii and ping pong, or Wii Fit. Wii Fit is encouraging younger kids to have fun while getting in shape, and it's working. It's definitely not a system for the gamer who wants to play GTA or Halo or whatever games. Correct me if i'm wrong; The Wii can play Nintendo Gamecube games, can it not? That's pretty awesome too.
The Wii is in fact the WWE PG of Gaming.

I would like to plug a game that was released in America today. It is called No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle. It is the sequel to the cult classic Wii game No More Heroes, and is rated M.

M, for Mature.

Here's a scene from it:

Yep, that looks PG all right.

People like you are perpetuating the fantasy that the Wii has no "hardcore" games or nothing to cater to the adult audience. You couldn't be more wrong. As well as the NMH games, there is MadWorld and House of the Dead: Overkill. The Wii has ton of great games. You just need to look.
I would like to plug a game that was released in America today. It is called No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle. It is the sequel to the cult classic Wii game No More Heroes, and is rated M.

M, for Mature.

Here's a scene from it:

Yep, that looks PG all right.

People like you are perpetuating the fantasy that the Wii has no "hardcore" games or nothing to cater to the adult audience. You couldn't be more wrong. As well as the NMH games, there is MadWorld and House of the Dead: Overkill. The Wii has ton of great games. You just need to look.

Point out where I said The Wii has no hardcore games, I never said it didn't. However, Listing just 2 of them doesn't mean much although they may be good games, I haven't played them so I wouldn't know. It's just my opinion that Wii is to kiddie orientated and lacks exclusives, but that's just my opinion as I have my own tastes.
I love my wii. Just got done playing it actually, I got the wii a few weeks after release, and played wii sports. That got me used to the wiimote, and I in fact liked the control, and the interaction with the actual game. I then bought Super Smash Bros. Brawl. That game is still to this day my favorite multiplayer game for the system. Surpassed Melee by a long shot in my eyes, and the fact that ou can hook up your gamecube controller makes it even better.

The next game, which really cemented the Wii as a great system in my eyes was Okami. That game was fantastic. The graphics were phenomenal, the battle system was unlike anything i've ever seen before, and the story mode was great too. This really got me interested in other games the wii had to offer.

Being a tennis player, I went and bought Grand Slam Tennis. This game is very good. Very realistic, and fun. Sometimes though it's hard to make the shot you want, whether it be a slice, topspin, or flat shot, but that doesn't take away from the game. Very fun game to play.

The current game i'm playing now is SUper Mario Galaxy. This is bar none my favorite Wii game. It's like nothing i've ever played before. It's not to difficult, but the graphics amaze me, and the gameplay is just amazing. It's just so much fun to play, and really is my favorite Wii game.

All in all I really like the Wii. It's a different type of gaming system that I really enjoy. I like how interactive it is, and how everything mimics your exact move. Very good system in my opinion.
It's just my opinion that Wii is to kiddie orientated and lacks exclusives, but that's just my opinion as I have my own tastes.

That's not an opinion, that's sheer stupidity. "Kiddie"-oriented and "Family"-oriented are two separate things. The Wii aims to have games for EVERYONE. Not to market only to the kids.

MadWorld isn't kiddie oriented. No More Heroes isn't kiddie orientated. House of the Dead. Resident Evil 4. The Conduit. Metroid Prime. Manhunt. I wouldn't want my kids playing those games.

No exclusives? Are you daft?
Super Mario Galaxy
Mario Kart Wii
No More Heroes 2
Epic Mickey
Metroid Prime: The Other M
Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Need I continue? And this isn't to mention games like The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, which can be played in either Wii or Gamecube form, and both formats work on the Wii. You're wrong, sir. Good day.
I modded my wii using software that you can easily google for, it maintains its warranty and i play all my backups from a hard drive, its a great console and i play a diverse platter of games on it, from you gun games such as the resident evil series which i find amazing, various classic redevelops such as the super mario bros franchise, hell I love fighting games such as tetsinoku vs capcom.

And the best thing is the console has unlimited potential, I can play anything from my classic games from micro injected wads, to the casual games, I recommend for all the no more heroes franchise which got me hooked on the wii.

Boring Rodeo I think not.
i dont own a wii but id love 2. a wii is like the best interactive piece of tech for teens, kids and adults 2 get off there ass and do something. all im trying 2 say is that it rocks and y dont i hav 1
The Wii is so underrated. People immediately jump towards the PS3's and the Xbox 360's without even giving the Wii a glance. It has an amazing amount of games from it, literally from every genre and type possible. You can play classic games from the Super Nintendo, N64 and various other old consoles. It plays Gamecube games. It has so many add-ons and cool accessories. It's insane. Both the PS3 and the Xbox 360 are making things to try and get on the same motion-sensor love train that's speeding down the tracks right now. The Wii is ridiculously popular with the kids and parents, but that doesn't make it a "kiddy" console. Do your research before you completely shit on a console.
Point out where I said The Wii has no hardcore games, I never said it didn't. However, Listing just 2 of them doesn't mean much although they may be good games, I haven't played them so I wouldn't know. It's just my opinion that Wii is to kiddie orientated and lacks exclusives, but that's just my opinion as I have my own tastes.


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Did someone just say the Nintendo console had no exclusives?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Zelda, Mario, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Little Kings Story, Madworld, Monster hunter tri, Metroid, Epic Mickey, Sin and Punishment 2, Dragon Quest X, A Shadows tale, The Conduit, Punch Out, Endless Ocean, Fire Emblem, WiiWare games (like lost wind), Red Steel, Zak and Wiki!

That is off the top of my head, the console has some good games on exclusive, whilst it's lacking in the looks/online play department it still has an array of very good games.
I recently got a Wii and it's ok, not great. The Wii to me is more of a party console for you and friends, with games like Wii Sports, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros Brawl, the new Mario game etc. The only ones that you can sit down and play by yourself (exclusives mind) I think are No More Heroes and Madworld. Some of the games like the new Mario, Zelda games are pretty much the same games as the ones ten years ago, there's a different story but the gameplay is pretty much the same aside from waving the remote about the place.

I do like how Nintendo allows you to download the classics which is what I'll probably be using the Wii for more than anything else.
I recently got a Wii and it's ok, not great. The Wii to me is more of a party console for you and friends, with games like Wii Sports, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros Brawl, the new Mario game etc. The only ones that you can sit down and play by yourself (exclusives mind) I think are No More Heroes and Madworld. Some of the games like the new Mario, Zelda games are pretty much the same games as the ones ten years ago, there's a different story but the gameplay is pretty much the same aside from waving the remote about the place.

I do like how Nintendo allows you to download the classics which is what I'll probably be using the Wii for more than anything else.

Really? Really?

You think there are only two exclusives you play by yourself?


Super Mario Sunshine to Galaxy. If you can't tell the difference in this game with visuals, gameplay. controls and a storyline you're not welcome in the video game section.

Twilight princess compared to Wind Waker. Need I say more about the sheer difference in the game between these two.

Have you even played the games? If you have you'd realise you wouldn't wave the remote around, in fact there are very few Wii games where that is actually the case. Twilight princess just has a flick of the wrist, and SMG rarely requires you to move the wiimote.

But hey we'd rather play the new COD or GTA game wouldn't we.
Really? Really?

You think there are only two exclusives you play by yourself?


Super Mario Sunshine to Galaxy. If you can't tell the difference in this game with visuals, gameplay. controls and a storyline you're not welcome in the video game section.

Twilight princess compared to Wind Waker. Need I say more about the sheer difference in the game between these two.

Have you even played the games? If you have you'd realise you wouldn't wave the remote around, in fact there are very few Wii games where that is actually the case. Twilight princess just has a flick of the wrist, and SMG rarely requires you to move the wiimote.

But hey we'd rather play the new COD or GTA game wouldn't we.

What I was trying to get across Lee is that games like New Super Mario Bros Wii is pretty much the exact same game as Super Mario World with better graphics and motion control, I will admit Mario Galaxy is different as is interesting but some of the Wii titles are extremely similar to previous titles.

And no I'm not a COD or GTA person really.
What I was trying to get across Lee is that games like New Super Mario Bros Wii is pretty much the exact same game as Super Mario World with better graphics and motion control, I will admit Mario Galaxy is different as is interesting but some of the Wii titles are extremely similar to previous titles.

And no I'm not a COD or GTA person really.

And some of the PS3/360 games are. What's your point? Games companies have been doing it since day dot, every single major game series is similar in one way or another to the original. NSWBW the exact same as Super Mario World? You must be having a laugh, the closest game would be NSB for the DS but hey what do I know? If you honestly think this would just be a Nintendo wide thing you're worse than I thought.
The problem is that you're not looking at the Wii in the proper frame of mind.

The Nintendo Wii is not a console for the serious gamer. It's a party system, a console designed for light-hearted fun, especially for large groups of people. You're not going to find a game like Fallout or Uncharted or Gears of War for Wii, it's just not that kind of system.

You and I understand this, but apparently other developers don't. You still find Wii-Exclusive "serious" titles such as The Conduit, MadWorld and Red Steel that are all marketed towards the serious gamer, alongside games that are available on all 3 consoles and all stumble along the way due to the gimmicky controls. What helps it in one area hinders it in all others.

However, things like the Wii Fit, Super Mario Galaxy, Wii Sports, etc. are all extremely fun games to play for periods of time.

That's just the thing, periods of time. The gimmick I think becomes evident over a period of time, and unless you have a well designed game, it becomes a serious detriment. I would still argue that some games like SMG would be as enjoyable if not more so if you just used a controller.

You can't think of the Wii in the same manner you think of Xbox and PS3, because it was never intended for that. It's a fun little things, designed to give you a few hours of entertainment every once in a while.

This is correct, and I suppose I should start looking at it less as a video game console and more as an entertainment experience. But I still argue that the games that are marketed towards the serious gamer are awful on the Wii, and the controls are the main reason.

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