My grandfather is getting worse.


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
I told you all a while ago my grandfather has cancer and was going for chemo.

Well chemo can only do so much. The cancer is spreading and he's not expected to make another year. I've never dealt with this before so any advice on how to cope would be appreciated.
Milenko...I'm really sorry to hear about your grandfather. My advice would be to lean on those friends around you. My similar situation happened pretty much 2 years ago to the day. My uncle had a stroke on top of a heartattack after being discharged from the hospital for a routine gallbladder surgery. Unfortunately, the dr's didn't check him well enough, and he had an infection they missed. He lapsed into a coma and never regained conciousness. I can only advise you that you will want to be close to your friends and family members in this tough times. And as crazy and silly as I am sometimes, I do rely heavily on my faith as well. It is what keeps me going during especially stressful times. You have to believe that it is faith that will help you out as well. I hope this helps you in some way. :)
This is something I've been through personally and also had to watch someone else suffer through but despite that, I still don't know what to say to you.

It's going to suck and the more you care the more you're going to suffer. What you're going to have to face is a balancing act between your concience and self-preservation. That is, the more you see and the more you help, the worse you're going to feel but if you remove yourself entirely you'll end up feeling guilty. Just help as much as you can and when you've had enough, remove yourself and don't question it.
Yeah, faith is all I got. I like my friends but in all honesty they're assholes and won't care. I have family but they're all related to me on my fathers side (It's my mom's dad that's sick) and while they would be sympathetic they wouldn't care much either.
First things first, make sure you spend as much time as you can with him. Don't let yourself have any regrets. Talk to him and spend time with him. It'll make things alot easier. That's what I did before my grandfather died. As for coping, LR79 summed it up pretty well. Let yourself be surrounded by family and friends who will comfirt you. And whatever you do, don't get too depressed. Remember that when it's over that he'll be in a better place.

Hope this helps you dude. :)
My grandfather used to live in Orlando and when I was 12 we visited him over the summer and for my Bday we went to Universal Studios.

It just so happens they were filming the pilot episode of Keenan & Kel while we were there. Guess what we did. :D
I would love to spend every day with him but he lives in Florida and I live in New York.

Hopefully I'll make it down for Christmas. me, any friends that DON'T understand and wouldn't be mature enough to see that this is a big deal for you, then they are not your real friends after all. Just know that at some point in their lives, they will probably need you for some situation, and you will be a bigger person, because I know you are someone who is caring enough and that will show them that they really did do the wrong thing. You are someone who is strong, and caring, and just know we are all here and will help you... To be honest sweetie, you should know that we are all here and have you in our prayers if that helps. :)
I know where your coming from a little dude. I lost my grandfather on my father's side a few years ago to cancer too. He was always kind of an asshole to me because he hated my dad and thus hated anything to do with him i.e. me. The rest of my family didn't really care as he was quite rude to them as well and I only have one uncle and two cousins on my father's side. I was able to spend a few days with him during his last week or so and it meant a lot to him and me. I wish I spent more time with him when he was healthy because he lived a badass life. He owned a pizza place, a printing company, a crab cake shack that allowed him to travel the country (Captain Jim's). And he helped out so many people in need, donating much of his money to charity, volunteering at various suicide hot lines, and even letting homeless men live with him. I was far more crushed then I expected to be and it took me a while to get my grip back after his passing. I spent everyday after school with my grandmother for about two months after he passed, I don't even know why, just felt right.

I'm sorry this has happened and you can't have direct contact with him. Hopefully you'll be able to see him at Christmas as you said. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Good luck.
Well I don't want to be an asshole, but you may want to prepare for the worst part. When my uncle was dying, my mom and all her brothers and sisters already knew he didn't even have a month to live so they just accepted. They cried and everything, but Well some things you just can't change bro. Sorry

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