My apologies...


Gone but never forgotten.
I just want to take a rare moment to give a sincere apology to everyone on the forum. Lately, I've been acting like I need to change my tampon.

I remember when I first came onto the forums and I was an advocate of positivity. Lately, I've been one of the most negative people in the WWE and TNA sections. I've verbally pissed on everyone's ideas and views and thrown mine out there, as if they were superior to everyone else's or something.

I realized all of this over the holiday weekend. It's amazing how holidays like Thanksgiving can put a lot into perspective. But after a great day with my family and an even better day with my friends on Saturday, I realized that I need to go back to my roots of spreading positivity to as many people as possible, especially during the Christmas season.

So, I apologize to everyone that I've pissed off. And just so you guys know, I'm being 100% serious.

(Ok... here comes the moment when Luther, Coco, or someone else tries to ruin this. If it happens, then so be it. But at least I got all of that off my chest.)
Eh, I have to admit it. Anyone who knows me outside of here can tell that I've been a real douche lately. I'm never like this.
So this is the end of Heel D-Man?

For now. I'm sure that he'll show his ugly head again sooner or later. But, for now, I've made a babyface turn.

I had no intention of coming here to ruin it, I'm simply here to accept your apology.

I appreciate that.

I don't know why but I go into spurts of being without slices of humble pie. I always forget how hard I worked to get this G-Mod spot and to gain respect on the forum. It's amazing how a month or two of being a dickbag can ruin two years of work.
Apology accepted. The internet can do strange things to people at times.

I actually hadn't noticed you being a douche at all D-Man, I'm speaking literally.

But as many said, if you feel you have been that, it's a good thing to admit there's a problem and to progress from it. You can do it D-Man!
Apology accepted. The internet can do strange things to people at times.




You're still a cool guy, D. Always have been.

Sorry about the female-problem reference, but it's true.

I appreciate the compliment but I always keep a watch on my demeanor. If I step out of line and no one puts me in my place, I do it to myself.
Only really noticed in the Cage. Other sections and off the forums I didn't notice.

I was a total dick in the TNA review section, the Miz threads, and other places. Look around... you'll find some dickish posts in there :)
I try to be but I can be a total douche. I just hate when people say they "respectfully" disagree and then proceed to follow that statement with acting like an ass hole. Kind of like in Talladega Nights when Will Ferrell said "with all due respect".
I noticed. I called you out on it once, too. Good to see you've come to your senses. ;) Face D-Man > Heel D-Man
Yea you were kinda dickish to that MisterRob guy o well. All is forgiven.

MisterRob deserves any shit he gets, with the way he likes to dig into folk himself.

But enough about that, this thread is about positive energy or some shit. Glad to see you in better spirits, D-Man. Did you watch Muppet Christmas Carol this week like I did?
I noticed. I called you out on it once, too. Good to see you've come to your senses. ;) Face D-Man > Heel D-Man

This is true, my friend. :)

DirtyJosé;2630326 said:
MisterRob deserves any shit he gets, with the way he likes to dig into folk himself.

But enough about that, this thread is about positive energy or some shit. Glad to see you in better spirits, D-Man. Did you watch Muppet Christmas Carol this week like I did?

NOOOOOOOOOO!!! I missed it?!?


Oh, well. I can't wait for Emmett Otter's Jugband Christmas.

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