MVP's Latest Push


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
Or is it ?

It appears as if MVP is going to get yet another push into the main event scene, but will it last this time around ?

Tonight's clean win against Jericho may be his biggest victory ever.

I don't think he'll win the tag titles with Mark Henry at Breaking Point - too hard for the WWE to take the belt off one of its biggest, if not thee biggest heel right now (CM Punk or Jericho IMO).

I just think his teaming with Henry is a way to thrust him into the main event scene quickly.

Thoughts ?
I agree with you by teaming MVP with Mark Henry is a good way to push MVP, but in the same way I think that they are both helping each other in the long run. MVP and Mark Henry both had small pushes since they were moved to Raw and now that they are teamed together, I think they both have enough momentum to help them eventually get into the main event scene, especially after seeing MVP and Mark Henry in their matches tonight! The crowd is really into both of them and I agree that MVP's match with Jericho tonight was really exciting and entertaining, especially for being the opening match for Raw.
yea putting him with henry in a tag team stable was horrible idea if they want him to have a tag team partner give him someone like R-truth. They probaly put mark henry as mvps partners to mess up henrys status in wwe
(My opinion)
This goes to show you that they have faith in MVP to be a main eventer someday. They're trying their best to market the guy into a valuable face who can help take down Jericho and Show. The rub from Jericho also helps, too. His pop after beating Jericho was tremendous. Maybe the biggest pop he's had since joining Raw. A program with Jericho and MVP would be great. So I hope this works for Mr. Porter, otherwise, he might be wished well. It's not far fetched.
I still think that something is lacking with MVP. It may sound funny but I thought he was more ready for ME on Smackdown in 2007 than right now. I think his character lost his coolness. What made him over in the first place was his cocky attitude,great entrance(which WWE fucked up so bad),his expensive clothes etc. But when WWE took these things from him he really had nothing with MVP character. WWE tries to make MVP a markatable star but for me he is still not ready and still lacks something that I can't understand.
I think putting MVP with Henry was a great idea if you are looking to possibly threaten Jerishow for the Unified Tag titles. Lets look at things here Henry came onto Raw and beat Orton if the WWE isnt trying to push Henry i dont know what they are doing. MVP is also been getting a push as of late beating jericho in singles and wrestling Orton to a no contest I believe. The wrestlers working main events on Raw has gotten stale as of late especially those going for the world Title. I think MVP and Henry teaming together if they dont win the tag titles but lose the match looking dominant may both get shots at the world title down the line. Maybe one of them winning it. I think whoever said R truth would have been a better choice for MVP's partner obviously doesnt pay attention in the fact that MVP needed someone able to neutralize Big Show which R Truth would not be able to do.
I still think that something is lacking with MVP. It may sound funny but I thought he was more ready for ME on Smackdown in 2007 than right now. I think his character lost his coolness. What made him over in the first place was his cocky attitude,great entrance(which WWE fucked up so bad),his expensive clothes etc. But when WWE took these things from him he really had nothing with MVP character. WWE tries to make MVP a markatable star but for me he is still not ready and still lacks something that I can't understand.

I didn't see much of MVP as a heel because I took a break from wrestling for a few years until picking it back up like 6 months ago. For me hes just blah, I can see how he would be much more entertaining as a heel.

This seems to happen a lot. Many if not most of the most popular wrestlers got popular as a heel (HHH, Shawn Micheals, John Cena, Stone Cold, The Rock just to name a few.)

Eventually they get popular enough that they're forced to become a face and then for the most part they are sanitized for mass popularity where that wasn't a concern before and they lose what made them popular to begin with.

Anymore I find myself cheering mostly for the heels because the faces are so boring.
i am not an MVP fan...i cannot stand the stupid "balling" crap he does...however i DO strongly believe he will be elevated into the main event scene and teaming up with the veteran Mark Henry will help both those individuals. Henrys been on Raw every week most recently against the Big Show while Show is at IMO the best he has been in years. While MVP won clean in a 3 star match against WWE's top 3 heel Jericho.

MVP will 1 day make it to the main event scene but i really think he needs an overhaul. He needs to drop the Ballin crap and turn heel. NO heel turns are not the solution to becoming a main eventer but Raw needs a new solid heel. Jericho is smackdown dont forget that. He should become cockier which again i stress IMO will be the eventual breaking point for him.
Right now, the only thing separating MVP from the generic, forgettable wrestler is his ring attire. He needs to get his swagger back...the cockiness, the cool ring entrance...his original gimmick back fully to become a legit main eventer imo. He also needs to get rid of that assinine "playmaker" finisher of his. Does anybody see that as a credible finisher? I still can't figure out how that move is supposed to hurt/stun the opponent. It looks to me like it would hurt the MVP's knee instead.
I do feel that WWE totally botched a great opportunity to give MVP a ME run back on smackdown when he was a full fledged heel. I remember watching smackdown so many times and hoping they would give MVP the rub and it never happened.

I do agree completely with the fact that MVP needs to go back to basics. He needs to turn heel again and they need to give him back his old entrance (bring out the cheerleaders again PLEASE!!! Coolest entrance EVER!!!) And finally, he needs to get rid of the play maker. It is god awful.

By the way... who else feels that MVP's cheerleader entrance from mania should be DLC for SVR? I'd sure as hell buy it.

I don't mind the whole ballin' thing because that has always been his gimmick and I think it makes him highly original.

IMO the WWE is going to do the same thing with MVP they did with Jeff Hardy. Knowing that most people want MVP to get at least a title run in the near future. There going to take their sweet ass time and give him the title in a round about way in some gimmick match.

IMO MVP will win MITB this year and cash it in on whoever the World Heavy weight champion is and win. Mark my words, by next summer he will be back on SD and when he goes back he will be heel WHC again.
I think the pairing of MVP and Henry was a great way to get them into the main event scene and that clean win over Jericho pretty much put MVP into discussion for the title scene. They won't win the tag titles because Jericho and Big Show are just getting too much heat right now and need to continue the good job they've been doing of rebuilding that division. This will surely put MVP into the mix after Breaking Point this Sunday.
I really thought the MVP/Swagger feud would go alot longer. Swagger is a great athlete and I think it'd be a great thing to watch with MVP's great mic skills and showmanship. Either way, MVP/Henry could be a nice tag team.

On a side note, I'm really glad the WWE is pushing for more tag teams and matches. Haven't seen this much since the old Hardy Boyz/Edge and Christian/New Age Outlaws/Dudley Boys era.
I'm pretty stoked MVP's getting a proper push. He had a decent feud, although short-lived in my eyes, against Swagger, but I felt like they were pushing Swagger more so at that point than MVP. I haven't really been keeping up with the WWE as of late, as I'm sure some of you know, I don't have cable at the moment, but I always read the results and usually just check out certain matches via YouTube. Just out of curiosity, am I the only one that didn't like MVP's moon bounce entrance? I'm much more impressed when he just runs out and does his thing, and his music has always been cool, and it works for him. The only things I would change are the Playmaker, I agree with a lot of you, it isn't convincing to me either, and I've never cared for his attire. At least nowadays it's black instead of purple. But why can't he just have a regular singlet with the same designs/color schemes? Otherwise, I expect him to have a major title within the year.. I don't think he'll hold onto it though, I think it'll be more like how Jeff Hardy was when he won the WWE title. More of a transition champion. IMO, it'll be two years before he's a full fledged main eventer.
When MVP called Jericho Christina and Big Show a something he did sound like the Rock like some1 said,it reminded me of the Rock and last night Cole mention it a couple of times,I felt like yeah the actually putting him over a little.Chi-town was cheering him like neva b4,i was like DAMN!Yeah he will win MITB at Mania be traded to Smackdown.He should have stayed on Smackdwn for real!I hope they dont mess it up like they did when he was dominating HHH then the ass does one move and messed him up!Swagger and MVP shouldnt have fueded,cuz i like Swagger it messed his swag up,he is a up and comer.I like what Jericho and Show are doing puttin some1 over unllike HHH.But when MVP and Henry lose Sunday whats next for MVP though?I cant think of anything.....

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