I'm bored, let's talk or speculate on Raw storylines

As of right now with the storylines to me atleast it appears that john cena will most likely lose to orton at bragging rights because smackdown still needs big stars in the face department, and cena on smackdown could set up mega fueds with batista (who will be heel) and the undertaker which most likely would go down at wrestlemania.

Another thing that seems interesting is the idea of jack swagger going undefeated for the rest of the year, now i doubt WWE will stick with this throughout the rest of the year, but if they did it would definately create a main event star in the process. I could definately see a swagger vs orton fued next year at the rumble or even mania

The final thing that I could see happening is a face turn by orton, i mean half the crowd basically cheers for this guy as is. i see that legacy will eventually turn on orton and orton will then turn his rage on legacy which would set up some interesting possibilities
I am agreeing with those of you who are saying that Cena is going to lose the Iron Man match. Smackdown needs all the help it can get. Its mid card is getting raped and C.M. punk is getting on everyone's nerves just because he's boring. He's not really heel enough. Also with Cena on Smackdown, sales go up and ratings go up.

Onto Raw, earlier I posted something that could never happen. It was fun but to what could possibly happen. DX is now leaning into a feud with Show- Jericho. There is a good chance Show and Jericho put their titles against DX with DX winning. With that happening you are having DX bounce between both shows. DX + Both shows = more ratings and merchandise sales.

Orton needs to get a new feud once Cena is off the show and a good person for that would be Edge...Yes with Cena going to Smackdown, Edge could be traded to Raw once he is back. I think that would be a great feud. Sure there was the Rated RKO but this could actually be an awesome feud. With both being sadistic it could be a bloody, high energy feud.
I don't know if Cena will lose but this is the first time there has been a "loser leaves the brand" match that involved a big star that I'm not sure about.

Smackdown kinda needs Cena but what of Raw ? Maybe they figure DX can carry the brand face wise, see if Cena wins it's actually worse because the only main event heel on Raw would be the guy he just beat Orton.

I can't stomach more Cena vs. DX action face vs. face stuff will only work so often before it crumbles the whole idea of wrestling is good vs. evil.
I think Cody Rhodes will be out for a little while. Then he'll come back and blame Ted for his getting hurt. That will lead to them two feuding, and Orton having to choose one of the two. He chooses Rhodes. That's how Ted becomes a face. Maybe they'll bring up Ted's brother or Joe Hennig to join Legacy.

I would like to seem feuds that don't revolve around a title. With the exception of the Hornswaggle/Chavo debacle, there are no programs not involving title shots. There used to be rivalries about other things than just the gold, making them mean so much more. They could do that with the Dibiase/Rhodes feud, if there is one.

I think that Cena will go to Smackdown. It will give more superstar power to Friday night, and allow for Ted to become a top name on Raw. I also wouldn't mind a Cena heel turn on Friday, and have him feud with Morrison/Ziggler/Punk/Taker. Friday is lacking in top heels.

Degeneration X will probably be around till the Royal Rumble. They'll split and fight, with Shawn putting his career on the line against Triple H at Wrestlemania.

That's just my opinion, I could be wrong...

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