MVP: Most Valuable Push?


Team Finnley Baylor
Since MVP dropped the belt to Kofi on Raw this past Monday, it looks as if he needs something or someone else to feud with. I say this is where we see MVP get that push he needs. He dropped the belt, which is a sign of him moving up in the ranks. I sincerely think they're going to attempt an Orton/MVP feud that will culminate at either Summerslam or a future PPV.

The questions are two fold. One...

Where does MVP go now? Up or down?

And two...

Who does he feud with?
There are only two ways it can go for him now. It's either the main event or Sheltonesque mid-card hell. I suspect it's the latter as I don't think he's over enough as a face and I think it's highly unlikely that he'll be next up for Orton given the recent pattern of Orton Vs Friends of SHHHovel.
I think MVP goes after Orton and maybe wins the WWE Title. I mean, letting Kofi pin MVP and take the US Title? Thats a guy who has had basically nothing happening for him other than a mini-fued with Matt Hardy. So MVP vs Orton for WWE title. It's a replacement for Kennedy, whatever he was about to do!
Dropping the title to Kofi seems like it has been rushed and with Kennedy being released I have my suspecions that MVP is going to get the push Kennedy was suppose to get.

I expect Orton to retain against Batista, and the next night on raw have him cut a promo claiming he is the most valuable asset the company has...out come MVP setting up a match later that night with a stipulation that if MVP wins he gets a title shot. HHH returns screw Orton out of the title...MVP gets his first title run Orton goes on to feud with HHH AGAIN...leave the title on MVP with a couple of blow off Feuds see how he does...i.e make the HHH/Orton feud the focus of Raw for the next couple of paperviews and see how the crowd reacts to MVP as champ.
I fully expect him to go feud with Orton. You say he isn't over enough? All he needs is a feud with Orton and he is instantly over. He definetly is championship material. Hopefully they realize that. I wonder where Kofi goes from here....
The only way MVP is going to feud with Orton is if he drops the title to Batista and they feud over #1 contendership while Batista and Trips battle over the title. I'm sure dropping the US title to Kofi was planned before Kennedy got released because why else would they even have them facing eachother? They took the belt off him because they want him to be upper mid-card and the US/IC belts are pathetic right now. But there's "no chance in hell" of anyone outside of the Triple H crew holding the main title on the now obvious flagship show.

And MVP is certainly not World/WWE title material anyway. I mean, he's only a face because he lost a ton of matches. Al Snow never won the big one and neither will MVP.
They want him to go up. They've given him the epitome of a Face character, which I happen to not hate, and they've freed him of the US title so as to give him a run at the Main Event.

Think about it like this. Legacy is Orton, Rhodes, and Dibiase. Triple H is by himself, really. Especially if Batista turns Heel and joins Legacy. If he doesn't, then it's still just Triple H and Batista vs. the Waste of a Heel Stable. With Cena fucking around with his Big Show and soon to be Miz feud, they need a third. MVP could fit quite nicely in that slot.

Just have MVP show up and call Orton out like he did a few weeks ago. When Legacy storms the ring, have Triple H and Batista make the save. Oh, wow. A three person Face stable to combat the 3 person Heel stable.
I don't see him feuding with Orton just yet as I see Randy retaining against Batista and either Cena or HBK occupying Orton for a few months. If they do decide to have a Orton/MVP feud, he will have to go through Rhodes and DiBiase first most likely. The only other big heel is the Big Show and that's a small possibility but can happen because I don't see who Show will feud with if not Batista.
What I'm seeing is a feud between Batista and HHH. That leaves the gate open for MVP. Comparing MVP to Al Snow is ridiculous. Al is a low card borderline jobber, Porter is a prospect and a future world champion. Just cuz you probably don't like him doesn't mean shit. I guarantee he will be champ at least once.
MVP is definitely going to receive a major push if he's not already receiving one.

But I don't think they can just thrust him right into a heavyweight title match. He needs to have a four to six week run with a top heel on Raw. Until now, he's pretty much been battling mid-card talent and hasn't really had a lengthy feud with anyone since Matt Hardy on Smackdown a couple years back.

I actually thought a feud with Mr. Kennedy would have worked well, but we know that's not happening anymore.

What I would like to see is MVP challenge Orton, but have to work his way through Legacy in order to get a shot. BUT, instead of having Rhodes and Orton job to MVP every week, make it a legit feud.

Raw desperately needs to develop some top level heels, with Big Show and Orton being the only top level heels they have right now. The Miz, Regal, Matt Hardy, Kendrick and Legacy are all mid-card wrestlers IMO. I know they're developing Miz, but it's going to take a while and he has a lengthy Cena feud in his future.

It's hard to say exactly how they're going to thrust MVP into the heavyweight scene, but with a lack of heel talent available, it should be interesting.
I see your guys point about wanting him to work through the ranks a bit, but since when does the WWE use logic? I think a feud with Big Show would do a lot to get him over a little more. The matches would suck but that doesn't matter. But it still wouldn't surprise me to see him thrown right in.
i dont think anyone has mention this one but how bout hbk/mvp fued it really could help slide him in main event smoothly without looking mismatched gainst the others. That what i been wantin to see
I really don't see MVP feuding with Orton right away. I think he'll either go after Batista, once he looses to Orton, or maybe even a feud with CM Punk over the MIB Briefcase. Something that will push him even further into the main event picture. I really don't see what everyone else sees in this guy but I don't think he's ready just yet. I mean, he's a great athlete and is over with the crowd but I just don't think he's ready mentally. I maybe wrong and maybe he and the WWE will prove me wrong but we'll see!
This is interesting, cause I think WWE will try to get MVP into the main event scene, even if he's just feuding with someone over the number 1 contender spot.
I don't think Orton is going to drop the title yet. Not to Batista anyway. So I don't think MVP's next feud is coming from there.

Triple H is supposed to be returning... I would say they'll turn HHH heel and get him to help put over MVP, but I don't think HHH will lose to MVP. Not yet.
So there are a good few options, but none of them really fit.
A couple of weeks ago I would've said have a Kennedy/MVP feud over which one of them will get to the top first, but obviously that won't happen now.

MVP needs something bigger than a midcard push but something smaller than a world title push. Just something to get over enough so he can become a main eventer.
I just hope WWE don't pull a CM Punk and have to start building up MVP all over again...
Hey Blade, do you think Big Show fits your criteria? He's not a mid carder, he's not exactly the top tier main eventer, but if Porter were to go over him after a long standing rivalrie, wouldn't do a bit to put him in the main event scene?
I think, like stated above, whatever they had planned for Kennedy is now going to MVP.

More then likely, you'll see him start teaming up with the top faces (Cena, etc) to get some "rub". MVP is already getting a huge ovation from the crowd, so I say work w/ it and see where it takes him.
As much as it pains me to say this, I think MVP needs a ton of polishing before he's rushed into the main event scene.

In the past (when he was a heel), I was a HUGE MVP mark and IC25 and I used to have arguments during PPVs about how long it would take MVP to have a world title belt around his waist. Now, if the WWE kept him heel, I think he'd be wearing it already. But, just like with Cena and possibly Morrison, the WWE is shoving their babyface gimmick down our throats and people don't seem to be accepting it yet. I'm sure that eventually they will accept it, but as of right now, (already been suggested) he needs to be thrown into some feuds with some top heels. I wouldn't be surprised if they had him up against the Miz for a little while or the Legacy lackeys. This would provide some substance behind his recent and sudden babyface turn and could possibly build a connection between him and the crowd which is currently lacking unless he's got a microphone in his hand screaming "BALLIN!!!"
The only way MVP is going to feud with Orton is if he drops the title to Batista and they feud over #1 contendership while Batista and Trips battle over the title. I'm sure dropping the US title to Kofi was planned before Kennedy got released because why else would they even have them facing eachother? They took the belt off him because they want him to be upper mid-card and the US/IC belts are pathetic right now. But there's "no chance in hell" of anyone outside of the Triple H crew holding the main title on the now obvious flagship show.

And MVP is certainly not World/WWE title material anyway. I mean, he's only a face because he lost a ton of matches. Al Snow never won the big one and neither will MVP.

I think they were saving MVP/Kofi for Night Of Champions which is next month. With Kennedy being released they moved it to Monday. All speculation at this point. Lets see how this plays out at Extreme rules before we make predictions. He may win the strap back, you never know with the WWE. Remember Batista's 1 week title reign last year?
I think the Orton-Batista feud ends on Sunday with Orton somehow retaining, then they'll give MVP a mini main event push against Orton for the July PPV (Great American Bash?) for 2 reasons: to keep Orton occupied until HHH returns at Summerslam probably and to test MVP in a high profile match to see how the crowd react.

I hope he succeeds, even though I think they've made him into too much of a corny babyface character, he's still one of the only reasons I continue to watch RAW nowadays.
I don't think a World Title Match is in his near future. Maybe by next year he'll be ready, but its too soon. I think they gave the title to Kofi to show that MVP was a true face by giving him the title openly. But I really don't see MVP Vs Randy Orton as the Summerslam Main Event. MVP needs a feud with The Miz since MVP and Cena are kinda friends. Miz can call Cena out and MVP just walks out and challenges him rite on the spot.
Well I argee mvp is getting his push cuz kennedy is gone. The wwe is trying to build new stars finally and mvp has all the tools to do it. I think mvp vs orton should be build slowly and not rush its the only way mvp can become a solid main eventer. And no batista will never be apart of legacy because it would make no sense at all let alone serve no purpose so iwc let it go. The only problem I see is how the wee will use mvp til he get the shot at orton. I would would suggest since mvp is becoming more popular as a face feature him in the main event more so fans get used to him in that scenerio
MVP deserves that push. When I saw Kofi get the 3 count on Raw I smiled.... I knew Porter was finally getting his major push. Hopefully HHH comes back and fueds with Batista. Cena's still jumping around with Miz & Show. LEaving MVP the opening. I think he might get a shot at Unforgiven OOPS I mean Breaking Point or No Mercy. For now, MVP will prbably clear things up with Kofi, have a quick feud with someone like Hardy or Regal then start fueding with Orton around Summerslam to setup at Breaking Point.
Comparing MVP to Al Snow is ridiculous. Al is a low card borderline jobber, Porter is a prospect and a future world champion. Just cuz you probably don't like him doesn't mean shit. I guarantee he will be champ at least once.

How is it ridiculous? MVP is a face because he lost a ton of matches. Al Snow was a face because he lost a ton of matches. And hell, Snow was even more over than MVP is.

I think they were saving MVP/Kofi for Night Of Champions which is next month. With Kennedy being released they moved it to Monday.

But the MVP/Kofi match was made on last week's RAW and Kennedy hadn't been released yet. And they obviously weren't planning on releasing him since they put him in the main event.
You can't really compare Al Snow to MVP.

MVP has the look of a champion, he has in-ring skills, he's good on the mic. WWE hasn't had any problems with him at all, he's been nothing but humble and understanding.

He was a great heel on SmackDown, It's about time for him to get a main event push. They already tested him out against Orton.

My guess is that MVP wins the title at Night Of Champions possibly and holds the title until SummerSlam rolls around.

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