Music Tournament


[This Space for Rent]
10. Voting - please look at each band objectively and vote on the band's ENTIRE BODY OF WORK, not just the decade they are a part of. The decades are there to separate and organize the bands, not to marginalize longevity. Other useful criteria include: influence, inspiration, mainstream hits, experimentalism, quality of albums, etc. We are trying to decide the best band of all time...

If I have to go into detail on trying to figure out which band should win over another, based on how many other bands they've influenced, how many people they've touched, or how experimental they are.. then I fail to see why its a tournament to vote for the bands you enjoy, over the bands you don't.

Take for example, Nirvana v. Beck in an opening round. I'd clearly vote for Nirvana because I have a personal love for their music, and anything by Beck I've dispised because I don't enjoy that type of sound, that type of music.

However, if I have to look into history to figure out if Beck did more than Nirvana, or if Beck should win over Nirvana because they sold more albums (which I doubt, but anywho) then I fail to see how anyone will enjoy this tournament.. as this rule alone is too strict.

The objective should be to have fun.. not a homework assignment. If, say for example somehow a band like Breaking Benjamin go up against Metallica, absolutely based on overall popularity, sales of albums, influence and everything else Metallica would and should squash Breaking Benjamin.. however, I'd still vote for Breaking Benjamin merely because they're my favorite band.

I'd list exactly why they are just that.. but I shouldn't be judged for not picking the "clear cut winner" merely because I want a favorite to win, dispite them deserving it or not.

It sounds to me this rule was put in place, because someone got a little pissed off over their choice in the Wrestling Tournament getting eliminated when they felt had people thought it out properly, they shouldn't have.

I made this thread, because I didn't know if this should be posted in the music section.. I'd like to know if I'm "banned" from voting in this tournament, merely because at times, while explaining my views on why I picked who I picked.. if its wrong for me to pick a band, merely for no better reason than I love their music?
I'm going to vote for who I like better/who's the better band. Regardless of what anything says.

The overall point should already be clear. People will vote for who they like, regardless of influences, albums sells, or however many groupies they gangbanged..

People don't even have to explain WHY they voted, they could merely vote and noone would know why.. however the poles are kept private, I assume to only G-Mods and the mod over that section. So somehow my next question is gonna be.. will the votes be fixed. :angry:

In other words, if I vote for no better reason than.. "I like them." Will someone go in and delete my vote upon seeing me make it.
Your going to vote who your going to vote for. While influence and popularity do play a huge role in this tournament, ultimately (and in some later matches this WILL be the case) the decision will come down to which band do you like better, Band A or Band B

I'm sure Nirvana vs The Chili Peppers may be a potential match up in the future. That match could go either way
Your going to vote who your going to vote for. While influence and popularity do play a huge role in this tournament, ultimately (and in some later matches this WILL be the case) the decision will come down to which band do you like better, Band A or Band B

I'm sure Nirvana vs The Chili Peppers may be a potential match up in the future. That match could go either way

See, there in-lies something I'm more or less refering to. I like the Chili Peppers, however I like A.F.I. more. I'm not completely sure why, I've just never been a huge Chili Peppers fan. But I figured since I really don't know much about either band.. that according to the rules, I wasn't allowed to vote, because I wouldn't be making a judgmental decision, I'd be making a blind one based on which music I prefer more.
See, there in-lies something I'm more or less refering to. I like the Chili Peppers, however I like A.F.I. more. I'm not completely sure why, I've just never been a huge Chili Peppers fan. But I figured since I really don't know much about either band.. that according to the rules, I wasn't allowed to vote, because I wouldn't be making a judgmental decision, I'd be making a blind one based on which music I prefer more.

Thats where popularity and influence comes into play, if there's 2 bands that you enjoy listening 2 that end up facing each other, most people (myself included) would probably choose the more overall popular or influential band. That's what I did for the Pumpkins vs Killswitch Engage match, as I enjoy listening to both bands. I went with the Pumpkins because not only are they a more influential rock band than KE, but despite the fact that their popularity peeked some years ago, they are still talked about today, while KE is still in the process of establishing themselves in the mainstream media.
I think you should always take every factor into consideration before making the decision, but I never thought anyone was voting in this thing based on popularity/influence. Just vote for who you enjoy more.

Thats why I voted for Fugazi over the Offspring. Though I did kind of make the argument that Fugazi is more influential then the Offspring (which they were). But influence doesn't really matter if you don't like the music mate, so FOLLOW MY SIG, and vote with your heart.
I've said it before and I'll say it again right here, I could give a shit less what bands had more influence, or any of that crap, I'm just voting for the band I like better, this is NOT the "Most Influential Band" tournament after all
True justin. Drugs are "influential" and there is nothing good about them.

Influential just means that they were the first, or one of the first, to do something a certain way. Doesnt necessarily make it better. Are the sugar Hill gang better than Lil Wayne?? Hell fuckin no.

sorry for the rap reference that im sure roughly 4 people got. It was the first one I could think of off the top of my head.
When I ask people to take other criteria into account, I am asking for a level of objectivity. I hate Radiohead and I enjoy Eve 6, but I voted for Radiohead because I can concede the fact that they are a better band. I think Queen is the greatest band in history and Van Halen is my all time favorite band, so I will vote for them until a band I think is better comes up.

In the Wrestlezone tournament, I objectively voted against wrestlers I liked better in favor of wrestler I thought had a greater body of work. I am not running a popularity contest - we are trying to determine the greatest rock musician of all time. Everyone has their own criteria, I just want to avoid posts like "I voted for Killswitch Engage over The Beatles because Killswitch puts out better tock music." Not realistic, but you get my point.

In the end, people will use their own criteria and vote for what they vote for. People get VERY emotional about music, which is evidenced by this thread (which i was surprised to see) and the debate already occuring in the prelim round of the 90's bracket. All I ask is for some levels of objectivity - that's all.

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