Mr McMahon Moments

So while I was watching RAW on The Score last night, Arda Ocal was counting down his top 5 favourite McMahon moments throughout the show. This inspired me not only to change my sig to the wonderful picture you see now, but it also gave me the idea for this thread. The question is simple, what are some of your all-time favourite moments involving the Mr. McMahon character.

Personally, one of my favourite promo lines from Vince McMahon was during his feud with Ric Flair back in 2002 when he said, "I enjoy destroying lives, it turns me on..."

You know you're a top heel when you get sexually aroused by destroying lives.
McMahon-asaurus last night. Seriously, if the chairman of the company is doing your character thing, it shows he's got faith in you, so McMahon putting Brodus Clay over was a great moment for me.
Actually, he put over Zack Ryder as well in that segment by using his catchphrase at him. If you wanted to go "Old School RAW", instead of Zack, we should have had Ron Simmons come up behind Vince, and say "DAMN". That being said, my favorite moment was his hospital scene where he got the holy snot beat out of him by Stone Cold, and inadvertently helped usher in Mr. Socko.
So while I was watching RAW on The Score last night, Arda Ocal was counting down his top 5 favourite McMahon moments throughout the show. This inspired me not only to change my sig to the wonderful picture you see now, but it also gave me the idea for this thread. The question is simple, what are some of your all-time favourite moments involving the Mr. McMahon character.

Personally, one of my favourite promo lines from Vince McMahon was during his feud with Ric Flair back in 2002 when he said, "I enjoy destroying lives, it turns me on..."

You know you're a top heel when you get sexually aroused by destroying lives.

I to enjoyed that particular promo. I am a HUGE McMahon fan. I often go on youtube in search of his best promos. My favourite promo of all time was this powerful one - "Life sucks, and then you die'. The crowd and King add to the enjoyment.

There was another promo he once did with Heyman but I think it was Smackdown. He threatened to have some Bikers rape Undertakers wife. McMahons over acting and Paul Heymans face make this a classic. LOL
I love the Mr.McMahon character. I especially loved during the attitude era, and his feud with Stone Cold. My favorite McMahon moment was when he fired Steve Austin at a PPV event. The following Raw, Vince had all the wrestlers in the ring, he told them that he can do that to everybody. Vince was cocky, saying, "Firing Stone Cold was better then Sex." He carried on by saying that "He heard Stone Cold was hunting... Hunting for a job." This would be one of my favorite wrestling slogans, "McMahon 3:16 says he's got the brass to fire your ass!" After Vince was acting cocky, he found out Stone Cold was in the parking lot. The Stooges left him to get coffee, Foley came in with Socko, Vince kicked Foley. Vince tried to sneak out, Stone Cold got. In the middle of the ring, Austin pulled a gun on Vince. Vince pissed his pants, then Stold Cold said, "McMahon 3:16 I just pissed my pants."

Their are alots of great Mr.McMahon moments but that Raw was one of the most entertaining things i ever saw.
Last night when Vince was dancing and Zack Ryder was stood there mouth wide open in shock.... I genuinely laughed out loud.... and I rarely laugh out loud.
So many moments during the Attitude Era and his feud with Stone Cold. Definitely his visit in the hospital from Mankind and Mr. Socko, followed by Steve Austin nailing him with a bed pan and having a catheter shoved up his a-hole has to rate as my all-time fave. Also loved the time when Stone Cold came out in the beer truck and hosed Vince and Shane. The way he flopped around like a fish out of water was hilarious. I also truly enjoyed how he used to boast about his grapefruits, as he swaggered to the ring to make a promo.
I agree with a previous post where McMahon said it turns him on destroying people's lives. That is classic stuff there. Also when Vince was in the hospital and Stone Cold attacked him there. I am also a sucker for anytime Vince does the You'rrrrrreeee Firrrrred line. It makes me laugh out loud every time.

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