Mr Excitement is Back! John Lauranatis


Pre-Show Stalwart
Last night mr excitement was back at a wwe live event, and he made show sit ringside at the main event which was daniel bryan vs randy orton.
now is this a one time deal? or is this a big return just waiting to happen?
i could see in the next few weeks brad is fired and replaced by john lauranatis?
brad maddox should be a wrestler he's actually kinda good, so why keep him like a gm? use a gm for guys who are washed up or never wrestled in the 1st place?
so would you like to see mr excitement back on wwe tv? or was this just another return at a live event that means nothing.
I like Maddox, he has that slimy, weasly type of quality that Bischoff used to have as GM and I think he plays the role of puppet GM well. I haven't seen him wrestle so I don't know how good he is.

With HHH and Steph being on TV week in and week out, there isn't really any point in bringing Laurinitis back as he's very much in the corporate heel mold which Steph and HHH are already pulling off well.
There's potential for this if he was to come back on screen.

Have Maddox show the slightest bit of compassion for Bryan after a big beat down, and Trips, Vince and Stephanie tell him he's not ruthless enough to do what is best for business. They need someone who knows how to make the tough decisions (the decisions that the family wants).

People power!
Aren't we a bit beyond heel authority figures in 2013? especially ones that are subordinates to the mcmahons? Vickie Guerrero and Brad Maddox possibly have the most pointless positions on the rosters because everyone knows they have zero real authority... As for Laurinaitis come back I can handle it with a new age Brisco / Patterson type deal but why insult the intelligence of the fanbase with putting him back in 'authority'.
Johnny Ace is someone that could be useful in the WWE. I said months ago he should be Ryback's mouthpiece but that is now void. There are plenty of options for him, being a manager would work tremendously well. He could have the same effect Vickie has. However, I'm not entirely sure how hated John Lauranatis is. Towards the end of "people power" I was starting to like him. He became a comedy figure that was impossible to hate. I wouldn't be against him coming back as a face, which I think is needed. Someone should be countering HHH and Johnny Ace could do it temporarily.

Alternatively, he will appear on Raw, suck up to Triple H, threaten to fire The Big Show and get put in the Yes Lock. Either way I'm excited.
Big Johnny could be useful here but, in all honesty, WWE has all the bases covered right now when it comes to heel authority figures. Triple H & Stephanie are king & queen of the mountain right now with the toady GMs of Brad Maddox & Vickie Guerrero firmly under their thumbs. Vince McMahon himself will pop up on television every so often, so there's really no need for another heel authority figure.

At the same time, however, I think it'd be an interesting surprise if Big Johnny made a return as a babyface to take the side of guys like Daniel Bryan. I personally like the idea of a former corporate figure working with the babyfaces. In the story, Big Johnny is someone who knows all about the various goings on when it comes to the "corporate" side of things. He knows where all the little weaknesses are, all the little legal loopholes that can be exploited and knows how the bureaucratic mentality works. As a result, the babyfaces would have someone who knows how the "system" works and that knowledge could allow them to fight the power regime on its own ground.
Man, people really know how to blow things out of proportion. I doubt very much Lauranatis is back, he was probably just filling in for Maddox due to an illness or something. He is a road agent again, so they just used him to do the GM shtick for one night. Unreal how the guy makes a random appearance at a house show and everyone has got like 3 or 4 storylines he will be involved in
Man, people really know how to blow things out of proportion. I doubt very much Lauranatis is back, he was probably just filling in for Maddox due to an illness or something. He is a road agent again, so they just used him to do the GM shtick for one night. Unreal how the guy makes a random appearance at a house show and everyone has got like 3 or 4 storylines he will be involved in
i get that this thread may be a little over proportion but i thought that it should at least be brought up for the people who may had'nt heard this yet, i would love to see lauranatis back on wwe tv! i mean wwe knew people would expect to see him when they bring him on a live event, cause it still goes all over the internet
As far as the maximum requirement for heel authority figures go, I would assume that all positions are filled. Maybe if one turned face, like Maddox, I could see that happening. I can't for the life of me see a face John Laurenitusheseh, but I've been wrong before.

I'm not much feeling a return though. It may take valuable camera time away from the talent in the ring.
I think WWE maybe trying to get back to the days of heel managers. Most of the talent downright can not talk on a mic. We saw Friday that HHH was furious at Vicki. I rather see Heel managers then more heel authority figures. In the late 80s there were MULTIPLE Heel Managers, "Hennan, Hart, Slick" I know I'm blanking on at least one more guy, but you get the point. WWE went away from that until the return of Paul Heyman. It's a shame AW got released cause he was a great mouth piece. John and Vicki get heat, and regardless of how much we hate them that heat can draw onto a wrestler who can't talk. John could easily grab a few people and bring them back up. I have a few guys in mind but I'll let you all run off that.
perhaps he will be in the power struggle storyline.......hell even bring shane back with bautista as their GUY......thinkbout it vince hunter vs dave jonny
Laurinaitis needs to stay away. He got dull long time ago during his feud with Punk so there isn't any reason whatsoever to get him back.

The only reason he even accidentally got involved into storylines was because Punk mentioned him as a yes man in his promo.

Corporation 2.0 doesn't need him at all. There are enough authority heel figures as it is.

Also Brad is doing just fine as a GM but it would be interesting to see him as a heel without HHH or Steph giving the orders on TV. Let him make "his own Decisions" so to speak.
I loved Johnny Ace. He was the perfect butt to every joke. He actually drew heat (good or bad, but let's leave that debate for now) and he had the insincere grin that made you want his ass kicked in mastered.

There was a lot of speculation on whether Cena would join forces with Lauranatis before WM, but that didn't happen. That makes me suspicious of this appearance being a one-time deal as well.

Maddox is fine as GM. He's not going to set the world on fire, but he's a solid 7/10 and that's perfectly fine. IMO, it's a lot better to have a heel GM that can take bumps and even though Big Johnny can take them, Brad Maddox is much younger and the risk of injury is lower.
I didn't like Big Johnny as GM, and he isnt needed as an Authority figure on Raw right now with Maddox being there and the McMahon-Helmsley faction or whatever they are calling it being dominant.

Johnny has use an on-screen character though, I would like to see him as a manager, probably on Smackdown working with a new up-and-coming heel. I could see him aligning with someone like Damien Sandow or a new NXT talent who comes up to the main roster.

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