Mr. Anderson is Officially the #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Following newly revealed "Network" representative Mick Foley's main event change, Mr. Anderson is officially the #1 contender for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship after winning the 25-man battle royal.

I said during the LD that a "heel-type" had to win, and to me it was down to getting Immortal an upper-hand by getting a guy like Bully Ray over or Anderson to continue his chase.

Personally, I'm glad Anderson won as he's clearly the better main-event performer.

All discussion here.
Hell yeah, Anderson is god.

Anderson has gotten pretty damn good in the ring, anyone who says otherwise is just foolish. He's a lot smoother with his moves and idk.. he impress me everytime. His character/personality is exactly where it needs to be.

That being said I'm not sure if I'd rather see him face RVD or Sting. He's been having a war with Sting the last few months that deserves a one on one match. Then again with this whole new "wrestling" direction... Sting Vs Anderson might not be the best... we all know RVD Vs Anderson would be a step up as far as "wrestling" ability goes.
I never liked Mr Anderson till he came to TNA (Impact Wrestling) an he's just become so good. He makes me laugh an makes me wanna watch him kick some ass. An he has become smoother in the ring.

I'd like to see Bully Ray champ just not now. Anderson deserves its an its about time. Hope he fights Sting too.
I am thrilled that Anderson is moving back up, he's personally one of my favorite guys in TNA and I think he could have a good match with Sting. Do I want to see BR in Anderson's spot? Definetly, but right now it is Anderson's time to step up, Bully can go next.
I would have liked to see AJ go over here, but I understand why he didn't. He still has the feud with Bully Ray, and Anderson is the top guy right now in TNA. I don't know if they will make the main event a three way again or just have Anderson face Sting or RVD at the next PPV. Maybe Anderson will stop whinning about his rematch once and for all now.
I loved that he won and I loved the promo afterwards even more. That guys is a star and I hope he can put TNA on the map ( better place ).
While I was hoping we were coming to the end of this RVD/Sting/Anderson trio of trash, I also understand that Anderson needs his piece of closure as well.

I hope this doesn't drag out past Slammiversary. This has been a three-way feud from the start, so closing the Sting/Anderson portion really doesn't need to last another three months.

I'm guessing this leads to Stinger putting over Anderson, which wouldn't be terrible, seeing I wouldn't have to listen to Ken cry about his frickin' rematch anymore.
I loved that he won and I loved the promo afterwards even more. That guys is a star and I hope he can put TNA on the map ( better place ).

His promo in the ring was a little overdone. I cringed when I heard him say Headshot bitch. I mean it just sounded dumb.

But his little segment in the back with RVD and Sting was golden.

Equal Opportunity Asshole...asshole.
Wouldnt they have done better to wait until AFTER Sting had defeated the CURRENT number one contender?
His promo in the ring was a little overdone. I cringed when I heard him say Headshot bitch. I mean it just sounded dumb.

But his little segment in the back with RVD and Sting was golden.

Equal Opportunity Asshole...asshole.

Agreed. He was trying to hard with his post-match, in-ring promo and I thought it was inappropriate. He should have gone with his pre-match gimmick at that point.

Also agree that I liked his backstage promo but it's almost as though he's already given away the winner of the Sting/RVD match for the upcoming PPV. Came off overall as sloppy, though Anderson's part of it was well done. RVD, well he just came off like RVD. Boring.
Agreed. He was trying to hard with his post-match, in-ring promo and I thought it was inappropriate. He should have gone with his pre-match gimmick at that point.

Also agree that I liked his backstage promo but it's almost as though he's already given away the winner of the Sting/RVD match for the upcoming PPV. Came off overall as sloppy, though Anderson's part of it was well done. RVD, well he just came off like RVD. Boring.
RVD thinks so highly of himself that I'm sure he believes that this ... whatever it is he does .. actually works. Always smiling, going "Yeah man [insert something overused here], I am the whole effin show MAN". I'm just glad that this will most likely be his last time in the World Title picture. Have him lose to Sting and move on with Sting vs Anderson. Have RVD contest for the TV Title or even the X-Division belt. He could have a sweet run with the X-Division title methinks. He's kind of a pioneer of that style in a way, it could work out well for him, plus he's still fine in the ring, could put on some exciting stuff given the right opponent.
RVD thinks so highly of himself that I'm sure he believes that this ... whatever it is he does .. actually works. Always smiling, going "Yeah man [insert something overused here], I am the whole effin show MAN". I'm just glad that this will most likely be his last time in the World Title picture. Have him lose to Sting and move on with Sting vs Anderson. Have RVD contest for the TV Title or even the X-Division belt. He could have a sweet run with the X-Division title methinks. He's kind of a pioneer of that style in a way, it could work out well for him, plus he's still fine in the ring, could put on some exciting stuff given the right opponent.

I saw an interview with RVD on youtube not long ago and got the impression that he's awfully impressed with himself. I've been watching him since his heel days with Paul Heyman in ECW and I wasn't impressed then either. He just comes off as a guy who thinks he does more than he actually does. Is he athletic? Yeah, I guess. But I've seen lots of guys just as athletic as he is so I'm not sure why some folks have liked him the way they have. (meaning Heyman, VKM, and Dixie.) I think eventually he turns heel and they circle back to the whole "Hogan brought me here" sort of thing cause right now his character is going nowhere. He was boring as the champ before and I just don't see them putting the strap on him again.

I do agree with you that he'd be a much better fit in the x division and could have good feuds there with guys like Kazarian and the like. But I don't see him as carrying TNA.
I saw an interview with RVD on youtube not long ago and got the impression that he's awfully impressed with himself. I've been watching him since his heel days with Paul Heyman in ECW and I wasn't impressed then either. He just comes off as a guy who thinks he does more than he actually does. Is he athletic? Yeah, I guess. But I've seen lots of guys just as athletic as he is so I'm not sure why some folks have liked him the way they have. (meaning Heyman, VKM, and Dixie.) I think eventually he turns heel and they circle back to the whole "Hogan brought me here" sort of thing cause right now his character is going nowhere. He was boring as the champ before and I just don't see them putting the strap on him again.

I do agree with you that he'd be a much better fit in the x division and could have good feuds there with guys like Kazarian and the like. But I don't see him as carrying TNA.

I'm a firm believer that RVD is his own biggest fan. I mean, I don't hate the guy, but he was never a person you'd focus your product around or put in the Main Event. He's just that guy that you enjoy seeing have one match on the card, point at himself and walk away.

As far as him carrying TNA ... not by a long shot. Fortunately TNA has people that can carry it, RVD's not even on the list. X-Division sounds good for him, have those youngsters work with a veteran like him, maybe they'll teach him something. ZING!
I'm a firm believer that RVD is his own biggest fan. I mean, I don't hate the guy, but he was never a person you'd focus your product around or put in the Main Event. He's just that guy that you enjoy seeing have one match on the card, point at himself and walk away.

As far as him carrying TNA ... not by a long shot. Fortunately TNA has people that can carry it, RVD's not even on the list. X-Division sounds good for him, have those youngsters work with a veteran like him, maybe they'll teach him something. ZING!

It's hard to figure out who I'd like to see as the focal point. I liked Anderson when he first signed, but the writing and direction for his character of late has disappointed. I was a big fan of Sting back in the day, but his time truly has passed. He's not able to put on big time matches anymore with the excitement that he used to be able to. Not knocking the guy he's just older now. Hogan is a shell of his former self and it's sad to see him gimping. Flair seems to have to blade almost every match now so he's lost something in my eyes. (hanging on too long). My favorite pick right now would be AJ, but feel like his size is holding him back. I think Hogan thinks it needs to be a physically more imposing person than AJ is. We'll see, but that's what I'm guessing. He (HH) kinda grew up in the business when that was the approach so that's what he knows is successful.
I like Anderson alot but I think its time to move on from the sting rvd anderson feud. At least have Sting drop the title so its just RVD and Anderson.
Wise move by TNA. It prolonged the chase for Anderson very well. It just works better when building a babyface in my opinion.

Then, they get him back in the picture in a decent way and you have another night to look forward to as a fan. I just hope he gets the proper reign now with his second reign. The first is a good test, now it's time to let the guy shine for a while.

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