Mr. Anderson: Heel, Face or Something In Between?

War Games

Dark Match Winner
just wondering after the last 4 weeks of impact. are fans meant to percieve anderson as a heel or face?

the way he attacked sting was full on heel and he is the heel in the feud with rvd in my eyes, yet when it comes to immortal he is a face?
just wondering after the last 4 weeks of impact. are fans meant to percieve anderson as a heel or face?

the way he attacked sting was full on heel and he is the heel in the feud with rvd in my eyes, yet when it comes to immortal he is a face?

Simply He's a Tweener! He doesn't conform to standard or old school logic! He's an asshole and guys like Ink Ink are Tweeners right now aswell! It makes the show thought provoking and Unpredictable and that's a good thing!

TNA has Faces,Heels and Tweeners!
He's neither, of course...he's an asshole! He wants the title, and he's perfectly willing to take out anyone to get it, be they good or bad, which makes sense everywhere in the world except in wrestling. I think it's good for his character, I don't see him aligning with Immortal, or stepping aside so someone like Sting or AJ can get a title shot ahead of him. I was not a huge fan of his coming into TNA, but he has grown on me. Not really a babyface, not really a heel...he just is.
Remeber the definiton of faces, heels, and tweeners. Without listing them look at the things Mr. Anderson has done after he lost the title:

- whined and bitched about not getting a rematch several times

- attacked RVD after he griped over his officating

- attacked an innocent World Champion Sting during an interview

Tweeners usually mix their actions. The only thing making him a face is his dislike of the Immortals but his actions all scream that he made the switch to heel. Remember that heels can hate other heels, people. Bad News Brown was a definite heel who hated everyone and would frequently walk out of tag team matches on his partners.

I could easily see the Immortals dumping Hardy for Anderson though, should they convince him otherwise, and I could see Anderson and Hardy having an uneasy alliance for short bursts of time.
Mr. Anderson is just being himself and doing whatever it takes to get the title back. Much like any one of us would do if we were wrestlers. So, he's a tweener. And I for prefer tweener characters. Some of the crowd can cheer, some can boo, and you can still sell his merch. Plus, I hate it when the good guy doesn't do what he needs to do to win the title or settle the score, just for the sake of being the good guy. It's not realistic
Heel or face, who cares he sucks. the whole "Annnndersonnnnnnnn!" thing is annoying and every time he grabs a microphone I flip the channel
Lame rip off of stone cold with the black T, camo hat and swearing.
He should stay face and join Immortal, why not! Nothin in TNA makes sense anyways
Mine, mine, mine, me, me, me, its all about him, not the fans ,not what the fans want, not what Hogan or bishoff want it, its not face, heel, or tweener its Anderson........ANDERSON
I don't care what this official title is, but I'm loving it. I love the unpredictability he brings. When Sting got jumped last night my first thought was Hardy, but when I saw it was Anderson I marked. I absolutely love him on the mic, and now this new unpredictability and anger makes me more interested to watch him in the ring. Seems like TNA might finally be pulling the trigger on Mr. Anderson and make him the giant star a lot of us think he can be. I keep hearing comparisons to Stone Cold, which kinda make sense since SCSA is the one who inspired him. But I'd rather call him MISTERRRRRRR ANDERSON.. next TNA World Champion.
He's playing the tweener role very well and is probably single handly keeping me watching the whc scene (im sorry but RVD you're boring, Hardy isn't working as a heel and Sting... well he's Sting I'll always watch Sting until the day his clothes rip off every match and he bleeds the same number of times *cough* Flair *cough*). Anderson is doing the role so well i'd say he's TNA's Orton considering both do heel acts when they get pissed off LOL
Anderson seems to have gotten tired of talking all of the shit going on in TNA, and is finally just snapping and going back to the ways of "I don't care about anyone but myself". To me this is a great thing, I loved him when he was like that. Attacking Sting is what I would have done myself in that situation. I don't consider him a Face or a Heel, his a tweener kind of, or as I like to call it a "abdomen" but yeah. He will most likely keep up this behavior and I'm not arguing with it.

The rest of the WHC are not as exciting as him, I like Sting, RVD, and Hardy. But he tramples them. Sting's return is awesome, RVD..., and Hardy's heel is awesome in my opinion. But he is still the best on the WHC.
Heel or face, who cares he sucks. the whole "Annnndersonnnnnnnn!" thing is annoying and every time he grabs a microphone I flip the channel
Lame rip off of stone cold with the black T, camo hat and swearing.
He should stay face and join Immortal, why not! Nothin in TNA makes sense anyways

It doesn't make sense? If you can't make sense of TNA, you are obviously not enjoying it. If you are not enjoying it, then you most dislike it. If you dislike it... WHY ARE YOU WATCHING! Don't come in here and start bashing it full out. It doesn't make sense to do so.
He is a tweener. He is better as a heal though.

For me he's more leaning towards a heel. He is a little acting like Batista's heel turn. Me me me me me me me! He doesn't care about anything else.

He is no Heel no Face no Tweener he is MISTERRRRRRR ANDERSON!..Anderson

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