Mr Anderson Fucking Made My Video!

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
On Twitter recently, Mr Anderson/TNA have been doing a challenge where you Tweet something that's pissed you off recently and the most interesting/funny ones, he makes a video having a go at that person.

So, my story is, about 3 months ago, I thought, time to buy a new Guitar. So I went shopping, seriously. Ended up with £1300 Gibson, in Cherry Red. About 5/6 weeks after buying it, I finally racked up guts to take it to band practice. We practice in a Pub, so we go upstairs to practice. My mate and Rhythm Guitarist, Ashley had a spare hand, so I took my Guitar out the case to show him. He's also a great tech guy, so he said he'd get it going on the Amps upstairs. Bout 16 out of 17 steps up, he trips. Dropping a Guitar that I've owned for LESS THAN 2 Months. Not only that, it didn't chip, or lose a little bit of wood, but it smashed to fucking bits. It hit a metal railing on the Staircase as it landed, making it worse. Man, I nearly cried.
So I see TNA are doing this Challenge, so I thought I'd tweet the Asshole. Turns out that he's only gone and done it!
It's short, but man, is it fucking funny.

That's because he's fucking awesome!

You are lucky man. You should of let him know the guys name was Ashley lol, would of been even funnier.
....was this supposed to be good? It had no purpose whatsoever. Fan interaction? wasted TV time.

But nonetheless, congratulations. Pretty cool.
I just realised how harsh my other post sounded, and it wasn't supposed to.

I am actually pretty shocked. That's cool. Congratulations, TV exposure from a professional wrestler. Cool stuff!
I should tweet him about how much I can't stand the stupid Packers yeah okay that one I'm sure won't fly. But man that's pretty cool and wicked :) way to go

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