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Mozz's Journal

Exactly. There's a difference between dropping tidbits about present occurrences and disclosing personal information that none of us asked for.

I'm not writing about things that come from the deepest, darkest parts of my soul. I'm writing about my job and the exterior parts of my relationship.
So I passed the test, and finally got my bartender certification. I have a friend who's a bartender, and real good friends with the bar owner, and I asked him if I could work a couple of bullshit day shifts, for free, to pick up some experience before I go out looking for jobs. He said it was cool. So now I'm a full fledged bartender.

Soci's coming over, and we're going to go smoke now. It seems like all I do with my free time is smoke, which would be depressing if I didn't like smoking so goddamn much. Smoking is the bomb dot com, and I wouldn't do anything else there is to do at 11PM, because fuck that.
Prelim details: I have two uncles. They’re identical twins. One is S, which is the cool one, and the other one is C, which is the piece of shit that ruined what was supposed to be the celebration of life. Allahia is my girlfriend.

So last night, my grandmother died. Once everything had died down, we decided to take our family out to dinner to celebrate her life. I should preface this story with the fact that Allahia and I were running late to dinner, while everybody was there waiting for us. It’s relevant later.

So we get to Japan Inn, which is a hibachi restaurant (where they cook in front of you). My mom ordered for us, and everything. We got there about an hour into dinner, and getting there, I notice something a little off about my mother. She’s blowing kisses at Allahia, and mouthing “I love you,” to me from across the table. Uh, alright.

I look over at C, and ask her what’s up with my mom. Well, apparently she got pretty drunk before Allahia and I got there. Well, drunk mother + dead grandmother = emotional drunk mother.

She’s on-and-off crying, having her ups-and-downs between crying and telling funny stories about my grandmother through tears. The hibachi chef couldn’t have been more awkward, standing there cooking, not making eye contact with anyone. So my mom starts getting more emotional throughout the night, and she needed to step outside. So she goes outside with my uncle S, and they’re out there for a while while the rest of the family stays inside eating.

Like 20 minutes later, I decide to go outside to check on my mother. She’s there, talking about how she’s sorry, and that she just wanted to make her mother comfortable in her last hours, and how she wanted everyone to be comfortable, and not hurt, and just kind of babbling about everything she believes she did wrong. S is comforting her, telling her that grandma’s in a better place, and she’s not in pain anymore after 9 years of pain and stuff, and that she did everything right and stuff, but it’s not really working because my mom is so piss drunk that she doesn’t even know what the fuck.

But we end up succeeding a little bit with calming her down, until C comes outside.

C is a 48 year old man. He came outside throwing a temper tantrum about how it isn’t right that she got drunk at Japan Inn, and screaming about what she was doing was wrong. Keep in mind that it was less than 10 hours after her mom died.

I’m not one to intervene in my mother’s problems. She is one of the strongest people I know, and she can defend herself better than anyone else can defend her. But she was drunk, crying, mourning, and showing a lot of vulnerability. So I stepped in.

“C, it’s time to go inside.”

“Let me handle this.”

“No, C, it’s time to go inside.”

“Walk away from me,” which he then proceeds to shove me. I’m going to go on a brief tangent right here, to explain my actions. I’ve never really been good with confrontation, though I’ve gotten a little better with it as I get older. I’m a natural peace keeper in real life. I can’t remember the last time I even got into a heated debate, let alone an argument, as I’m usually the one to try to let the steam out of a tense situation. And I understand that everyone mourns a different way, so I really tried to understand how he was reacting to the situation. But this was a unique situation. He’s screaming at my mourning, vulnerable, drunk mother who was crying over the fact that she thinks she didn’t do enough to make everyone happy while she was handling her mother’s death, and here this asshole is making her feel like the lowest piece of shit on earth.

This woman is my mother. The gloves are off.


I’m not good with words.

Luckily for everyone involved, C was not about to start a fight in the middle of a crowded restaurant entrance. He stormed off, screaming about how this was my fault, and that this wouldn’t have happened if I wasn’t late to dinner. I screamed, “WHY DON’T YOU PACK YOUR SHIT AND GO HOME C, WE DON’T NEED YOU HERE ANYMORE.”

At this point, S walked back out, along with Allahia, who tried to calm her down, back to square 1.

I explained the situation to S, and he was like, “where is he?” and I pointed him in the right direction. We both walked over there. I remained calm, and tried to apologize, because you know… he also lost his mother. He was grieving, too. S and C began a conversation which elevated very quickly. S was like, “she’s grieving, she will get over it in her own way,” while C said something to the effect of, “well she shouldn’t have done it here,” and it just led to a heated disagreement with S storming off, shouting, “YOU’RE WRONG, BUDDY!”

So we all left, and I decided to drive my mother home, because I didn’t want her in the car with my piece of shit uncle.

So we get home, put my mother to bed, and I end up leaving for the night. I come back home at around 4 or so, to see C on my living room couch, sleeping. I go directly to my room, and when I woke up, he was gone. Apparently, S and C got into another fight which escalated into a shoving match, leaving C to storm off, and drive home. He was pissed that everybody was mad at him about what happened last night.

Thinking about all of this now, I don’t think I would have hit my uncle if I really came down to it, but I don’t know. I was seeing red, but avoided conflict by thinking about what my grandmother would have thought, seeing her grandson getting into a fight with her son, and seeing my mother be attacked, and this entire nightmare.

I really hate the kind of drama my mom’s side of the family can produce.
Thats tough man, sorry to hear about your grandmother. Hope your families keeping it together. Like you said, everyone reacts to this kind of thing in their own way, I hope that shit cools down for you though.

And fair dues for standing up for your mom. Judging from what you said, i'm sort of the exact same breezy peace-keeper sort. I wouldnt have thrown the first punch, but no one could accept the situation at hand either. You done good. Be well man.

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