Movies With Wasted Potential

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
The Counselor 2013 features a talented cast, an intriguing story, and although I believe his overall career is overrated, you can't deny Ridley Scott's talents behind the camera. Still, I gave The Counselor a second chance, and the end result is a boring, dull, bland, and overly pretentious crime thriller.

With all that said, what are some of your picks for movies with wasted potential? You know, maybe said film had the right overall cast, the ideal pick for a leading actor or actress, the perfect choice for a director, an innovative, unique, or intriguing screenplay, or a combination of all of the above. But for whatever reason(s), said film was a major disappointment, or the movie didn't live up to the hype or your expectations. I'll start with one of my picks:



I'll start with the casting. I'm a big fan of the guy, but Johnny Depp was not the right choice for John Dillinger. Depp is at his best, when he's portraying a more eccentric and zany character, and he gave it his best shot, but in the end, Depp feels out of place as Dillinger.

If we're talking about Depp's past with gangster films/crime drams, he delivered a solid performance in Donnie Brasco. But you have to remember something, Depp shared the screen with Al Pacino in the vast majority of his scenes in that movie.

His replacement? Christian Bale. For the life of me, I can't understand why they decided to cast Bale as Melvin Purvis. Bale would've done a better job of bringing some believable intensity to Dillinger, and embodying a larger than life persona.

With Bale as Dillinger, I sincerely believe we're talking about one of the more memorable biopic/crime dramas in recent memory. Instead, we're stuck with Bale in a forgettable role, and you can say the same thing about Marion Cotillard as Depp's love interest. To make matters worse, Public Enemies is a bland and boring paint-by-numbers film, with an anticlimactic ending. And I don't know about anyone else, but for me, Public Enemies is a chore to sit through.
I like a lot of flawed movies so this should be interesting.

One movie that immediately jumps out for me is Terminator Salvation

I know I was one of the few that liked it (heck I liked it more than Terminator 3) but it was really flawed. What I would have done is completely done away with Sam Worthington's character A. because he served no real purpose and B. Sam Worthington sucks (evidenced by him doing jack shit recently)

Anyway if they wanted a surrogate character to be the audiences voice just use Kyle Reese. He'd be technically a new character as this isn't the same Kyle Reese from number one. You could keep the game of cat and mouse going with the machines and John Connor both looking for him. Eventually this would lead to the beginnings of Kyle Reese becoming the soldier he becomes.
B. Sam Worthington sucks (evidenced by him doing jack shit recently)

True. A boring and bland action drone (see Courtney, Jai), who pretty much sucks the life out of any movie.

My main problem with Salvation is all the teasing for the war between SkyNet and humanity in the trailers. For so many years, actually witnessing the war was something I was really looking forward to. All the stories from Kyle, Arnie, brief shots of an apocalyptic landscape in Terminator and T2, and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles did a fantastic job of showing how the war affected John, his relationships with humans, trust issues, and you can say the same thing about Derek Reese.

"We're finally going to see it!" That was my first reaction to the possibility of seeing the wars in Salvation, but the end result was a massive disappointment for me. That, and for the most part, they used season 2 of The Sarah Chronicles as a vehicle to promote Salvation.
Yeah the lack of full scale human vs machine fights was also disappointing.

I'm going to pick on another Sam Worthington film now.

Clash Of The Titans 2010

All you had to fucking do was remake the orignal with updated effects or even better try and follow the original Perseus myth even more closely. It's not fucking hard. I don't want to see a story of Hades wanting to take over Olympus (that's been done to death in just about every medium). I love me some Gemma Arterton but her character was pretty much pointless. If you wanted her in it have her play Andromeda. The nice things I can say about it were the action sequences were pretty good, the effects were great and I liked the idea of Pegasus being a black horse because I don't think that's been done.

I haven't seen Wrath Of The Titans but I assume it was also a bit on the meh side and they missed an oppurtunity to just have a new film with a new Greek hero (Hercules possibly) and just have the series going like that. Bringing Perseus back was balls.

Admittedly this is perhaps because I'm a massive fan of Greek mythology but I can separate my personal views and judge something on it's own merits (hence why I liked the orignal Clash Of The Titans) but the remake just fell short in almost every aspect.

Whenever I think about a question like this, Vantage Point is always the answer I go with. When I first saw the trailer for it, I thought it sounded like a great idea. A bunch of people witness a terrible event and they piece together what happened via their stories.

Now at the time I wasn't aware this was more or less the plot to Akira Kurosawa's timeless classic Rashomon and that the idea was to replicate a similar feel, but even now that I know, I still think the idea is sound: an action thriller where you have to, alongside the character's, piece together the over-riding plot mystery. And with a cast that includes Forest Whitaker (fresh off his Oscar win), Sigourney Weaver and William Hurt amongst other decent performers, you'd expect maybe a little better.

Alas, this film fails to deliver. The idea is stellar, the cast is sound and the execution was terrible. I remember the audible groaning as they went back and revisited the same parts over and over. The audience grew restless. I remember the lame plot twist that there were actually two presidents and the one giving the speech was the fake one. Oy freaking vey. And the twist as to who the villain of the piece was, was a) telegraphed and b) poorly chosen. They were one of the least interesting character's of the whole piece.

It's one of those could've and should've been a whole lot better.
The most recent movie I can think of is 2012's The Master. I was actually really excited for this film when I head about it. I thought it would be a major award contender for sure. With Joaquin Phoenix, Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Amy Adams starring and an interesting plotline revolving around a Scientology like cult. And the great Paul Thomas Anderson direction, It had a lot of potential. But then I went to see it. And I remember leaving the theater not exactly sure what happened. But I thought the performances were good enough. I've watched it a couple times since then and I'm still confused. Maybe it's due to my short attention span. But anyway, I guess the Academy and other Award shows agreed as it didn't get much recognition.

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